Trump Reminds Us All We Have A Savior

Except (as has already been pointed out), he did NONE of that. He was more interested in padding his own wallet than those of the voters of this country.
It's too bad you faithful still can't see that.
Again, an example with proof, please. We might also discuss the money Speaker Pelosi has made this time around as Speaker. She has done the same in the past. We could also discuss the Russian Hoax, the Ukraine phone call, etc. All I see from your side are more false claims and speculations.
Again, an example with proof, please. We might also discuss the money Speaker Pelosi has made this time around as Speaker. She has done the same in the past. We could also discuss the Russian Hoax, the Ukraine phone call, etc. All I see from your side are more false claims and speculations.
My issue with Trump (as with Pelosi) is not that he made money while he was in office. That is to be expected. It's that he genuinely didn't care about actually doing the job of being President. Just loving the popularity and notoriety that came along with it. No more was that evident when the coronavirus broke. The first time Trump's presidency was truly tested. Instead of springing into action and listening to his advisers, he instead golfed liberally, tweeted incessantly, and held his high school pep rallies that shadowed every Democratic primary until the middle of March, 2020. All while the virus was allowed to gain a foothold and spread.

I got another example of how Trump didn't care about the job. One of his first stops after inauguration was the CIA Memorial Wall. Instead of talking about the sacrifices of the men and women whose stars were on the wall, he bragged about his inauguration crowd size. Made it all about him. Which pretty much sums up his Presidency. Unfortunately, the Trump Tower meeting (collusion) did happen, the Ukraine phone call (pressuring another leader to dig up dirt on his political rival) did happen. All Trump's doing. Why? Well, in a nutshell, he was incompetent and corrupt. People like Trump, can seldom pivot or display any self-awareness. He just isn't capable of it.
My issue with Trump (as with Pelosi) is not that he made money while he was in office. That is to be expected. It's that he genuinely didn't care about actually doing the job of being President. Just loving the popularity and notoriety that came along with it. No more was that evident when the coronavirus broke. The first time Trump's presidency was truly tested. Instead of springing into action and listening to his advisers, he instead golfed liberally, tweeted incessantly, and held his high school pep rallies that shadowed every Democratic primary until the middle of March, 2020. All while the virus was allowed to gain a foothold and spread.

I got another example of how Trump didn't care about the job. One of his first stops after inauguration was the CIA Memorial Wall. Instead of talking about the sacrifices of the men and women whose stars were on the wall, he bragged about his inauguration crowd size. Made it all about him. Which pretty much sums up his Presidency. Unfortunately, the Trump Tower meeting (collusion) did happen, the Ukraine phone call (pressuring another leader to dig up dirt on his political rival) did happen. All Trump's doing. Why? Well, in a nutshell, he was incompetent and corrupt. People like Trump, can seldom pivot or display any self-awareness. He just isn't capable of it.
Feelings and opinions with little in depth research. Anyway, back to religious topics for me. Hoping you have fun here. :)
The President did not "sell out" the environment. In some areas he did put the environment second, and he was working on regrowth in those areas as well. And God save us from "worker protections". Take a hint from the feminist movement that insisted that females needed no protection from men as we are quite capable of protecting ourselves. As a worker, I am quite capable of protecting myself but those "government protections" keep getting in my way.

Climate & Environment

Trump rolled back more
than 125 environmental
safeguards. Here’s how.​

The administration has allowed more pollution, drilling and logging
while weakening protections for animals such as bees, bears and birds​
trump dated stormy daniels -


really ...
trump said he was the chosen one as he looked up to the sky.

rick perry said that trump was sent by god.

niki haley said that trump was sent by god.

mike pompeo said that trump was sent by god.

What a day it has become when I am agreeing with you. Hell, you probably feel the same way.
The OP has made other comparisons of Trump to Jesus, so is it any surprise that she is anxiously awaiting his second coming.

I guess she missed the part about false prophets.
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They were speaking into a mirror. Trump was sent by D-O-G . . .

& not only did trump bang a porn star - but a bunny as well.

hmmmm.... posing for a pic with his said 3rdwife/baby mama... & daughter -


lotsa facts.
Again, an example with proof, please. We might also discuss the money Speaker Pelosi has made this time around as Speaker. She has done the same in the past. We could also discuss the Russian Hoax, the Ukraine phone call, etc. All I see from your side are more false claims and speculations.
Yeah, we could discuss the "Russian hoax" which was not a hoax, except in Trump's speeches to his sheep. The Ukraine phone calls? A hoax also, even with an honorable whistleblower and other officials appointed by trump? Really?
Let's compare Trump's accumulation of 7 billion dollars during his first year in office (He announced this to the UN General Assembly) to Pelosi's stock purchases, yes?

You have an example of my proof, please.
Feelings and opinions with little in depth research. Anyway, back to religious topics for me. Hoping you have fun here. :)
That post was an accurate portrayal of trump and factual. What is it gonna take--the incarceration of trump's opposition?

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