Trump refuses to commit to election results... BUT

Al Gore didn't accept the results of the 2000 election either. He sued the State of Florida to force a recount in largely Democratic counties. So Trump wasn't alone. What he said is nothing close to a headline, there is actual precedent involved here.

So what's the big deal?

I can tell you're listening to the Reich wing--there is absolutely NO comparison to Al Gore and what Donald Trump stated tonight.

If someone would have asked Al Gore or G.W. Bush will you accept the result of the election, they both would have said OF COURSE without any hesitation Any nominee would have except Donald Trump. Donald Trump is the only one in this nation that has EVER questioned our Democracy and the process of our election.

This is an attack by a Presidential nominee on our Democracy, or system of government, and our election process.

You really couldn't have found a worse nominee, than Donald Trump if you had gone out on a midnight scavenger hunt in search of one.


He's right, the system is rigged and has been for decades. Our democracy and process of election needs to be questioned because it no longer works.

At one time liberals prided themselves on questioning authority, but now they shill for the global elite. Useful idiots the lot of them

You don't question authority, you just want to have your way regardless.
Al Gore didn't accept the results of the 2000 election either. He sued the State of Florida to force a recount in largely Democratic counties. So Trump wasn't alone. What he said is nothing close to a headline, there is actual precedent involved here.

So what's the big deal?

I can tell you're listening to the Reich wing--there is absolutely NO comparison to Al Gore and what Donald Trump stated tonight.

If someone would have asked Al Gore or G.W. Bush will you accept the result of the election, they both would have said OF COURSE without any hesitation Any nominee would have except Donald Trump. Donald Trump is the only one in this nation that has EVER questioned our Democracy and the process of our election.

This is an attack by a Presidential nominee on our Democracy, or system of government, and our election process.

You really couldn't have found a worse nominee, than Donald Trump if you had gone out on a midnight scavenger hunt in search of one.


He's right, the system is rigged and has been for decades. Our democracy and process of election needs to be questioned because it no longer works.

At one time liberals prided themselves on questioning authority, but now they shill for the global elite. Useful idiots the lot of them

You don't question authority, you just want to have your way regardless.

Now you are projecting
You are one dense moron. But you're just doing what tools do

No, it was a close election and Gore fought to continue the recount, he lost his court battle, didn't bitch and whine about it, instead he conceded.

What I think really sucks for Trump is this is the flavor left after the debate. The media is going to be rolling around with Trump not accepting the results of our democratic system, Republican politicians will once again be called to either endorse or run away from Trump. This is not where the Trump campaign needed to be considering how far behind they are.

It's a good night.

EDIT: And there ya' go, just like in the first two debates both the legit polls CNN and YouGov have declared Clinton in their polls of debate watchers.

Clinton 52%
Trump 39%

Clinton 49%
Trump 39%

Very good night.

Haha, non scientific flash polling. Gets em every time.

They are both scientific polls.

Ahem. YouGov is the same poll that polls satirical questions comparing Trump and Hillary to various forms of cancer and species of cockroach. That makes a poll like that hard to take seriously.

Let's also not forget what CNN was caught doing trying to coach their focus group.

But this thread is over. Al Gore refused to accept the election results, and that spurred a month long litigation battle in which the SCOTUS ruled against him. That's that.

Good night.

CNN and YouGov are the only two pollsters that have any valid reputation at all that conduct after debate polls. Unlike you morons who praised every online unscientific poll you guys could get your hands on.

As already noted, Al Gore is not the one who began the recount, it was the state of Florida, he fought to keep the recount going and the GOP fought to shut it down. In the end, Gore conceded after the recount, apart of the election process was stopped.

Where as Trump has called our democracy rigged, has stated in the past that voter fraud, possibly committed by illegal immigrants could invalidate the election. Because he reads the same stupid shit you people do.

Florida instituted a mandatory recount--because that's what most states will do, if the spread is within 1%. Al Gore was on his way to concede the election, and was called and said wait--we're recounting. That's year 2000. Then it went into other issues, they asked for a state wide recount again, and the U.S. Supreme Court said no, and Al Gore conceded the election.

Al Gore never stated that he didn't respect or would not adhere to the will of the voters. Donald Trump indicated tonight that's what his intentions are.

He wants suspense, he wants to put on another Reality show. That's all this is about.
Nice spin dolt

It's not a spin, it's a question.

"Al Gore was robbed" is accepting the results?

Are you seriously that stupid?

Al Gore accepted the results.

You are one dense moron. But you're just doing what tools do

No, it was a close election and Gore fought to continue the recount, he lost his court battle, didn't bitch and whine about it, instead he conceded.

What I think really sucks for Trump is this is the flavor left after the debate. The media is going to be rolling around with Trump not accepting the results of our democratic system, Republican politicians will once again be called to either endorse or run away from Trump. This is not where the Trump campaign needed to be considering how far behind they are.

It's a good night.

EDIT: And there ya' go, just like in the first two debates both the legit polls CNN and YouGov have declared Clinton in their polls of debate watchers.

Clinton 52%
Trump 39%

Clinton 49%
Trump 39%

Very good night.
Drudge 75 to Trump 25 to Clinton.
Yeah bub, consider the source.
Al Gore didn't accept the results of the 2000 election either. He sued the State of Florida to force a recount in largely Democratic counties. So Trump wasn't alone. What he said is nothing close to a headline, there is actual precedent involved here.

So what's the big deal?

I can tell you're listening to the Reich wing--there is absolutely NO comparison to Al Gore and what Donald Trump stated tonight.

If someone would have asked Al Gore or G.W. Bush will you accept the result of the election, they both would have said OF COURSE without any hesitation Any nominee would have except Donald Trump. Donald Trump is the only one in this nation that has EVER questioned our Democracy and the process of our election.

This is an attack by a Presidential nominee on our Democracy, or system of government, and our election process.

You really couldn't have found a worse nominee, than Donald Trump if you had gone out on a midnight scavenger hunt in search of one.


He's right, the system is rigged and has been for decades. Our democracy and process of election needs to be questioned because it no longer works.

At one time liberals prided themselves on questioning authority, but now they shill for the global elite. Useful idiots the lot of them

You don't question authority, you just want to have your way regardless.

Now you are projecting

How so?
It's not a spin, it's a question.

"Al Gore was robbed" is accepting the results?

Are you seriously that stupid?

Al Gore accepted the results.

You are one dense moron. But you're just doing what tools do

No, it was a close election and Gore fought to continue the recount, he lost his court battle, didn't bitch and whine about it, instead he conceded.

What I think really sucks for Trump is this is the flavor left after the debate. The media is going to be rolling around with Trump not accepting the results of our democratic system, Republican politicians will once again be called to either endorse or run away from Trump. This is not where the Trump campaign needed to be considering how far behind they are.

It's a good night.

EDIT: And there ya' go, just like in the first two debates both the legit polls CNN and YouGov have declared Clinton in their polls of debate watchers.

Clinton 52%
Trump 39%

Clinton 49%
Trump 39%

Very good night.
Drudge 75 to Trump 25 to Clinton.
Yeah bub, consider the source.

It's an online poll that is easily manipulated, don't even have to get into who the source is.
As already noted, Al Gore is not the one who began the recount, it was the state of Florida,.

Florida election law requires recount when the winning margin is below one percent I think . Bush sued in Federal Court to stop the recounts.

No Florida did do a recount--that was mandatory--then the butterfly ballot issue came out in one or two precincts--then the Florida State Supreme court ruled that they should do another or 3rd state wide recount, and that's when the U.S. Supreme court stepped in and said enough.

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