Trump Reportedly Called Germans 'Very Bad,' Vowed To Stop U.S.-German Car Sales


During a meeting with top leaders of the European Union, President Donald Trump said “the Germans are bad, very bad,” according to participants in the room who spoke to German newspaper Der Spiegel.

Trump’s specific criticism was that Germany’s auto industry exported cars. “See the millions of cars they are selling in the U.S. Terrible,” Der Spiegel reports he said. “We will stop this.”

In January, Trump threatened to slap a 35 percent tax on German auto imports. “If you want to build cars in the world, then I wish you all the best. You can build cars for the United States, but for every car that comes to the USA, you will pay 35 percent tax,” he said. “I would tell BMW that if you are building a factory in Mexico and plan to sell cars to the USA, without a 35 percent tax, then you can forget that.”

Trump’s new comments impugning the Germans for exporting cars were made in a meeting with the European Commission president, Jean-Claude Juncker, and the European Council president, Donald Tusk. Juncker, Der Spiegel reports, supported the Germans.

Another German newspaper, Süddeutsche Zeitung, reported that E.U. representatives felt their U.S. counterparts did not understand that the E.U. negotiates trade agreements as a single entity, rather than on a country-to-country basis. That is, the U.S. can negotiate trade deals with the E.U. as a whole, but not individually with the separate members of the E.U.

Der Spiegel reported that Gary Cohn, the director of Trump’s National Economic Council, appeared to believe that the U.S. could negotiate different trade deals with Germany and Belgium.

This is not the first time this basic misunderstanding has cropped up. When German Chancellor Angela Merkel visited the White House in March, she had to explain how E.U. trade deals were negotiated almost a dozen times, a senior German official told the Times of London.

“Ten times Trump asked [Merkel] if he could negotiate a trade deal with Germany. Every time she replied, ‘You can’t do a trade deal with Germany, only the EU,’” the official said. “On the eleventh refusal, Trump finally got the message, ‘Oh, we’ll do a deal with Europe then.’”

The White House did not immediately respond to a request for comment Thursday.

More: Trump Reportedly Called Germans 'Very Bad,' Vowed To Stop U.S.-German Car Sales

The man-child is an embarrassing idiot. I hope foreigners don't think all Americans are that stupid.
"Very very bad" and this AH took economics at Penn?

Germany bad, very bad
Bad hombres, no?
ISIS are losers....Trump no like losers like ISIS and Rosie O'Donnell

This coming from a man who brags about his Wharton education

Germany brought the world Marxism, communism, Nazism, and two world wars. Now they push globalism and multiculturalism, which are leading Western civilization yet again to destabilization and war. You'd think people would wise up and stop following the Germans' lead....but here you are embracing yet another failed ideology of theirs.
Are you saying they are bad hombres?
Germany, bad, very bad
Hitler was a German, Hitler killed Jews, my son in law Brad is a Jew, gave me little Jew grandkids
Germany did build a wall though, big beautiful wall, kept the Mexicans out of Germany. Don't know why they tore it down
Now they are flooded with Mexicans.......or is it Muslim?
I get them confused sometimes

Are you happy with our large trade deficit with the EU?
Dollar is strong, our goods cost more
Weak Euro, cheaper goods

During a meeting with top leaders of the European Union, President Donald Trump said “the Germans are bad, very bad,” according to participants in the room who spoke to German newspaper Der Spiegel.

Trump’s specific criticism was that Germany’s auto industry exported cars. “See the millions of cars they are selling in the U.S. Terrible,” Der Spiegel reports he said. “We will stop this.”

In January, Trump threatened to slap a 35 percent tax on German auto imports. “If you want to build cars in the world, then I wish you all the best. You can build cars for the United States, but for every car that comes to the USA, you will pay 35 percent tax,” he said. “I would tell BMW that if you are building a factory in Mexico and plan to sell cars to the USA, without a 35 percent tax, then you can forget that.”

Trump’s new comments impugning the Germans for exporting cars were made in a meeting with the European Commission president, Jean-Claude Juncker, and the European Council president, Donald Tusk. Juncker, Der Spiegel reports, supported the Germans.

