Trump reveals how he would force Mexico to pay for border wall

And what is this answer? You?
----------------------------------- think that it is Daws that judges the wall video that I link as unfeasible --- What it would take to build Trump's border wall - CNN Video --- course , he doesn't say WHY as he just makes the proclamation that it is UNFEASABLE .
Have posted many links supporting it's non feasibility.

Ah, the great treasure trove of extensive liberal views that are analyzed, dissected and supported by endless, irrefutable logic and documentation that you all constantly refer to and never can actually provide ...
Already have.
The problem is you clowns are not bright enough to understand it.
This whole post (your part anyway)
Is the same rancid bullshit you clowns constantly post.

And what is this answer? You?
----------------------------------- think that it is Daws that judges the wall video that I link as unfeasible --- What it would take to build Trump's border wall - CNN Video --- course , he doesn't say WHY as he just makes the proclamation that it is UNFEASABLE .
Have posted many links supporting it's non feasibility.
------------------------------------- Well repost another Daws , since you already posted why my border wall demonstration is unfeasible you should be able to do it again .

The inherent truth of liberalism is a tough one. All you have to do to convince a liberal is to prove that liberals are wrong without violating the inherent truth of liberalism ...
Trump says he will take executive action, he will use his pen, to change federal regulations.

After all the many dozens (hundreds?) of hysterical topics about Obama doing the same thing, one would expect a HUGE hue and cry over Trump saying he will do this.

And yet there is a baffling silence from both the right wing propaganda outlets and their parroting rubes. A silence from which one can only conclude raging hypocrisy is the order of the day.
------------------------------------- naw , no pushback not from me anyway . Obama set the precedent , may be that it'll be payback time G5000 !!
Trump says he will take executive action, he will use his pen, to change federal regulations.

After all the many dozens (hundreds?) of hysterical topics about Obama doing the same thing, one would expect a HUGE hue and cry over Trump saying he will do this.

Hell we even had a great many topics on this forum were started over imaginary EOs Obama was fixing to write any day now that were manufactured bullshit.

And yet there is a baffling silence from both the right wing propaganda outlets and their parroting rubes. A silence from which one can only conclude raging hypocrisy is the order of the day.

I agree, but your hypocrisy reeks just as bad. As for me, I do oppose Trump's plan for executive orders as well as Obama's executive orders. We are not a dictatorship. And I'll actually say what I said, unlike you who will just say what you didn't say ...
We should cut the crap about Mexico paying for it and build it ourselves. Defending our borders is our job, not theirs. It just makes us look petty. Frankly it is petty
---------------------------- I agree , build the wall , taxpayers should pay for it . Course I don't mind if mexico can be squeezed . mexico is not my friend Kaz !!
Paranoia and racism make for strange alliances.

What do paranoia and racism have to do with anything?

You want fries with that?

Seriously, no idea what you're talking about. Let's go with me. I'm against for example illegal aliens, arms and drugs walking across our borders. What do any of those have to do with "paranoia" or "race?"
I've thought for some time that making it harder for illegal workers to send remittances back is a good idea for several reasons, among them it might keep money in this economy and create jobs, and some illegal workers might leave, which might raise wages at the bottom of the wage scale without appreciably making things more expensive (which deporting everyone not legally working would do).

But a wall and trade war .... not gonna happen. But that is the real problem with the Donald. Correctly identify a problem. Propose an emotional response that is not actually aimed at solving the problem e.g Japan and S.Korea need their own nukes.
Asked and answered.

And what is this answer? You?
----------------------------------- think that it is Daws that judges the wall video that I link as unfeasible --- What it would take to build Trump's border wall - CNN Video --- course , he doesn't say WHY as he just makes the proclamation that it is UNFEASABLE .
Have posted many links supporting it's non feasibility.

Ah, the great treasure trove of extensive liberal views that are analyzed, dissected and supported by endless, irrefutable logic and documentation that you all constantly refer to and never can actually provide ...
Already have.
The problem is you clowns are not bright enough to understand it.
This whole post (your part anyway)
Is the same rancid bullshit you clowns constantly post.

Read every post you've ever written and find where you supported the claim you can't support now. A reasonable request, I'll do that and get back to you ...

... moron
---------------------------- I agree , build the wall , taxpayers should pay for it . Course I don't mind if mexico can be squeezed . mexico is not my friend Kaz !!
Paranoia and racism make for strange alliances.

What do paranoia and racism have to do with anything?

You want fries with that?

Seriously, no idea what you're talking about. Let's go with me. I'm against for example illegal aliens, arms and drugs walking across our borders. What do any of those have to do with "paranoia" or "race?"

So I'd be OK with white illegal aliens and whites bringing guns and illegal drugs here? Based on what, stupid bitch? Actually, I think whites are involved in the latter two quite a bit, but that doesn't change my view to stop them.

