Trump Rages: "If Russia Interfered, Why Didn't Obama Stop Them?

You gotta love it... they knew the Russians hacked, they believe in favor of the Trumpster, but did absolutely nothing. Are these people mental?

The people who are "mental" are those insisting that President Obama did "nothing" about Russia attacking our democracy.

Obama couldn't interfere in an election that Trump repeatedly said was "rigged". When the senate intelligence committee was briefed on the Putin plot, they broke along party lines, which is what a public announcement would have done.

Republicans would have screamed that Obama was trying to influence the election.
Irrelevant questions because Trump says Russia dindu nuffin.

Which is it? Obama should've stopped them for doing nothing? Or Obama kicking them out was considered nothing?
really? well if they didn't, why were sanctions created? If they did, then it's all obummers. so which is it?

Oh, and if they did interfere, what is it they did?

Don't try to be me. You have to have talent or it comes out all word salad like you just did here.
Now I can answer my own question. According to Obama cabinet, 'We Choked"

Sums up the Obama Presidency

Good question


President Trump is on a warpath this morning, raging against the hyporcrisy of Obama excuse-maker Jeh Johnson's comments. First, Trump asked a tough question...

Donald J. Trump


By the way, if Russia was working so hard on the 2016 Election, it all took place during the Obama Admin. Why didn't they stop them?

And then slammed the Democratic Nation Committe's seming ignorance...

Donald J. Trump


...Why did Democratic National Committee turn down the DHS offer to protect against hacks (long prior to election). It's all a big Dem HOAX!

Donald J. Trump


...Why did the DNC REFUSE to turn over its Server to the FBI, and still hasn't? It's all a big Dem scam and excuse for losing the election!

These are good questions, which, of course, will never be answered. As The Hill notes, Trump’s comments are the latest indication he does not accept the intelligence community’s unanimous conclusion — released last October — that Russia tried to interfere in contest by hacking political groups and spreading fake news.

Trump Rages: "If Russia Interfered, Why Didn't Obama Stop Them?" | Zero Hedge

So for how many months did you demand proof that the Russians interfered with our election? lol
What's so funny is that Trump refused to admit that the Russians meddled in our election until he came up with a way to try to blame it on Obama.
What's so funny is that Trump refused to admit that the Russians meddled in our election until he came up with a way to try to blame it on Obama.

What difference does it make?


It's funny to hear Trump finally admit to something that people like you denied for months.

Its funnier Obama choked and did nothing about it. Even funnier now that Lorreta Lynch is under investigation

Now thats funny chit

Why didn't Obama stop them?

Why has Trump denied Russian interference? Why has President Trump not done anything? Is it because President Trump's ego can not continence any blemish on his own election? Or is it because candidate Trump knew what was happening and now that he's president cannot afford to bite the hand that feeds him?
Why didn't Obama stop them?

Why has Trump denied Russian interference? Why has President Trump not done anything? Is it because President Trump's ego can not continence any blemish on his own election? Or is it because candidate Trump knew what was happening and now that he's president cannot afford to bite the hand that feeds him?

He has by calling out fake news. A Russian ploy of misinformation. One of the sources CNN uses

Trump is right. If the Russians were a threat then that dipshit Obama should have done something.

The fact that he didn't is either typical Obama affirmative action incompetency or the fact that he perceived it would somehow help Crooked Hillary.
Why would the dnc turn over their server to the FBI , an agency that trump himself stated is corrupt and full of leaks ?

Obama did levy sanctions . Remember when he threw out all kinds of Russian nationals ?

Timmy, Timmy, Timmy...

Hasn't anybody fish you out of that well of stupidity yet? Where is Lassie?

Obama kicked them out in DECEMBER!

Ever hear the expression "A day late and a dollar short"?

Where was Obama while the hacking was going on since they knew much earlier in 2016?

The reason that Obama did nothing to stop Russia's influence in the elections is that he believed that their efforts were impotent.

Rightfully, he believed that only complete idiots would vote for Trump.

Unfortunately, he grossly underestimated the number of complete idiots we have in this country.

So it was OK for Russia to hack the election because Hillary was supposed to win...that's amazing

No, President Obama chose not to take action because he did not believe that Russia would be successful.

Any action he took would most likely have been seen as a partisan attempt to influence the election in Clinton's favor and may have had negative political repercussions.