Another German newspaper, Süddeutsche Zeitung, reported that E.U. representatives felt their U.S. counterparts did not understand that the E.U. negotiates trade agreements as a single entity, rather than on a country-to-country basis. That is, the U.S. can negotiate trade deals with the E.U. as a whole, but not individually with the separate members of the E.U.

Der Spiegel reported that Gary Cohn, the director of Trump’s National Economic Council, appeared to believe that the U.S. could negotiate different trade deals with Germany and Belgium.

This is not the first time this basic misunderstanding has cropped up. When German Chancellor Angela Merkel visited the White House in March, she had to explain how E.U. trade deals were negotiated almost a dozen times, a senior German official told the Times of London.

“Ten times Trump asked [Merkel] if he could negotiate a trade deal with Germany. Every time she replied, ‘You can’t do a trade deal with Germany, only the EU,’” the official said. “On the eleventh refusal, Trump finally got the message, ‘Oh, we’ll do a deal with Europe then.’”

The White House did not immediately respond to a request for comment Thursday.

More: Trump Reportedly Called Germans 'Very Bad,' Vowed To Stop U.S.-German Car Sales

The man-child is an embarrassing idiot. I hope foreigners don't think all Americans are that stupid.
The right wing voted for him.

Damn straight, and proud of it.
"Very very bad" and this AH took economics at Penn?

Germany bad, very bad
Bad hombres, no?
ISIS are losers....Trump no like losers like ISIS and Rosie O'Donnell

This coming from a man who brags about his Wharton education

Germany brought the world Marxism, communism, Nazism, and two world wars. Now they push globalism and multiculturalism, which are leading Western civilization yet again to destabilization and war. You'd think people would wise up and stop following the Germans' lead....but here you are embracing yet another failed ideology of theirs.
Are you saying they are bad hombres?
Germany, bad, very bad
Hitler was a German, Hitler killed Jews, my son in law Brad is a Jew, gave me little Jew grandkids
Germany did build a wall though, big beautiful wall, kept the Mexicans out of Germany. Don't know why they tore it down
Now they are flooded with Mexicans.......or is it Muslim?
I get them confused sometimes

Are you happy with our large trade deficit with the EU?
Dollar is strong, our goods cost more
Weak Euro, cheaper goods

It is silly of you to pretend that that is the cause of a generations long trade imbalance.

AND I asked you if you liked it, not what you thought was the cause.

Your evasive answer reveals that you KNOW that Trump is right, that our trade balance with Germany/Europe is a result of them being "bad" and we need to fix that, right FUCKING NOW.
Germany bad, very bad
Bad hombres, no?
ISIS are losers....Trump no like losers like ISIS and Rosie O'Donnell

This coming from a man who brags about his Wharton education

Germany brought the world Marxism, communism, Nazism, and two world wars. Now they push globalism and multiculturalism, which are leading Western civilization yet again to destabilization and war. You'd think people would wise up and stop following the Germans' lead....but here you are embracing yet another failed ideology of theirs.
Are you saying they are bad hombres?
Germany, bad, very bad
Hitler was a German, Hitler killed Jews, my son in law Brad is a Jew, gave me little Jew grandkids
Germany did build a wall though, big beautiful wall, kept the Mexicans out of Germany. Don't know why they tore it down
Now they are flooded with Mexicans.......or is it Muslim?
I get them confused sometimes

Are you happy with our large trade deficit with the EU?
Dollar is strong, our goods cost more
Weak Euro, cheaper goods

It is silly of you to pretend that that is the cause of a generations long trade imbalance.

AND I asked you if you liked it, not what you thought was the cause.

Your evasive answer reveals that you KNOW that Trump is right, that our trade balance with Germany/Europe is a result of them being "bad" and we need to fix that, right FUCKING NOW.
We do not have trade agreements with Germany
We are competing with the EU

Trump is a master negotiator, art of the deal. Let him work out a better deal with the EU

My money says they beat him up and take his lunch money
Germany brought the world Marxism, communism, Nazism, and two world wars. Now they push globalism and multiculturalism, which are leading Western civilization yet again to destabilization and war. You'd think people would wise up and stop following the Germans' lead....but here you are embracing yet another failed ideology of theirs.
Are you saying they are bad hombres?
Germany, bad, very bad
Hitler was a German, Hitler killed Jews, my son in law Brad is a Jew, gave me little Jew grandkids
Germany did build a wall though, big beautiful wall, kept the Mexicans out of Germany. Don't know why they tore it down
Now they are flooded with Mexicans.......or is it Muslim?
I get them confused sometimes

Are you happy with our large trade deficit with the EU?
Dollar is strong, our goods cost more
Weak Euro, cheaper goods

It is silly of you to pretend that that is the cause of a generations long trade imbalance.

