Trump Reportedly Considering Anti-Muslim Conspiracy Theorist For Deputy National Security Adviser


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011

Clare Lopez, reportedly on the short list for an advisory position in the White House, thinks Muslims are infiltrating the government.

WASHINGTON ― Donald Trump is reportedly considering appointing Clare Lopez, an anti-Muslim conspiracy theorist, to serve as his deputy national security adviser.

Lopez is the vice president of the Center for Security Policy, a Washington, D.C.-based think tank that focuses on the threat of Islamic jihad. She was on a short list of names that the Daily Caller reported as coming directly from the Trump transition team.

According to Lopez’s biography, she spent 20 years working for the Central Intelligence Agency before she became a popular writer for conservative websites like Breitbart News and World Net Daily. She served as an adviser to the presidential campaign of Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas), and while she didn’t hold an official post within Trump’s campaign, the president-elect regularly cited her work to support his anti-Muslim positions.

Lopez and Frank Gaffney, the president of the Center for Security Policy, have both promoted the idea that the executive branch is teeming with Muslim Brotherhood members and supporters. Their conspiracies became popular during the age of Trump, with members of the alt-right spreading the discredited theories in order to justify their support of the president-elect.

In 2014, Lopez declared that President Barack Obama and Osama bin Laden shared the same vision for the Middle East. “The Obama administration very clearly has switched sides in the war on terror, what used to be called the war on terror,” Lopezsaid in an interview with the conservative site TruNews. “And we have provided arms and intelligence and funding and assistance and NATO warplanes to help al Qaeda and the Muslim Brotherhood.”

Lopez regularly promotes the conspiracy that the Muslim Brotherhood has taken root within the United States government. “The infiltration is obviously very deep and very broad within the bureaucracy, not just the top level, but throughout the federal system, including the intelligence community,” Lopez said in a 2012 speech.

That someone who has peddled those beliefs would be a top national security adviser is a big concern, said Patrick Eddington, a policy analyst in homeland security and civil liberties at the Cato Institute.

“This isn’t ‘The X-Files,’” Eddington told The Huffington Post. “The last thing we need are alt-right conspiracy theorists in positions of responsibility in our government.”

Lopez gained notoriety among right-of-center conspiracy blogs after authoring a report suggesting Huma Abedin, Hillary Clinton’s longtime aide, is part of the Muslim Brotherhood.

Lopez called Abedin a “Muslim Brotherhood operative” and has intimated that Abedin, along with Obama, has assisted the Islamic organization.

“I think in the White House, in the president’s office, Barack Obama was motivated by a desire to elevate the Muslim Brotherhood to government across North Africa,” Lopezsaid in an interview with The United West organization, a hard-line conservative group. “I think that was ideological; it goes to the deep penetration by the Muslim Brotherhood of the Obama administration in many different positions of appointees and advisers, including Huma Abedin.”

Trump used Lopez’s report and comments to support some of his policy positions during his campaign.

More: Trump Reportedly Considering Anti-Muslim Conspiracy Theorist For Deputy National Security Adviser

More scary people. More scary stuff.
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“[Muslim Brotherhood] affiliates and associates and those connected to it are the go-to advisers, if not appointees, for the top levels of national security in our government, in this administration for sure, but going back many decades, really, is the program of this Brotherhood,”

“And then, like now, we were unprepared and in large measure unaware of what was going on, at least until the House Un-American Activities got rolling in the 1950s with Sen. Joseph McCarthy, who absolutely was spot-on in just about everything he said about the levels of infiltration. So we have precedent for this where we were not fully aware of the infiltration occurring at the time.”

Ted Cruz’s national security adviser: Joe McCarthy was ‘spot-on in just about everything’ – DeadState

Joe McCarthy was spot-on? Whoa, Clare Lopez is really scary.
Love that Trump is putting some unconventional folks in place but he needs an equal amount of folks who realize the jewish power in DC....I would LOVE to see him nominate Patrick Buchanan as SCJ
“[Muslim Brotherhood] affiliates and associates and those connected to it are the go-to advisers, if not appointees, for the top levels of national security in our government, in this administration for sure, but going back many decades, really, is the program of this Brotherhood,”

“And then, like now, we were unprepared and in large measure unaware of what was going on, at least until the House Un-American Activities got rolling in the 1950s with Sen. Joseph McCarthy, who absolutely was spot-on in just about everything he said about the levels of infiltration. So we have precedent for this where we were not fully aware of the infiltration occurring at the time.”

Ted Cruz’s national security adviser: Joe McCarthy was ‘spot-on in just about everything’ – DeadState

Joe McCarthy was spot-on? Whoa, Clare Lopez is really scary.
You don't like her cause she's got a mexican last name. You're just a racist puke.

Clare Lopez, reportedly on the short list for an advisory position in the White House, thinks Muslims are infiltrating the government.

WASHINGTON ― Donald Trump is reportedly considering appointing Clare Lopez, an anti-Muslim conspiracy theorist, to serve as his deputy national security adviser.

Lopez is the vice president of the Center for Security Policy, a Washington, D.C.-based think tank that focuses on the threat of Islamic jihad. She was on a short list of names that the Daily Caller reported as coming directly from the Trump transition team.