He apparently decided to leave it to the next President to decide what actions should be taken.

He just didn't anticipate that the next President would be a Putin ass-kissing slime ball.

Yeah, he left it to the next President all right! Obama kicked the 35 Russians out of the country in December.

Wait! What? I thought you said he left it for the next President?

So why do you lie?
Why didn't Obama stop them?

Why has Trump denied Russian interference? Why has President Trump not done anything? Is it because President Trump's ego can not continence any blemish on his own election? Or is it because candidate Trump knew what was happening and now that he's president cannot afford to bite the hand that feeds him?

He has by calling out fake news. A Russian ploy of misinformation. One of the sources CNN uses

So,attacking American journalism,is a more reasonable, sustainable and tactical response than actually calling out the Russians?

Who's your enemy? Russia or the American press?
Why didn't Obama stop them?

Why has Trump denied Russian interference? Why has President Trump not done anything? Is it because President Trump's ego can not continence any blemish on his own election? Or is it because candidate Trump knew what was happening and now that he's president cannot afford to bite the hand that feeds him?

He has by calling out fake news. A Russian ploy of misinformation. One of the sources CNN uses

So,attacking American journalism,is a more reasonable, sustainable and tactical response than actually calling out the Russians?

Who's your enemy? Russia or the American press?

The American Press like CNN. They wouldn't know journalism if it was flat in their face

Why didn't Obama stop them?

Why has Trump denied Russian interference? Why has President Trump not done anything? Is it because President Trump's ego can not continence any blemish on his own election? Or is it because candidate Trump knew what was happening and now that he's president cannot afford to bite the hand that feeds him?

He has by calling out fake news. A Russian ploy of misinformation. One of the sources CNN uses

So,attacking American journalism,is a more reasonable, sustainable and tactical response than actually calling out the Russians?

Who's your enemy? Russia or the American press?

The American Press like CNN. They wouldn't know journalism if it was flat in their face

So you would ignore, or at least tolerate a foreign threat to our electoral system and increase cynicism over American journalism? I just don't understand your priorities, or your overwhelming cynicism.
Why didn't Obama stop them?

Why has Trump denied Russian interference? Why has President Trump not done anything? Is it because President Trump's ego can not continence any blemish on his own election? Or is it because candidate Trump knew what was happening and now that he's president cannot afford to bite the hand that feeds him?

He has by calling out fake news. A Russian ploy of misinformation. One of the sources CNN uses

So,attacking American journalism,is a more reasonable, sustainable and tactical response than actually calling out the Russians?

Who's your enemy? Russia or the American press?

The American Press like CNN. They wouldn't know journalism if it was flat in their face

So you would ignore, or at least tolerate a foreign threat to our electoral system and increase cynicism over American journalism? I just don't understand your priorities, or your overwhelming cynicism.

Because I believe the MSM is making a mountain out of a mole hill. So the Russians put out misinformation but it is up the reader to decide what is fact and what is fiction.

Why has Trump denied Russian interference? Why has President Trump not done anything? Is it because President Trump's ego can not continence any blemish on his own election? Or is it because candidate Trump knew what was happening and now that he's president cannot afford to bite the hand that feeds him?

He has by calling out fake news. A Russian ploy of misinformation. One of the sources CNN uses

So,attacking American journalism,is a more reasonable, sustainable and tactical response than actually calling out the Russians?

Who's your enemy? Russia or the American press?

The American Press like CNN. They wouldn't know journalism if it was flat in their face

So you would ignore, or at least tolerate a foreign threat to our electoral system and increase cynicism over American journalism? I just don't understand your priorities, or your overwhelming cynicism.

Because I believe the MSM is making a mountain out of a mole hill. So the Russians put out misinformation but it is up the reader to decide what is fact and what is fiction.

Unqualified spammers working in anonymity fill our eyes with fake information daily. Poorly conceived, awkwardly written and un researched information used only to validate the cynicism of others and induce incredulity among the more informed. This is what passes as "journalism" today.

Some have a political agenda that includes discrediting journalism along with science, government, their political opposition and facts. What causes such belief in lies? What is the root of this cynicism? And why should we pay attention to them?
As usual...President Trump was 100% correct.

Obama and the DNC chose to ignore the warnings and offers of help. Now they're trying to blame Trump! lol

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