Trump reveals actions he'll take in first 6 months as president

The biggest problem Trump had in 2017 was to undo the massive damage The Worthless Negro did to this country.
"Listen, you’ve got a president right now, he wants full credit for an economy that he inherited, he wants zero blame for the pandemic he ignored," Obama said. "But you know what? The job doesn’t work that way. You’ve got to be responsible 24/7. You’ve got to pay attention 24/7. Tweeting at the TV doesn’t fix things. Watching TV all day doesn’t fix things. Making stuff up doesn’t fix things.

But, but Trump already said that HE would do that during his first term.

How'd that work out for ya, Ace?
Trump was too nice too Democrats at the beginning. He didn't get the killer instinct he needed until it was too late. After he wins in 2024 he'll immediately start with that killer instinct.
"Listen, you’ve got a president right now, he wants full credit for an economy that he inherited, he wants zero blame for the pandemic he ignored," Obama said. "But you know what? The job doesn’t work that way. You’ve got to be responsible 24/7. You’ve got to pay attention 24/7. Tweeting at the TV doesn’t fix things. Watching TV all day doesn’t fix things. Making stuff up doesn’t fix things.

Trump did a great job managing the Bio Weapon that Biden Chinese buddies released.

He closed down the US to foreign traffic even with the damn Democrats screaming racism. He mobilized Federal medical assets and deployed them where needed. He used the power of the Federal government to get industry to produce the needed medical supplies. He got us the vaccine with Operation Warpspeed. He did all this without shutting down the economy like the dumbass Democrat assholes wanted him to do.

More people died of Covid under Potatohead than Trump.
Trump did a great job managing the Bio Weapon that Biden Chinese buddies released.

He closed down the US to foreign traffic even with the damn Democrats screaming racism. He mobilized Federal medical assets and deployed them where needed. He used the power of the Federal government to get industry to produce the needed medical supplies. He got us the vaccine with Operation Warpspeed. He did all this without shutting down the economy like the dumbass Democrat assholes wanted him to do.

More people died of Covid under Potatohead than Trump.

Trump did a great job managing the Bio Weapon that Biden Chinese buddies released.

He closed down the US to foreign traffic even with the damn Democrats screaming racism. He mobilized Federal medical assets and deployed them where needed. He used the power of the Federal government to get industry to produce the needed medical supplies. He got us the vaccine with Operation Warpspeed. He did all this without shutting down the economy like the dumbass Democrat assholes wanted him to do.

More people died of Covid under Potatohead than Trump.
The only allies we will lose are the ones that are also stupidly trying to transform to Marxism. We don't need totalitarian allies.
Trump is a totalitarian, idiot.
Trump was too nice too Democrats at the beginning. He didn't get the killer instinct he needed until it was too late. After he wins in 2024 he'll immediately start with that killer instinct.
He won't win and Americans will not tolerate fascism.
Trump will face Impeachment and continuous assault by Democrats by his 3rd month in office.

Should he i.mediately attempt to fire Garland, Wray, and clean out the partisanly weaponized traitors running our agencies - as he should - it will be sooner.
Trump weaponized the DOJ when he was in office.
The clear message from 2016 was to build the border wall and deport the undesirables. Polls show Trump still has great support.
According to my Google poll, more people hate Trump.

When I did a Google search for "I hate Trump" I got about 749,000 responses.

When I did a Google search for "I love Trump" I got about 124,000 responses.

When I did a Google search for "I like Trump" I got about 268,000 responses.
According to my Google poll, more people hate Trump.
When I did a Google search for "I hate Trump" I got about 749,000 responses.
When I did a Google search for "I love Trump" I got about 124,000 responses.
When I did a Google search for "I like Trump" I got about 268,000 responses.
Great, let's pick our presidents using Google searches.
Americans will not tolerate fascism.

Really? Your party revels in it constantly through censorship and intimidation endlessly. (Like labeling half the country "terrorists", or colluding with Federal Law Enforcement to harm your political opponents. The list is exhaustive.)

The blinders you have to wear these days to be a "Democrat" (what a joke that is).

I wouldn't brag about that one.

And DeSantis knows it.

Good point but it was what everybody wanted at the time. He did his part in removing bureaucratic obstacles.

Had Crooked Hillary been in charge the country would have been economically shut down and tens of thousands more would have died. Can you imagine the oppressive Federal mandates that would have been put in place and every school in the country would have been closed.

Trump did a great job at the Federal level. Just like DeSantis did a great job at the state level in Florida.
Had Crooked Hillary been in charge the country would have been economically shut down and tens of thousands more would have died.

Believe me, if Trump is the GOP nominee I will crawl over broken glass to vote for him.

My only point is that in a GOP Primary, DeSantis will certainly be able to credibly argue that Trump had some major screw ups with COVID - and I don't mean deaths and all the bologna Dems would throw at him.

The GOP Base abhors the vaccines, as I'm sure you well know - and DeSantis will almost certainly seek to exploit this.
Believe me, if Trump is the GOP nominee I will crawl over broken glass to vote for him.

My only point is that in a GOP Primary, DeSantis will certainly be able to credibly argue that Trump had some major screw ups with COVID - and I don't mean deaths and all the bologna Dems would throw at him.

The GOP Base abhors the vaccines, as I'm sure you well know - and DeSantis will almost certainly seek to exploit this.
I understand what you are saying. And yes DeSantis will attack Trump on Covid and anything else he thinks he can use. That is politics.

As far as being credible that is different issue.

I think Trump did as good a job running the Federal government during the Pandemic as anybody could possibly have done. I cringe when I think what the Democrats would have done. Like my grandchildren being behind in grade levels because the Democrats would have shut down all the schools to kiss the ass of the teacher unions.

I prefer deSantis over Trump because I am a Floridian. However, Trump was the best President of modern times and we will see who wins.

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