Trump Rang In Birthday by Inflating Golf Club Value by $42 Million


A complaint has been filed against the Trump campaign for illegally laundering $170 million through the companies of former campaign manager Brad Parscale.

The Campaign Legal Center filed the complaint and said in a statement provided to PoliticusUSA:

Campaign Legal Center filed a complaint with the Federal Election Commission (FEC) against President Donald Trump’s reelection campaign and joint fundraising committee. The campaign and its committee violated the law by laundering nearly $170 million in campaign spending through firms headed by Trump’s former campaign manager, Brad Parscale, and other firms created by Trump campaign lawyers.

The campaign reported millions in payment–American Made and Parscale Strategy—which disbursed the funds to the campaign’s ultimate vendors. Ultimately, this hid millions in payments to companies engaged in significant work for the campaign, as well as payments to Trump family members or associates like Lara Trump and Kimberly Guilfoyle.

The Trump campaign appears to be laundering donations and using the money to pay Trump’s family and associates. Trump is also trying to hide money for work being done for his campaign.

“Voters have a right know how campaigns are spending money to influence elections,” said CLC President and former Republican Chair of the FEC Trevor Potter. “This scheme flies in the face of transparency requirements mandated by federal law, and it leaves voters and donors in the dark about where the campaign’s funds are actually going. This secrecy could also disguise other campaign finance violations, but we don’t know, because the campaign isn’t disclosing these routed payments.”

Donors and voters don’t know who is working for the campaign, what they are doing, and how much they are being paid. It is possible, some would say likely, knowing Trump that what the Campaign Legal Center found is the tip of the iceberg.

Trump has always viewed campaign donations as his money and has found numerous ways to line his own pockets with campaign donations.

Voters need to know where the money is going, but they probably won’t find out unless Joe Biden wins, and the FEC becomes a functional oversight body again.
Cool story bro.
Got any evidence he is the only one trying that? Got any evidence of any actual illegality?
I don't care.
Got any evidence he is the only one trying that? Got any evidence of any actual illegality?
Since 2016, the town has valued the golf club at roughly $15 million. And every year, the Trump family business has tried to knock down the value drastically. And yet, on White House financial disclosures, then-President Donald Trump declared the golf club was worth more than $50 million. This looks legal to you?
of course you haven't. You're perfectly happy with censored media...and lies of omission.

Do you realize how america hates this illegitimate fool in the white house. Americans...even democrats whose crusted eyes are starting to open know this.
The media doesn't decide his fate in court dumb ass.
There are far more details to this story.. IMO the fraud is deliberate. I'll post a second source.

Trump Rang In Birthday by Inflating Golf Club Value by $42 Million
Usatodaynews December 15, 20210
Photo Illustration by Thomas Levinson/The Daily Beast/Getty

A small town north of New York City is now openly confirming it has received subpoenas for two separate investigations into the Trump National Golf Club Westchester, where the Trump family has aggressively fought to lower its tax bill—while claiming a vastly inflated value elsewhere.

Since 2016, the town has valued the golf club at roughly $15 million. And every year, the Trump family business has tried to knock down the value drastically. And yet, on White House financial disclosures, then-President Donald Trump declared the golf club was worth more than $50 million.

“At least one of them is false,” said John Moscow, a renowned former prosecutor who spent 33 years at the Manhattan District Attorney’s Office. “This is a relatively clean way to prove these people lie to evade taxes and push the tax burden on honest taxpayers.”

at The Daily Beast.

…read more

Source:: The Daily Beast
I didn't know it was the president's birthday?

No....he was indicted for being Trump's accountant.
Seems all of the charges are against Weisselberg, not Trump.
The is nothing more than outright harassment for political purposes.
No, he was indicted for tax crimes. Being an accountant is not a crime.
I don't care.

Since 2016, the town has valued the golf club at roughly $15 million. And every year, the Trump family business has tried to knock down the value drastically. And yet, on White House financial disclosures, then-President Donald Trump declared the golf club was worth more than $50 million. This looks legal to you?

Again, the town is only concerned with the PROPERTY value for the PROPERTY taxes. The $50 is both the PROPERTY and the BUSINESS value.

Please prove me wrong on this.
He laundered a bank loan? How is that income? How is that hiding income?
Ask Trump. He can give you all the details; Inside the bank, compliance officers had been looking at some of the transactions that were going in and out of Donald Trump's bank accounts, and Jared Kushner's bank accounts, too. Kushner was also a big client of Deutsche Bank. And what they were seeing was that money, in some cases, was flowing to international sources, in some cases wealthy Russians — that raised a lot of concerns from a money-laundering perspective. So compliance officers within the bank essentially blew the whistle and said: These transactions are troubling. We need to report them as suspicious to the federal government. And these concerns were kind of elevated up the flagpole within Deutsche Bank, and managers and executives at a higher-level ultimately decided that, no, these concerns did not need to be escalated to the government or even reported to the government. But within the bank, there was a big concern that something weird was going on in the Trump bank accounts.

Why would Trump need to send all that loan money to wealthy Russians? Take a wild guess?
There are far more details to this story.. IMO the fraud is deliberate. I'll post a second source.

