Trump ranted, bragged, insulted and abruptly hung up on the Prime Minister of Australia


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015
you don't wanna piss off AC/DC!

No ‘G’day, mate’: On call with Australian prime minister, Trump badgers and brags

Instead, President Trump blasted Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull over a refugee agreement and boasted about the magnitude of his electoral college win, according to senior U.S. officials briefed on the Saturday exchange. Then, 25 minutes into what was expected to be an hour-long call, Trump abruptly ended it.

At one point Trump informed Turnbull that he had spoken with four other world leaders that day — including Russian President Vladimir Putin — and that, “This was the worst call by far.”

“This is the worst deal ever,” Trump fumed as Turnbull attempted to confirm that the United States would honor its pledge to take in 1,250 refugees from an Australian detention center. Trump, who one day earlier had signed an executive order temporarily barring the admissions of refugees, complained that he was “going to get killed” politically and accused Australia of seeking to export the “next Boston bombers.”
Meh not surprised Trump is pissed about the crap bomb Obama set up for him. Trump needs to remember that a lot of us saw what Obama did and won't abandon him for springing the booby-traps.
you don't wanna piss off AC/DC!

No ‘G’day, mate’: On call with Australian prime minister, Trump badgers and brags

Instead, President Trump blasted Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull over a refugee agreement and boasted about the magnitude of his electoral college win, according to senior U.S. officials briefed on the Saturday exchange. Then, 25 minutes into what was expected to be an hour-long call, Trump abruptly ended it.

At one point Trump informed Turnbull that he had spoken with four other world leaders that day — including Russian President Vladimir Putin — and that, “This was the worst call by far.”

“This is the worst deal ever,” Trump fumed as Turnbull attempted to confirm that the United States would honor its pledge to take in 1,250 refugees from an Australian detention center. Trump, who one day earlier had signed an executive order temporarily barring the admissions of refugees, complained that he was “going to get killed” politically and accused Australia of seeking to export the “next Boston bombers.”
------------------------------------------ why honor what mrobama arranged ??
Trump gives the finger to one of our staunchest historical allies. Love it.
------------------------------------------------------ i'd prefer to get along with the aussies but they aren't MUCH more than a lightly populated island with no power to speak of OldSchool . Let them keep mrobamas refugees and be friends with the asians that would love to settle in Australia OldSchool !!
Trump gives the finger to one of our staunchest historical allies. Love it.
------------------------------------------------------ i'd prefer to get along with the aussies but they aren't MUCH more than a lightly populated island with no power to speak of OldSchool . Let them keep mrobamas refugees and be friends with the asians that would love to settle in Australia OldSchool !!
Ya bro fuck 'em! Let the Asians have 'em go MAGAGAGAGAGAGAGA
Trump gives the finger to one of our staunchest historical allies. Love it.
------------------------------------------------------ i'd prefer to get along with the aussies but they aren't MUCH more than a lightly populated island with no power to speak of OldSchool . Let them keep mrobamas refugees and be friends with the asians that would love to settle in Australia OldSchool !!
Ya bro fuck 'em! Let the Asians have 'em go MAGAGAGAGAGAGAGA
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- hey , if whats his name Turnbull doesn't want to be nice , well , feck'em OldShool . And i like the aussies and their history for the most part . Aussies and Canadians are almost like / similar to Americans in my book OldSchool !!
Trump reminds me of a star high school quarterback still living in the glory of his teens, at 72...
Trump reminds me of a star high school quarterback still living in the glory of his teens, at 72...
----------------------------------------------------------------------- none of the repub / rino wusses woulda been better from MY point of view . And hillary - obama was totally unacceptable Moonglow !! Besides that , President Trump will probably soon be stepping out of the Presidency as he is going to Quit . :afro: [maybe']
He also seems to have threatened the President of Mexico with a US military invasion.

News from The Associated Press

Nieto, the Mexican president, is in a tough spot. He's mildly right-wing, and therefore predisposed to suck up to Trump, but the Mexican people universally despise Trump. If he had let if be known Trump made that threat and he said nothing, he'd be run out of office on a rail.
Trump reminds me of a star high school quarterback still living in the glory of his teens, at 72...
----------------------------------------------------------------------- none of the repub / rino wusses woulda been better from MY point of view . And hillary - obama was totally unacceptable Moonglow !! Besides that , President Trump will probably soon be stepping out of the Presidency as he is going to Quit . :afro: [maybe']
Oh sure, I am aware of that, but nobody likes the bragging drunk at the party...
He also seems to have threatened the President of Mexico with a US military invasion.

News from The Associated Press

Nieto, the Mexican president, is in a tough spot. He's mildly right-wing, and therefore predisposed to suck up to Trump, but the Mexican people universally despise Trump. If he had let if be known Trump made that threat and he said nothing, he'd be run out of office on a rail.
----------------------------------------------------------- GOOD , then maybe the mexican people could revolt and run their country or farm governing out completely to the cartels !!
Trump reminds me of a star high school quarterback still living in the glory of his teens, at 72...
----------------------------------------------------------------------- none of the repub / rino wusses woulda been better from MY point of view . And hillary - obama was totally unacceptable Moonglow !! Besides that , President Trump will probably soon be stepping out of the Presidency as he is going to Quit . :afro: [maybe']
Oh sure, I am aware of that, but nobody likes the bragging drunk at the party...
------------------------------------------------------------------ aw , we are only talking about an Aussie here Moonglow !!
Trump reminds me of a star high school quarterback still living in the glory of his teens, at 72...
----------------------------------------------------------------------- none of the repub / rino wusses woulda been better from MY point of view . And hillary - obama was totally unacceptable Moonglow !! Besides that , President Trump will probably soon be stepping out of the Presidency as he is going to Quit . :afro: [maybe']
Oh sure, I am aware of that, but nobody likes the bragging drunk at the party...
------------------------------------------------------------------ aw , we are only talking about an Aussie here Moonglow !!
No, I think it feel off on me...
I love Australia but I totally agree with Trump

Malcolm Turnbull is is a weak pathetic leader. YUCK

Hope he is gone soon.

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