Trump Reportedly Called Germans 'Very Bad,' Vowed To Stop U.S.-German Car Sales

Germany has become the new leader of the west. Stupid trump thinks bragging, strutting, lying, insulting are qualifications for leading. Stupid RWNJ sheep agree.

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During a meeting with top leaders of the European Union, President Donald Trump said “the Germans are bad, very bad,” according to participants in the room who spoke to German newspaper Der Spiegel.

Trump’s specific criticism was that Germany’s auto industry exported cars. “See the millions of cars they are selling in the U.S. Terrible,” Der Spiegel reports he said. “We will stop this.”

In January, Trump threatened to slap a 35 percent tax on German auto imports. “If you want to build cars in the world, then I wish you all the best. You can build cars for the United States, but for every car that comes to the USA, you will pay 35 percent tax,” he said. “I would tell BMW that if you are building a factory in Mexico and plan to sell cars to the USA, without a 35 percent tax, then you can forget that.”

Trump’s new comments impugning the Germans for exporting cars were made in a meeting with the European Commission president, Jean-Claude Juncker, and the European Council president, Donald Tusk. Juncker, Der Spiegel reports, supported the Germans.

Another German newspaper, Süddeutsche Zeitung, reported that E.U. representatives felt their U.S. counterparts did not understand that the E.U. negotiates trade agreements as a single entity, rather than on a country-to-country basis. That is, the U.S. can negotiate trade deals with the E.U. as a whole, but not individually with the separate members of the E.U.

Der Spiegel reported that Gary Cohn, the director of Trump’s National Economic Council, appeared to believe that the U.S. could negotiate different trade deals with Germany and Belgium.

This is not the first time this basic misunderstanding has cropped up. When German Chancellor Angela Merkel visited the White House in March, she had to explain how E.U. trade deals were negotiated almost a dozen times, a senior German official told the Times of London.

“Ten times Trump asked [Merkel] if he could negotiate a trade deal with Germany. Every time she replied, ‘You can’t do a trade deal with Germany, only the EU,’” the official said. “On the eleventh refusal, Trump finally got the message, ‘Oh, we’ll do a deal with Europe then.’”

The White House did not immediately respond to a request for comment Thursday.

More: Trump Reportedly Called Germans 'Very Bad,' Vowed To Stop U.S.-German Car Sales

The man-child is an embarrassing idiot. I hope foreigners don't think all Americans are that stupid.

I guess Der Spiegel doesn't understand the US can impose taxes on whatever it wants when it arrives in the states. We don't have to "negotiate" with the EU on it, it is internal tax law. So if we want to tax German cars, we can, while not taxing others such as Italian cars.

It appears they think we are so stupid we can't tell the difference between EU countries.
When Trump begins taxing cars from the European Union, then there will be retaliation regardless of which EU country produced the cars. Above all, a trade war with America's closest allies would be shocking.

Since they're made in the US and bought by the US, it's the US who will pay - with lost jobs and higher prices.

Everything trump does costs the US taxpayers.

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I don't know, VW was doing some incredibly illegal things. That seems pretty bad to me. Maybe you don't mind corporate scumbags violating the environmental laws of the land.
That is a legal matter and properly handled by the courts. Trump knows about how courts stop people doing bad things.

He said the "Germans are bad", and here I presented evidence where they were very bad indeed. I don't see an issue. It appears his comment was entirely factual.
Trump uses the word "Bad" a lot in his tweets. He has no concept of the responsibilities of a U.S. President among which is to be diplomatic toward allies. But what can be expected from a man who badmouths his predecessor and political opponents, both Republican and Democrat.

Really? He secured the release of an Egyptian woman within a few weeks of entering office, a task that obummer couldn't seem to accomplish in three years of "effort". There are many other items like this where trump got done in days what obummer was unable to do in years. Seems like maybe you're wrong.
An Egyptian woman? Seriously?
I doubt you have any inkling of the number of innocent people incarcerated in the prisons of the Egyptian dictator.

