Trump, Racism, and Capitalism

When Russia bombs ISIS in Syria, were they killed by Communism?
When Russia bombs ISIS in Syria, were they killed by Communism?
No capitalists in Russia, Kulak?

Chapter 1 - The Moscow Project

Classical marxist doctrine had been that private ownership of land was to be replaced by collective ownership. Lenin reversed this policy by promising peace and land to everybody but the gift of land was merely the bait that covered the barbed hook of communist dictatorship.

Quit trying to revise history and make communism look like roses when it was all about murdering its citizens.
Classical marxist doctrine had been that private ownership of land was to be replaced by collective ownership. Lenin reversed this policy by promising peace and land to everybody but the gift of land was merely the bait that covered the barbed hook of communist dictatorship
Soviet democracy - Wikipedia

"Soviet democracy (sometimes council democracy) is a political system in which the rule of the population by directly elected soviets (Russian for 'council') is exercised.

"The councils are directly responsible to their electors and are bound by their instructions.

"Such an imperative mandate is in contrast to a free mandate, in which the elected delegates are only responsible to their conscience.

"Delegates may accordingly be dismissed from their post at any time or be voted out (recall)."

So what type of system are you yearning for?
So what type of system are you yearning for?

"Economic democracy is a socioeconomic philosophy that proposes to shift decision-making power from corporate managers and corporate shareholders to a larger group of public stakeholders that includes workers, customers, suppliers, neighbours and the broader public."

Economic democracy - Wikipedia

That doesn't work, especially when they have no experience or capital ie money invested. Ive started three companies and have paid my employess above industry standards. However, I wouldnt turn the decision making over to them. Thats beyond absurd.
you don't get sued... along with your father in a housing discrimination law suit... LOSE... & not be a racist... unless of course you are.

Wow. So, you believe that the government never makes a mistake, or an unjust ruling?


You are literally insane.

wow. so, you believe that the government never makes a just ruling? especially when the accused 'settles' & carries out the imposed punishment?

you are literally insane.

That is not my position.

Your position is that this ruling is to be taken as Absolute Truth.

Thus, it is dishonest to just turn around my statement to try to use it against me. Our positions are NOT mirrors of each other.

well let's see now, cartoon boy; my po-si-tion is as follows:

it's a settled ruling from long ago. donny & papa drumpf settled because there was cold hard copy verified proof of their racist shenanigans in that lawsuit.

& that, as they say - is that.

you are correct about one thing though - i must say. we most assuredly do NOT mirror each other's ideology. you, CARTOON BOY live in an alternate bizarro world.



Oh, in your world, that fact that a ruling was made, means there had to be "cold hard proof",

In my world, sometimes rulings are made based on false assumptions and biases or even by human error.

ONe of our worlds, is reality and one is an delusion of an unhinged mind.
When Russia bombs ISIS in Syria, were they killed by Communism?
When Russia bombs ISIS in Syria, were they killed by Communism?
No capitalists in Russia, Kulak?

Chapter 1 - The Moscow Project

Classical marxist doctrine had been that private ownership of land was to be replaced by collective ownership. Lenin reversed this policy by promising peace and land to everybody but the gift of land was merely the bait that covered the barbed hook of communist dictatorship.

Quit trying to revise history and make communism look like roses when it was all about murdering its citizens.
Classical marxist doctrine had been that private ownership of land was to be replaced by collective ownership. Lenin reversed this policy by promising peace and land to everybody but the gift of land was merely the bait that covered the barbed hook of communist dictatorship
Soviet democracy - Wikipedia

"Soviet democracy (sometimes council democracy) is a political system in which the rule of the population by directly elected soviets (Russian for 'council') is exercised.

"The councils are directly responsible to their electors and are bound by their instructions.

"Such an imperative mandate is in contrast to a free mandate, in which the elected delegates are only responsible to their conscience.

"Delegates may accordingly be dismissed from their post at any time or be voted out (recall)."

So what type of system are you yearning for?
So what type of system are you yearning for?

"Economic democracy is a socioeconomic philosophy that proposes to shift decision-making power from corporate managers and corporate shareholders to a larger group of public stakeholders that includes workers, customers, suppliers, neighbours and the broader public."

Economic democracy - Wikipedia

Proponents of economic democracy generally argue that modern capitalism periodically results in economic crises characterized by deficiency of effective demand as society is unable to earn enough income to purchase its output production.

Yeah, capitalism is awful.

That's why the US GDP per person is more than twice Russia's and nearly 5 times Cuba's.
Crackers gonna crack.

Slavery Made America

"In understanding the humanity of the enslaved, I don't know if there is a better book than The Life and Times of Frederick Douglass. Because Douglass wrote three autobiographies, and Life and Times is the longest, it tends to get short shrift.

