Trump Reminds Us All We Have A Savior

For all of you still insisting that we worship Trump, you know nobody else agrees with you right?
He’s being modest and humble.

That’s just the way He is.

So then somebody saying their beneath Jesus Christ is just being modest and humble and don't actually believe that He is Lord? You have a lot of nerve for judging him like that if that's what you truly believe.
For all of you still insisting that we worship Trump, you know nobody else agrees with you right?

Praying to the Golden Idol

But he saved you from none of that. Why? Because he wasn't interested in delivering any of those things. In fact, he wasn't interested in the job period.
You shouldn't be worried about the size of government, but its efficiency.
President Trump did reduce rules and regulations. He was interested in the job.

Yes, we should be concerned with the size of the government because efficiency is never found in bloat. We have a bloated government. Reduce the size, an increase in efficiency will occur through necessity. Just like a runner, a lean, fit government runs better than one with bloat.
President Trump did reduce rules and regulations. He was interested in the job.

Yes, we should be concerned with the size of the government because efficiency is never found in bloat. We have a bloated government. Reduce the size, an increase in efficiency will occur through necessity. Just like a runner, a lean, fit government runs better than one with bloat.
Trump sold out the environment and worker protections

He did nothing to reduce the size of the government
Trump sold out the environment and worker protections
The President did not "sell out" the environment. In some areas he did put the environment second, and he was working on regrowth in those areas as well. And God save us from "worker protections". Take a hint from the feminist movement that insisted that females needed no protection from men as we are quite capable of protecting ourselves. As a worker, I am quite capable of protecting myself but those "government protections" keep getting in my way.
The President did not "sell out" the environment. In some areas he did put the environment second, and he was working on regrowth in those areas as well. And God save us from "worker protections". Take a hint from the feminist movement that insisted that females needed no protection from men as we are quite capable of protecting ourselves. As a worker, I am quite capable of protecting myself but those "government protections" keep getting in my way.
Trump reduced regulations that protected the environment, workplace safety and worker rights.

Nothing to brag about
So many ways that his tenure created our current status:
In your own words, please. After all, I am having a discussion with you, not Berkeley. (I am often in disagreement with them as well.)
Trump reduced regulations that protected the environment, workplace safety and worker rights.

Nothing to brag about
Those of us who are sick and tired of being bubble-wrapped by the government and set on shelf disagree. When did so many become too weak to protect themselves? Who encouraged us to become that weak?
Those of us who are sick and tired of being bubble-wrapped by the government and set on shelf disagree. When did so many become too weak to protect themselves? Who encouraged us to become that weak?

Expecting a clean environment and safe workplace is not weakness
President Trump did reduce rules and regulations. He was interested in the job.

Yes, we should be concerned with the size of the government because efficiency is never found in bloat. We have a bloated government. Reduce the size, an increase in efficiency will occur through necessity. Just like a runner, a lean, fit government runs better than one with bloat.
Trump eliminated environmental regulations in the interest of his donators--for profit. He cooked the economy--for profit. The regulations were put into place to protect you from industry that would poison our environment at the expense of your health. Industry was actually doing ok with the regulations, were adjusting nicely, and huge tax and regulation reductions were unnecessary. When an economy is overcooked, the result is recession down the road--unintended consequences. Example: Clinton had 8 great economic years because he relaxed regulations. Result? Recession for Bush to deal with. let's not forget the great recession that Obama had to deal with, or the recession that Reagan got us out of. All, except Carter's (stagflation and inflation) were caused by runaway economies. Trump was interested in profit for himself. The job was simply a way to achieve that goal
Expecting a clean environment and safe workplace is not weakness
We are working for that goal and have been for a very long time. President Trump did nothing that would prevent us from meeting goals for the environment.

I mourn the loss of natural wildlife on the hills and wetlands surrounding me. However, the people who insisted houses be planted in the hills I used to walk won out--and nor were they in favor of me traipsing through their backyards even though I walked freely in those areas long before they arrived. (They did throw in a few parks--not the same, but at least something.)
We are working for that goal and have been for a very long time. President Trump did nothing that would prevent us from meeting goals for the environment.

I mourn the loss of natural wildlife on the hills and wetlands surrounding me. However, the people who insisted houses be planted in the hills I used to walk won out--and nor were they in favor of me traipsing through their backyards even though I walked freely in those areas long before they arrived. (They did throw in a few parks--not the same, but at least something.)
Trump sold out the environment for profit
In your own words, please. After all, I am having a discussion with you, not Berkeley. (I am often in disagreement with them as well.
I have stated many times on this site what my thoughts are about trump's handling of his presidency.
My thoughts, which I have expressed, are replicated by Berkley and others. There is little or nothing to disagree with, unless you disagree to disagree.
The great disaster now is his claim of a stolen election(which he knows he lost) and the insurrection, which is a sideways attempt to usurp our democracy and have him installed, regardless of the vote of the people, as in an autocracy. As usual, the instigators are walking free and the little people who he exploited, are going to jail.
We are working for that goal and have been for a very long time. President Trump did nothing that would prevent us from meeting goals for the environment.

I mourn the loss of natural wildlife on the hills and wetlands surrounding me. However, the people who insisted houses be planted in the hills I used to walk won out--and nor were they in favor of me traipsing through their backyards even though I walked freely in those areas long before they arrived. (They did throw in a few parks--not the same, but at least something.)
Trump reclaimed 3 million acres of pristine land for oil production, sold thousands of Forest acreage in California for logging, eliminated 100 regulations pertaining to the environment--for profit, fought the auto industry on the mpg issue (they were in favor of raising the mpg).
President Trump did reduce rules and regulations. He was interested in the job.

Yes, we should be concerned with the size of the government because efficiency is never found in bloat. We have a bloated government. Reduce the size, an increase in efficiency will occur through necessity. Just like a runner, a lean, fit government runs better than one with bloat.
Except (as has already been pointed out), he did NONE of that. He was more interested in padding his own wallet than those of the voters of this country.
It's too bad you faithful still can't see that.

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