Trump rages as his former 'SleazeBag disbarred lawyer' spills the beans to grand jury

It is political persecution. You shouldn't stand for it no matter who it is.
The 23 people on the grand jury who heard the evidence didn't think it was political persecution. Out of interest what do you that those 23 grand jury people don't? I'll wait.
No. He was convicted for saying that’s what he had done.

He has also been convicted for lying to Congress, you chucklehead.

I didn’t say anything about anyone lying in courthouse. So your claim is a lie, you moron. You suck asshole. And then lick your lips.
Cohen didn't just say he did those crimes, he actually did do them at the instruction from Trump, that's why Trump should get more jail time than Cohen. Yes your guy does lie all the time like he did lie about people crying in the court house. Suggest you read one word at a time. BTW your language is disgusting but what we would expect from a low life MAGAt.
The 23 people on the grand jury who heard the evidence didn't think it was political persecution. Out of interest what do you that those 23 grand jury people don't? I'll wait.
Only 12 of them had to agree. And if they were fucking lawyers they would not be on jury. They know what they were told. And we know they did not hear everything.
Cohen didn't just say he did those crimes, he actually did do them at the instruction from Trump,
There is zero evidence that anything he did was done at Trump’s instruction. I’d bet Trump did approve of the NDA. But that’s ok, since it isn’t a crime.
that's why Trump should get more jail time than Cohen.
What is? That scumbag Cohen claims he did stuff at Trump’s instruction? Bwahaha.
You liberal bitches are gullible.
Yes your guy does lie all the time like he did lie about people crying in the court house.
Your retard lies when he is even aware of whatever the fuck he’s stuttering and mumbling about. But I have no knowledge of anyone crying. But, you don’t know if they did or didn’t.
Suggest you read one word at a time.

Suggest you teybto get an adult to assist you to understand the topic.
BTW your language is disgusting but what we would expect from a low life MAGAt.
I don’t give a rat’s twat about your sissified horror at mere words, you scumbag libturd. Go suck a bag of dicks.
Only 12 of them had to agree. And if they were fucking lawyers they would not be on jury. They know what they were told. And we know they did not hear everything.
From what I heard they all agreed, the whole point is that they are not lawyers but the evidence is strong enough to be self evident to a jury at a Trump's trial. Remember Trump is a crook so not surprising. I bet you're looking forward to Trump's trial for rape, let's hope he gets jail for the rest of his miserable life when he's found guilty.
There is zero evidence that anything he did was done at Trump’s instruction. I’d bet Trump did approve of the NDA. But that’s ok, since it isn’t a crime.

What is? That scumbag Cohen claims he did stuff at Trump’s instruction? Bwahaha.
You liberal bitches are gullible.

Your retard lies when he is even aware of whatever the fuck he’s stuttering and mumbling about. But I have no knowledge of anyone crying. But, you don’t know if they did or didn’t.

Suggest you teybto get an adult to assist you to understand the topic.

I don’t give a rat’s twat about your sissified horror at mere words, you scumbag libturd. Go suck a bag of dicks.
So why did Trump give Cohen the signed cheques?
There is zero evidence that anything he did was done at Trump’s instruction. I’d bet Trump did approve of the NDA. But that’s ok, since it isn’t a crime.

What is? That scumbag Cohen claims he did stuff at Trump’s instruction? Bwahaha.
You liberal bitches are gullible.

Your retard lies when he is even aware of whatever the fuck he’s stuttering and mumbling about. But I have no knowledge of anyone crying. But, you don’t know if they did or didn’t.

Suggest you teybto get an adult to assist you to understand the topic.

I don’t give a rat’s twat about your sissified horror at mere words, you scumbag libturd. Go suck a bag of dicks.
I can see why you're a Trump cult follower, real class pal just like your leader. 😂
I can see why you're a Trump cult follower, real class pal just like your leader. 😂
I still don’t give a rat’s twat about your hyperventilation over language, you pussy.

And supporters of Trump aren’t a cult, ya assbreath phony.
The cheques amounted to 130000 the amount need to Pay off Daniels
In this country, you moron, we spell them as “checks.” And repaying Cohen (on the assumption that Cohen fronted the money for the ho’s NDA) is perfectly legal, you moron.
I still don’t give a rat’s twat about your hyperventilation over language, you pussy.

And supporters of Trump aren’t a cult, ya assbreath phony.
Yeah they're a cult, your denial that you're in it is the first sign that you are. Incidentally are you in this photo with your pals.
Yeah they're a cult, your denial that you're in it is the first sign that you are. Incidentally are you in this photo with your pals.
Wrong asshole. When one isn’t in a cult, one denies the moronic claim that one is “in” a cult.

Also, I’m not a liberal demofascist. Unlike you scumbags, we conservatives detest Nazis.
From what I heard they all agreed, the whole point is that they are not lawyers but the evidence is strong enough to be self evident to a jury at a Trump's trial. Remember Trump is a crook so not surprising. I bet you're looking forward to Trump's trial for rape, let's hope he gets jail for the rest of his miserable life when he's found guilty.
Trump can't hold a candle to the criminal traitors running this country.
Wrong asshole. When one isn’t in a cult, one denies the moronic claim that one is “in” a cult.

Also, I’m not a liberal demofascist. Unlike you scumbags, we conservatives detest Nazis.
But act like Nazis, you must really hate yourself, you hate everyone else just like your cult leader does.
Trump can't hold a candle to the criminal traitors running this country.
Yeah Trump is pretty bad alright. Remember how he extorted Zelensky for a favour and then he incited an attack on the Republic on the 6th January. But I'd say stealing the top secret doccs is the worse, that is espionage, he'll go to jail for that.
But act like Nazis, you must really hate yourself, you hate everyone else just like your cult leader does.
No no. Your mistake not is the modern American liberals who behave like Nazis.

I don’t hate anyone. Not even brainless lying scumbag morons like you.
Yeah Trump is pretty bad alright. Remember how he extorted Zelensky for a favour and then he incited an attack on the Republic on the 6th January. But I'd say stealing the top secret doccs is the worse, that is espionage, he'll go to jail for that.
You are too brainwashed to have a conversation with. So you know before you reply.
No no. Your mistake not is the modern American liberals who behave like Nazis.

I don’t hate anyone. Not even brainless lying scumbag morons like you.
MAGAts hate everyone not like themselves, that's why they follow their cult leader because he hates the same people they like. BTW do you know these MAGAts?

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