Trump Removed from Maine Primary Ballot

These maga-morons seem to think that just because Donald Trump wants to run for president, people are required to let him run for president, or he has some kind of right to run for president.
There’s certainly no valid reason to deny him the right to run. He does have a right to run. The left has no right to deny that
God you are DUMB she's a political appointee you retard she wasn't elected. You look really stupid now don't you. Run away in shame.

Wrong yet again....In Maine, the secretary of state is elected biannually in December by a joint session of the Maine Legislature.
If you would actually read her ruling instead of letting OAAN tell you what to think you would see she received responses from the Trump legal team.
You act like His lawyers were there scripting the decision with her. They were filing objections in a hearing.
Don't follow OAAN, pal.

I like the mention of improper legal argument'......
Then Trump is all good since he can be written in just like anyone else.
Not in according to Colorado's decision.
Why then are you people whining so much?
No one here is whining except for the people hell bent on seeing anyone who supports Trump, become disenfranchised.

You hear about Federal judge in Virginia who tossed out the attempt to keep Trump off the ballot?

She said the plaintiff's who filed the brief had no legal standing.
Keep that in mind.....every case so far filed was started by individual citizens.....I'd expect this will become a precedent on the federal level.

“At least five additional federal courts have concluded that citizens attempting to disqualify individuals — including former President Trump — from participating in elections or from holding public office based on the January 6, 2021 attack on the United States Capitol lacked standing,” Brinkema wrote in her 13-page ruling.

“Plaintiffs have totally failed to demonstrate how their alleged injuries are traceable to the conduct of defendants,” the judge added.

Federal judge squashes attempt to disqualify Trump from Virginia ballotÂ

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