Perplexing, isn't it? Did you already explain that? Should I be looking for that while I read all your prior posts looking for where you explained why the wall won't work?
Here is Trump's memo: Memo explains how Donald Trump plans to pay for border wall

In addition to changing Patriot Act regulations, he would start cancelling visas for Mexicans, and start a tariff war with Mexico.

You're against Obama's executive orders now? When did that happen?
When was I for them, dipshit?

All I did was point out the imaginary EOs the rubes invented did not exist. I also pointed out that EOs, in general, do not "bypass Congress".

But now we are going to see all the usual suspects who screamed hysterically over EOs and Memorandums suddenly be okay with them as long as Trump is doing it.

So are you claiming to be against Obama's executive orders? Answer it directly. I find it hard to believe given your love of the Democrat party, but I'll believe you if you'll actually disavow them
Please provide evidence I "love the Democrat (sic) party".

Here's how you sound, retard:

PROPAGANDA OUTLET: BREAKING: Barack Obama has just snuffed out the sun!

RUBE: Obama just snuffed out the sun!

G5000: Hey, dipshit, take a look out the window.

RUBE: G5000 hates the sun! He loves Obama!

I neither supported nor opposed Obama's EOs in the many, many, many panicky, sweaty, hysterical topics about Obama's EOs. I merely pointed out which CLAIMS about them were wrong. I even pointed out that Obama probably did overstep his authority on a couple occasions.

When one points out FACTS, it does not mean one loves or hates Obama. It means one loves the TRUTH.

Got it YET, retard? How many times more will you need this explained to you?

Again the equivocation that liberals love. I didn't say I was for them! You're not, you're against them? I didn't say that either!

LOL, there we are ...

You are revealing something about your character without even realizing it. You are revealing that you expect everyone on your "side" to go along with any lies told about opponents. To you, the ends justifies the means. The TRUTH doesn't mean anything to you. And this prevailing attitude on the Right is precisely what is destroying it. You are part of the rotten core.

I am for FACTS, retard. I know that's an alien word to you, which perhaps explains your failure to grasp the concept.

When someone tells a LIE, and another person debunks that lie, there is no hack partisan bullshit about being for or against the person the lie is told about. You are flat out WILLFULLY STUPID if a lie is debunked and you get angry at the person who brought the light of truth.

I see I am wasting my time with you. Lies are too much a part of your political makeup. You are living in some really weird un-reality created by lying to yourself so frequently and believing your own bullshit.
Paranoia and racism make for strange alliances.

What do paranoia and racism have to do with anything?

You want fries with that?

Seriously, no idea what you're talking about. Let's go with me. I'm against for example illegal aliens, arms and drugs walking across our borders. What do any of those have to do with "paranoia" or "race?"

So I'd be OK with white illegal aliens and whites bringing guns and illegal drugs here? Based on what, stupid bitch? Actually, I think whites are involved in the latter two quite a bit, but that doesn't change my view to stop them.

Perplexing, isn't it? Did you already explain that? Should I be looking for that while I read all your prior posts looking for where you explained why the wall won't work?
I see a tantrum on the horizon!
Trump says he will take executive action, he will use his pen, to change federal regulations.

After all the many dozens (hundreds?) of hysterical topics about Obama doing the same thing, one would expect a HUGE hue and cry over Trump saying he will do this.

Hell we even had a great many topics on this forum were started over imaginary EOs Obama was fixing to write any day now that were manufactured bullshit.

And yet there is a baffling silence from both the right wing propaganda outlets and their parroting rubes. A silence from which one can only conclude raging hypocrisy is the order of the day.

I agree, but your hypocrisy reeks just as bad. As for me, I do oppose Trump's plan for executive orders as well as Obama's executive orders. We are not a dictatorship. And I'll actually say what I said, unlike you who will just say what you didn't say ...
There is no hypocrisy on my part.

If someone tells a lie about an EO, and I debunk that lie, where am I being hypocritical?

You are having conversations in your head with a G5000 who does not exist.

And your blanket opposition to EOs betrays a total lack of understanding of their nature.
You are revealing something about your character without even realizing it. You are revealing that you expect everyone on your "side" to go along with any lies told about opponents

Yet you couldn't deny I was right, LOL

To you, the ends justifies the means

Give an example, that's contrary to everything I ever argued, good luck. I argue for a population free from government control. What "end" is that justifying? Liberty?
Paranoia and racism make for strange alliances.

What do paranoia and racism have to do with anything?

You want fries with that?

Seriously, no idea what you're talking about. Let's go with me. I'm against for example illegal aliens, arms and drugs walking across our borders. What do any of those have to do with "paranoia" or "race?"

So I'd be OK with white illegal aliens and whites bringing guns and illegal drugs here? Based on what, stupid bitch? Actually, I think whites are involved in the latter two quite a bit, but that doesn't change my view to stop them.

