trump rants on his media site about Tuesday's J6 hearing

Election meddling my ass. Asking them to investigate clearly suspect results (at best) is not meddling.
When you see the clear signs of fraud, you must investigate them.
Failing to acknowledge the massive cheating & law breaking revealed the top Georgia Repubs for what they are- part of the RINO wing of the UNiparty who wanted DT gone as much or more than the Dems
We are not a kingdom where one man rules. We are a country of rules and laws. trump and his "Keystone Kops" legal team had 60 plus court cases thrown put.

trump is a serial liar. The lies and conspiracy theories just exploded from these frauds. Even today trump and his allies are lying. They are planning to destroy our democracy. repubs that lose will claim voter fraud. repubs that will win praise the electoral process. That is the plan.

Give it up. The Fat POS lost. Go somewhere and chill out.
Election meddling my ass. Asking them to investigate clearly suspect results (at best) is not meddling.
When you see the clear signs of fraud, you must investigate them.
Failing to acknowledge the massive cheating & law breaking revealed the top Georgia Repubs for what they are- part of the RINO wing of the UNiparty who wanted DT gone as much or more than the Dems
The repub party has become a cult, a personality worshipping political party. Unless the GOP gets control of the party again...the trump repub party is determined to undermine future elections.

The repub party is allowing a man who more resembles a Mafia Boss than a politician to frighten it's members into submission. The repubs are scare of trump. They are COWARDS.
We are not a kingdom where one man rules. We are a country of rules and laws. trump and his "Keystone Kops" legal team had 60 plus court cases thrown put.

trump is a serial liar. The lies and conspiracy theories just exploded from these frauds. Even today trump and his allies are lying. They are planning to destroy our democracy. repubs that lose will claim voter fraud. repubs that will win praise the electoral process. That is the plan.

Give it up. The Fat POS lost. Go somewhere and chill out.
Right... dementia man got 81 mill votes by losing almost 400 more counties than Barry & it was a fraud free election.
The NWO patsy in the basement couldn't get more than 20 people to show up for him but he set records.
All the cheating we saw didn't really happen so I should ignore my common sense & lying eyes.
Resident Briben is an illegit fraud in a dirty diaper & as fake as your genders.
He's a POS & the whole world laughs at him & us for allowing him to pretend he won.
BTW, when was the last time Dems lost an election where they didn't cry foul & try to prevent the results?
Nice try proggy
Right... dementia man got 81 mill votes by losing almost 400 more counties than Barry & it was a fraud free election.
The NWO patsy in the basement couldn't get more than 20 people to show up for him but he set records.
All the cheating we saw didn't really happen so I should ignore my common sense & lying eyes.
Resident Briben is an illegit fraud in a dirty diaper & as fake as your genders.
He's a POS & the whole world laughs at him & us for allowing him to pretend he won.
BTW, when was the last time Dems lost an election where they didn't cry foul & try to prevent the results?
Nice try proggy
trump lost....get over it....don't be. Horse's Ass.....🐴ass
The repub party has become a cult, a personality worshipping political party. Unless the GOP gets control of the party again...the trump repub party is determined to undermine future elections.

The repub party is allowing a man who more resembles a Mafia Boss than a politician to frighten it's members into submission. The repubs are scare of trump. They are COWARDS.
Yes... we're the cult that wears face diapers, takes gene therapy experimental clot shots for a flu, believes weather will kill us & cows are a danger to the planet.
We support gender dysphoria, pedos & think a dude in a wig & dress should compete against women & have use of any bathroom they want.
We will kill people if they won't let us murder our babies, put groomers in schools, teach totally racist indoctrination & or support the police.
We are the party of safe spaces, microagressions, triggers, censorship & projections.
Oh wait... that's all the Dem cultists

Yes... we're the cult that wears face diapers, takes gene therapy experimental clot shots for a flu, believes weather will kill us & cows are a danger to the planet.
We support gender dysphoria, pedos & think a dude in a wig & dress should compete against women & have use of any bathroom they want.
We will kill people if they won't let us murder our babies, put groomers in schools, teach totally racist indoctrination & or support the police.
We are the party of safe spaces, microagressions, triggers, censorship & projections.
Oh wait... that's all the Dem cultists

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Naw....just a lying loser....later
BTW, when was the last time Dems lost an election where they didn't cry foul & try to prevent the results?

Frau Clinton went at it full blown ‘it was the Russians!’ after her 2016 defeat. Always writes a book, and bores British TV viewers almost to death with her rants on nearly every TV show going.

I’m surprised she didn’t appear on Love Island.
Frau Clinton went at it full blown ‘it was the Russians!’ after her 2016 defeat. Always writes a book, and bores British TV viewers almost to death with her rants on nearly every TV show going.

I’m surprised she didn’t appear on Love Island.

Hillary is but one person and it ended up, she was partially correct. Without the help of the Russians and Cohen, Rump would not have been elected.
Hillary is but one person and it ended up, she was partially correct. Without the help of the Russians and Cohen, Rump would not have been elected.

So you don’t respect the judgement of the electorate.
So you don’t respect the judgement of the electorate.

Yes I do. But it didn't take a lot to change a few electorates views to affect the outcome. Some of this blame goes to Obama who should have clamped down hard on the Russian interference. But he was worried that it would appear he was getting involved in the elections. The last straw was Comey giving his "Press Release" even though he should NEVER have given it in the first place. While I don't want Hillary for President, I didn't want Rump either.
Yes I do. But it didn't take a lot to change a few electorates views to affect the outcome. Some of this blame goes to Obama who should have clamped down hard on the Russian interference. But he was worried that it would appear he was getting involved in the elections. The last straw was Comey giving his "Press Release" even though he should NEVER have given it in the first place. While I don't want Hillary for President, I didn't want Rump either.

We seem to have veered off course. I was hi lighting Clinton’s sour grapes.
Frau Clinton went at it full blown ‘it was the Russians!’ after her 2016 defeat. Always writes a book, and bores British TV viewers almost to death with her rants on nearly every TV show going.

I’m surprised she didn’t appear on Love Island.
Dems objected & tried to prevent both of GW Bush's election victories.
They do this every time they can't cheat enough to win & then screech that protesting an election is going to destroy the country when the Repubs do it for legit reasons.
IDK if these previous elections were legit but I know 2020 wasn't & no amount of name calling or cancel attempts are going to prevent me from telling the truth
Hillary is but one person and it ended up, she was partially correct. Without the help of the Russians and Cohen, Rump would not have been elected.
Don't forget the Australian who owns FOX. Now he published open eds on how trump is bad....while continuing to push lies and conspiracy theories.

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