"But, for my money, it's the best of the three and one of the most beautiful autobiographies ever written by an American. Douglass's portrait of slavery is just gripping. Forgive me for quoting at length:

"'The close-fisted stinginess that fed the poor slave on coarse corn-meal and tainted meat, that clothed him in crashy tow-linen and hurried him on to toil through the field in all weathers, with wind and rain beating through his tattered garments, and that scarcely gave even the young slave-mother time to nurse her infant in the fence-corner, wholly vanished on approaching the sacred precincts of the 'Great House' itself. There the scriptural phrase descriptive of the wealthy found exact illustration. The highly-favored inmates of this mansion were literally arrayed in 'purple and fine linen, and fared sumptuously every day.'"

So, "slavery made America"?

And you libs wonder why we question your patriotism.
So, "slavery made America"?

And you libs wonder why we question your patriotism.
Your lifestyle and mine comes from hundreds of years of free (slave) labor toiling on land acquired through genocide. Anyone who supports that is not a patriot; they are white nationalists.

Except it was the Free North that was the massive engine of growth that developed this nation to where we are today.

So, your smear of the US is complete bullshit.

AND, my point stands.

You fucking libs, say shit like "slavery and genocide built this nation",

and then when we doubt your patriotism, you are like, "How dare you?"
Except it was the Free North that was the massive engine of growth that developed this nation to where we are today.
What role did King Cotton play in that "massive engine of growth" in the wage-slave "Free North"?

The Economics of the Civil War

Very little. Cotton did not grow in the North.

My point stands. The north was the center of economic growth that led to our current lifestyles.
Very little. Cotton did not grow in the North.

My point stands. The north was the center of economic growth that led to our current lifestyles.
Very little oil is pumped on Wall Street today.
King Cotton drove the textile mills of New England in the 19th century the same way oil drives economies today.
For a hundred years US capitalists championed chattel slavery because in improved their bottom line.
It's hard to have a better history.
So, "slavery made America"?

And you libs wonder why we question your patriotism.
So, "slavery made America"?

And you libs wonder why we question your patriotism.
Your lifestyle and mine comes from hundreds of years of free (slave) labor toiling on land acquired through genocide. Anyone who supports that is not a patriot; they are white nationalists.

Except it was the Free North that was the massive engine of growth that developed this nation to where we are today.

So, your smear of the US is complete bullshit.

AND, my point stands.

You fucking libs, say shit like "slavery and genocide built this nation",

and then when we doubt your patriotism, you are like, "How dare you?"
Except it was the Free North that was the massive engine of growth that developed this nation to where we are today.
What role did King Cotton play in that "massive engine of growth" in the wage-slave "Free North"?

The Economics of the Civil War

Very little. Cotton did not grow in the North.

My point stands. The north was the center of economic growth that led to our current lifestyles.
Very little. Cotton did not grow in the North.

My point stands. The north was the center of economic growth that led to our current lifestyles.
Very little oil is pumped on Wall Street today.
King Cotton drove the textile mills of New England in the 19th century the same way oil drives economies today.
For a hundred years US capitalists championed chattel slavery because in improved their bottom line.
It's hard to have a better history.

So, "slavery made America"?

And you libs wonder why we question your patriotism.
So, "slavery made America"?

And you libs wonder why we question your patriotism.
Your lifestyle and mine comes from hundreds of years of free (slave) labor toiling on land acquired through genocide. Anyone who supports that is not a patriot; they are white nationalists.

Except it was the Free North that was the massive engine of growth that developed this nation to where we are today.

So, your smear of the US is complete bullshit.

AND, my point stands.

You fucking libs, say shit like "slavery and genocide built this nation",

and then when we doubt your patriotism, you are like, "How dare you?"
Except it was the Free North that was the massive engine of growth that developed this nation to where we are today.
What role did King Cotton play in that "massive engine of growth" in the wage-slave "Free North"?

The Economics of the Civil War

Very little. Cotton did not grow in the North.

My point stands. The north was the center of economic growth that led to our current lifestyles.
Very little. Cotton did not grow in the North.

My point stands. The north was the center of economic growth that led to our current lifestyles.
Very little oil is pumped on Wall Street today.
King Cotton drove the textile mills of New England in the 19th century the same way oil drives economies today.
For a hundred years US capitalists championed chattel slavery because in improved their bottom line.
It's hard to have a better history.

Some of them, maybe. The north was hostile to slavery, from the very beginning and increasingly so.

Those slavery benefiting New England capitalists did not seem to have much influence.
No capitalists in Russia, Kulak?

