Trump Refuses to Give Video Security Footage of Agents to Department of Justice

Screw the corrupt DOJ.
Fuck those assholes.
Fuck those idiots.

It seems that the good poster 'scruffy', despite his self-described expertise in electronics, drones, security, sniper rifles....and possessing a self-claimed medical degree, to boot, well, he is also adept at cheesy vulgarity.

THAT, dear readers, could be speculated as the product of his hard-earned Trump University degree in Civic Comportment and Discourse.

Gotta be impressed with scruffy's self-awarded curriculum vitae.

I love this bar!

It seems that the good poster 'scruffy', despite his self-described expertise in electronics, drones, security, sniper rifles....and possessing a self-claimed medical degree, to boot, well, he is also adept at cheesy vulgarity.

THAT, dear readers, could be speculated as the product of his hard-earned Trump University degree in Civic Comportment and Discourse.

Gotta be impressed with scruffy's self-awarded curriculum vitae.

I love this bar!

And yet...

I'm always right, and you're always wrong.

Why is that?

Oh wait.... I think I know.... :p
What legitimate reason could the DOJ possibly have for asking for that video? They should have sent the FBI with body cams if they wanted video evidence of what they did in that house.

Evidence of what they did in that house is the last thing that they want. The first thing they want is to find out what exactly those vids show, so they decide how to react.

The question is "Will the tapes show actions that can be explained as legal methods of search, or will they show planting of documents or sniffing of panties and force us to sacrifice one of our own as we did Clinesmith?"
Your title is misleading. After reading three different stories, it appears they are looking at evidence of how the documents were stored, maintained and access to the room before the search warrant was served, if that video exists, not of their own agents at the time of the search.
I doubt it exists to a great extent as it is probably recorded over.
The court can ask for what they want but to be honest if I had video that the state was looking to use to put me in jail it would not be hard to simply destroy it. It is never a good idea to give the cops what they want as the only outcome that can possibly happen is negative for you.

This bs about him having video of the agents raiding the house but he has not released it does show that the agents did nothing untoward. Just like the 'stolen election' his supports do not care or need evidence though and will cling to this lie just like all the others. He can do no wrong.
What legitimate reason could the DOJ possibly have for asking for that video? They should have sent the FBI with body cams if they wanted video evidence of what they did in that house.

Evidence of what they did in that house is the last thing that they want. The first thing they want is to find out what exactly those vids show, so they decide how to react.

The question is "Will the tapes show actions that can be explained as legal methods of search, or will they show planting of documents or sniffing of panties and force us to sacrifice one of our own as we did Clinesmith?"
White already pointed out why in 46.
sniffing of panties

Eeeeeeuw! Just what's up with poster Flop's references to women's underwear and body odors?
Surely there are others here that think that obsessing is more than a little icky?

Pardon me for my curiosity, but.....but whadahell is this fascination among the forum's QLoops with women's panties?
How many of our anti-LizardPeople posters here keep circling back to Melania's lingerie drawer? And not only how many.....but how often do they keep going there?

Look, I ain't no psychologist or such, but even I gotta wonder what is driving this obsession with women's undies?
wah wah go call the wambulance.
You're not the fbi anymore . You're the militant wing of the dem party.

You`re not a grown up, are you?
The deep state is not comprised of "patriots." Nor do they follow the rule of law, the US Constitution, and the principles of Democracy. They are instead interested only in preserving the status quo, increasing the size and scope of the federal government, and enriching the corporate and globalist interests that put them in power, as well as enriching themselves, all at the expense of the people.

They are lifelong bureaucrats, many of whom were not even elected. They have no accountability to the people they work for, who is you and I. They cannot be removed, and are not held to the same standards. They rule by fiat, without regard for law or respect for the people who pay their salaries.

For an outsider like Trump to come along, was an aggrievous insult to them. Therefore he had to be destroyed, just as they would try to destroy anyone else who stands in their way.
Crazy people say crazy things like "deep state". I hope that you`re under the care of professionals.
White already pointed out why in 46.
This from White 6 :

Your title is misleading. After reading three different stories, it appears they are looking at evidence of how the documents were stored, maintained and access to the room before the search warrant was served, if that video exists, not of their own agents at the time of the search.
I doubt it exists to a great extent as it is probably recorded over.
That may be the excuse they gave, but what I said is the real reason they are so afraid. They could have included security footage in the subpoena if they wanted historical evidence from before the raid.

If that reasoning is correct, what was the point of asking Trump's security staff to turn off the security cameras during the raid?

The idea of the corrupt DOJ being able to subpoena videos made in a private residence should seem creepy to any privacy loving American.

Eeeeeeuw! Just what's up with poster Flop's references to women's underwear and body odors?
Surely there are others here that think that obsessing is more than a little icky?

Pardon me for my curiosity, but.....but whadahell is this fascination among the forum's QLoops with women's panties?
How many of our anti-LizardPeople posters here keep circling back to Melania's lingerie drawer? And not only how many.....but how often do they keep going there?

Look, I ain't no psychologist or such, but even I gotta wonder what is driving this obsession with women's undies?
It was the DNC/DOJ/FBI who took the panties, so they would be the ones to ask about the obsession.

Just as an aside, I have noticed that when posters use contrived writing styles, such as referring to someone in the third person when addressing them and calling them "good poster ________," it is to make sure they use a different writing style than they do in other accounts.
I would imagine that Trump sees this coming and is well prepared for it.
I think he saw the 1st one coming. He refused to give up the Crossfire and other very incriminating evidence

We'll have to wait for the Special Masterbater. Meanwhile aliens landed on Martha's Vineyard....lololololol
If they exist, they will get them or it will be contempt, possibly obstruction and hurt them at trial, if there is one. Why Mar-a-Lago would ever keep more than a couple of weeks is beyond me. I can understand why they would not want to cooperate, but a court order is a court order, at least in the rest of the country and with anybody else.
It would be interesting to see who has access to locations Trump was storing TOP SECRET documents
I think he saw the 1st one coming. He refused to give up the Crossfire and other very incriminating evidence

We'll have to wait for the Special Masterbater. Meanwhile aliens landed on Martha's Vineyard....lololololol
Yea, I read about how the raid might have been part of Trump's legal strategy, and how he baited the fbi. Trump is pretty good at 3d chess...
The court can ask for what they want but to be honest if I had video that the state was looking to use to put me in jail it would not be hard to simply destroy it. It is never a good idea to give the cops what they want as the only outcome that can possibly happen is negative for you.

This bs about him having video of the agents raiding the house but he has not released it does show that the agents did nothing untoward. Just like the 'stolen election' his supports do not care or need evidence though and will cling to this lie just like all the others. He can do no wrong.
Oh surely you are an honorable man, thinking Don an honorable man, who would never do something like that. :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
Why would the DOJ need these tapes?
Hey Halfwit, to see what trump had lied about.
We know he lied, the video will confirm it.

Of course that's why trump stain is with holding evidence.

Duped again.
none of what you said "hurts" americans
america is suffering every day b/c of the lies of your boy in the w/h.
Hey, I can't stand Biden either.
But I will stand up for him when you LIE.

Anyway, I find it the conservative thing to do is to cast lies and blame the other side for LYING, when all trump did for his ENTIRE life is LIE.
Are you kidding? Not only to defend themselves from Trump's bogus allegations but also to see who had access to these docs

See above
Trump can release it in his own chosen speed, then.

Hey Halfwit, to see what trump had lied about.
We know he lied, the video will confirm it.
If you haven't seen the video, you haven't seen it confirmed, so how do "we know he lied?"

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