Trump Removed from Maine Primary Ballot

You act like His lawyers were there scripting the decision with her. They were filing objections in a hearing.
Don't follow OAAN, pal.

I like the mention of improper legal argument'......

Not in according to Colorado's decision.

No one here is whining except for the people hell bent on seeing anyone who supports Trump, become disenfranchised.

You hear about Federal judge in Virginia who tossed out the attempt to keep Trump off the ballot?

She said the plaintiff's who filed the brief had no legal standing.
Keep that in mind.....every case so far filed was started by individual citizens.....I'd expect this will become a precedent on the federal level.

“At least five additional federal courts have concluded that citizens attempting to disqualify individuals — including former President Trump — from participating in elections or from holding public office based on the January 6, 2021 attack on the United States Capitol lacked standing,” Brinkema wrote in her 13-page ruling.

“Plaintiffs have totally failed to demonstrate how their alleged injuries are traceable to the conduct of defendants,” the judge added.

Federal judge squashes attempt to disqualify Trump from Virginia ballotÂ

If a citizen does not have standing, who would?
Oh yeah? How many states are doing this? Did they enter into an agreement to do this thing?
I'm hoping that dozens of States file to exclude Doatard from the ballot. Let's see his lawyers fight in courts every single one of them.

They'll have enough paperwork thanks to the MAL Ape so far up their ass they won't know what day it is. :dance:
There may be more states to follow...

Soon, she'll be getting hate mail, her life threatened, she'll be doxxed, her family threatened. You know, the usual antics from Dotard's Fascist goon squads & domestic terrorists.
And the laws of Colorado and Maine are different from Michigan, which is why Michigan could not exclude Trump.

We have 50 different ballot-access laws, 50 different protocols/procedures.
Does the 14th not apply to Michigan, Simp? CO and Maine relied on the 14th.

And that's why Trumpers are full of shit when they claim that they are being disenfranchised in Colorado and Maine.
Not in Colorado, if their case stands, there is wording that excludes write-ins for Trump.
so, then as long as a state has a write in spot they can leave anyone off the ballot and all is good?
If someone would be disqualified to run, I doubt they could get around that through a write-in.
If a citizen does not have standing, who would?

She says it best:

“Plaintiffs’ attempt to achieve a result similar to that in Colorado cannot occur in this Court because of the nature of their direct federal constitutional claims and because of the constraints imposed by Article III that limit the jurisdiction of federal courts,” she wrote.

Standing in Federal Court​

At the federal level, legal actions cannot be brought simply on the ground that an individual or group is displeased with a government action or law. Federal courts only have constitutional authority to resolve actual disputes

In Lujan v. Defenders of Wildlife (90-1424), 504 U.S. 555 (1992), the Supreme Court created a three-part test to determine whether a party has standing to sue:

  1. The plaintiff must have suffered an "injury in fact," meaning that the injury is of a legally protected interest which is (a) concrete and particularized and (b) actual or imminent
  2. There must be a causal connection between the injury and the conduct brought before the court
  3. It must be likely, rather than speculative, that a favorable decision by the court will redress the injury

Suddenly, methinks the end is very near for 14th,s-3 arguments.

So who has or will be suffering injury if Trump isn't removed from ballots?
She says it best:

“Plaintiffs’ attempt to achieve a result similar to that in Colorado cannot occur in this Court because of the nature of their direct federal constitutional claims and because of the constraints imposed by Article III that limit the jurisdiction of federal courts,” she wrote.

Standing in Federal Court​

At the federal level, legal actions cannot be brought simply on the ground that an individual or group is displeased with a government action or law. Federal courts only have constitutional authority to resolve actual disputes

How hard could it be to show the "harm" having an insurrectionist hold the office of POTUS be?
Probably no more harm than Biden's done the last couple years.

indeed. the differences between them are mostly superficial. Choosing between the two is akin to choosing between being shot or being poisoned
I'm hoping that dozens of States file to exclude Doatard from the ballot. Let's see his lawyers fight in courts every single one of them.

They'll have enough paperwork thanks to the MAL Ape so far up their ass they won't know what day it is. :dance:
Yehbut; Is that Democracy though? :uhh:

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