Trump reveals how he would force Mexico to pay for border wall

Seen it and it's not feasible.
----------------------------- well , mostly its a video for other smarter people to see Daws . ------------------- But heck , in the 40s we built a highway through swamp , huge forest , rivers , lakes , streams using 1930s and early 40s building equipment , machines and techniques . And we did it in 50 degree below zero weather including blizzards and huge snowfalls in winter . And building continued in sweltering hot summer with billions of mosquitos and black flies . It was 1700 miles in length and was built when the USA was fighting ww2 on 2 fronts . So yeah , this border wall is no big deal Daws . spite of the fact that the aforementioned wall would be useless....
--------------------------------------- many people that live 35 miles from the USA - mexico border probably have lots of family in mexico ehh VShandel ??
I have relatives in Mexico.
Your point?
Other than the obvious racism.
--------------------------------------- so then it is anti American views and some dual loyalties ehh Daws !!
Wrong on both .
Define anti American.
no , i'm American and my attitudes are similar to Ike Eisenhowers when he cleaned up the USA for my generation back in the 1950s senors or Gents !
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no , i'm American and my attitudes are similar to Ike Eisenhowers when he cleaned up the USA for my generation back in the 1950s !
no , i'm American and my attitudes are similar to Ike Eisenhowers when he cleaned up the USA for my generation back in the 1950s !

Well, ike's family came from Germany, and his relatives were Nazi's, so he obviously was anti-American....
I believe that we have gotten to the bottom line here, Daws.

---------------------------------- whatever , for me it is population growth and American Sovereignty senors or Gentlemen .
Odd just a few posts back you were gleefully willing to cede us territory to mexico for your own imagined security.
That can only mean you don't give a fuck about sovereignty.
no , i'm American and my attitudes are similar to Ike Eisenhowers when he cleaned up the USA for my generation back in the 1950s senors or Gents !
You must believe in fairly tales.
Eisenhower caused more problems than he solved.
Talk about revisionist history.
no , i'm American and my attitudes are similar to Ike Eisenhowers when he cleaned up the USA for my generation back in the 1950s !
no , i'm American and my attitudes are similar to Ike Eisenhowers when he cleaned up the USA for my generation back in the 1950s !

Well, ike's family came from Germany, and his relatives were Nazi's, so he obviously was anti-American....
---------------------------------------- IKE did a good job with his Operation Wetback in the 50s . He helped clean up the USA and his policies helped me and my generation of AMERICANS prosper VShandel !!
If you've seen any pics of the so-called fence they built, you would know it's a joke.

Expensive joke

Obamacare is an expensive joke. It's an expensive practical joke on the people who voted for Obama.

And now we have more people insured.

I don't consider myself insured when I have a $7000 deductible before the insurance pays a single cent of my medical bills. Obamacare is almost worthless as insurance.

So you are on obamacare? Better $7000 than hundreds of thousands.

That's the whole point if insurance, dumbass. The question is, which is better, Obamacare or the insurance I had previously. Obamacare sucks by any objective measurement.
rather than me arguing with you here is some education Daws . --- What it would take to build Trump's border wall - CNN Video --- it looks pretty good to me and all your words of BS are jusy BS DAWS !!
Seen it and it's not feasible.
----------------------------- well , mostly its a video for other smarter people to see Daws . ------------------- But heck , in the 40s we built a highway through swamp , huge forest , rivers , lakes , streams using 1930s and early 40s building equipment , machines and techniques . And we did it in 50 degree below zero weather including blizzards and huge snowfalls in winter . And building continued in sweltering hot summer with billions of mosquitos and black flies . It was 1700 miles in length and was built when the USA was fighting ww2 on 2 fronts . So yeah , this border wall is no big deal Daws . spite of the fact that the aforementioned wall would be useless....

Says who?
we got a couple name callers here that can do nothing but deliver BS while I provide links and information on the practical building of a USA . mexico border wall . --- What it would take to build Trump's border wall - CNN Video ---
And I refuted it as not being practical .
SaYing or doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result is the definition of insanity.
You failed to list any reasons it wouldn't be "practical."
Here is Trump's memo: Memo explains how Donald Trump plans to pay for border wall

In addition to changing Patriot Act regulations, he would start cancelling visas for Mexicans, and start a tariff war with Mexico.

You're against Obama's executive orders now? When did that happen?
When was I for them, dipshit?

All I did was point out the imaginary EOs the rubes invented did not exist. I also pointed out that EOs, in general, do not "bypass Congress".

But now we are going to see all the usual suspects who screamed hysterically over EOs and Memorandums suddenly be okay with them as long as Trump is doing it.
Trump reveals how he would force Mexico to pay for border wall

I assumed he was going to use the money we give them via trade but hey this works as well. You should see the amount of stores here where I live that have these illegals sending cash back hell its not even taxed because they work under the table.

We should cut the crap about Mexico paying for it and build it ourselves. Defending our borders is our job, not theirs. It just makes us look petty. Frankly it is petty
no , i'm American and my attitudes are similar to Ike Eisenhowers when he cleaned up the USA for my generation back in the 1950s senors or Gents !
You must believe in fairly tales.
Eisenhower caused more problems than he solved.
Talk about revisionist history.
--------------------------------------- IKE did a good job , I always had high paying blue collar jobs due to his Operation Wetback and similar for my generation of American . At 16 years of age I was driving cars , motorcycles , snow machines while nowadays a 26 year old is living in his parents basement , driving skateboards and being on his Daddies health insurance . And when I went to school my teachers and classmates were ALL Americans and we all spoke the common language Daws !!

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