Trump, Republicans, and Winning!

Winning is Oh so very sweet. Make America Great Again! Trump is putting together the greatest Cabinet of former military Generals and successful businessmen in history.

I hate to try to see into the are right. The choices are astoundingly fortuitous.
After over 65 million of my fellow Americans voted for a truly anti-American tradition, and incompetent, in 2012, many of us on the Right assumed the worst: the movement that Franklin Roosevelt set in motion, his American version of Stalinism, could not be stopped.

Of course, there were wise observers who attributed Obama's elections as much to good-hearted simpletons who wanted to put racism and discrimination behind us and voted more for skin-color and less for communism.....
...but either conclusion left America in a precarious position, on the precipice of oblivion.

In full disclosure, I never expected the Trump victory......
...but, then, neither did nearlly anyone else.

Now, in post-election analysis, Frontpage Mag illuminates the path.
Greenfield posits that the old rules no longer apply, and the time-honored memes need no longer be so honored.

1. Actually respond to the needs of your base!

The GOP .... doesn’t like being associated with the very voters who made 2016 happen. [The Democrats] just lost big because they ran out of working class white voters.....tried to manufacture their base using immigration, victimhood politics and identity politics.

Trump won by doing what the GOP could have done all along if its leadership hadn’t been too ashamed to talk to people it considered low class because they shop at WalMart..... he found the neglected base of working class white voters who had been left behind. He didn’t care about looking uncool by courting them. Instead he threw himself into it.

The GOP’s urban elites would like to create an imaginary cool party that would be just like the Democrats, but with fiscally conservative principles. That party can’t and won’t exist.

You can run with the base you have. Or you can lose."
5 Ways Trump Shows How to Win Elections

Rule #2.....coming right up.
I expected a Trump victory from the fist day he announced...many people who paid very close attention expected
After over 65 million of my fellow Americans voted for a truly anti-American tradition, and incompetent, in 2012, many of us on the Right assumed the worst: the movement that Franklin Roosevelt set in motion, his American version of Stalinism, could not be stopped.

Of course, there were wise observers who attributed Obama's elections as much to good-hearted simpletons who wanted to put racism and discrimination behind us and voted more for skin-color and less for communism.....
...but either conclusion left America in a precarious position, on the precipice of oblivion.

In full disclosure, I never expected the Trump victory......
...but, then, neither did nearlly anyone else.

Now, in post-election analysis, Frontpage Mag illuminates the path.
Greenfield posits that the old rules no longer apply, and the time-honored memes need no longer be so honored.

1. Actually respond to the needs of your base!

The GOP .... doesn’t like being associated with the very voters who made 2016 happen. [The Democrats] just lost big because they ran out of working class white voters.....tried to manufacture their base using immigration, victimhood politics and identity politics.

Trump won by doing what the GOP could have done all along if its leadership hadn’t been too ashamed to talk to people it considered low class because they shop at WalMart..... he found the neglected base of working class white voters who had been left behind. He didn’t care about looking uncool by courting them. Instead he threw himself into it.

The GOP’s urban elites would like to create an imaginary cool party that would be just like the Democrats, but with fiscally conservative principles. That party can’t and won’t exist.

You can run with the base you have. Or you can lose."
5 Ways Trump Shows How to Win Elections

Rule #2.....coming right up.
I expected a Trump victory from the fist day he announced...many people who paid very close attention expected

You are one of the very few.
Rule # 3. Stand for what your stand for!

"Hillary Clinton’s campaign with its efforts to appeal to Republicans was a master class in triangulation. The Clintons were radicals who wanted to appear moderate. In the final weeks, Hillary’s people got out their brushes and makeup kits and tried to make her over into a candidate anyone could vote for.
But triangulation doesn’t work anymore.

Even before Trump, Bernie Sanders nearly derailed her by running as an unapologetic leftist. ...
Obama was much closer to Bernie Sanders than to Bill Clinton. He promised to destroy coal jobs, defended wealth redistribution and turned “You didn’t build that” into his mantra....

Trump won by unapologetically going to the right and infuriating the left. And it also worked.

American elections are no longer won by going to the center. Some of the most endangered senators had been centrists. The Republican moderate strategy cost them two presidential elections.
The radical left has polarized the country. Chasing the center is a dead end.
Instead you champion your base. You promise them everything they want. ... And you win.

Instead of retreating, you double down. It doesn’t matter what everyone else thinks of you. If your base loves you and will stand for hours waiting to hear from you, they will do that on Election Day.
It worked for Trump." 5 Ways Trump Shows How to Win Elections
Rule #4 Remember hearing that the candidate with the most money wins?

"What do Krispy Kreme, Costco and Donald Trump have in common? They don’t advertise.