She is Egyptian AMERICAN silly boy. Do try and keep up. obummer, your hero was content to let AMERICANS be abused by whatever foreign entity happened to have them under lock and key. Trump isn't. Thus he is orders of magnitude better than your hero who was an expert at sitting on his hands.
I don't know, VW was doing some incredibly illegal things. That seems pretty bad to me. Maybe you don't mind corporate scumbags violating the environmental laws of the land.
That is a legal matter and properly handled by the courts. Trump knows about how courts stop people doing bad things.

He said the "Germans are bad", and here I presented evidence where they were very bad indeed. I don't see an issue. It appears his comment was entirely factual.
Trump uses the word "Bad" a lot in his tweets. He has no concept of the responsibilities of a U.S. President among which is to be diplomatic toward allies. But what can be expected from a man who badmouths his predecessor and political opponents, both Republican and Democrat.

Really? He secured the release of an Egyptian woman within a few weeks of entering office, a task that obummer couldn't seem to accomplish in three years of "effort". There are many other items like this where trump got done in days what obummer was unable to do in years. Seems like maybe you're wrong.
Yes Westy Obama was unable to act like a jackass and speak like one He also DIDN"T make enemies with Mexico Canada NK and now Germany Who will be next?

And who cares? All of those countries use the US for their own ends. We, as Americans, pay more for our drugs so that Canadians can get them cheap. We, as Americans pay more for EVERYTHING, so that other people can benefit from our sacrifice. Forgive me if I'm tired of taking care of everyone else.
Unfortunately El Dumpster can't distinguish a stage show from the Presidency.
He's doing pretty good actually. Meanwhile you're here pounding out juvenile shit everyday on your feces coated keyboard. It's all a matter of priorities.
What has he done? Other than be an embarrassment.

Crazy people can own guns, mining companies can pollute streams & rivers, Financial advisors can chear clients, US corps can secretly bribe overseas officials.

Meanwhile no jobs bill. No infrastructure bill.
Stopped bad trade agreements, secured our border (work in progress), protected our police, attempted to provide national security but liberal judges are blocking it.

Actually he has cost Americans. TPP had sovereignty issues that could have been worked through and would have lowered or eliminated tariffs on thousands of American goods and services. Does protecting the police include eliminating loan forgiveness for those who work in public service jobs? The fact is that Trump's ban on Muslims is not protecting us and it has nothing to do with liberal judges. The fact is that it may have prevented at most 1 incident. The other attacks of terror committed against this country came from countries not covered by Trump's ban. Several by American citizens.
jucker? your "source". i say not on cnn you insult n tell me to go away. i giggle. you insult n call me no nothing while spouting nothing.

you seem classic liberal who can be defined best as WAH.
who what? you have no place discussing this if you do not even know who juncker is, hero.
i hage just as much right to spout shit as you do. if you feel you can stop me, have at it.
sure thang, engrish hero. i am used to uninformed loudmouths knowing nothing but being loud. you fit well in.
whos the one being insulting again?
off topic, snowflake.
you drove here, bitch.
Jucker, no nothing. Lol. Go home.
That is a legal matter and properly handled by the courts. Trump knows about how courts stop people doing bad things.

He said the "Germans are bad", and here I presented evidence where they were very bad indeed. I don't see an issue. It appears his comment was entirely factual.
Trump uses the word "Bad" a lot in his tweets. He has no concept of the responsibilities of a U.S. President among which is to be diplomatic toward allies. But what can be expected from a man who badmouths his predecessor and political opponents, both Republican and Democrat.

Really? He secured the release of an Egyptian woman within a few weeks of entering office, a task that obummer couldn't seem to accomplish in three years of "effort". There are many other items like this where trump got done in days what obummer was unable to do in years. Seems like maybe you're wrong.
Yes Westy Obama was unable to act like a jackass and speak like one He also DIDN"T make enemies with Mexico Canada NK and now Germany Who will be next?

