Trump Removed from Maine Primary Ballot

Where? Quote the Main election statute she used to say Trump doesn‘t qualify to be on the ballot.

Why can’t any of you morons cite the law?
Didn't you read the ammendment, ass breath? BTW, take a good look at your subhuman boy after he misbehaves at trial:


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Didn't you read the ammendment, ass breath? BTW, take a good look at your subhuman boy after he misbehaves at trial:
Please explain WTF the 14th Amendment to the US Constitution has to do with state elections laws in Maine?

The fact you continue to try to divert is further proof the hack Maine SOS did not make her decision in any Maine election law.

She admits it was because if YouTube videos of the Piglosi Jan 6 Hollywood production, Moron.

Once again I will ask….cite the specific Maine election law for qualifying to be on the ballot that Trump doesn’t meet.
Please explain WTF the 14th Amendment to the US Constitution has to do with state elections laws in Maine?

The fact you continue to try to divert is further proof the hack Maine SOS did not make her decision in any Maine election law.

She admits it was because if YouTube videos of the Piglosi Jan 6 Hollywood production, Moron.

Once again I will ask….cite the specific Maine election law for qualifying to be on the ballot that Trump doesn’t meet.
Under Maine law the SOS is allowed to make that determination. And she used the 14 ammendment to come to her decision, Trump trained monkey.

And she didn't come to that conclusion lightly. Your soiled undies had no bearing on her decision.
indeed. the differences between them are mostly superficial. Choosing between the two is akin to choosing between being shot or being poisoned
You need to come up with a compelling argument showing standing where Trump's J6 actions wigged you out.

You'll be a hero.
In truth, justice and the American way.. America .. this will make Trump even more popular.. :thewave: ... :salute::salute::salute: ...

I do not like Trump at all, but now I have to vote for him.
He started no war and got covid right, which is good, but also screwed up the SCOTUS on abortion.
But it is blatantly treason to block candidates, especially those who used to be president.
Under Maine law the SOS is allowed to make that determination. And she used the 14 ammendment to come to her decision, Trump trained monkey.

And she didn't come to that conclusion lightly. Your soiled undies had no bearing on her decision.

That is impossible.
The right of voters to have access to the candidates of their choice can never be up to a state SOS.
That would be an obvious dictatorship then, and not a republic.

The 14th amendment also obviously does not apply since the 14th amendment was about those who formally signed declarations of secession and caused half a million deaths.
Nothing remotely similar.
For Trump to have been involved in "insurrection", he would have had to have tried to bribe both the police and the military, or organized an armed force capable of defeating the police and the military.
At least you’re consistent at being ignorant and wrong – you are the typical conservative.

‘The report from the CRS specified, "Section 3 of the Fourteenth Amendment does not expressly require a criminal conviction, and historically, one was not necessary."’

In fact, disqualification pursuant to Section 3 is a political – not criminal – process; absent jeopardy of loss of freedom by state action, due process does not apply and is not required to disqualify a candidate from holding public office.

Yet the 9th circuit said individual voters have no standing to challenge a candidates position on a ballot and the supremes wouldn't take up an appeal. Go figure.

Under Maine law the SOS is allowed to make that determination. And she used the 14 ammendment to come to her decision, Trump trained monkey.

And she didn't come to that conclusion lightly. Your soiled undies had no bearing on her decision.
So you still can’t cite any Maine election law that she could use to keep Trump off the ballot.

I accept your concession, Vermin.
The CO SC stayed their own ruling, until SCOTUS decides it or declines to hear it.

The CO SoS decided to put him on the ballot, in accordance with the CO SC stay.

This isn't rocket science, and this is no win for Trump. It's a status quo holding pattern.
Like I said from the beginning, it will not hold up, is the English language that hard for you to understand? Are you from Eastern Europe maybe? 😂 😆 😝
You need to come up with a compelling argument showing standing where Trump's J6 actions wigged you out.

You'll be a hero.

Why would I do that? I do not even agree with these actions, but unlike you I do not need to agree with something to defend the right of a person to do it

Why are you posting old news?

If you had bothered to read the ruling from the CO SC instead of relying on FoxNews/OAAN to tell you what to think you would know that this was part of their original decision. Whether he is on the primary ballot or not is irrelevant, this is about the general election.

It is so much fun when you sheep think you have a gotcha moment but just show your ignorance instead.
The 14th amendment also obviously does not apply since the 14th amendment was about those who formally signed declarations of secession and caused half a million deaths.

Can you show us those words in the 14th?


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