When you have a compelling enough product, then you don’t need to advertise. You will be talked about and the customers will want to know more about you.....Trump spent a lot less than Hillary Clinton did.

... the impact of advertising in the age of the smartphone is shakier than ever. Ads for national candidates have far less impact than their public presence in the reality show of life. Far more Americans followed Hillary’s health crisis than watched all of her ads combined.

... Hillary avoided engaging with the media while spending a fortune on advertising. It was an expensive and outdated approach that didn’t work for her during the primaries or the general election.

The Trump campaign didn’t repeat Romney’s mistake of spending a fortune on consultants. Hillary Clinton did. It’s usually the unnatural candidate, the politician least comfortable in his own skin, who makes that mistake.

Instead Trump spent money on the practicals, like the ground game, he paid more attention to local ads than to national ads. And he didn’t make the common mistake of believing he could buy the election. It’s not how he had won the nomination. It’s not how he won the election."
5 Ways Trump Shows How to Win Elections

Trump tapped into the yearnings of real Americans.
It remains to be seen whether will try, and whether he will succeed, in keeping the promises he made.....
...but if his cabinet picks are an indication.......

...he will do both.
Rule #5 Never back down from the attacks!

"Trump’s campaign was declared dead more often than disco.
None of the outrage stopped him. Instead it helped him win. Every downturn in the polls preceded another upturn. Each attack on Trump gave him credibility. It defined him as a politician who wasn’t part of the system. And none of Trump’s critics understood that by attacking him they were only helping him win. They couldn’t stop this compulsive behavior even when it didn’t work.
Even now they’re still thinking that way.

Candidates are schooled not to offend anyone. But if you don’t offend anyone, you also don’t inspire anyone.
In politics to inspire, you must be controversial.
Controversy made Trump a national and then an international figure. The more an establishment attacked him, the more he was seen as a savior by its enemies. Controversy, more than anything else, made him a change candidate. Trump wasn’t Teflon. He didn’t survive attacks the way Bill Clinton did. Instead he thrived on them until he became the voice of millions of angry Americans.
Controversy isn’t something to be feared. It’s something to be embraced.

In the years ahead, consultants and experts will insist that Trump’s campaign was a fluke that nothing can be learned from. They will argue that the old failed way of politics is best. But the old way of politics is dead. The future belongs to Republicans who listen to their base instead of their consultants.

The future belongs to Republicans who care more about what their supporters think of them than what the media does."
5 Ways Trump Shows How to Win Elections

One can only hope.
"Both" of these parties need to be drug out back and put down.

This is the sort of post one expects from those either too obtuse to compare the two parties, or too much of wimp to get off the fence.

So that I may address you correctly,.....which is it?

The societal wealth extraction continues unabated either way love. Your "good guys" and your "bad guys" are merely riding in different cars of the same train.
The OP declared Clinton a rapist based solely on the fact that he was accused of rape.

Trump was accused of rape. The OP has yet to declare Trump a rapist.
"Both" of these parties need to be drug out back and put down.

This is the sort of post one expects from those either too obtuse to compare the two parties, or too much of wimp to get off the fence.

So that I may address you correctly,.....which is it?

The societal wealth extraction continues unabated either way love. Your "good guys" and your "bad guys" are merely riding in different cars of the same train.

Perhaps you missed my inquiry.....

Yours is the sort of post one expects from those either too obtuse to compare the two parties, or too much of wimp to get off the fence.

So that I may address you correctly,.....which is it?
"Both" of these parties need to be drug out back and put down.

This is the sort of post one expects from those either too obtuse to compare the two parties, or too much of wimp to get off the fence.

So that I may address you correctly,.....which is it?

The societal wealth extraction continues unabated either way love. Your "good guys" and your "bad guys" are merely riding in different cars of the same train.

Perhaps you missed my inquiry.....

Yours is the sort of post one expects from those either too obtuse to compare the two parties, or too much of wimp to get off the fence.

So that I may address you correctly,.....which is it?

I'm not part of your partisanshithead world love, that peceptual reality is a yuge part of the american system's dilemma.
"Both" of these parties need to be drug out back and put down.

This is the sort of post one expects from those either too obtuse to compare the two parties, or too much of wimp to get off the fence.

So that I may address you correctly,.....which is it?

The societal wealth extraction continues unabated either way love. Your "good guys" and your "bad guys" are merely riding in different cars of the same train.

Perhaps you missed my inquiry.....

Yours is the sort of post one expects from those either too obtuse to compare the two parties, or too much of wimp to get off the fence.

So that I may address you correctly,.....which is it?

I'm not part of your partisanshithead world love, that peceptual reality is a yuge part of the american system's dilemma.

On the face of it, there are several distinguishing characteristics that separate us....
a. I never use vulgarity
b. I'm intelligent enough to recognize differences between the parties.
c. I'm articulate enough to use the differences in my posts.

