Trump Rang In Birthday by Inflating Golf Club Value by $42 Million

Not if you are dealing with Deutsche bank and money laundering. Weisselberg wasn't hiding income for nothing. Trump and Deutsche Bank: It’s Complicated | Trump, Inc. | WNYC Studios

You really have to be out to lunch not to connect the dots.
There is no money laundering going on here.
The only purpose for getting a loan in a foreign country is if you want to build in that country or pay wages to foreign nationals.
And if you want to talk about money might as well focus on the Democrat's foreign aid kickbacks.
Biden has Hunter in several countries doing exactly that. All of this can be proved easily. The latest scam is his artwork selling for $500k to secret foreign buyers....10% of everything he makes is kicked back to the big guy Hiden Biden.
Are they? The pattern has also been reported by CNN. In 2017, CNN found that Trump had fought the tax assessments of all 12 of his US golf courses except the one in Bedminster, New Jersey. That included his Trump National Golf Course Westchester, which Ossining, New York, said was worth $15.1 million, but which Trump, fighting for a smaller tax bill, argued in court the property was worth just $1.5 million. Looks to me Trump tried to snooker tax accessors into changing their worth from $15 million to $1.5 million.

So Trump is the only property owner that tries to minimize his property value to lower his taxes??
There is no money laundering going on here.
The only purpose for getting a loan in a foreign country is if you want to build in that country or pay wages to foreign nationals.
And if you want to talk about money might as well focus on the Democrat's foreign aid kickbacks.
Biden has Hunter in several countries doing exactly that. All of this can be proved easily. The latest scam is his artwork selling for $500k to secret foreign buyers....10% of everything he makes is kicked back to the big guy Hiden Biden.
First off, your cowardly distraction about Biden proves you are losing. Secondly, there is plenty of evidence money laundering was going on between Trump and his bank.

Lol at the idiots who think Trump is personally doing his taxes and determining the worth of his properties.
Really? Not determining their worth?
The pattern has also been reported by CNN. In 2017, CNN found that Trump had fought the tax assessments of all 12 of his US golf courses except the one in Bedminster, New Jersey. That included his Trump National Golf Course Westchester, which Ossining, New York, said was worth $15.1 million, but which Trump, fighting for a smaller tax bill, argued in court the property was worth just $1.5 million. Looks to me Trump tried to snooker tax accessors into changing their worth from $15 million to $1.5 million.
It is when it is laundered.

It amazes me when I read some of this shit in here how totally stupid some people are, it shouldn't. but it does. It just seems the depth of stupidity really has no end.
Wrong again, gump. It still has to be repaid to the lender, so it is not income.
Why would a loan need to be laundered?
You're just throwing out buzz words now.
Take a minute and think before you post, kid.
I do, I read. Try it sometime;

Money laundering turned out to be very lucrative in foreign countries, and Trump was part of it.
You almost gotta laugh that lefties support Brandon's freaking ten trillion dollar giveaway program that might bankrupt the Country while inflation is rising but they are outraged by a complicated land deal involving the former president.
It amazes me when I read some of this shit in here how totally stupid some people are, it shouldn't. but it does. It just seems the depth of stupidity really has no end.
It amazes me when I read some of this shit in here how totally stupid some people are, it shouldn't. but it does. It just seems the depth of stupidity really has no end.
From post #86, show us, don't talk about it.
I do, I read. Try it sometime;

Money laundering turned out to be very lucrative in foreign countries, and Trump was part of it.

Hey retard, you should read your own links. The only mention of laundering has nothing to do with Trump:
He traces the bank's shadowy practices — which range from laundering money for Russian oligarchs to violating international sanctions — in the new book, Dark Towers.
Try smarter next time, kid.
First off, your cowardly distraction about Biden proves you are losing. Secondly, there is plenty of evidence money laundering was going on between Trump and his bank.

Cowardly? LOL!!!
Grow up, kid!!!
I just pointed out a material fact.
You want to focus on the imaginings of the leftests at NPR.
Have you ever met some of those idiots?
Long...greasy hair and black pajamas with an infinity scarf thrown in for good measure.
Now the party's favorite apparel is is their designer face mask adorned with a hammer & cycle.
You almost gotta laugh that lefties support Brandon's freaking ten trillion dollar giveaway program that might bankrupt the Country while inflation is rising but they are outraged by a complicated land deal involving the former president.
One has nothing to do with the other. Only a total ignoramus would think that.
Cowardly? LOL!!!
Grow up, kid!!!
I just pointed out a material fact.
You want to focus on the imaginings of the leftests at NPR.
Have you ever met some of those idiots?
Long...greasy hair and black pajamas with an infinity scarf thrown in for good measure.
Now the party's favorite apparel is is their designer face mask adorned with a hammer & cycle.
So, we find out your incapable of producing a counter argument. You instead go down that chicken shit road of attacking the authors of the article, by trying to hide your weaknesses. I get it. You're a loser.

You said you pointed out a material fact. Guess what, I just countered your material fact by way of a "how to."
Hey retard, you should read your own links. The only mention of laundering has nothing to do with Trump:

Try smarter next time, kid.
"The bank was so hungry for profits, for short-term profits, and so hungry to make a name for itself in the United States that it was really eager to just disregard any red flags that presented themselves with clients," Enrich says. "Trump would default on a bond offering. He would default on a loan. He would sue the bank. And yet, time after time, Deutsche Bank executives kept going back to him for more business." There is only one logical reason Deutsche bank would continually go back and give loans to Trump. You can't be that absent of brain cells, not to figure out this for yourself. No one was worse than Trump when it came to legitimate bank loans and default. But money laundering with foreign nationals; that's the best game in town. And Trump was their guy.
There are far more details to this story.. IMO the fraud is deliberate. I'll post a second source.

Trump Rang In Birthday by Inflating Golf Club Value by $42 Million
Usatodaynews December 15, 20210
Photo Illustration by Thomas Levinson/The Daily Beast/Getty

A small town north of New York City is now openly confirming it has received subpoenas for two separate investigations into the Trump National Golf Club Westchester, where the Trump family has aggressively fought to lower its tax bill—while claiming a vastly inflated value elsewhere.

Since 2016, the town has valued the golf club at roughly $15 million. And every year, the Trump family business has tried to knock down the value drastically. And yet, on White House financial disclosures, then-President Donald Trump declared the golf club was worth more than $50 million.

“At least one of them is false,” said John Moscow, a renowned former prosecutor who spent 33 years at the Manhattan District Attorney’s Office. “This is a relatively clean way to prove these people lie to evade taxes and push the tax burden on honest taxpayers.”

at The Daily Beast.

…read more

Source:: The Daily Beast
All news of the trump crime family' fraudulent tax evasion and other crooked schemes only make the trump Nazis love him more.

Wrong again, gump. It still has to be repaid to the lender, so it is not income.
Why would a loan need to be laundered?
You're just throwing out buzz words now.
Take a minute and think before you post, kid.

He doesn't know a damn thing about money laundering or how it works.... ;)
One has nothing to do with the other. Only a total ignoramus would think that.

So, we find out your incapable of producing a counter argument. You instead go down that chicken shit road of attacking the authors of the article, by trying to hide your weaknesses. I get it. You're a loser.

You said you pointed out a material fact. Guess what, I just countered your material fact by way of a "how to."
Well opinions are like assholes.

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