Trump reveals how he would force Mexico to pay for border wall

here you go , maybe you didn't see it VShandel . --- What it would take to build Trump's border wall - CNN Video --- 21st century wall building VShandel !! Similar is built in Isral but their wall is not as long !!
And? It's only about 20% effective.

How did you determine that, aside from pulling it out of your ass, I mean?
The number of tunnels for starters.
Prove me wrong.
Waiting for actual proof .
Again there's that pesky problem with reality.
How long does it take to toss a fire bomb ?
We don't have that problem now but a barrier wall is a good as an invitation.
Does the Berlin Wall ring any bells.

What good is a firebomb against one foot thick of prestressed concrete?

I don't recall anyone getting through the Berlin wall by throwing fire bombs at it. The Berlin wall was highly effective, so I don't why you are bringing that up. For decades only a couple dozen people managed to get across it.

You must think people are imbeciles if they can't handle a few simple problems like the ones you mention.
You just keep telling yourself that lie .
The Berlin Wall was a Swiss cheese

Really? How many people got across it the last 10 years it was up?
In the last 10 years it was up nobody needed to.
Look it up.

Why wouldn't they need to cross it before 1989?
Non sequitur and moving goal posts.
Bullshit. Every open-borders douche bag claims he isn't for open borders. Of course, he always opposes any proposal to close the borders.

Cute. So those of us who are smart enough to know a wall is dumb are lying. Of course.

Everything you "know" is dumb. That's why you're a dumbass. The more you scream against the wall, the more certain we are that it's the smart thing to do.

And, yes, all open borders traitors are liars.

If you think the wall will fix everything then it is you who is the dumbass.

I don't think it will fix "everything." However, it will fix 60% of the problem. That's money well spent.

You, of course, don't want to fix the problem. You're only interested in finding excuses for doing nothing.

If they can't work here they won't come. That is how you fix the problem.
Cons whine about the lazy Americans that don't work, then whine about the Mexicans that do work, doing the jobs that Americans won't do. How about you go do those jobs, and quit your pissy ass whining.
If they can't work here they won't come. That is how you fix the problem.

Why is it better to throw then out after they are already here then to keep them out in the first place?

Simple: It isn't. Only douche bags claim it is. Every nation on earth works hard to keep aliens out at the border.

You're just another lying open-borders asshole.

If they can't work here they won't come at all.

They won't come if they have to climb a 30 foot wall. With the added bonus that we don't need some Gestapo like enforcement authority to persecute employers. Of course, the later is exactly your motive for your proposal.

Unless they have a 35 foot ladder and a rope. Your billions spent on a wall defeated with a few dollars.

Which is why the wall should be topped with 10' of razor wire humming with 50,000 volts and 100 amps, and be covered by machine guns on motion detectors and surrounded by a belt of anti-personnel land mines, as well as patrolled by armed helicopters.
We are not at war with Mexico.
That didn't work to well in Hungary. Staff without walls or fences are virtually useless. We already have 10,000 border guards. That should be sufficient. The choice isn't between the wall or staff. That's a falls choice presented by people who are opposed to controlling the border.

We did complete lots of fencing and you say we have lots of staff. Yet else still have tons of illegals. More fencing won't make a difference.

If you've seen any pics of the so-called fence they built, you would know it's a joke.

Expensive joke

Obamacare is an expensive joke. It's an expensive practical joke on the people who voted for Obama.

And now we have more people insured.

I don't consider myself insured when I have a $7000 deductible before the insurance pays a single cent of my medical bills. Obamacare is almost worthless as insurance.
If I remember my geography, the Rio grande river is the us mexico border for most of the length ( of the border).
The north bank is the us , the south bank is Mexico.
The actual border line runs down the middle of the river.
My point is "the wall"would need to be set back away from the north bank far enough to compensate for erosion .
The question is how much US territory are you willing to give to mexico for the wall?

We did complete lots of fencing and you say we have lots of staff. Yet else still have tons of illegals. More fencing won't make a difference.

If you've seen any pics of the so-called fence they built, you would know it's a joke.

Expensive joke

Obamacare is an expensive joke. It's an expensive practical joke on the people who voted for Obama.

And now we have more people insured.

I don't consider myself insured when I have a $7000 deductible before the insurance pays a single cent of my medical bills. Obamacare is almost worthless as insurance.
You should have gotten better insurance.
Whiny bitch.

!0 people means it's Swiss cheese? You're an idiot, you realize.
What I posted is just an example .
There are many thousands more.
You have to be extremely desperate to deny fact.

5000 people escaped from East Berlin over the 30 year history of the wall. Most of these escapes occurred in the early years of the wall's existence before they had all the flaws in it fixed up. That comes to about 150 people per year, at most, but much lower numbers in the final decade of its existence. Here we are talking about people escaping from an oppressive totalitarian dictatorship - people willing to risk death. I doubt most of the illegals coming over the border are that motivated.