In short, if ignorance is bliss, you must be the happiest of swine.
"Both" of these parties need to be drug out back and put down.

This is the sort of post one expects from those either too obtuse to compare the two parties, or too much of wimp to get off the fence.

So that I may address you correctly,.....which is it?

The societal wealth extraction continues unabated either way love. Your "good guys" and your "bad guys" are merely riding in different cars of the same train.

Perhaps you missed my inquiry.....

Yours is the sort of post one expects from those either too obtuse to compare the two parties, or too much of wimp to get off the fence.

So that I may address you correctly,.....which is it?

I'm not part of your partisanshithead world love, that peceptual reality is a yuge part of the american system's dilemma.

On the face of it, there are several distinguishing characteristics that separate us....
a. I never use vulgarity
b. I'm intelligent enough to recognize differences between the parties.
c. I'm articulate enough to use the differences in my posts.

In short, if ignorance is bliss, you must be the happiest of swine.

You're nothing but a wimpy feckless would be bully. You don't control what anyone thinks but yourself, and your bird bath deep partisanshithead analysis just isn't interesting at all. You're nothing but a chior preacher hissyfitting any who won't follow. Count me among those love.
This is the sort of post one expects from those either too obtuse to compare the two parties, or too much of wimp to get off the fence.

So that I may address you correctly,.....which is it?

The societal wealth extraction continues unabated either way love. Your "good guys" and your "bad guys" are merely riding in different cars of the same train.

Perhaps you missed my inquiry.....

Yours is the sort of post one expects from those either too obtuse to compare the two parties, or too much of wimp to get off the fence.

So that I may address you correctly,.....which is it?

I'm not part of your partisanshithead world love, that peceptual reality is a yuge part of the american system's dilemma.

On the face of it, there are several distinguishing characteristics that separate us....
a. I never use vulgarity
b. I'm intelligent enough to recognize differences between the parties.
c. I'm articulate enough to use the differences in my posts.

In short, if ignorance is bliss, you must be the happiest of swine.

You're nothing but a wimpy feckless would be bully. You don't control what anyone thinks but yourself, and your bird bath deep partisanshithead analysis just isn't interesting at all. You're nothing but a chior preacher hissyfitting any who won't follow. Count me among those love.

I'm gratified that my post got under your skin.
Truth has a way of doing that.

"...your .... analysis just isn't interesting at all...."
Yet....time after time, you stick to my threads like manure to a wet blanket.

You might recognize the truth of this adage:
Reality is defined by actions, not words.

You'll be back.
The societal wealth extraction continues unabated either way love. Your "good guys" and your "bad guys" are merely riding in different cars of the same train.

Perhaps you missed my inquiry.....

Yours is the sort of post one expects from those either too obtuse to compare the two parties, or too much of wimp to get off the fence.

So that I may address you correctly,.....which is it?

I'm not part of your partisanshithead world love, that peceptual reality is a yuge part of the american system's dilemma.

On the face of it, there are several distinguishing characteristics that separate us....
a. I never use vulgarity
b. I'm intelligent enough to recognize differences between the parties.
c. I'm articulate enough to use the differences in my posts.

In short, if ignorance is bliss, you must be the happiest of swine.

You're nothing but a wimpy feckless would be bully. You don't control what anyone thinks but yourself, and your bird bath deep partisanshithead analysis just isn't interesting at all. You're nothing but a chior preacher hissyfitting any who won't follow. Count me among those love.

I'm gratified that my post got under your skin.
Truth has a way of doing that.

"...your .... analysis just isn't interesting at all...."
Yet....time after time, you stick to my threads like manure to a wet blanket.

You might recognize the truth of this adage:
Reality is defined by actions, not words.

You'll be back.

You can't force me into your partisanshithead world view love, that's what under someone's skin.
Perhaps you missed my inquiry.....

Yours is the sort of post one expects from those either too obtuse to compare the two parties, or too much of wimp to get off the fence.

So that I may address you correctly,.....which is it?

I'm not part of your partisanshithead world love, that peceptual reality is a yuge part of the american system's dilemma.

On the face of it, there are several distinguishing characteristics that separate us....
a. I never use vulgarity
b. I'm intelligent enough to recognize differences between the parties.
c. I'm articulate enough to use the differences in my posts.

In short, if ignorance is bliss, you must be the happiest of swine.

You're nothing but a wimpy feckless would be bully. You don't control what anyone thinks but yourself, and your bird bath deep partisanshithead analysis just isn't interesting at all. You're nothing but a chior preacher hissyfitting any who won't follow. Count me among those love.

I'm gratified that my post got under your skin.
Truth has a way of doing that.

"...your .... analysis just isn't interesting at all...."
Yet....time after time, you stick to my threads like manure to a wet blanket.