Chapter 1 - The Moscow Project

Classical marxist doctrine had been that private ownership of land was to be replaced by collective ownership. Lenin reversed this policy by promising peace and land to everybody but the gift of land was merely the bait that covered the barbed hook of communist dictatorship.

Quit trying to revise history and make communism look like roses when it was all about murdering its citizens.
Classical marxist doctrine had been that private ownership of land was to be replaced by collective ownership. Lenin reversed this policy by promising peace and land to everybody but the gift of land was merely the bait that covered the barbed hook of communist dictatorship
Soviet democracy - Wikipedia

"Soviet democracy (sometimes council democracy) is a political system in which the rule of the population by directly elected soviets (Russian for 'council') is exercised.

"The councils are directly responsible to their electors and are bound by their instructions.

"Such an imperative mandate is in contrast to a free mandate, in which the elected delegates are only responsible to their conscience.

"Delegates may accordingly be dismissed from their post at any time or be voted out (recall)."

So what type of system are you yearning for?
So what type of system are you yearning for?

"Economic democracy is a socioeconomic philosophy that proposes to shift decision-making power from corporate managers and corporate shareholders to a larger group of public stakeholders that includes workers, customers, suppliers, neighbours and the broader public."

Economic democracy - Wikipedia

That doesn't work, especially when they have no experience or capital ie money invested. Ive started three companies and have paid my employess above industry standards. However, I wouldnt turn the decision making over to them. Thats beyond absurd.
That doesn't work, especially when they have no experience or capital ie money invested. Ive started three companies and have paid my employess above industry standards. However, I wouldnt turn the decision making over to them. Thats beyond absurd.
What sort of externalities, if any, did your three companies inflict on society?

Economic democracy - Wikipedia

"No single definition or approach encompasses economic democracy, but most proponents claim that modern property relations externalize costs, subordinate the general well-being to private profit and deny the polity a democratic voice in economic policy decisions.[1]

"In addition to these moral concerns, economic democracy makes practical claims, such as that it can compensate for capitalism's inherent effective demand gap"
Capitalism doesn't support racism, you moron......racists want big government controlling things so they can enact their racism...which is what the democrat party actually does.....

Capitalism is the cure for racism.
Capitalism made America, and slavery made capitalism

"by 1860, there were more millionaires (slaveholders all) living in the lower Mississippi Valley than anywhere else in the United States. In the same year, the nearly 4 million American slaves were worth some $3.5 billion, making them the largest single financial asset in the entire U.S. economy, worth more than all manufacturing and railroads combined."

Slavery Made America
Blacks shouldn't have sold them.

And there are still African nations turning a blind eye to Blacks enslaving other Blacks in 2019. That makes for a shit hole country.
Classical marxist doctrine had been that private ownership of land was to be replaced by collective ownership. Lenin reversed this policy by promising peace and land to everybody but the gift of land was merely the bait that covered the barbed hook of communist dictatorship.

Quit trying to revise history and make communism look like roses when it was all about murdering its citizens.
Classical marxist doctrine had been that private ownership of land was to be replaced by collective ownership. Lenin reversed this policy by promising peace and land to everybody but the gift of land was merely the bait that covered the barbed hook of communist dictatorship
Soviet democracy - Wikipedia

"Soviet democracy (sometimes council democracy) is a political system in which the rule of the population by directly elected soviets (Russian for 'council') is exercised.

"The councils are directly responsible to their electors and are bound by their instructions.

"Such an imperative mandate is in contrast to a free mandate, in which the elected delegates are only responsible to their conscience.

"Delegates may accordingly be dismissed from their post at any time or be voted out (recall)."

So what type of system are you yearning for?
So what type of system are you yearning for?

"Economic democracy is a socioeconomic philosophy that proposes to shift decision-making power from corporate managers and corporate shareholders to a larger group of public stakeholders that includes workers, customers, suppliers, neighbours and the broader public."

Economic democracy - Wikipedia

That doesn't work, especially when they have no experience or capital ie money invested. Ive started three companies and have paid my employess above industry standards. However, I wouldnt turn the decision making over to them. Thats beyond absurd.
That doesn't work, especially when they have no experience or capital ie money invested. Ive started three companies and have paid my employess above industry standards. However, I wouldnt turn the decision making over to them. Thats beyond absurd.
What sort of externalities, if any, did your three companies inflict on society?

Economic democracy - Wikipedia

"No single definition or approach encompasses economic democracy, but most proponents claim that modern property relations externalize costs, subordinate the general well-being to private profit and deny the polity a democratic voice in economic policy decisions.[1]

"In addition to these moral concerns, economic democracy makes practical claims, such as that it can compensate for capitalism's inherent effective demand gap"

They provided an income and healthcare. Of course those are bad in commie world. In commie world the state provides your endless supply of screw jobs and ineptitude.
Your lifestyle and mine comes from hundreds of years of free (slave) labor toiling on land acquired through genocide. Anyone who supports that is not a patriot; they are white nationalists.