Perplexing, isn't it? Did you already explain that? Should I be looking for that while I read all your prior posts looking for where you explained why the wall won't work?
posted several links explaining why.
No need to repeat it for you
You are revealing something about your character without even realizing it. You are revealing that you expect everyone on your "side" to go along with any lies told about opponents

Yet you couldn't deny I was right, LOL

You aren't right. At all. You could not be more wrong. You are extremely confused.

TARD (pointing at a tree): That's a ball.

G5000: It's a tree.

KAZ: G5000 is opposed to balls!

G5000: I never said that. I merely stated a fact.

KAZ: You couldn't deny I was right, LOL.
What do paranoia and racism have to do with anything?

You want fries with that?

Seriously, no idea what you're talking about. Let's go with me. I'm against for example illegal aliens, arms and drugs walking across our borders. What do any of those have to do with "paranoia" or "race?"

So I'd be OK with white illegal aliens and whites bringing guns and illegal drugs here? Based on what, stupid bitch? Actually, I think whites are involved in the latter two quite a bit, but that doesn't change my view to stop them.

Perplexing, isn't it? Did you already explain that? Should I be looking for that while I read all your prior posts looking for where you explained why the wall won't work?
I see a tantrum on the horizon!

Well, stop posting then until you calm down.

My question to you was what opposing illegal aliens, guns and money has to do with race and paranoia when race doesn't change my position I don't see what they have to do with paranoia.

I'm pro-gun rights and think drugs should be illegal, but funding organized crime is a bad idea
You are revealing something about your character without even realizing it. You are revealing that you expect everyone on your "side" to go along with any lies told about opponents

Yet you couldn't deny I was right, LOL

You aren't right. At all. You could not be more wrong. You are extremely confused.

TARD (pointing at a tree): That's a ball.

G5000: It's a tree.

KAZ: G5000 is opposed to balls!

G5000: I never said that. I merely stated a fact.

KAZ: You couldn't deny I was right, LOL.

Sure you did, you said you didn't say that. I asked if I was wrong, you replied you didn't say that either, LOL
no , i'm American and my attitudes are similar to Ike Eisenhowers when he cleaned up the USA for my generation back in the 1950s !
no , i'm American and my attitudes are similar to Ike Eisenhowers when he cleaned up the USA for my generation back in the 1950s !

Well, ike's family came from Germany, and his relatives were Nazi's, so he obviously was anti-American....
---------------------------------------- IKE did a good job with his Operation Wetback in the 50s . He helped clean up the USA and his policies helped me and my generation of AMERICANS prosper VShandel !!

You have to deport a Mexican to prosper, Pismoe? Competing with you for jobs harvesting grapes?

You want fries with that?

Seriously, no idea what you're talking about. Let's go with me. I'm against for example illegal aliens, arms and drugs walking across our borders. What do any of those have to do with "paranoia" or "race?"

So I'd be OK with white illegal aliens and whites bringing guns and illegal drugs here? Based on what, stupid bitch? Actually, I think whites are involved in the latter two quite a bit, but that doesn't change my view to stop them.

Perplexing, isn't it? Did you already explain that? Should I be looking for that while I read all your prior posts looking for where you explained why the wall won't work?
I see a tantrum on the horizon!

Well, stop posting then until you calm down.

My question to you was what opposing illegal aliens, guns and money has to do with race and paranoia when race doesn't change my position I don't see what they have to do with paranoia.

I'm pro-gun rights and think drugs should be illegal, but funding organized crime is a bad idea
Stop posting until you stop making false assumption and accusations.
As to your pov it's all based on paranoia and racism.
An excellent example is you automatically assumed that I would be OK with whites doing the same thing you accused illegals of doing.
no , i'm American and my attitudes are similar to Ike Eisenhowers when he cleaned up the USA for my generation back in the 1950s senors or Gents !
You must believe in fairly tales.
Eisenhower caused more problems than he solved.
Talk about revisionist history.
--------------------------------------- IKE did a good job , I always had high paying blue collar jobs due to his Operation Wetback and similar for my generation of American . At 16 years of age I was driving cars , motorcycles , snow machines while nowadays a 26 year old is living in his parents basement , driving skateboards and being on his Daddies health insurance . And when I went to school my teachers and classmates were ALL Americans and we all spoke the common language Daws !!

Trump reveals how he would force Mexico to pay for border wall

I assumed he was going to use the money we give them via trade but hey this works as well. You should see the amount of stores here where I live that have these illegals sending cash back hell its not even taxed because they work under the table.

I don't think that would work. They could simply switch to making the transfers using a crypto currency like bitcoin.
Then he would have to make a law that bans the anonymity from all crypto currencies so he could pin point illegals, that measure would face a lot of oposition.
In a worst case scenario they could rely on organized crime to make the money transfers, and that would be really, really awfull.

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