And who cares? All of those countries use the US for their own ends. We, as Americans, pay more for our drugs so that Canadians can get them cheap. We, as Americans pay more for EVERYTHING, so that other people can benefit from our sacrifice. Forgive me if I'm tired of taking care of everyone else.
Germany is not a ally. They never help us in anything. They are very bad

During a meeting with top leaders of the European Union, President Donald Trump said “the Germans are bad, very bad,” according to participants in the room who spoke to German newspaper Der Spiegel.

Trump’s specific criticism was that Germany’s auto industry exported cars. “See the millions of cars they are selling in the U.S. Terrible,” Der Spiegel reports he said. “We will stop this.”

In January, Trump threatened to slap a 35 percent tax on German auto imports. “If you want to build cars in the world, then I wish you all the best. You can build cars for the United States, but for every car that comes to the USA, you will pay 35 percent tax,” he said. “I would tell BMW that if you are building a factory in Mexico and plan to sell cars to the USA, without a 35 percent tax, then you can forget that.”

Trump’s new comments impugning the Germans for exporting cars were made in a meeting with the European Commission president, Jean-Claude Juncker, and the European Council president, Donald Tusk. Juncker, Der Spiegel reports, supported the Germans.

Another German newspaper, Süddeutsche Zeitung, reported that E.U. representatives felt their U.S. counterparts did not understand that the E.U. negotiates trade agreements as a single entity, rather than on a country-to-country basis. That is, the U.S. can negotiate trade deals with the E.U. as a whole, but not individually with the separate members of the E.U.

Der Spiegel reported that Gary Cohn, the director of Trump’s National Economic Council, appeared to believe that the U.S. could negotiate different trade deals with Germany and Belgium.

This is not the first time this basic misunderstanding has cropped up. When German Chancellor Angela Merkel visited the White House in March, she had to explain how E.U. trade deals were negotiated almost a dozen times, a senior German official told the Times of London.

“Ten times Trump asked [Merkel] if he could negotiate a trade deal with Germany. Every time she replied, ‘You can’t do a trade deal with Germany, only the EU,’” the official said. “On the eleventh refusal, Trump finally got the message, ‘Oh, we’ll do a deal with Europe then.’”

The White House did not immediately respond to a request for comment Thursday.

More: Trump Reportedly Called Germans 'Very Bad,' Vowed To Stop U.S.-German Car Sales

The man-child is an embarrassing idiot. I hope foreigners don't think all Americans are that stupid.
"Very very bad" and this AH took economics at Penn?

Germany bad, very bad
Bad hombres, no?
ISIS are losers....Trump no like losers like ISIS and Rosie O'Donnell

This coming from a man who brags about his Wharton education

Germany brought the world Marxism, communism, Nazism, and two world wars. Now they push globalism and multiculturalism, which are leading Western civilization yet again to destabilization and war. You'd think people would wise up and stop following the Germans' lead....but here you are embracing yet another failed ideology of theirs.
He said the "Germans are bad", and here I presented evidence where they were very bad indeed. I don't see an issue. It appears his comment was entirely factual.
Trump uses the word "Bad" a lot in his tweets. He has no concept of the responsibilities of a U.S. President among which is to be diplomatic toward allies. But what can be expected from a man who badmouths his predecessor and political opponents, both Republican and Democrat.

Really? He secured the release of an Egyptian woman within a few weeks of entering office, a task that obummer couldn't seem to accomplish in three years of "effort". There are many other items like this where trump got done in days what obummer was unable to do in years. Seems like maybe you're wrong.
Yes Westy Obama was unable to act like a jackass and speak like one He also DIDN"T make enemies with Mexico Canada NK and now Germany Who will be next?