If the wall on our border works half as well, it will be more than adequate.
If you've seen any pics of the so-called fence they built, you would know it's a joke.

Expensive joke

Obamacare is an expensive joke. It's an expensive practical joke on the people who voted for Obama.

And now we have more people insured.

I don't consider myself insured when I have a $7000 deductible before the insurance pays a single cent of my medical bills. Obamacare is almost worthless as insurance.
You should have gotten better insurance.
Whiny bitch.

I paid $800/mo for that insurance, douche bag. How much do you think I should spend on insurance? How is so-called "insurance" that is far more expensive and has far less coverage better?

!0 people means it's Swiss cheese? You're an idiot, you realize.
What I posted is just an example .
There are many thousands more.
You have to be extremely desperate to deny fact.
---------------------------------------------------------- not desperate , laughing for the most part , so what , the wall fails at times . Majority stayed where they were and with no jobs available In the USA and no school or benefits for young scofflaws or criminals the majority will leave and other mamasitas will stay away Daws .
We did complete lots of fencing and you say we have lots of staff. Yet else still have tons of illegals. More fencing won't make a difference.

If you've seen any pics of the so-called fence they built, you would know it's a joke.

Expensive joke

Obamacare is an expensive joke. It's an expensive practical joke on the people who voted for Obama.

And now we have more people insured.

I don't consider myself insured when I have a $7000 deductible before the insurance pays a single cent of my medical bills. Obamacare is almost worthless as insurance.
Your prophet Limpballs told you that if you're going to say something, you have to make it believable.
If I remember my geography, the Rio grande river is the us mexico border for most of the length ( of the border).
The north bank is the us , the south bank is Mexico.
The actual border line runs down the middle of the river.
My point is "the wall"would need to be set back away from the north bank far enough to compensate for erosion .
The question is how much US territory are you willing to give to mexico for the wall?

------------------------- okay ,so we set it back a thousand yard but the border still remains in the river . You sound desperate but your desperation makes me smile DAWS !!
If you've seen any pics of the so-called fence they built, you would know it's a joke.

Expensive joke

Obamacare is an expensive joke. It's an expensive practical joke on the people who voted for Obama.

And now we have more people insured.

I don't consider myself insured when I have a $7000 deductible before the insurance pays a single cent of my medical bills. Obamacare is almost worthless as insurance.
Your prophet Limpballs told you that if you're going to say something, you have to make it believable.

The fact can easily be verified by going to the insurance site and entering the same details that I entered.
I mean , hey , let the illegal aliens swim over the official border and then have picnics in the shadow of the wall Daws .

!0 people means it's Swiss cheese? You're an idiot, you realize.
What I posted is just an example .
There are many thousands more.
You have to be extremely desperate to deny fact.
---------------------------------------------------------- not desperate , laughing for the most part , so what , the wall fails at times . Majority stayed where they were and with no jobs available In the USA and no school or benefits for young scofflaws or criminals the majority will leave and other mamasitas will stay away Daws .
More desperation.
If I remember my geography, the Rio grande river is the us mexico border for most of the length ( of the border).
The north bank is the us , the south bank is Mexico.
The actual border line runs down the middle of the river.
My point is "the wall"would need to be set back away from the north bank far enough to compensate for erosion .
The question is how much US territory are you willing to give to mexico for the wall?

------------------------- okay ,so we set it back a thousand yard but the border still remains in the river . You sound desperate but your desperation makes me smile DAWS !!
Wrong as always.
You've just proved you know jackshit about construction.
The rest of your "argument" is about as realistic as catholic kids arguing about special dispensation.
Ignorant people often laugh at what frightens them.
Expensive joke

Obamacare is an expensive joke. It's an expensive practical joke on the people who voted for Obama.

And now we have more people insured.

I don't consider myself insured when I have a $7000 deductible before the insurance pays a single cent of my medical bills. Obamacare is almost worthless as insurance.
Your prophet Limpballs told you that if you're going to say something, you have to make it believable.

The fact can easily be verified by going to the insurance site and entering the same details that I entered.
What are those details?
We did complete lots of fencing and you say we have lots of staff. Yet else still have tons of illegals. More fencing won't make a difference.

If you've seen any pics of the so-called fence they built, you would know it's a joke.

Expensive joke

Obamacare is an expensive joke. It's an expensive practical joke on the people who voted for Obama.

And now we have more people insured.

I don't consider myself insured when I have a $7000 deductible before the insurance pays a single cent of my medical bills. Obamacare is almost worthless as insurance.

So you are on obamacare? Better $7000 than hundreds of thousands.

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