Trump Refuses to Give Video Security Footage of Agents to Department of Justice

Trump is the one who said it, but also said the documents were his. How can you have it both ways? Do you know?
Obviously Trump can have it both ways, in that when he was president, he had totally authority to give away classified docs to anyone, including himself.
But Trump has no way of knowing what the FBI is claiming they found, so just in case they did find anything incriminating, he would want to have already disavowed anything.
For example, they might have found drugs?
Trump may have had a porno collection?
He's trying to incite violence against FBI agents by accusing them of planting evidence. But the vid will show he's a liar which may or not bode well for him when some of his supporters figure out that Trump is a lying bastard who will say anything to save his own ass. And if that involves some nut attacking the FBI so be it because Trump doesn't give a shit.

Videos can't show anything.
Magicians can easy cause illusions right in front of your face, so videos are much easier to fake.
You can pull something out of a coat and make it look like you are getting it from a desk.
Obviously Trump can have it both ways, in that when he was president, he had totally authority to give away classified docs to anyone, including himself.
But Trump has no way of knowing what the FBI is claiming they found, so just in case they did find anything incriminating, he would want to have already disavowed anything.
For example, they might have found drugs?
Trump may have had a porno collection?
There is no law in the land that allows Trump to have classified documents at his home. You are too ignorant for intelligent debate.
Obviously Trump can have it both ways, in that when he was president, he had totally authority to give away classified docs to anyone, including himself.
But Trump has no way of knowing what the FBI is claiming they found, so just in case they did find anything incriminating, he would want to have already disavowed anything.
For example, they might have found drugs?
Trump may have had a porno collection?
But Trump has no way of knowing what the FBI is claiming they found, Trump is the one who said the FBI planted the documents, so he is claiming he knows what is there. Are you stupid or what?
wah wah go call the wambulance.
You're not the fbi anymore . You're the militant wing of the dem party.

How does this HELP trump or Defend his LIES of that day?

This is just another example of trump spreading lies and false actuations and with holding evidence.

Gawd he's a stain on America.
No...they want it so they can destroy it & say Trump never gave it to them.

Probably shows them wearing melanias panties.
There would be copies made by trump.

trump is probably trying to alter the videos and then when the FBI actually gets it, trump will scream that the FBI doctored the video.

Now, I actually think trump is smart enough to know this is just a delay tactic, but dumb enough to try it.
We still never actually knew what that meant? Was it to get rid of all real patriots, the rule of law, the Constitution, and Democracy?

The deep state is not comprised of "patriots." Nor do they follow the rule of law, the US Constitution, and the principles of Democracy. They are instead interested only in preserving the status quo, increasing the size and scope of the federal government, and enriching the corporate and globalist interests that put them in power, as well as enriching themselves, all at the expense of the people.

They are lifelong bureaucrats, many of whom were not even elected. They have no accountability to the people they work for, who is you and I. They cannot be removed, and are not held to the same standards. They rule by fiat, without regard for law or respect for the people who pay their salaries.

For an outsider like Trump to come along, was an aggrievous insult to them. Therefore he had to be destroyed, just as they would try to destroy anyone else who stands in their way.
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Maybe because your boy accused the FBI of planting evidence.
Hey, Genius, the vid they want is from PRIOR to the raid. My assumption is they want to see if he moved or took anything. My guess is that when the House gavel changes hands next January, the Rs are going to find a LOT of J6 videos inexplicably "missing". Perhaps Trump's equipment should have similar "failures".
There would be copies made by trump.

Damn straight.

Trump would have also labeled an empty file folder "FBI WEARING MY WIFES PANTIES" and left it in the box for them to see.

Hey, Genius, the vid they want is from PRIOR to the raid. My assumption is they want to see if he moved or took anything. My guess is that when the House gavel changes hands next January, the Rs are going to find a LOT of J6 videos inexplicably "missing". Perhaps Trump's equipment should have similar "failures".
Guess what genius? DOJ has video evidence from Mar A Lago dated drom Jan- June of this year that was obtained by supeona. So now they know who was lurking around MAL in & around that storage room including Trump & what he may or may not have been up to with those documents. Videos don't lie.

Next up? His lawyers throw him under the bus.
I read several of the posts about these 'security videos' from MAL.

I'm trying to imagine if I was the DOJ's 'case runner' on this purloined document gig.....or the case-runner's boss ....well, I'd begin to think 'why doesn't he want us to see what is conveyed in the videos?' What's up with that? That alone would pique my curiosity.
That, and the following reasons....would likely urge me to seek a subpoena. Promptly

These are real concerns:

  • First, the videos may show the comings & goings of questionable people into the storage room of these top secret documents, which then may offer insight on the possible exposure of the nation's secrets to malevolent interests.
  • They may show the migration---or lack thereof --- of the documents themselves. After all, there are reports that boxes of documents were moved to another golf course of the ex-president.
  • They may offer some insight on the reported 'empty folder' question.
So, sure......I could understand the DOJ's interest in viewing these tapes.
I'm sure we all can understand that.
I read several of the posts about these 'security videos' from MAL.

I'm trying to imagine if I was the DOJ's 'case runner' on this purloined document gig.....or the case-runner's boss ....well, I'd begin to think 'why doesn't he want us to see what is conveyed in the videos?' What's up with that? That alone would pique my curiosity.
That, and the following reasons....would likely urge me to seek a subpoena. Promptly

These are real concerns:

  • First, the videos may show the comings & goings of questionable people into the storage room of these top secret documents, which then may offer insight on the possible exposure of the nation's secrets to malevolent interests.
  • They may show the migration---or lack thereof --- of the documents themselves. After all, there are reports that boxes of documents were moved to another golf course of the ex-president.
  • They may offer some insight on the reported 'empty folder' question.
So, sure......I could understand the DOJ's interest in viewing these tapes.
I'm sure we all can understand that.
what if a homeless migrant was in there, then what?

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