And who cares? All of those countries use the US for their own ends. We, as Americans, pay more for our drugs so that Canadians can get them cheap. We, as Americans pay more for EVERYTHING, so that other people can benefit from our sacrifice. Forgive me if I'm tired of taking care of everyone else.
Germany is not a ally. They never help us in anything. They are very bad
""VERY VERY bad"

During a meeting with top leaders of the European Union, President Donald Trump said “the Germans are bad, very bad,” according to participants in the room who spoke to German newspaper Der Spiegel.

Trump’s specific criticism was that Germany’s auto industry exported cars. “See the millions of cars they are selling in the U.S. Terrible,” Der Spiegel reports he said. “We will stop this.”

In January, Trump threatened to slap a 35 percent tax on German auto imports. “If you want to build cars in the world, then I wish you all the best. You can build cars for the United States, but for every car that comes to the USA, you will pay 35 percent tax,” he said. “I would tell BMW that if you are building a factory in Mexico and plan to sell cars to the USA, without a 35 percent tax, then you can forget that.”

Trump’s new comments impugning the Germans for exporting cars were made in a meeting with the European Commission president, Jean-Claude Juncker, and the European Council president, Donald Tusk. Juncker, Der Spiegel reports, supported the Germans.

Another German newspaper, Süddeutsche Zeitung, reported that E.U. representatives felt their U.S. counterparts did not understand that the E.U. negotiates trade agreements as a single entity, rather than on a country-to-country basis. That is, the U.S. can negotiate trade deals with the E.U. as a whole, but not individually with the separate members of the E.U.

Der Spiegel reported that Gary Cohn, the director of Trump’s National Economic Council, appeared to believe that the U.S. could negotiate different trade deals with Germany and Belgium.

This is not the first time this basic misunderstanding has cropped up. When German Chancellor Angela Merkel visited the White House in March, she had to explain how E.U. trade deals were negotiated almost a dozen times, a senior German official told the Times of London.

“Ten times Trump asked [Merkel] if he could negotiate a trade deal with Germany. Every time she replied, ‘You can’t do a trade deal with Germany, only the EU,’” the official said. “On the eleventh refusal, Trump finally got the message, ‘Oh, we’ll do a deal with Europe then.’”

The White House did not immediately respond to a request for comment Thursday.

More: Trump Reportedly Called Germans 'Very Bad,' Vowed To Stop U.S.-German Car Sales

The man-child is an embarrassing idiot. I hope foreigners don't think all Americans are that stupid.
Stupid stuff. There is no need to negotiate a trade deal with Germany or the EU to slap a 35% tax on cars made in Mexico and other low labor cost countries.
Unfortunately El Dumpster can't distinguish a stage show from the Presidency.
He's doing pretty good actually. Meanwhile you're here pounding out juvenile shit everyday on your feces coated keyboard. It's all a matter of priorities.
What has he done? Other than be an embarrassment.

Crazy people can own guns, mining companies can pollute streams & rivers, Financial advisors can chear clients, US corps can secretly bribe overseas officials.

Meanwhile no jobs bill. No infrastructure bill.
Stopped bad trade agreements, secured our border (work in progress), protected our police, attempted to provide national security but liberal judges are blocking it.

Actually he has cost Americans. TPP had sovereignty issues that could have been worked through and would have lowered or eliminated tariffs on thousands of American goods and services. Does protecting the police include eliminating loan forgiveness for those who work in public service jobs? The fact is that Trump's ban on Muslims is not protecting us and it has nothing to do with liberal judges. The fact is that it may have prevented at most 1 incident. The other attacks of terror committed against this country came from countries not covered by Trump's ban. Several by American citizens.
China is working to replace the US in another TPP like deal.

During a meeting with top leaders of the European Union, President Donald Trump said “the Germans are bad, very bad,” according to participants in the room who spoke to German newspaper Der Spiegel.

Trump’s specific criticism was that Germany’s auto industry exported cars. “See the millions of cars they are selling in the U.S. Terrible,” Der Spiegel reports he said. “We will stop this.”