You might recognize the truth of this adage:
Reality is defined by actions, not words.

You'll be back.

You can't force me into your partisanshithead world view love, that's what under someone's skin.

"You'll be back."
And so it is.

Face it, dolt....opposites when you recognize in me one who is attractive, honest, cultured, and, above are drawn like a moth to a flame.

And......'ll be back.
I'm not part of your partisanshithead world love, that peceptual reality is a yuge part of the american system's dilemma.

On the face of it, there are several distinguishing characteristics that separate us....
a. I never use vulgarity
b. I'm intelligent enough to recognize differences between the parties.
c. I'm articulate enough to use the differences in my posts.

In short, if ignorance is bliss, you must be the happiest of swine.

You're nothing but a wimpy feckless would be bully. You don't control what anyone thinks but yourself, and your bird bath deep partisanshithead analysis just isn't interesting at all. You're nothing but a chior preacher hissyfitting any who won't follow. Count me among those love.

I'm gratified that my post got under your skin.
Truth has a way of doing that.

"...your .... analysis just isn't interesting at all...."
Yet....time after time, you stick to my threads like manure to a wet blanket.

You might recognize the truth of this adage:
Reality is defined by actions, not words.

You'll be back.

You can't force me into your partisanshithead world view love, that's what under someone's skin.

"You'll be back."
And so it is.

Face it, dolt....opposites when you recognize in me one who is attractive, honest, cultured, and, above are drawn like a moth to a flame.

And......'ll be back.

Sure love, that must be it.
On the face of it, there are several distinguishing characteristics that separate us....
a. I never use vulgarity
b. I'm intelligent enough to recognize differences between the parties.
c. I'm articulate enough to use the differences in my posts.

In short, if ignorance is bliss, you must be the happiest of swine.

You're nothing but a wimpy feckless would be bully. You don't control what anyone thinks but yourself, and your bird bath deep partisanshithead analysis just isn't interesting at all. You're nothing but a chior preacher hissyfitting any who won't follow. Count me among those love.

I'm gratified that my post got under your skin.
Truth has a way of doing that.

"...your .... analysis just isn't interesting at all...."
Yet....time after time, you stick to my threads like manure to a wet blanket.

You might recognize the truth of this adage:
Reality is defined by actions, not words.

You'll be back.

You can't force me into your partisanshithead world view love, that's what under someone's skin.

"You'll be back."
And so it is.

Face it, dolt....opposites when you recognize in me one who is attractive, honest, cultured, and, above are drawn like a moth to a flame.

And......'ll be back.

Sure love, that must be it.

I've seen the same effect with other curs when I toss a stick and say 'fetch!'
You're nothing but a wimpy feckless would be bully. You don't control what anyone thinks but yourself, and your bird bath deep partisanshithead analysis just isn't interesting at all. You're nothing but a chior preacher hissyfitting any who won't follow. Count me among those love.

I'm gratified that my post got under your skin.
Truth has a way of doing that.

"...your .... analysis just isn't interesting at all...."
Yet....time after time, you stick to my threads like manure to a wet blanket.

You might recognize the truth of this adage:
Reality is defined by actions, not words.

You'll be back.

You can't force me into your partisanshithead world view love, that's what under someone's skin.

"You'll be back."
And so it is.

Face it, dolt....opposites when you recognize in me one who is attractive, honest, cultured, and, above are drawn like a moth to a flame.

And......'ll be back.

Sure love, that must be it.

I've seen the same effect with other curs when I toss a stick and say 'fetch!'

You're an angry little no one on an anonymous message board hon, really now.
I'm gratified that my post got under your skin.
Truth has a way of doing that.

"...your .... analysis just isn't interesting at all...."
Yet....time after time, you stick to my threads like manure to a wet blanket.

You might recognize the truth of this adage:
Reality is defined by actions, not words.

You'll be back.

You can't force me into your partisanshithead world view love, that's what under someone's skin.

"You'll be back."
And so it is.

Face it, dolt....opposites when you recognize in me one who is attractive, honest, cultured, and, above are drawn like a moth to a flame.

And......'ll be back.

Sure love, that must be it.

I've seen the same effect with other curs when I toss a stick and say 'fetch!'

You're an angry little no one on an anonymous message board hon, really now.

Good boy!

Doggie treat?
You can't force me into your partisanshithead world view love, that's what under someone's skin.

"You'll be back."
And so it is.

Face it, dolt....opposites when you recognize in me one who is attractive, honest, cultured, and, above are drawn like a moth to a flame.

And......'ll be back.

Sure love, that must be it.

I've seen the same effect with other curs when I toss a stick and say 'fetch!'

You're an angry little no one on an anonymous message board hon, really now.

Good boy!

Doggie treat?

Go enjoy being an angry little shit with nothing better to do love.

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