Trump Removed from Maine Primary Ballot

That still doesn't state Congress has sole authority, Dumbfuck. For example, a state can’t impeach a president because the Constitution grants the House, "sole" authority to do that.
So anyone can kick someone off a ballot then. Are you ever not a Dumbfuck? Ever?
Because it doesn't say they have sole power. This isn't rocket science, Dumbfuck. Even a dumbfuck like you should be able to understand
They are the only entity listed, Moron. Sounds like sole power to me.
Nope. The Constitution doesn't state Congress has sole power. Just says they have the power to enforce it with legislation. That's optional on their part and not limited to just them.

What the hell are you snorting?? Of course it says congress has the sole power to enforce it by appropriate legislation. The xiiden regime just reiterated that the States have no power to enforce federal law.

What the hell are you snorting?? Of course it says congress has the sole power to enforce it by appropriate legislation. The xiiden regime just reiterated that the States have no power to enforce federal law.

If only one entity is listed as having the authority to enforce something it has sole power to enforce it.

Pretty simple stuff, but too difficult for some here.
They are the only entity listed, Moron. Sounds like sole power to me.

Dumbfuck, there's precedence showing you're a dumbfuck. Here's a case where the Judicial branch of NC banned someone from public office. Exactly like Colorado did. Congress was not involved...

No, it is EXPLICITLY Stated as a condition and carries no weight of criminality.

The 14th Amendment explicitly states that no citizen's liberty can be abridged. This means that due process is required and that means a conviction by a court of law.

Being disqualified from holding public office pursuant to Section 3 is not a criminal offence subject to prosecution, being disqualified doesn’t jeopardize one’s life, liberty, or property – consequently, due process doesn’t apply.

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