Except it was the Free North that was the massive engine of growth that developed this nation to where we are today.

So, your smear of the US is complete bullshit.

AND, my point stands.

You fucking libs, say shit like "slavery and genocide built this nation",

and then when we doubt your patriotism, you are like, "How dare you?"
Except it was the Free North that was the massive engine of growth that developed this nation to where we are today.
What role did King Cotton play in that "massive engine of growth" in the wage-slave "Free North"?

The Economics of the Civil War

Very little. Cotton did not grow in the North.

My point stands. The north was the center of economic growth that led to our current lifestyles.
Very little. Cotton did not grow in the North.

My point stands. The north was the center of economic growth that led to our current lifestyles.
Very little oil is pumped on Wall Street today.
King Cotton drove the textile mills of New England in the 19th century the same way oil drives economies today.
For a hundred years US capitalists championed chattel slavery because in improved their bottom line.
It's hard to have a better history.

Your lifestyle and mine comes from hundreds of years of free (slave) labor toiling on land acquired through genocide. Anyone who supports that is not a patriot; they are white nationalists.

Except it was the Free North that was the massive engine of growth that developed this nation to where we are today.

So, your smear of the US is complete bullshit.

AND, my point stands.

You fucking libs, say shit like "slavery and genocide built this nation",

and then when we doubt your patriotism, you are like, "How dare you?"
Except it was the Free North that was the massive engine of growth that developed this nation to where we are today.
What role did King Cotton play in that "massive engine of growth" in the wage-slave "Free North"?

The Economics of the Civil War

Very little. Cotton did not grow in the North.

My point stands. The north was the center of economic growth that led to our current lifestyles.
Very little. Cotton did not grow in the North.

My point stands. The north was the center of economic growth that led to our current lifestyles.
Very little oil is pumped on Wall Street today.
King Cotton drove the textile mills of New England in the 19th century the same way oil drives economies today.
For a hundred years US capitalists championed chattel slavery because in improved their bottom line.
It's hard to have a better history.

Some of them, maybe. The north was hostile to slavery, from the very beginning and increasingly so.

Those slavery benefiting New England capitalists did not seem to have much influence.
Some of them, maybe. The north was hostile to slavery, from the very beginning and increasingly so.

Those slavery benefiting New England capitalists did not seem to have much influence.
Who built Wall Street?

"The very name 'Wall Street' is born of slavery, with enslaved Africans building a wall in 1653 to protect Dutch settlers from Indian raids. This walkway and wooden fence, made up of pointed logs and running river to river, later was known as Wall Street, the home of world finance.

"Enslaved and free Africans were largely responsible for the construction of the early city, first by clearing land, then by building a fort, mills, bridges, stone houses, the first city hall, the docks, the city prison, Dutch and English churches, the city hospital and Fraunces Tavern.

"At the corner of Wall Street and Broadway, they helped erect Trinity Church."
Except it was the Free North that was the massive engine of growth that developed this nation to where we are today.

So, your smear of the US is complete bullshit.

AND, my point stands.

You fucking libs, say shit like "slavery and genocide built this nation",

and then when we doubt your patriotism, you are like, "How dare you?"
Except it was the Free North that was the massive engine of growth that developed this nation to where we are today.
What role did King Cotton play in that "massive engine of growth" in the wage-slave "Free North"?

The Economics of the Civil War

Very little. Cotton did not grow in the North.

My point stands. The north was the center of economic growth that led to our current lifestyles.
Very little. Cotton did not grow in the North.

My point stands. The north was the center of economic growth that led to our current lifestyles.
Very little oil is pumped on Wall Street today.
King Cotton drove the textile mills of New England in the 19th century the same way oil drives economies today.
For a hundred years US capitalists championed chattel slavery because in improved their bottom line.
It's hard to have a better history.

Except it was the Free North that was the massive engine of growth that developed this nation to where we are today.

So, your smear of the US is complete bullshit.

AND, my point stands.

You fucking libs, say shit like "slavery and genocide built this nation",

and then when we doubt your patriotism, you are like, "How dare you?"
Except it was the Free North that was the massive engine of growth that developed this nation to where we are today.
What role did King Cotton play in that "massive engine of growth" in the wage-slave "Free North"?

The Economics of the Civil War

Very little. Cotton did not grow in the North.

My point stands. The north was the center of economic growth that led to our current lifestyles.
Very little. Cotton did not grow in the North.