AND I asked you if you liked it, not what you thought was the cause.

Your evasive answer reveals that you KNOW that Trump is right, that our trade balance with Germany/Europe is a result of them being "bad" and we need to fix that, right FUCKING NOW.
We do not have trade agreements with Germany
We are competing with the EU

Trump is a master negotiator, art of the deal. Let him work out a better deal with the EU

My money says they beat him up and take his lunch money

And you still haven't answered the question...

He's doing pretty good actually. Meanwhile you're here pounding out juvenile shit everyday on your feces coated keyboard. It's all a matter of priorities.
What has he done? Other than be an embarrassment.

Crazy people can own guns, mining companies can pollute streams & rivers, Financial advisors can chear clients, US corps can secretly bribe overseas officials.

Meanwhile no jobs bill. No infrastructure bill.
Stopped bad trade agreements, secured our border (work in progress), protected our police, attempted to provide national security but liberal judges are blocking it.

Actually he has cost Americans. TPP had sovereignty issues that could have been worked through and would have lowered or eliminated tariffs on thousands of American goods and services. Does protecting the police include eliminating loan forgiveness for those who work in public service jobs? The fact is that Trump's ban on Muslims is not protecting us and it has nothing to do with liberal judges. The fact is that it may have prevented at most 1 incident. The other attacks of terror committed against this country came from countries not covered by Trump's ban. Several by American citizens.
How do you know any of that? You're talking out of your ass. Trump's ban isn't protecting us because it hasn't been implemented yet and only involved a half dozen troubled countries, not an entire religion. The fact that you ignore all those slaughtered my Muslim fanatics to make your case means you are here simply for propaganda.

It's cruel to the families and victims of the Boston Marathon bombing, the night club in Florida, San Bernadino, 9/11, Fort Hood and countless other.
Trump's ban was for 90 days so they could devise a vetting process.

Its been over 90 days so shouldn't that vetting process already been developed? So why the ban now?
Because it is necessary and needs to be in place 24/7 365.

During a meeting with top leaders of the European Union, President Donald Trump said “the Germans are bad, very bad,” according to participants in the room who spoke to German newspaper Der Spiegel.

Trump’s specific criticism was that Germany’s auto industry exported cars. “See the millions of cars they are selling in the U.S. Terrible,” Der Spiegel reports he said. “We will stop this.”

In January, Trump threatened to slap a 35 percent tax on German auto imports. “If you want to build cars in the world, then I wish you all the best. You can build cars for the United States, but for every car that comes to the USA, you will pay 35 percent tax,” he said. “I would tell BMW that if you are building a factory in Mexico and plan to sell cars to the USA, without a 35 percent tax, then you can forget that.”

Trump’s new comments impugning the Germans for exporting cars were made in a meeting with the European Commission president, Jean-Claude Juncker, and the European Council president, Donald Tusk. Juncker, Der Spiegel reports, supported the Germans.

Another German newspaper, Süddeutsche Zeitung, reported that E.U. representatives felt their U.S. counterparts did not understand that the E.U. negotiates trade agreements as a single entity, rather than on a country-to-country basis. That is, the U.S. can negotiate trade deals with the E.U. as a whole, but not individually with the separate members of the E.U.

Der Spiegel reported that Gary Cohn, the director of Trump’s National Economic Council, appeared to believe that the U.S. could negotiate different trade deals with Germany and Belgium.

This is not the first time this basic misunderstanding has cropped up. When German Chancellor Angela Merkel visited the White House in March, she had to explain how E.U. trade deals were negotiated almost a dozen times, a senior German official told the Times of London.

“Ten times Trump asked [Merkel] if he could negotiate a trade deal with Germany. Every time she replied, ‘You can’t do a trade deal with Germany, only the EU,’” the official said. “On the eleventh refusal, Trump finally got the message, ‘Oh, we’ll do a deal with Europe then.’”

