Trump Removed from Maine Primary Ballot

Indeed it is. People elected and Appointed these people to carry out the law of the land.
That's interesting: It works both ways she is now facing impeachment which is also a legal alternative. You know what occurs to me that the left is constantly opening doors not realizing the traffic runs both ways through a doorway. Good old Harry Reid God rest his soul.
Poor passed away without ever getting a really good handful of pelosi's boobs..... God knows he tried enough times.
Except the letter of the law shows that they are. We go ahead and present your argument as to why they aren't. See you in never.
Okay Delbert; Um, what reason did they give to remove Trump from their state's ballot?

Also know that this has already been overturned. :abgg2q.jpg:
Okay Delbert; Um, what reason did they give to remove Trump from their state's ballot?
Haha, so you don't even know? Embarrassing, after your rants about it.

I'm not your mommy. She plainly stated in on national television.

Go read it. Then see if you can argue aganst it.

Hint: you can't and won't.

Is a Criminal Conviction Needed for Ballot Removal?​

The report from the CRS specified, "Section 3 of the Fourteenth Amendment does not expressly require a criminal conviction, and historically, one was not necessary."

More astroturfed fact checking?

Leftards are so insecure they require self validation?

"One was not necessary" is a LIE.

War is the responsibility of CONGRESS

Insurrection is WAR.

Congress declared a state of insurrection, then pardons were issued.

We've been all over this ground.

No matter how many times you repeat the lie, it's still a lie.

Three Pinocchio's, at least.

If you would actually read her ruling instead of letting OAAN tell you what to think you would see she received responses from the Trump legal team.

Then Trump is all good since he can be written in just like anyone else.

Why then are you people whining so much?
Which Maine election law requirement to be on the ballot does Trump not meet?
Golfing Gator
Violated the 14th.

He's also deranged & should have been bounced out on his ass under the 25th but his gutless lackeys wouldn't step up.

It took Joe Biden to get rid of him. :dance:
So you can’t cite the Main election law that would keep Trump off the ballot.

BTW, your hack SOS has no authority to enforce the 14th, Simp.

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