Trump Raises Massive Cash On Impeachment, $46 Million In Q4

Schiff gets the Fundraising Champion of 2019 Award!

Thanks for waking up the voters, Leftards!


The Dems raised over $100m, dope.


The fundraising is an issue though considering that Trump is not even in the thick of it yet and does not need to spend any money on getting his parties nomination. When the general comes Trump is going to have quite a bit of a lead on his democrat counterparts.

Yes together. Trump's opposition raised more than twice what he did and somehow you dopes see that as a huge win.

Never said it was a huge win.

Get out of partisan mode for one second if you can. His opposition raised more in the middle of an election process that they are going to have to spend right now. Trump earned a ton that is not going to be spent and did it when he is not even a real player in the election yet.

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