The White House did not immediately respond to a request for comment Thursday.

More: Trump Reportedly Called Germans 'Very Bad,' Vowed To Stop U.S.-German Car Sales

The man-child is an embarrassing idiot. I hope foreigners don't think all Americans are that stupid.
"Very very bad" and this AH took economics at Penn?

Germany bad, very bad
Bad hombres, no?
ISIS are losers....Trump no like losers like ISIS and Rosie O'Donnell

This coming from a man who brags about his Wharton education

Germany brought the world Marxism, communism, Nazism, and two world wars. Now they push globalism and multiculturalism, which are leading Western civilization yet again to destabilization and war. You'd think people would wise up and stop following the Germans' lead....but here you are embracing yet another failed ideology of theirs.
Are you saying they are bad hombres?
Germany, bad, very bad
Hitler was a German, Hitler killed Jews, my son in law Brad is a Jew, gave me little Jew grandkids
Germany did build a wall though, big beautiful wall, kept the Mexicans out of Germany. Don't know why they tore it down
Now they are flooded with Mexicans.......or is it Muslim?
I get them confused sometimes

You sound very confused indeed.

During a meeting with top leaders of the European Union, President Donald Trump said “the Germans are bad, very bad,” according to participants in the room who spoke to German newspaper Der Spiegel.

Trump’s specific criticism was that Germany’s auto industry exported cars. “See the millions of cars they are selling in the U.S. Terrible,” Der Spiegel reports he said. “We will stop this.”

In January, Trump threatened to slap a 35 percent tax on German auto imports. “If you want to build cars in the world, then I wish you all the best. You can build cars for the United States, but for every car that comes to the USA, you will pay 35 percent tax,” he said. “I would tell BMW that if you are building a factory in Mexico and plan to sell cars to the USA, without a 35 percent tax, then you can forget that.”

Trump’s new comments impugning the Germans for exporting cars were made in a meeting with the European Commission president, Jean-Claude Juncker, and the European Council president, Donald Tusk. Juncker, Der Spiegel reports, supported the Germans.

Another German newspaper, Süddeutsche Zeitung, reported that E.U. representatives felt their U.S. counterparts did not understand that the E.U. negotiates trade agreements as a single entity, rather than on a country-to-country basis. That is, the U.S. can negotiate trade deals with the E.U. as a whole, but not individually with the separate members of the E.U.

Der Spiegel reported that Gary Cohn, the director of Trump’s National Economic Council, appeared to believe that the U.S. could negotiate different trade deals with Germany and Belgium.

This is not the first time this basic misunderstanding has cropped up. When German Chancellor Angela Merkel visited the White House in March, she had to explain how E.U. trade deals were negotiated almost a dozen times, a senior German official told the Times of London.

“Ten times Trump asked [Merkel] if he could negotiate a trade deal with Germany. Every time she replied, ‘You can’t do a trade deal with Germany, only the EU,’” the official said. “On the eleventh refusal, Trump finally got the message, ‘Oh, we’ll do a deal with Europe then.’”

The White House did not immediately respond to a request for comment Thursday.

More: Trump Reportedly Called Germans 'Very Bad,' Vowed To Stop U.S.-German Car Sales

The man-child is an embarrassing idiot. I hope foreigners don't think all Americans are that stupid.
"Very very bad" and this AH took economics at Penn?

Germany bad, very bad
Bad hombres, no?
ISIS are losers....Trump no like losers like ISIS and Rosie O'Donnell

This coming from a man who brags about his Wharton education

Germany brought the world Marxism, communism, Nazism, and two world wars. Now they push globalism and multiculturalism, which are leading Western civilization yet again to destabilization and war. You'd think people would wise up and stop following the Germans' lead....but here you are embracing yet another failed ideology of theirs.
Are you saying they are bad hombres?
Germany, bad, very bad
Hitler was a German, Hitler killed Jews, my son in law Brad is a Jew, gave me little Jew grandkids
Germany did build a wall though, big beautiful wall, kept the Mexicans out of Germany. Don't know why they tore it down
Now they are flooded with Mexicans.......or is it Muslim?
I get them confused sometimes

You sound very confused indeed.
I am very smart, smart guy, one smart hombre, believe me
Went to Wharton, great school, the best, only smart people go there
Only smart people get to be billionaires, believe me
I'm so smart, I did it all myself
Given the fact that the fat old slob had to ride a golf cart, rather than walk 700 yards, he may get rid of himself for us.
"Very very bad" and this AH took economics at Penn?

