trump Removes Funding For Stars & Stripes

Another right-wing attack on freedom of speech. And one that directly affects our military. So patriotic! Not.

We only have free speech if the government pays for it?

In general, no. The case of the members of our military services who are on duty around the world on our behalf is far different, and this move can very well be interpreted as the government trying to muzzle the free flow of information to them for political reasons.

"Thank you for your service, sheep."
trump's war on the media continues. Now it's Stars and Stripes. A paper read by about 1 million people. Probably mostly those in the military.

It's only 15 million dollars. It's so sad that trump is doing this. I hope that congress restores the funding.

Trump budget zeroes out funding for Stars and Stripes, the military's newspaper
And? Star's and Strips sells their papers they don't give them away
If you really want to take a stand against the president subscribe to the Stars and Stripes. I've been getting copies for years.
Subscribe - Stripes
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A paper read by about 1 million people. Probably mostly those in the military.

It's only 15 million dollars.

The taxpayers paying $15 per subscriber does seem to be a terrible waste of money.
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trump's war on the media continues. Now it's Stars and Stripes. A paper read by about 1 million people. Probably mostly those in the military.

It's only 15 million dollars. It's so sad that trump is doing this. I hope that congress restores the funding.

Trump budget zeroes out funding for Stars and Stripes, the military's newspaper
So based on your own math if you want to read it those million people can get it for 15 bucks a year.

Hope he cuts NPR next.

That newspaper has become a radical rag
that now caters to a political preference rather than simply being information for service members.

Hmm, how many years could the paper have been funded
with the $4.5 billion in emergency funding for the influx
of invaders on our southern border
Another right-wing attack on freedom of speech. And one that directly affects our military. So patriotic! Not.

We only have free speech if the government pays for it?

In general, no. The case of the members of our military services who are on duty around the world on our behalf is far different, and this move can very well be interpreted as the government trying to muzzle the free flow of information to them for political reasons.

"Thank you for your service, sheep."
If you have never served don't assume what the members of the military think.
Why would you want them to be fed information from a government paid for paper anyway?
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Unbelievable! Trump* wants to pay for those tax cuts for the rich - and he'll be coming after Social Security and the safety nets soon.

trump's war on the media continues. Now it's Stars and Stripes. A paper read by about 1 million people. Probably mostly those in the military.

It's only 15 million dollars. It's so sad that trump is doing this. I hope that congress restores the funding.

Trump budget zeroes out funding for Stars and Stripes, the military's newspaper
So based on your own math if you want to read it those million people can get it for 15 bucks a year.

Hope he cuts NPR next.
the stars and stripes was the ONLY newspaper us military related Americans stationed over seas had in English....

this is bull crap!

4 weekends of his stays at his golf resorts with secret service costs and airforce 1 flying him and the wifey costs, could pay for it....

Really? This is what progressives bitch about?

Trump’s budget is nearly $5 trillion with lots of deficit spending and more money for the War Department. Certainly this is more important than Stars and Stripes.

Secondly the Ds control the House. His budget won’t pass as written, though no doubt the Ds will continue funding for the bloated war machine while cutting social programs.
Unbelievable! Trump* wants to pay for those tax cuts for the rich - and he'll be coming after Social Security and the safety nets soon.
You do know Pelosi robbed social security to pay for Trump's impeachment? Where is your outrage?
trump's war on the media continues. Now it's Stars and Stripes. A paper read by about 1 million people. Probably mostly those in the military.

It's only 15 million dollars. It's so sad that trump is doing this. I hope that congress restores the funding.

Trump budget zeroes out funding for Stars and Stripes, the military's newspaper
So based on your own math if you want to read it those million people can get it for 15 bucks a year.

Hope he cuts NPR next.
the stars and stripes was the ONLY newspaper us military related Americans stationed over seas had in English....

this is bull crap!

4 weekends of his stays at his golf resorts with secret service costs and airforce 1 flying him and the wifey costs, could pay for it....
No matter what Trump would do, you would still be offended if we told to be.
trump's war on the media continues. Now it's Stars and Stripes. A paper read by about 1 million people. Probably mostly those in the military.

It's only 15 million dollars. It's so sad that trump is doing this. I hope that congress restores the funding.

Trump budget zeroes out funding for Stars and Stripes, the military's newspaper
So based on your own math if you want to read it those million people can get it for 15 bucks a year.

Hope he cuts NPR next.
the stars and stripes was the ONLY newspaper us military related Americans stationed over seas had in English....

this is bull crap!

4 weekends of his stays at his golf resorts with secret service costs and airforce 1 flying him and the wifey costs, could pay for it.... one cares......not even people in the military you dope......they have cell phones and internet dope......

Funny how you asshats couldn't have cared less about this...until Trump decided to take that wasted money.....
up yours!

I relied on the Stars and Stripes when stationed overseas....

you speak of nothing you know in your cherished gun filled basement with no one around but mice and rats and your guns to keep company with.... :p
News papers are becoming a thing of the past. I quit getting one years ago. I can get it all on my phone.
Let's be fair to the Trump administration, whether one is a Dem or Republican or Socialist.

This is 2020, something that even this eightysomething acknowledges.

Print newspapers are as dead as the dodo bird. (What's the last time you sent something called a "telegram"?)

People simply no longer have the desire to touch paper each morning.

Everyone (with exceptions like me) now have some newfangled invention called a "smartphone." People are always staring at them as they almost bump into me on the sidewalk. So that's how the armed forces will get the Stars and Stripes.
Unbelievable! Trump* wants to pay for those tax cuts for the rich - and he'll be coming after Social Security and the safety nets soon.

You Libtard filth don't give a shit about the funding for a military newspaper. All you sickos are doing is reacting to your mental illness caused by Trump Derangement Syndrome. You are just looking for something else to bitch about Trump.

Grow the fuck up Moon Bat. The Stars and Stripes newspaper isn't needed any more do to the availability of other media sources to the American military personnel. Trump is cutting back on unnecessary expenditures and that is a good thing.
Unbelievable! Trump* wants to pay for those tax cuts for the rich - and he'll be coming after Social Security and the safety nets soon.
You do know Pelosi robbed social security to pay for Trump's impeachment? Where is your outrage?
You know that's false, right? But cult members are all about spreading lies, aren't they? #Becauseitsacult
Another right-wing attack on freedom of speech. And one that directly affects our military. So patriotic! Not.

Again...moron.......every soldier now has access to the internet.....and all the news from around the world....

What is it about this that you morons who hate the military...except when Trump is involved.........can't you understand?

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