My point stands. The north was the center of economic growth that led to our current lifestyles.
Very little oil is pumped on Wall Street today.
King Cotton drove the textile mills of New England in the 19th century the same way oil drives economies today.
For a hundred years US capitalists championed chattel slavery because in improved their bottom line.
It's hard to have a better history.

Some of them, maybe. The north was hostile to slavery, from the very beginning and increasingly so.

Those slavery benefiting New England capitalists did not seem to have much influence.
Some of them, maybe. The north was hostile to slavery, from the very beginning and increasingly so.

Those slavery benefiting New England capitalists did not seem to have much influence.
Who built Wall Street?.... building a wall in 1653 to protect Dutch settlers from Indian raids. This walkway and wooden fence, made up of pointed logs and running river to river, later was known as Wall Street, the home of world finance.

"Enslaved and free Africans were largely responsible for the construction of the early city,..."

So, we were talking of what drove the massive growth of the UNITED STATES, leading to today's lifestyles, specifically the slavery use of the 1800s, when a lot of that growth started.

You made a claim about 1800th century new england capitalists, and when I pointed out a flaw in your argument,

you change the subject o something that occurred, a full TWO HUNDRED YEARS EARLIER?

You don't concede the previous point. You don't even really "drop it", you just move on to another point, fully planning to return to your previous point, that you could not support, in the future.

You are dishonest troll.


Except you were worse. You didn't even say "okay" before moving on to your next "point".
Last edited:
So, "slavery made America"?

And you libs wonder why we question your patriotism.
So, "slavery made America"?

And you libs wonder why we question your patriotism.
Your lifestyle and mine comes from hundreds of years of free (slave) labor toiling on land acquired through genocide. Anyone who supports that is not a patriot; they are white nationalists.

Except it was the Free North that was the massive engine of growth that developed this nation to where we are today.

So, your smear of the US is complete bullshit.

AND, my point stands.

You fucking libs, say shit like "slavery and genocide built this nation",

and then when we doubt your patriotism, you are like, "How dare you?"
You fucking libs, say shit like "slavery and genocide built this nation",

and then when we doubt your patriotism, you are like, "How dare you?"
Are you disputing the historical facts of genocide and slavery in the economic history of the USA? For the first century of its racist existence, the USA economy was based on cotton in the same way oil serves today. Slave labor produced the cotton which was grown on land stolen from its previous occupants. Slavery + genocide = USA. Perhaps you need to rethink your interpretation of American Exceptionalism?

I already addressed that point. I will cut and paste my previous response for you.

Except it was the Free North that was the massive engine of growth that developed this nation to where we are today.

So, your smear of the US is complete bullshit.

AND, my point stands.

You fucking libs, say shit like "slavery and genocide built this nation",

and then when we doubt your patriotism, you are like, "How dare you?"
He's a Frankfurt School commie.

He is one of the few humans who deserves not the right to life.

He's a Frankfurt School commie.

He is one of the few humans who deserves not the right to life.
Salty bitch

Aren't you?
No capitalists in Russia, Kulak?

Chapter 1 - The Moscow Project

Classical marxist doctrine had been that private ownership of land was to be replaced by collective ownership. Lenin reversed this policy by promising peace and land to everybody but the gift of land was merely the bait that covered the barbed hook of communist dictatorship.

Quit trying to revise history and make communism look like roses when it was all about murdering its citizens.
Classical marxist doctrine had been that private ownership of land was to be replaced by collective ownership. Lenin reversed this policy by promising peace and land to everybody but the gift of land was merely the bait that covered the barbed hook of communist dictatorship
Soviet democracy - Wikipedia

"Soviet democracy (sometimes council democracy) is a political system in which the rule of the population by directly elected soviets (Russian for 'council') is exercised.

"The councils are directly responsible to their electors and are bound by their instructions.

"Such an imperative mandate is in contrast to a free mandate, in which the elected delegates are only responsible to their conscience.

"Delegates may accordingly be dismissed from their post at any time or be voted out (recall)."

So what type of system are you yearning for?
So what type of system are you yearning for?

"Economic democracy is a socioeconomic philosophy that proposes to shift decision-making power from corporate managers and corporate shareholders to a larger group of public stakeholders that includes workers, customers, suppliers, neighbours and the broader public."

Economic democracy - Wikipedia

Proponents of economic democracy generally argue that modern capitalism periodically results in economic crises characterized by deficiency of effective demand as society is unable to earn enough income to purchase its output production.

Yeah, capitalism is awful.

That's why the US GDP per person is more than twice Russia's and nearly 5 times Cuba's.
Yeah, capitalism is awful.

That's why the US GDP per person is more than twice Russia's and nearly 5 times Cuba's
How many innocent human beings have died in places like Korea, Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, El Salvador, Guatemala, Haiti, Iraq, Afghanistan, and Congo so greedy shitheads like you can brag about GDP?

