Trump Rages: "If Russia Interfered, Why Didn't Obama Stop Them?

It's amazing to see this willful blindness operating in real time, isn't it?

Just amazing.

I pity people who are so weak-minded and subservient. I really do.
Why didn't Obama prevent it in the first place? Was he asleep at the wheel?
Then you are admitting something happened? Most Republicans don't.

^^^ and the left deflects.
well i'd like to know what exactly they did.
No you don't. You don't want to know at all. You have been willfully blinding yourself to what the Russians did.

And so has Trump.

You are all Putin's useful idiots.
so they did nothing. thanks.,
It's amazing to see this willful blindness operating in real time, isn't it?

Just amazing.

I pity people who are so weak-minded and subservient. I really do.
ahhh look at the wittle scrapper, who can't post one piece of evidence to what russia did. ain't you the man, you like squat juice.
Why didn't Obama prevent it in the first place? Was he asleep at the wheel?
Hey dumb fuck. STATES were attacked.

RED states.

Obama offered to help them, and they turned him down. They got hacked.

So start asking the red states about that.

Are you, like, slapping your hands over your eyes whenever details of the attacks are presented or something, willfully blind monkey?

You and the other dumb shits are all parroting the exact same thing. You say it the exact same way.

Thanks for proving what I said about all of you. "They will parrot what they are told to parrot, and will bleev what they are told to bleev."

Jesus Christ.
what was hacked?

I just posted umpteen fucking posts about the attacks, and you are, "Duhhhhhh...what was hacked?"

Willfully blind.

You are terrified to know what happened, and so you blind yourself.

Stop being Putin's cock holster.
no, that isn't what I stated. duh. I said what did they do to interfere. someone can hack all fking day for all I care. but what was the result of the hack? so what was it?
hu hum. Still no explanations for why Obama did nothing about it


The sad and obvious part of the "RUSSIAN COLLUSION HOAX' is that the NSA, CIA, & FBI had no basis to claim at all "RUSSIA HACKED THE DNC SERVER"
They made that assumption based on a Crowd Source report paid for by THE DNC, which Crowd Source itself was not allowed to look at THE DNC SERVER, and Crowd Source had to RETRACT a great majority of their report.

Allowing THE DNC to claim The Russians Hacked its server in the middle of a campaign and letting them try to tie that to President Trump is like allowing a Banker who embezzled Millions from his bank write a report about the missing money and blame it the dog.
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Why didn't Obama prevent it in the first place? Was he asleep at the wheel?
Hey dumb fuck. STATES were attacked.

RED states.

Obama offered to help them, and they turned him down. They got hacked.

So start asking the red states about that.

Are you, like, slapping your hands over your eyes whenever details of the attacks are presented or something, willfully blind monkey?

You and the other dumb shits are all parroting the exact same thing. You say it the exact same way.

Thanks for proving what I said about all of you. "They will parrot what they are told to parrot, and will bleev what they are told to bleev."

Jesus Christ.
what was hacked?

I just posted umpteen fucking posts about the attacks, and you are, "Duhhhhhh...what was hacked?"

Willfully blind.

You are terrified to know what happened, and so you blind yourself.

Stop being Putin's cock holster.

Yes indeed, we have noticed you posted umpteen fucking posts, and the majority of them make zippo sense.
The sad and obvious part of the "RUSSIAN COLLUSION HOAX' is that the NSA, CIA, & FBI had no basis to claim at all "RUSSIA HACKED THE DNC SERVER"
They made that assumption based on a Crowd Source report paid for by THE DNC, which Crowd Source itself was not allowed to look at THE DNC SERVER, and Crowd Source had to RETRACT a great majority of their report.

Allowing THE DNC to claim The Russians Hacked us in the middle of a campaign and letting them try to tie that to President Trump is like allowing a Banker who embezzled Millions from his bank write a report about the missing money and blame it on someone elses dog.
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^THIS^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ equals HOAX
The emerging timeline of Obama and Russia that is giving Democrats heartburn

By Amber Phillips June 23 at 7:52 AM

The Washington Post is reporting Friday morning that President Barack Obama knew in August that Russian President Vladimir Putin was waging an extraordinary cyberwar on the U.S. presidential campaign, both to discredit the election and try to help Donald Trump win. The Obama administration did not publicly acknowledge all of this until after the election, in December.

In the last few months of the election campaign, behind the scenes — and sometimes publicly — Democrats in Congress were extremely critical of the president for not telling the public about what was happening.

Top members of the Obama administration have since defended that decision as the best of bad choices. Former homeland security secretary Jeh Johnson told Congress earlier this week: "We were concerned that, by making the statement, we might in and of itself be challenging the integrity of the — of the election process itself."

So what really happened? Here is a timeline of how the Obama administration responded to the Russian meddling — and how he was criticized for it.

