Trump Rang In Birthday by Inflating Golf Club Value by $42 Million

The $50 million is Trumps declaration on a financial disclosure. The town valued it at $15 million. Where did you all of a sudden get your$50 million from?

Again the only thing the town cares about is the Property Value. That's what it bases the property taxes off of. A declaration would include the Business Value AND the Property Value.
Are there any adults reading this thread? Jesus fuck!

EVERYBODY minimizes and underestimates the value of their real estate when addressing the local PROPERTY TAX authorities.

The value of the real estate is not the same as the value of the business. They are TWO DIFFERENT THINGS! It is analogous to the difference between a McDonald's restaurant and value of the property on which it sits. Two different, unrelated things.

FRAUD is misrepresenting facts for personal gain. What [the fuck] was the financial advantage to stating a higher value on the Presidential disclosure forms?

How fucking stupid can you be?
"The bank was so hungry for profits, for short-term profits, and so hungry to make a name for itself in the United States that it was really eager to just disregard any red flags that presented themselves with clients," Enrich says. "Trump would default on a bond offering. He would default on a loan. He would sue the bank. And yet, time after time, Deutsche Bank executives kept going back to him for more business." There is only one logical reason Deutsche bank would continually go back and give loans to Trump. You can't be that absent of brain cells, not to figure out this for yourself. No one was worse than Trump when it came to legitimate bank loans and default. But money laundering with foreign nationals; that's the best game in town. And Trump was their guy.
Moron, it says nothing about Trump laundering loans.
Lefties wring their hands about former president Trump's well investigated real estate adventures but not a word about the House Speaker's husband being investigated for insider trading.
There are far more details to this story.. IMO the fraud is deliberate. I'll post a second source.

Trump Rang In Birthday by Inflating Golf Club Value by $42 Million
Usatodaynews December 15, 20210
Photo Illustration by Thomas Levinson/The Daily Beast/Getty

A small town north of New York City is now openly confirming it has received subpoenas for two separate investigations into the Trump National Golf Club Westchester, where the Trump family has aggressively fought to lower its tax bill—while claiming a vastly inflated value elsewhere.

Since 2016, the town has valued the golf club at roughly $15 million. And every year, the Trump family business has tried to knock down the value drastically. And yet, on White House financial disclosures, then-President Donald Trump declared the golf club was worth more than $50 million.

“At least one of them is false,” said John Moscow, a renowned former prosecutor who spent 33 years at the Manhattan District Attorney’s Office. “This is a relatively clean way to prove these people lie to evade taxes and push the tax burden on honest taxpayers.”

at The Daily Beast.

…read more

Source:: The Daily Beast
I assume you're not keeping a track of property values at the moment.
Trump argued for a low tax value of 7 million and claims its worth $42 million. Did it work that way for you?
So the crime is he argued to the government that it should only be assessed at 7 million and argued to a bank that it was worth 42? Which criminal statute does that violate?

Did he force or bribe either entity to agree with him?

When was the last time you called up your tax assessor to have him raise the value of your home or other property so you could pay more in taxes?
It said the bank laundered money, not that a Trump loan was laundered. Durr.
And there are doubts that Deutsche didn't loan Trump the money to do the same? LOl! No one with a functioning brain would believe they wouldn't loan Trump money for illegal purposes.
And there are doubts that Deutsche didn't loan Trump the money to do the same? LOl! No one with a functioning brain would believe they wouldn't loan Trump money for illegal purposes.

And there are doubts that Deutsche didn't loan Trump the money to do the same?


No one with a functioning brain would believe they wouldn't loan Trump money for illegal purposes.

You must have tons of evidence...from your functioning brain.
There are far more details to this story.. IMO the fraud is deliberate. I'll post a second source.

Trump Rang In Birthday by Inflating Golf Club Value by $42 Million
Usatodaynews December 15, 20210
Photo Illustration by Thomas Levinson/The Daily Beast/Getty

A small town north of New York City is now openly confirming it has received subpoenas for two separate investigations into the Trump National Golf Club Westchester, where the Trump family has aggressively fought to lower its tax bill—while claiming a vastly inflated value elsewhere.

Since 2016, the town has valued the golf club at roughly $15 million. And every year, the Trump family business has tried to knock down the value drastically. And yet, on White House financial disclosures, then-President Donald Trump declared the golf club was worth more than $50 million.

“At least one of them is false,” said John Moscow, a renowned former prosecutor who spent 33 years at the Manhattan District Attorney’s Office. “This is a relatively clean way to prove these people lie to evade taxes and push the tax burden on honest taxpayers.”

at The Daily Beast.

…read more

Source:: The Daily Beast
its starting to appear trump will never embrace communism with bidens collapsing poll numbers the socialists are peeing their beds again
And there are doubts that Deutsche didn't loan Trump the money to do the same? LOl! No one with a functioning brain would believe they wouldn't loan Trump money for illegal purposes.
yeah but i thought putin was financing trump there chairman mao

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