Trends in U.S. Military Spending
Classical marxist doctrine had been that private ownership of land was to be replaced by collective ownership. Lenin reversed this policy by promising peace and land to everybody but the gift of land was merely the bait that covered the barbed hook of communist dictatorship.

Quit trying to revise history and make communism look like roses when it was all about murdering its citizens.
Classical marxist doctrine had been that private ownership of land was to be replaced by collective ownership. Lenin reversed this policy by promising peace and land to everybody but the gift of land was merely the bait that covered the barbed hook of communist dictatorship
Soviet democracy - Wikipedia

"Soviet democracy (sometimes council democracy) is a political system in which the rule of the population by directly elected soviets (Russian for 'council') is exercised.

"The councils are directly responsible to their electors and are bound by their instructions.

"Such an imperative mandate is in contrast to a free mandate, in which the elected delegates are only responsible to their conscience.

"Delegates may accordingly be dismissed from their post at any time or be voted out (recall)."

So what type of system are you yearning for?
So what type of system are you yearning for?

"Economic democracy is a socioeconomic philosophy that proposes to shift decision-making power from corporate managers and corporate shareholders to a larger group of public stakeholders that includes workers, customers, suppliers, neighbours and the broader public."

Economic democracy - Wikipedia

Proponents of economic democracy generally argue that modern capitalism periodically results in economic crises characterized by deficiency of effective demand as society is unable to earn enough income to purchase its output production.

Yeah, capitalism is awful.

That's why the US GDP per person is more than twice Russia's and nearly 5 times Cuba's.
Yeah, capitalism is awful.

That's why the US GDP per person is more than twice Russia's and nearly 5 times Cuba's
How many innocent human beings have died in places like Korea, Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, El Salvador, Guatemala, Haiti, Iraq, Afghanistan, and Congo so greedy shitheads like you can brag about GDP?

Trends in U.S. Military Spending

Yup, we beat your Commie ass.
Suck it Ivan.
Could you play a different tune on the violin. Its the same thing over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over.

Yeah play something decent next time please. Something not as screechy, sounds like a dying pig this one.
What role did King Cotton play in that "massive engine of growth" in the wage-slave "Free North"?

The Economics of the Civil War

Very little. Cotton did not grow in the North.

My point stands. The north was the center of economic growth that led to our current lifestyles.
Very little. Cotton did not grow in the North.

My point stands. The north was the center of economic growth that led to our current lifestyles.
Very little oil is pumped on Wall Street today.
King Cotton drove the textile mills of New England in the 19th century the same way oil drives economies today.
For a hundred years US capitalists championed chattel slavery because in improved their bottom line.
It's hard to have a better history.

What role did King Cotton play in that "massive engine of growth" in the wage-slave "Free North"?

The Economics of the Civil War

Very little. Cotton did not grow in the North.

My point stands. The north was the center of economic growth that led to our current lifestyles.
Very little. Cotton did not grow in the North.

My point stands. The north was the center of economic growth that led to our current lifestyles.
Very little oil is pumped on Wall Street today.
King Cotton drove the textile mills of New England in the 19th century the same way oil drives economies today.
For a hundred years US capitalists championed chattel slavery because in improved their bottom line.
It's hard to have a better history.

Some of them, maybe. The north was hostile to slavery, from the very beginning and increasingly so.

Those slavery benefiting New England capitalists did not seem to have much influence.
Some of them, maybe. The north was hostile to slavery, from the very beginning and increasingly so.

Those slavery benefiting New England capitalists did not seem to have much influence.
Who built Wall Street?.... building a wall in 1653 to protect Dutch settlers from Indian raids. This walkway and wooden fence, made up of pointed logs and running river to river, later was known as Wall Street, the home of world finance.

"Enslaved and free Africans were largely responsible for the construction of the early city,..."

So, we were talking of what drove the massive growth of the UNITED STATES, leading to today's lifestyles, specifically the slavery use of the 1800s, when a lot of that growth started.

You made a claim about 1800th century new england capitalists, and when I pointed out a flaw in your argument,

you change the subject o something that occurred, a full TWO HUNDRED YEARS EARLIER?

You don't concede the previous point. You don't even really "drop it", you just move on to another point, fully planning to return to your previous point, that you could not support, in the future.

You are dishonest troll.


Except you were worse. You didn't even say "okay" before moving on to your next "point".
You made a claim about 1800th century new england capitalists, and when I pointed out a flaw in your argument,

you change the subject o something that occurred, a full TWO HUNDRED YEARS EARLIER?
You made an erroneous claim regarding slavery's contribution to the New England's economic development. I corrected your ignorance by pointing out chattel slavery was a First Principle of white supremacy decades before the Counter-revolution in 1776.