1960: Russians have been trying to influence outcomes and perceptions of U.S. elections since around this time, say intelligence experts today.

July 2016: Nearly 20,000 election-year emails from Democratic National Committee staff members are published by WikiLeaks, on the eve the 2016 Democratic National Convention. Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-Fla.) resigns as chairwoman over some of the emails. Some intelligence Democrats point the finger at Russia.

Middle of summer 2016: Top Democrats in Congress say they realized the extent of the hacking, and that it was from Russia. "In the late summer of last year, it became apparent that the Russians were doing more than gathering foreign intelligence — that they were in fact dumping it in a way designed to potentially influence outcomes, not by affecting the vote machines, necessarily, but by affecting American public opinion with the dumping of these emails," recalled Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Calif.), the top Democrat on the House Intelligence Committee, in a recent committee hearing.

Analysis | The emerging timeline of Obama and Russia that is giving Democrats heartburn
There were NO successful attempts, NOT EVEN BY THE OBAMA ADMINISTRATION'S TEAM OF HACKERS to hack our election systems!

In fact, there is actually no hard evidence to prove 'THE RUSSIANS" hacked anything, but what Obama did, was try to keep this "ACCUSATION" in his back pocket, along with the False DNC Server Hack Hoax, so they could try to use it as a "Trump" card for when Clinton's campaign began to fail.

After the election they then had to keep the charade going to save face in the hopes they could destabilize the administration enough to win the 5 Special Elections that were to come and then they hoped to use those wins as momentum in 2018.

But an exposed Dishonest FBI Director and Dishonest AG & 0-5 stings when you tried to lie and cheat your way to victory. It's a deserved slap in the face.

The only actual evidence of any hacking AT ALL is from our own Government trying to hack the election. And we know now, that our GOV when it hacks systems likes to plant FALSE EVIDENCE to make it look like "THE RUSSIANS DID IT" even if there were evidence (and The American Public have not been shown any) who could believe it?

But The Lies of Liars often Ensnare The Liars Themselves.


“Oh, what a tangled web we weave...when first we practice to deceive.”

Walter Scott, Marmion


They both have books they need to sell that make unsupported claims about Russian Collusion et al. No one wants to read a book about any of that after it gets's best for their financial bottom line to keep the hoax going.
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Good question


President Trump is on a warpath this morning, raging against the hyporcrisy of Obama excuse-maker Jeh Johnson's comments. First, Trump asked a tough question...

Donald J. Trump


By the way, if Russia was working so hard on the 2016 Election, it all took place during the Obama Admin. Why didn't they stop them?

And then slammed the Democratic Nation Committe's seming ignorance...

Donald J. Trump


...Why did Democratic National Committee turn down the DHS offer to protect against hacks (long prior to election). It's all a big Dem HOAX!

Donald J. Trump


...Why did the DNC REFUSE to turn over its Server to the FBI, and still hasn't? It's all a big Dem scam and excuse for losing the election!

These are good questions, which, of course, will never be answered. As The Hill notes, Trump’s comments are the latest indication he does not accept the intelligence community’s unanimous conclusion — released last October — that Russia tried to interfere in contest by hacking political groups and spreading fake news.

Trump Rages: "If Russia Interfered, Why Didn't Obama Stop Them?" | Zero Hedge
Excuse me.....but where is the rage????

He's just asking valid questions!!!

In fact, there is actually no hard evidence to prove they hacked anything, but what Obama did, was try to keep this in his back pocket, along with the False DNC Server Hack Hoax, so they could try to use it as a "Trump" card for when Clinton's campaign began to fail. They then had to keep the charade going afterwards to save face in the hopes they could destabilize the administration enough to win the 5 Special Elections and use that as momentum in 2018.
The only actual evidence of any hacking of all is from our own Government trying to hack the election.

But The Lies of Liars often Ensnare The Liars Themselves.


“Oh, what a tangled web we weave...when first we practice to deceive.”

Walter Scott, Marmion
Why didn't Obama prevent it in the first place? Was he asleep at the wheel?
Hey dumb fuck. STATES were attacked.

RED states.

Obama offered to help them, and they turned him down. They got hacked.

So start asking the red states about that.

Are you, like, slapping your hands over your eyes whenever details of the attacks are presented or something, willfully blind monkey?

You and the other dumb shits are all parroting the exact same thing. You say it the exact same way.

Thanks for proving what I said about all of you. "They will parrot what they are told to parrot, and will bleev what they are told to bleev."

Jesus Christ.
what was hacked?

The Left's credibility was hacked
Q: Do you have a relationship with Vladimir Putin? A conversational relationship, or anything that you feel you have sway or influence over his government?

TRUMP: I do have a relationship, and I can tell you that he's very interested in what we're doing here today.

After reading jc456 and his colleagues' raging and lying, there is where the readers will

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