Germany bad, very bad
Bad hombres, no?
ISIS are losers....Trump no like losers like ISIS and Rosie O'Donnell

This coming from a man who brags about his Wharton education

Germany brought the world Marxism, communism, Nazism, and two world wars. Now they push globalism and multiculturalism, which are leading Western civilization yet again to destabilization and war. You'd think people would wise up and stop following the Germans' lead....but here you are embracing yet another failed ideology of theirs.
Are you saying they are bad hombres?
Germany, bad, very bad
Hitler was a German, Hitler killed Jews, my son in law Brad is a Jew, gave me little Jew grandkids
Germany did build a wall though, big beautiful wall, kept the Mexicans out of Germany. Don't know why they tore it down
Now they are flooded with Mexicans.......or is it Muslim?
I get them confused sometimes

You sound very confused indeed.
I am very smart, smart guy, one smart hombre, believe me
Went to Wharton, great school, the best, only smart people go there
Only smart people get to be billionaires, believe me
I'm so smart, I did it all myself

Germany bad, very bad
Bad hombres, no?
ISIS are losers....Trump no like losers like ISIS and Rosie O'Donnell

This coming from a man who brags about his Wharton education

Germany brought the world Marxism, communism, Nazism, and two world wars. Now they push globalism and multiculturalism, which are leading Western civilization yet again to destabilization and war. You'd think people would wise up and stop following the Germans' lead....but here you are embracing yet another failed ideology of theirs.
Are you saying they are bad hombres?
Germany, bad, very bad
Hitler was a German, Hitler killed Jews, my son in law Brad is a Jew, gave me little Jew grandkids
Germany did build a wall though, big beautiful wall, kept the Mexicans out of Germany. Don't know why they tore it down
Now they are flooded with Mexicans.......or is it Muslim?
I get them confused sometimes

You sound very confused indeed.
I am very smart, smart guy, one smart hombre, believe me
Went to Wharton, great school, the best, only smart people go there
Only smart people get to be billionaires, believe me
I'm so smart, I did it all myself

First off......proclaiming one of our closest allies is "bad,very bad" not only demonstrates our Presidents limited vocabulary to the world, it is also an inappropriate way to address a trade deficit

Like I posted earlier, this trade deficit is influenced by a strong dollar. Strong dollar means US goods cost more and foreign goods cost less. Good deal for the American consumer

Trumps "America First" Strategy, while it makes a good bumper sticker, is not effective trade policy. Every trade has winners and losers and it is not always us and them. Slap on a tariff, which seems simple, means the tariff gets paid by the consumer. Higher prices for struggling Americans
Last edited:
Germany brought the world Marxism, communism, Nazism, and two world wars. Now they push globalism and multiculturalism, which are leading Western civilization yet again to destabilization and war. You'd think people would wise up and stop following the Germans' lead....but here you are embracing yet another failed ideology of theirs.
Are you saying they are bad hombres?
Germany, bad, very bad
Hitler was a German, Hitler killed Jews, my son in law Brad is a Jew, gave me little Jew grandkids
Germany did build a wall though, big beautiful wall, kept the Mexicans out of Germany. Don't know why they tore it down
Now they are flooded with Mexicans.......or is it Muslim?
I get them confused sometimes

You sound very confused indeed.
I am very smart, smart guy, one smart hombre, believe me
Went to Wharton, great school, the best, only smart people go there
Only smart people get to be billionaires, believe me
I'm so smart, I did it all myself

First off......proclaiming one of our closest allies is "bad,very bad" not only demonstrates our Presidents limited vocabulary to the world, it is also an inappropriate way to address a trade deficit

Like I posted earlier, this trade deficit is influenced by a strong dollar. Strong dollar means US goods coat more and foreign goods cost less. Good deal for the American consumer

Trumps "America First" Strategy, while it makes a good bumper sticker, is not effective trade policy. Every trade has winners and losers and it is not always us and them. Slap on a tariff, which seems simple, means the tariff gets paid by the consumer. Higher prices for struggling Americans

1. You still can't bring yourself to answer a simple question clearly. You are being evasive, because you can't admit that Trump has a valid point and is doing his job in representing American interests.