Textile mills in New England in the 1800s would have died without slave-produced cotton.

New York and London bond markets might have noticed "something ridiculous in nature to see an American Patriot signing resolutions of independence with one hand while holding a whip over enslaved Africans with the other", but that didn't affect their investment in King Cotton.

New England insurance companies had few moral qualms about underwriting slave labor as long as premiums were paid promptly.

US Capitalism would have been born dead without chattel slavery, and you and I owe much of our privileged lifestyle to its role; only brain-dead trolls believe otherwise.
. It's bad enough when the parasite "earns" her wealth, and even worse when one is born into a family that makes him a millionaire by age eight.

Uh-huh, that tells me all I need to know about your state of mind, thanks for sharing.

"The wicked envy and hate; it is their way of admiring." -- Victor Hugo
Uh-huh, that tells me all I need to know about your state of mind, thanks for sharing.

"The wicked envy and hate; it is their way of admiring." -- Victor Hugo
You're welcome
Very little. Cotton did not grow in the North.

My point stands. The north was the center of economic growth that led to our current lifestyles.
Very little. Cotton did not grow in the North.

My point stands. The north was the center of economic growth that led to our current lifestyles.
Very little oil is pumped on Wall Street today.
King Cotton drove the textile mills of New England in the 19th century the same way oil drives economies today.
For a hundred years US capitalists championed chattel slavery because in improved their bottom line.
It's hard to have a better history.

Very little. Cotton did not grow in the North.

My point stands. The north was the center of economic growth that led to our current lifestyles.
Very little. Cotton did not grow in the North.

My point stands. The north was the center of economic growth that led to our current lifestyles.
Very little oil is pumped on Wall Street today.
King Cotton drove the textile mills of New England in the 19th century the same way oil drives economies today.
For a hundred years US capitalists championed chattel slavery because in improved their bottom line.
It's hard to have a better history.

Some of them, maybe. The north was hostile to slavery, from the very beginning and increasingly so.

Those slavery benefiting New England capitalists did not seem to have much influence.
Some of them, maybe. The north was hostile to slavery, from the very beginning and increasingly so.

Those slavery benefiting New England capitalists did not seem to have much influence.
Who built Wall Street?.... building a wall in 1653 to protect Dutch settlers from Indian raids. This walkway and wooden fence, made up of pointed logs and running river to river, later was known as Wall Street, the home of world finance.

"Enslaved and free Africans were largely responsible for the construction of the early city,..."

So, we were talking of what drove the massive growth of the UNITED STATES, leading to today's lifestyles, specifically the slavery use of the 1800s, when a lot of that growth started.

You made a claim about 1800th century new england capitalists, and when I pointed out a flaw in your argument,

you change the subject o something that occurred, a full TWO HUNDRED YEARS EARLIER?

You don't concede the previous point. You don't even really "drop it", you just move on to another point, fully planning to return to your previous point, that you could not support, in the future.

You are dishonest troll.


Except you were worse. You didn't even say "okay" before moving on to your next "point".
You made a claim about 1800th century new england capitalists, and when I pointed out a flaw in your argument,

you change the subject o something that occurred, a full TWO HUNDRED YEARS EARLIER?
You made an erroneous claim regarding slavery's contribution to the New England's economic development. I corrected your ignorance by pointing out chattel slavery was a First Principle of white supremacy decades before the Counter-revolution in 1776.

Textile mills in New England in the 1800s would have died without slave-produced cotton.

New York and London bond markets might have noticed "something ridiculous in nature to see an American Patriot signing resolutions of independence with one hand while holding a whip over enslaved Africans with the other", but that didn't affect their investment in King Cotton.

New England insurance companies had few moral qualms about underwriting slave labor as long as premiums were paid promptly.

US Capitalism would have been born dead without chattel slavery, and you and I owe much of our privileged lifestyle to its role; only brain-dead trolls believe otherwise.

Yep, and Bill Gates owes the broom pushers in the warehouse for the growth and development of Microsoft.
Look, you can’t fool anyone do not live a privileged lifestyle...nobody living a privileged lifestyle begs for free shit daily like you do. Save your bullshit for all you twisted buddies.
Soviet democracy - Wikipedia

"Soviet democracy (sometimes council democracy) is a political system in which the rule of the population by directly elected soviets (Russian for 'council') is exercised.

"The councils are directly responsible to their electors and are bound by their instructions.

"Such an imperative mandate is in contrast to a free mandate, in which the elected delegates are only responsible to their conscience.

"Delegates may accordingly be dismissed from their post at any time or be voted out (recall)."

So what type of system are you yearning for?
So what type of system are you yearning for?

