Trump Removed from Maine Primary Ballot

So anyone can kick someone off a ballot then. Are you ever not a Dumbfuck? Ever?
Don't worry, because Trump has now been restored to the Colorado ballot, and so the election interference and the attempt to isolate Trump and his voters has failed huge.

Now what should happen now, is that people should be fired, and possibly jailed for such an attempt in the first place.

It proves so many things about the Democrat left, and it shows how they have been slow walking a possible insurrection in which they've bragged about and embarked upon since 2016.
No, Dumbfuck. Depends on the states' laws who is granted that authority
Once again I will ask, why didn’t Maine and CO use state laws and not the 14th as a basis for throwing Trump off the ballot, Moron?
If only one entity is listed as having the authority to enforce something it has sole power to enforce it.

Pretty simple stuff, but too difficult for some here.


You're cracking me up with your ignorance, Dumbfuck. As always.

Article I, Section. 8.

The Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes

That doesn't mention states. According to your stupidity, the Constitution bans states from collecting taxes.


Being disqualified from holding public office pursuant to Section 3 is not a criminal offence subject to prosecution, being disqualified doesn’t jeopardize one’s life, liberty, or property – consequently, due process doesn’t apply.
Clearly jeopardizes Trump’s liberty, Simp.

Liberty is the state of being free within society from oppressive restrictions imposed by authority on one's way of life, behavior, or political views.[1]

In the Constitutional law of the United States, Ordered liberty means creating a balanced society where individuals have the freedom to act without unnecessary interference (negative liberty) and access to opportunities and resources to pursue their goals (positive liberty), all within a fair legal system.

Sometimes liberty is differentiated from freedom by using the word "freedom" primarily, if not exclusively, to mean the ability to do as one wills and what one has the power to do; and using the word "liberty" to mean the absence of arbitrary restraints, taking into account the rights of all involved. In this sense, the exercise of liberty is subject to capability and limited by the rights of others. Thus liberty entails the responsible use of freedom under the rule of law without depriving anyone else of their freedom. Liberty can be taken away as a form of punishment. In many countries, people can be deprived of their liberty if they are convicted of criminal acts.
Of course the J6 clowns made referrals to DOJ for prosecution......why no prosecution for insurrection?

Don't know. Don't care. Doesn't mean it wasn't insurrection. By the video shown, it's insurrection according to the definition of insurrection.
Don't worry, because Trump has now been restored to the Colorado ballot, and so the election interference and the attempt to isolate Trump and his voters has failed huge.

Now what should happen now, is that people should be fired, and possibly jailed for such an attempt in the first place.

It proves so many things about the Democrat left, and it shows how they have been slow walking a possible insurrection in which they've bragged about and embarked upon since 2016.

Oh? Did SCOTUS rule on it yet?
Enough with the fucking word games, POWER TO ENFORCE IS USED, not option to enforce. No one else is given that power.

Imbecile, it means they have the power. It doesn't state they have to use that power. Ergo, optional.
Because it doesn't say they have sole power. This isn't rocket science, Dumbfuck. Even a dumbfuck like you should be able to understand

Remember what your dear leader maobama said about the Constitution, it's a charter of negative powers, you don't have the power unless the Constitution expressly gives it to you. And in this case the power is vested in congress, not the States.

Remember what your dear leader maobama said about the Constitution, it's a charter of negative powers, you don't have the power unless the Constitution expressly gives it to you. And in this case the power is vested in congress, not the States.

Nope. And guess what? States have used the 14th in the past.

You're cracking me up with your ignorance, Dumbfuck. As always.

Article I, Section. 8.

The Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes

That doesn't mention states. According to your stupidity, the Constitution bans states from collecting taxes.

Wrong stupid. If you would have posted the whole thing you would see the power to levy taxes is for the specific purposes of a common defense and general welfare of the country.

States are free, under the Constitution, to fund their individual needs however they see fit.
Because they follow the law, Dumbfuck.
What law? Cite the specific state statutes they used.

And then explain why they both cited the 14th when they have no power to enforce the 14th, Halfwit.
It's snowballing. There will be more states disqualifying him. It's also a kick in the butt at SCOTUS, telling them they can't slow-walk this.

Maine barred Donald Trump from the primary ballot Thursday, making it the second state in the country to block the former president from running again under a part of the Constitution that prevents insurrectionists from holding office.

The decision by Maine Secretary of State Shenna Bellows (D) is sure to be appealed. The Colorado Supreme Court last week found Trump could not appear on the ballot in that state, and the Colorado Republican Party has asked the U.S. Supreme Court to review the case. The nation’s high court could resolve for all states whether Trump can run again.
I know you are excited but don't get an erection over it...:auiqs.jpg:
Imbecile, it means they have the power. It doesn't state they have to use that power. Ergo, optional.
It may be optional, but it is still exclusive since they are the only entity listed as having enforcement power, dumbass.
Rules of evidence don't apply, meaning no due process.

She never said that. Not only do you cherry pick, but you also lie about what was said so you can completely misconstrue the meaning of what she stated in her findings. But that's just how the Neo-GOP hivemind works.

"I am not bound by either the federal or Maine rules of evidence because this is an APA proceeding. However, the four factors outlined above provide a useful framework for assessing the trustworthiness of the January 6 Report. The first three factors plainly counsel in favor of admissibility. Mr. Trump's objections focus primarily on the fourth factor, namely the motivation of the authors. But all Congressional reports are to some degree political, and many of the facts contained in the Report are corroborated by other documentary and video evidence in the record. 1 accordingly see no reason to exclude the January 6 Report in its entirety under § MRS. §9057(2). That said, Mr. Trump's concerns are valid insofar as the Report reflects a curated view of the evidence and contains characterizations of that evidence. These limitations influence the weight that I assign to the Report."


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