2. If our closest allies can't handle the fact that we don't want to always have a massive trade deficit with them, they are not our allies AT ALL.

3. Except that we are almost ALWAYS the losers. That is not the way it is supposed to be. IMO, the fix is in, and Trump is the ONLY one who has even TRIED to address it.

4. And that is the truth you are trying to evade. That Trump is looking out for working class Americans, and that you actually agree with him on this. As any reasonable person would.
Are you saying they are bad hombres?
Germany, bad, very bad
Hitler was a German, Hitler killed Jews, my son in law Brad is a Jew, gave me little Jew grandkids
Germany did build a wall though, big beautiful wall, kept the Mexicans out of Germany. Don't know why they tore it down
Now they are flooded with Mexicans.......or is it Muslim?
I get them confused sometimes

You sound very confused indeed.
I am very smart, smart guy, one smart hombre, believe me
Went to Wharton, great school, the best, only smart people go there
Only smart people get to be billionaires, believe me
I'm so smart, I did it all myself

First off......proclaiming one of our closest allies is "bad,very bad" not only demonstrates our Presidents limited vocabulary to the world, it is also an inappropriate way to address a trade deficit

Like I posted earlier, this trade deficit is influenced by a strong dollar. Strong dollar means US goods coat more and foreign goods cost less. Good deal for the American consumer

Trumps "America First" Strategy, while it makes a good bumper sticker, is not effective trade policy. Every trade has winners and losers and it is not always us and them. Slap on a tariff, which seems simple, means the tariff gets paid by the consumer. Higher prices for struggling Americans

1. You still can't bring yourself to answer a simple question clearly. You are being evasive, because you can't admit that Trump has a valid point and is doing his job in representing American interests.

2. If our closest allies can't handle the fact that we don't want to always have a massive trade deficit with them, they are not our allies AT ALL.

3. Except that we are almost ALWAYS the losers. That is not the way it is supposed to be. IMO, the fix is in, and Trump is the ONLY one who has even TRIED to address it.

4. And that is the truth you are trying to evade. That Trump is looking out for working class Americans, and that you actually agree with him on this. As any reasonable person would.
I answered clearly
You just don't like the answer

Let me make it easier....

Trump bad, very bad
You sound very confused indeed.
I am very smart, smart guy, one smart hombre, believe me
Went to Wharton, great school, the best, only smart people go there
Only smart people get to be billionaires, believe me
I'm so smart, I did it all myself

First off......proclaiming one of our closest allies is "bad,very bad" not only demonstrates our Presidents limited vocabulary to the world, it is also an inappropriate way to address a trade deficit

Like I posted earlier, this trade deficit is influenced by a strong dollar. Strong dollar means US goods coat more and foreign goods cost less. Good deal for the American consumer

Trumps "America First" Strategy, while it makes a good bumper sticker, is not effective trade policy. Every trade has winners and losers and it is not always us and them. Slap on a tariff, which seems simple, means the tariff gets paid by the consumer. Higher prices for struggling Americans

1. You still can't bring yourself to answer a simple question clearly. You are being evasive, because you can't admit that Trump has a valid point and is doing his job in representing American interests.

2. If our closest allies can't handle the fact that we don't want to always have a massive trade deficit with them, they are not our allies AT ALL.

3. Except that we are almost ALWAYS the losers. That is not the way it is supposed to be. IMO, the fix is in, and Trump is the ONLY one who has even TRIED to address it.

4. And that is the truth you are trying to evade. That Trump is looking out for working class Americans, and that you actually agree with him on this. As any reasonable person would.
I answered clearly
You just don't like the answer

Let me make it easier....

Trump bad, very bad

A clear answer from a staunch Free Trader would have been NO.

A clear answer from someone who has some concern for the working class in this country would have been YES.

You would have no problem clearly stating that you disagree with a Trump position.

Your constant evasion on this simple question reveals that you agree with Trump and our current trade relationship with the EU, as well as you should.

