Trump Rally

Corrupt activist leftist judges who refuse to listen to the case or are blackmailed into submission to ignore this injustice. You close your eyes to it.
Well, CJ, I am sure you are sincere. Nursing a perceived grievance can be sincere.

However, think it through like this:
1. There were between 90 and 100 judges in over 60 courts who were presented the Trump/Giuliani/Krakenpot 'stolen election' argument. It was rejected in all of 'em by all of the judges. That should be telling.

2. Make note also, that not a few of these judges were identified as "conservatives", and some of were actually put into their positions by Trump, including three on the Supreme Court. Yet, you are telling us those judges stabbed Trump in the back? Were paid off?
If you know that, if you allege that.....well, Slim, tell us who they were. And how you are in a position to know? How you are knowledgeable enough to ruin their reputations?

3. Further, go back up to my post and help us understand why none of the co-conspirators to this "fraud" has been identified, snitched on, or arrested. There need be thousands of 'em to grossly manipulate the votes in all or some of over 220,000 polling stations in America.

Good poster CJ, my avatar has no desire to be pejorative towards your avatar, or dismissive, or disrespectful.

However, this trope of "the election was stolen" has been worn out. Worn out because none of the proponents of it has been able to name names, name responsible parties, tell us credible details on how it was done. The courts didn't believe what they were told by the Trump people. And multiple ---many! --- audits have been conducted. None show enough quesitonable votes to impact the election in any jurisdiction.

There comes a time when....after your hand has been gotta show your cards.

So do it.
Or leave.
Or quit dissin' America.
It is unpatriotic.
It is un-American.
Watching on "Right Side" YouTube.

The guy just said the economy is stagnant.

2021: 5.9% GDP Growth.

Okie dokie. Alternate Universe. I'll try to watch for a bit more.
Trump handed Potatohead a pandemic recovering economy complete with a vaccine and typical for Potatohead he fucked it up.

We should be having post pandemic double digit growth. However, all we are getting is mediocre growth and Potatohead's massive inflation is eating that up.

That "growth" is mostly inflationary growth. Like Obama said "never underestimate the ability of Joe Biden to fuck something up".

Anybody that voted for him and then ignored the fact he stole the election is a moron.
When The Worthless Negro and Potatohead were running the government we had increased poverty, decreased family income, astronomical debt, millions of illegals flooding across the border, failed health care, dismal economic growth, bad trade deals, increased taxes and a terrible weak foreign policy.

It looks like Potatohead is trying to do even worse with massive inflation added to the list.

9% inflation - 6% economic growth = 3% decreased income for Americans.

Of course these Moon Bats don't understand that because they are as ignorant of Economics as they are of History, Biology, Climate Science, Ethics and the Constitution.
The best thing at the rally last night (outside of Trump's moral clarity) was Don Jr telling us he took his 12 year old son to build an AR-15. God bless him and God bless Texas.

Building AR-15s are fun!

Donald Trump Jr. brought his 12-year-old son to Texas for a Trump rally and let him build an AR-15 at his friend's business​

  • Former President Donald Trump held a rally on Saturday night in Conroe, Texas.
  • During his speech at the rally, Donald Trump Jr. said he took his son to make an AR-15.
  • The firearm was manufactured at F-1 Firearms in Spring, Texas, according to Donald Trump Jr.
During a Trump rally on Saturday in Conroe, Texas, Donald Trump Jr. said he took his 12-year-old son, Donald Trump III, to a gun manufacturer where he got to make his own AR-15.

"Oh, I love Texas. And today, by the way, I got to do the most Texas thing ever," Donald Trump Jr. said during his speech at the rally. "Since we came in late last night, I was able to bring my little son Donny to my buddy Dion's manufacturing facility at F-1 Firearms. And Donny, little kid from New York City, now Florida, thank God, got to make his own AR-15."
The best thing at the rally last night (outside of Trump's moral clarity) was Don Jr telling us he took his 12 year old son to build an AR-15. God bless him and God bless Texas.

Building AR-15s are fun!

Donald Trump Jr. brought his 12-year-old son to Texas for a Trump rally and let him build an AR-15 at his friend's business​

  • Former President Donald Trump held a rally on Saturday night in Conroe, Texas.
  • During his speech at the rally, Donald Trump Jr. said he took his son to make an AR-15.
  • The firearm was manufactured at F-1 Firearms in Spring, Texas, according to Donald Trump Jr.
During a Trump rally on Saturday in Conroe, Texas, Donald Trump Jr. said he took his 12-year-old son, Donald Trump III, to a gun manufacturer where he got to make his own AR-15.

"Oh, I love Texas. And today, by the way, I got to do the most Texas thing ever," Donald Trump Jr. said during his speech at the rally. "Since we came in late last night, I was able to bring my little son Donny to my buddy Dion's manufacturing facility at F-1 Firearms. And Donny, little kid from New York City, now Florida, thank God, got to make his own AR-15."
You're a self described racist. You can't speak about moral clarity because you are an immoral, anti-American nut job.
As long as they're not the ones in charge of who gets locked up, sure.
Real Americans dont support Trump. Trump will not run in 2024. Just by him focusing much of his speech on the possibility of him getting locked in a prison cell makes me believe he actually is worried about getting locked in a prison cell. So things for him must be worse than what we, the public, know. I never thought in a million years trump would see a jail cell. But after his speech, I'm not so sure now.
Real Americans dont support Trump. Trump will not run in 2024. Just by him focusing much of his speech on the possibility of him getting locked in a prison cell makes me believe he actually is worried about getting locked in a prison cell. So things for him must be worse than what we, the public, know. I never thought in a million years trump would see a jail cell. But after his speech, I'm not so sure now.
Why do you think he won't run in 2024? He sure as hell looks like he is.
Why do you think he won't run in 2024? He sure as hell looks like he is.
Because he's afraid of losing again. That, and he'll be 78 years old. A lot can happen to someones health at that age. His father died from complications due to Alzheimer's disease, so Trump has that to look forward to. He'll continue to grift his followers though.
Just by him focusing much of his speech on the possibility of him getting locked in a prison cell makes me believe he actually is worried about getting locked in a prison cell

I too noted how much of the speech was directed at how mean the prosecutors are ("evil, vicious, racists" prosecutors, no less). He carved out a bunch of time for that complaint. And then came back and re-visited it.

Too, he spent a lot of time on the worn 'I-was-cheated-they-stole-it' mantra. Even bringing up several instances that have long been thoroughly de-bunked.

One more thing, from my notes while watching the rally: He stated that Mail-in Voting and Drop Boxes should be illegal. (except for the military).
And, all voting must be done in-person on one single day.

Yeah, I know.

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