According to Lopez’s biography, she spent 20 years working for the Central Intelligence Agency before she became a popular writer for conservative websites like Breitbart News and World Net Daily. She served as an adviser to the presidential campaign of Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas), and while she didn’t hold an official post within Trump’s campaign, the president-elect regularly cited her work to support his anti-Muslim positions.

Lopez and Frank Gaffney, the president of the Center for Security Policy, have both promoted the idea that the executive branch is teeming with Muslim Brotherhood members and supporters. Their conspiracies became popular during the age of Trump, with members of the alt-right spreading the discredited theories in order to justify their support of the president-elect.

In 2014, Lopez declared that President Barack Obama and Osama bin Laden shared the same vision for the Middle East. “The Obama administration very clearly has switched sides in the war on terror, what used to be called the war on terror,” Lopezsaid in an interview with the conservative site TruNews. “And we have provided arms and intelligence and funding and assistance and NATO warplanes to help al Qaeda and the Muslim Brotherhood.”

Lopez regularly promotes the conspiracy that the Muslim Brotherhood has taken root within the United States government. “The infiltration is obviously very deep and very broad within the bureaucracy, not just the top level, but throughout the federal system, including the intelligence community,” Lopez said in a 2012 speech.

That someone who has peddled those beliefs would be a top national security adviser is a big concern, said Patrick Eddington, a policy analyst in homeland security and civil liberties at the Cato Institute.

“This isn’t ‘The X-Files,’” Eddington told The Huffington Post. “The last thing we need are alt-right conspiracy theorists in positions of responsibility in our government.”

Lopez gained notoriety among right-of-center conspiracy blogs after authoring a report suggesting Huma Abedin, Hillary Clinton’s longtime aide, is part of the Muslim Brotherhood.

Lopez called Abedin a “Muslim Brotherhood operative” and has intimated that Abedin, along with Obama, has assisted the Islamic organization.

“I think in the White House, in the president’s office, Barack Obama was motivated by a desire to elevate the Muslim Brotherhood to government across North Africa,” Lopezsaid in an interview with The United West organization, a hard-line conservative group. “I think that was ideological; it goes to the deep penetration by the Muslim Brotherhood of the Obama administration in many different positions of appointees and advisers, including Huma Abedin.”

Trump used Lopez’s report and comments to support some of his policy positions during his campaign.

More: Trump Reportedly Considering Anti-Muslim Conspiracy Theorist For Deputy National Security Adviser

More scary people. More scary stuff.

Evincing the usual ignorance, the dominant charactreisic of our Liberal pals, the OP inadvertently publishes a truth as though it was false.
"...thinks Muslims are infiltrating the government."

You moron....they are!!!!!

1. "Let’s not forget the case of one Pakistani agent by the name of Syed Ghulam Nabi Faiwho infiltrated our party not long ago in an attempt to influence our elected officials. The 62 year old Fairfax, VA resident was supported by the Pakistani ISI—the very organization who many believe supported in the aiding and harboring of Osama Bin Laden.[Ed. Note: Nabi Fai's activities dated to the terms President Bill Clinton, a Democrat, served.] If you believe Nabi Fai is the only foreign agent to infiltrate and influence our party, you are wrong. It happens more often than you could imagine. He just happened to get caught."
Imad David Ramadan The Counter Jihad Report The US Report - The US Report - Did Hezbollah foreign agents and unions infiltrate the Republican Party

a. " WASHINGTON—Syed Ghulam Nabi Fai, 62, a U.S. citizen and resident of Fairfax, Va., pleaded guilty today to conspiracy and tax violations in connection with a decades-long scheme to conceal the transfer of at least $3.5 million from the government of Pakistan to fund his lobbying efforts in America related to Kashmir." FBI mdash Virginia Man Pleads Guilty in Scheme to Conceal Pakistan Government Funding for His U.S. Lobbying Efforts

b. Mr. Fai’s apparently decades-long scheme had one purpose — to hide foreign involvement in Fai’s efforts to influence U.S. government policies. A foreign government intelligence service funneled millions through Fai so he could contribute to U.S. elected officials. His largest identified donations went to the National Republican Senatorial Committee."
Foreign Influence in American Politics Imad Ramadan in Virginia

To be fair, we cannot count on either party: they are both susceptible to well as some other methods.

Lobbying official is one way.
Becoming elected officials is another.

If one researches the Syed Ghulam Nabi Fai case, one is led to another individual's questionable links and leanings in the same direction.

2. "David-Imad Ramadan(born May 31, 1970) is a Lebanon-born American politician and businessman. He has beena Republican member of the Virginia House of Delegates since January 2012, representing the 87th district in Loudoun and Prince William counties... a political activist with active roles in the Republican Party of Virginia (RPV), The Loudoun County Republican Committee,[6] and the Arab-American Republican community. He has served on presidential political campaigns as well as on gubernatorial and senatorial campaignsand was appointed by RPV Chair in 2008 to ethnic outreach leadership"
David Ramadan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

a. “When an honest person has been a member of a destructive movement and leaves it, he will feel compelled to repudiate it publicly and to warn others of the dangers it poses. This is a sure test as to whether someone has left the Muslim Brotherhood or not,” Horowitz said.