Trump Rang In Birthday by Inflating Golf Club Value by $42 Million
Usatodaynews December 15, 20210
Photo Illustration by Thomas Levinson/The Daily Beast/Getty

A small town north of New York City is now openly confirming it has received subpoenas for two separate investigations into the Trump National Golf Club Westchester, where the Trump family has aggressively fought to lower its tax bill—while claiming a vastly inflated value elsewhere.

Since 2016, the town has valued the golf club at roughly $15 million. And every year, the Trump family business has tried to knock down the value drastically. And yet, on White House financial disclosures, then-President Donald Trump declared the golf club was worth more than $50 million.

“At least one of them is false,” said John Moscow, a renowned former prosecutor who spent 33 years at the Manhattan District Attorney’s Office. “This is a relatively clean way to prove these people lie to evade taxes and push the tax burden on honest taxpayers.”

at The Daily Beast.

…read more

Source:: The Daily Beast

What's the timing of events, do you figure values are stagnant? Context matters, except of in PROG-view.

I was once responsible for the taxes on central assessed properties, big gas, airlines, electric, phone, all that shit. You know what all the big companies did and do? Nah, you wouldn't. They hire attorney's to negotiate values and tax obligations, they all do this, it's how the game is played, and failure to do so would demonstrate complete incompetence.

You ever tailor a resume' for a job? If so, I don't know, over there you were this guy, now you're over here, must be an orange-man.

Again, the town is only concerned with the PROPERTY value for the PROPERTY taxes. The $50 is both the PROPERTY and the BUSINESS value.

Please prove me wrong on this.
The $50 million is Trumps declaration on a financial disclosure. The town valued it at $15 million. Where did you all of a sudden get your$50 million from?
What's the timing of events, do you figure values are stagnant? Context matters, except of in PROG-view.

I was once responsible for the taxes on central assessed properties, big gas, airlines, electric, phone, all that shit. You know what all the big companies did and do? Nah, you wouldn't. They hire attorney's to negotiate values and tax obligations, they all do this, it's how the game is played, and failure to do so would demonstrate complete incompetence.

You ever tailor a resume' for a job? If so, I don't know, over here you were this guy, now you're over there, must be an orange-man.

Yes, I know and since you're a tax guy, you know this better than I do.. Read post #112.
Yes, I know and since you're a tax guy, you know this better than I do.. Read post #112.


More bad news for Trump Figures

A longtime accountant for former president Donald Trump — who helped prepare Trump’s taxes and the financial statements his company used to woo lenders — testified recently before a New York grand jury investigating Trump’s financial practices, according to two people familiar with that investigation.

Accountant Donald Bender, of the firm Mazars, appeared before a grand jury that was impaneled this fall by Manhattan District Attorney Cyrus R. Vance Jr. (D) to weigh potential criminal charges, the people said. Looks like the ongoing witch hunt for find anything and anything will do

In addition, in recent weeks prosecutors have interviewed Rosemary Vrablic, a former managing director at Deutsche Bank who arranged hundreds of millions of dollars in loans to Trump, according to people familiar with the investigation. Vrablic’s interview was not before the grand jury. Instead, one person said, prosecutors pressed Vrablic about Trump’s role in dealings with the bank.
The appearances by Bender and Vrablic suggest prosecutors are seeking information about Trump’s finances from a small circle of outside partners who handled details of Trump’s taxes and real estate deals. Bender and Vrablic were never Trump’s employees, but they knew more about his company’s inner workings than many employees did. Still looks like a witch hunt. This has gone on since day one, find anything, anything will do.. What's amazing to me is Trump still stands tall. If a person wants dirt on someone all they have to do is look deep enough. In Trump's case create a false narrative, and continue digging until the day he dies. That's what happens when you fuck with the establishment and their communist goals.

Prosecutors are investigating whether Trump’s company broke the law by giving widely different valuations for the same property at the same time. In what context? They don't know yet, this is a witch hunt.

In some cases, for instance, the Trump Organization provided low valuations to property-tax officials, while telling lenders that the same property was worth much more. Again, that's common all big business does this, and probably most small business as well. When you're paying millions and millions in taxes, you hire attorney's and accountants to revise values to lower the taxes. Eventually what happens are concessions between them. This confirms to me even more this is simply part of the ongoing & forever witch-hunt.
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Ask Trump. He can give you all the details; Inside the bank, compliance officers had been looking at some of the transactions that were going in and out of Donald Trump's bank accounts, and Jared Kushner's bank accounts, too. Kushner was also a big client of Deutsche Bank. And what they were seeing was that money, in some cases, was flowing to international sources, in some cases wealthy Russians — that raised a lot of concerns from a money-laundering perspective. So compliance officers within the bank essentially blew the whistle and said: These transactions are troubling. We need to report them as suspicious to the federal government. And these concerns were kind of elevated up the flagpole within Deutsche Bank, and managers and executives at a higher-level ultimately decided that, no, these concerns did not need to be escalated to the government or even reported to the government. But within the bank, there was a big concern that something weird was going on in the Trump bank accounts.

Why would Trump need to send all that loan money to wealthy Russians? Take a wild guess?
You know all of this. And yet at his point there are millions of Americans getting poorer due to the current people in power. This you did not know. They do not even admit the pain people are going through. As you do.

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