BUT, your commitment to your political agenda, and the One Party Dystopia you want to turn this nation into, is more important to you then the interests of your fellow Americans.

So, you obfuscate.

I understand how painful this is for you. BUt if you want to have any self respect, you have to give this one to Trump.

You can still hate him for other, (probably equally made up) reasons.
Are you saying they are bad hombres?
Germany, bad, very bad
Hitler was a German, Hitler killed Jews, my son in law Brad is a Jew, gave me little Jew grandkids
Germany did build a wall though, big beautiful wall, kept the Mexicans out of Germany. Don't know why they tore it down
Now they are flooded with Mexicans.......or is it Muslim?
I get them confused sometimes

You sound very confused indeed.
I am very smart, smart guy, one smart hombre, believe me
Went to Wharton, great school, the best, only smart people go there
Only smart people get to be billionaires, believe me
I'm so smart, I did it all myself

First off......proclaiming one of our closest allies is "bad,very bad" not only demonstrates our Presidents limited vocabulary to the world, it is also an inappropriate way to address a trade deficit

Like I posted earlier, this trade deficit is influenced by a strong dollar. Strong dollar means US goods coat more and foreign goods cost less. Good deal for the American consumer

Trumps "America First" Strategy, while it makes a good bumper sticker, is not effective trade policy. Every trade has winners and losers and it is not always us and them. Slap on a tariff, which seems simple, means the tariff gets paid by the consumer. Higher prices for struggling Americans

1. You still can't bring yourself to answer a simple question clearly. You are being evasive, because you can't admit that Trump has a valid point and is doing his job in representing American interests.

2. If our closest allies can't handle the fact that we don't want to always have a massive trade deficit with them, they are not our allies AT ALL.

3. Except that we are almost ALWAYS the losers. That is not the way it is supposed to be. IMO, the fix is in, and Trump is the ONLY one who has even TRIED to address it.

4. And that is the truth you are trying to evade. That Trump is looking out for working class Americans, and that you actually agree with him on this. As any reasonable person would.
what can we ship them besides planes weapons and food? Their goods come into America cheaply for our people to take advantage of
I am very smart, smart guy, one smart hombre, believe me
Went to Wharton, great school, the best, only smart people go there
Only smart people get to be billionaires, believe me
I'm so smart, I did it all myself

First off......proclaiming one of our closest allies is "bad,very bad" not only demonstrates our Presidents limited vocabulary to the world, it is also an inappropriate way to address a trade deficit

Like I posted earlier, this trade deficit is influenced by a strong dollar. Strong dollar means US goods coat more and foreign goods cost less. Good deal for the American consumer

Trumps "America First" Strategy, while it makes a good bumper sticker, is not effective trade policy. Every trade has winners and losers and it is not always us and them. Slap on a tariff, which seems simple, means the tariff gets paid by the consumer. Higher prices for struggling Americans

1. You still can't bring yourself to answer a simple question clearly. You are being evasive, because you can't admit that Trump has a valid point and is doing his job in representing American interests.

2. If our closest allies can't handle the fact that we don't want to always have a massive trade deficit with them, they are not our allies AT ALL.

3. Except that we are almost ALWAYS the losers. That is not the way it is supposed to be. IMO, the fix is in, and Trump is the ONLY one who has even TRIED to address it.

4. And that is the truth you are trying to evade. That Trump is looking out for working class Americans, and that you actually agree with him on this. As any reasonable person would.
I answered clearly
You just don't like the answer

Let me make it easier....

Trump bad, very bad

A clear answer from a staunch Free Trader would have been NO.

A clear answer from someone who has some concern for the working class in this country would have been YES.

You would have no problem clearly stating that you disagree with a Trump position.

Your constant evasion on this simple question reveals that you agree with Trump and our current trade relationship with the EU, as well as you should.

BUT, your commitment to your political agenda, and the One Party Dystopia you want to turn this nation into, is more important to you then the interests of your fellow Americans.

So, you obfuscate.

I understand how painful this is for you. BUt if you want to have any self respect, you have to give this one to Trump.

You can still hate him for other, (probably equally made up) reasons.
I've been on this forum for a few years and RWer has been screaming for Fair Trade.
Until Trump became President.
RWer is a tool and FOS.

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