"Economic democracy is a socioeconomic philosophy that proposes to shift decision-making power from corporate managers and corporate shareholders to a larger group of public stakeholders that includes workers, customers, suppliers, neighbours and the broader public."

Economic democracy - Wikipedia

That doesn't work, especially when they have no experience or capital ie money invested. Ive started three companies and have paid my employess above industry standards. However, I wouldnt turn the decision making over to them. Thats beyond absurd.
That doesn't work, especially when they have no experience or capital ie money invested. Ive started three companies and have paid my employess above industry standards. However, I wouldnt turn the decision making over to them. Thats beyond absurd.
What sort of externalities, if any, did your three companies inflict on society?

Economic democracy - Wikipedia

"No single definition or approach encompasses economic democracy, but most proponents claim that modern property relations externalize costs, subordinate the general well-being to private profit and deny the polity a democratic voice in economic policy decisions.[1]

"In addition to these moral concerns, economic democracy makes practical claims, such as that it can compensate for capitalism's inherent effective demand gap"

They provided an income and healthcare. Of course those are bad in commie world. In commie world the state provides your endless supply of screw jobs and ineptitude.
They provided an income and healthcare. Of course those are bad in commie world. In commie world the state provides your endless supply of screw jobs and ineptitude.
Economic democracy - Wikipedia

"In worker self-management, each productive enterprise is controlled by those who work there.

"Workers are responsible for the operation of the facility, including organization, discipline, production techniques, and the nature, price, and distribution of products. Decisions concerning distribution are made democratically.

"Problems of authority delegation are solved by democratic representation.

"Management is chosen by the worker, not appointed by the State, not elected by the community at large and not selected by a board of directors elected by stockholders. Ultimate authority rests with the enterprise's workers, following the one-person, one-vote principle."
Why do capitalists fear democracy?

N.B.A. Executive’s Hong Kong Tweet Starts Firestorm in China
Very little oil is pumped on Wall Street today.
King Cotton drove the textile mills of New England in the 19th century the same way oil drives economies today.
For a hundred years US capitalists championed chattel slavery because in improved their bottom line.
It's hard to have a better history.

Very little oil is pumped on Wall Street today.
King Cotton drove the textile mills of New England in the 19th century the same way oil drives economies today.
For a hundred years US capitalists championed chattel slavery because in improved their bottom line.
It's hard to have a better history.

Some of them, maybe. The north was hostile to slavery, from the very beginning and increasingly so.

Those slavery benefiting New England capitalists did not seem to have much influence.
Some of them, maybe. The north was hostile to slavery, from the very beginning and increasingly so.

Those slavery benefiting New England capitalists did not seem to have much influence.
Who built Wall Street?.... building a wall in 1653 to protect Dutch settlers from Indian raids. This walkway and wooden fence, made up of pointed logs and running river to river, later was known as Wall Street, the home of world finance.

"Enslaved and free Africans were largely responsible for the construction of the early city,..."

So, we were talking of what drove the massive growth of the UNITED STATES, leading to today's lifestyles, specifically the slavery use of the 1800s, when a lot of that growth started.

You made a claim about 1800th century new england capitalists, and when I pointed out a flaw in your argument,

you change the subject o something that occurred, a full TWO HUNDRED YEARS EARLIER?

You don't concede the previous point. You don't even really "drop it", you just move on to another point, fully planning to return to your previous point, that you could not support, in the future.

You are dishonest troll.


Except you were worse. You didn't even say "okay" before moving on to your next "point".
You made a claim about 1800th century new england capitalists, and when I pointed out a flaw in your argument,

you change the subject o something that occurred, a full TWO HUNDRED YEARS EARLIER?
You made an erroneous claim regarding slavery's contribution to the New England's economic development. I corrected your ignorance by pointing out chattel slavery was a First Principle of white supremacy decades before the Counter-revolution in 1776.

Textile mills in New England in the 1800s would have died without slave-produced cotton.

New York and London bond markets might have noticed "something ridiculous in nature to see an American Patriot signing resolutions of independence with one hand while holding a whip over enslaved Africans with the other", but that didn't affect their investment in King Cotton.

New England insurance companies had few moral qualms about underwriting slave labor as long as premiums were paid promptly.

US Capitalism would have been born dead without chattel slavery, and you and I owe much of our privileged lifestyle to its role; only brain-dead trolls believe otherwise.

Yep, and Bill Gates owes the broom pushers in the warehouse for the growth and development of Microsoft.
Look, you can’t fool anyone do not live a privileged lifestyle...nobody living a privileged lifestyle begs for free shit daily like you do. Save your bullshit for all you twisted buddies.

Capitalists are parasites. : LateStageCapitalism

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