Kent Clizbe, a former CIA operations officer who has converted to Islam to marry a Muslim woman (as [Grover] Norquist has done),came away troubled from his own encounter with Imad Ramadanin August."
Grover Norquist?s New Muslim Protégé | FrontPage Magazine - Part 2

3. " Imad Ramadan is just the latest of a series of Muslim protégés discovered and promoted by Republican activist Grover Norquist, ....

What’s wrong with Muslims running for public office or assuming prominent positions in the conservative movement? Nothing at all – as long as they are clear about the primacy of the U.S. Constitution over Koranic (or Sharia) law.

So how do you identify an Islamist – that is, someone who believes in the Koranic precept that Islam must dominate the world through voluntary submission or by force –especially if he goes out of his way to appear non-aggressive?

The answer is actually pretty simple. You listen to see if he denounces Islamic dictatorship – the rule of Hezbollah in Lebanon, the rule of the Shiite clerics in Iran, the rule of Hamas in Gaza or the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, or the rule of the Wahhabis in Saudi Arabia."
Grover Norquist?s New Muslim Protégé | FrontPage Magazine - Part 2

After the revelations of communist infiltration and control of Franklin Roosevelt's administration, wouldn't you think Americans would pay closer attention to who is running the government?

A Mrs. Powel of Philadelphia asked Benjamin Franklin, “Well, Doctor, what have we got, a republic or a monarchy?”
With no hesitation whatsoever, Franklin responded, “A republic,if you can keep it.”

4. " Americans must be aware of covert foreign influence in our political system...

a. Imad “David” Ramadan is running for the Republican nomination for the House of Delegates in Virginia’s 87thdistrict. After a few years of generous donations to Virginia Republicans, Ramadan made his move. Investing an estimated $500,000 in his campaign, hiring out-of-state consultants, and pulling the strings of his obligated donation recipients, Ramadan appeared to believe he is owed the seat.

b. Just over 40 years old, Ramadan has lived in the US for about 20 years. Public records show that he arrived in the US, on a student visa, and never went back to Lebanon. He had married a fellow Lebanese and declared bankruptcy in 1994.

c. Then he suddenly opened a business after 2001, and became an “international business consultant.” With no apparent business experience, he bragged on his website that he served “a select group of clients.” He claimed to be the head of a law firm (though he’s not a lawyer). He claimed to represent an American women’s gym chain in India and “the Middle East.”

d. Ramadan, from what I can make out, is the scion of a Lebanese Shi’a family. He told me that his father paid for him to attend university in Virginia. It would be very interesting to hear more details about these issues.
The Lebanese Shi’a are the backbone of the terrorist organization, Hezbollah (The Party of God).

Imad’s citizenship status is murky as well. According to public records, Imad Ramadan married a fellow Lebanese, Ghanda Abdul Rahman Zoghbi on Dec. 30, 1994, in Alexandria, Virginia, while he was a graduate student. Just the month before, in Nov. 1994, court records show that Imad Ramadan declared bankruptcy.

Imad claims that he is now (2011) married to “Christie Wray” of Franklin, Virginia. Efforts to find evidence of Imad’s divorce from his first wife, the daughter of a Lebanese military intelligence general, were unsuccessful.
Foreign Influence in American Politics Imad Ramadan in Virginia
OP is a self admitted PPP (paid per post) poster.

Prove it.

Dude, we've openly discussed this with each other. There's nothing to prove.

Yes, we did - so now quote what I told you!

We were both there, and we both know that you said you are a paid poster. I don't need to indulge your childish games beyond that.

Let me refresh your memory:

Lakhota is a self admitted PPP (Paid Per Post) poster.

Yes, I am a paid poster. I am paid in the sense that I am comfortably retired, and my retirement affords me with sufficient income and time - of which I waste some on message boards.
OP is a self admitted PPP (paid per post) poster.

Prove it.

Dude, we've openly discussed this with each other. There's nothing to prove.

Yes, we did - so now quote what I told you!

We were both there, and we both know that you said you are a paid poster. I don't need to indulge your childish games beyond that.

Let me refresh your memory:

Lakhota is a self admitted PPP (Paid Per Post) poster.

Yes, I am a paid poster. I am paid in the sense that I am comfortably retired, and my retirement affords me with sufficient income and time - of which I waste some on message boards.

You know I don't need to refresh your memory. But so everyone else can see what a lying ___t you are, here you go:

TGG: How about you take a break from spazzing and give us a target date for your departure?

Lakhota: When my contract is up.

TGG: Oh, I didn't know Soros did contracts. I figured you were doing piece work.

Lakhota: Nope. Contract.

TGG: Honestly; what the f*ck are you talking about? This is a free message board with nobody claiming to be a paid professional poster.

Lakhota: Are you really that stupid. There are several paid posters on USMB.
Look, it's over kid. You ain't calling the shots anymore. Trump's not worrying about placating you Clinton Bootlickers. Y'all are riding in the back. He's got the pen and phone now. It's his turn to be above the law. Better get used to it.


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