In January, Trump threatened to slap a 35 percent tax on German auto imports. “If you want to build cars in the world, then I wish you all the best. You can build cars for the United States, but for every car that comes to the USA, you will pay 35 percent tax,” he said. “I would tell BMW that if you are building a factory in Mexico and plan to sell cars to the USA, without a 35 percent tax, then you can forget that.”

Trump’s new comments impugning the Germans for exporting cars were made in a meeting with the European Commission president, Jean-Claude Juncker, and the European Council president, Donald Tusk. Juncker, Der Spiegel reports, supported the Germans.

Another German newspaper, Süddeutsche Zeitung, reported that E.U. representatives felt their U.S. counterparts did not understand that the E.U. negotiates trade agreements as a single entity, rather than on a country-to-country basis. That is, the U.S. can negotiate trade deals with the E.U. as a whole, but not individually with the separate members of the E.U.

Der Spiegel reported that Gary Cohn, the director of Trump’s National Economic Council, appeared to believe that the U.S. could negotiate different trade deals with Germany and Belgium.

This is not the first time this basic misunderstanding has cropped up. When German Chancellor Angela Merkel visited the White House in March, she had to explain how E.U. trade deals were negotiated almost a dozen times, a senior German official told the Times of London.

“Ten times Trump asked [Merkel] if he could negotiate a trade deal with Germany. Every time she replied, ‘You can’t do a trade deal with Germany, only the EU,’” the official said. “On the eleventh refusal, Trump finally got the message, ‘Oh, we’ll do a deal with Europe then.’”

The White House did not immediately respond to a request for comment Thursday.

More: Trump Reportedly Called Germans 'Very Bad,' Vowed To Stop U.S.-German Car Sales

The man-child is an embarrassing idiot. I hope foreigners don't think all Americans are that stupid.

I guess Der Spiegel doesn't understand the US can impose taxes on whatever it wants when it arrives in the states. We don't have to "negotiate" with the EU on it, it is internal tax law. So if we want to tax German cars, we can, while not taxing others such as Italian cars.

It appears they think we are so stupid we can't tell the difference between EU countries.
When Trump begins taxing cars from the European Union, then there will be retaliation regardless of which EU country produced the cars. Above all, a trade war with America's closest allies would be shocking.

There are so few American cars in Europe. Such a "trade war" would hurt them far more than us.
It is not only about cars. Once a trade war begins, other American manufactured goods and services will be hit which will cost American jobs. Secondly, instead of building diplomatic bridges of trust with American allies, there will be mistrust and a distancing between Americans and their close allies. If the narcissist President Trump wants to bring this onto the American people the Republican Congress will not stop him.

Trump will create a import duty war in order to keep the US market for US manufacturers.

Trump will get US manufacturers sole access to 320 million US citizens while alienating US manufacturers to the billions of people in the world.

What kind of businessman would do that? One that is a moron.
He said the "Germans are bad", and here I presented evidence where they were very bad indeed. I don't see an issue. It appears his comment was entirely factual.
Trump uses the word "Bad" a lot in his tweets. He has no concept of the responsibilities of a U.S. President among which is to be diplomatic toward allies. But what can be expected from a man who badmouths his predecessor and political opponents, both Republican and Democrat.

Really? He secured the release of an Egyptian woman within a few weeks of entering office, a task that obummer couldn't seem to accomplish in three years of "effort". There are many other items like this where trump got done in days what obummer was unable to do in years. Seems like maybe you're wrong.
Yes Westy Obama was unable to act like a jackass and speak like one He also DIDN"T make enemies with Mexico Canada NK and now Germany Who will be next?

And who cares? All of those countries use the US for their own ends. We, as Americans, pay more for our drugs so that Canadians can get them cheap. We, as Americans pay more for EVERYTHING, so that other people can benefit from our sacrifice. Forgive me if I'm tired of taking care of everyone else.
Germany is not a ally. They never help us in anything. They are very bad
German soldiers died in Afghanistan because they were allies of the Americans. You would feel shame if you had a conscience.


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