Trump reveals how he would force Mexico to pay for border wall

You are only pro wall because it satisfies your hateful bigot views on the subject . It doesn't even really address the immigration problem .

Right, because we all know how eager lying douche bag open-borders traitors like you are to solve the illegal alien problem. You demonstrate that every time you use the word "immigrant" instead of the correct term "illegal alien."

What "hateful bigot view" does it satisfy?
Actually they are both correct.
Your constant need to use the pejorative is a hateful bigoted view.

I don't use pejoratives. I refer to lying douche bags as what they are. Scum like you who denigrate any proposal to control the border are nothing more than traitors. You want to flood this country with illegal aliens simply so your filthy party can win elections.

Who do you think you're fooling?
I'm not fooling anyone .
But you are definitely delusional.
Illegals don't vote .
Besides you guys will lose not because of Democrats but in spite of them.

Illegals do vote, and they always vote Democrat.

No they don't vote . You are delusional .
"Sucker" is a synonym for "Democrat."
Only in your masturbation fantasy.

It smarts when you realize you've been fucked up the ass, doesn't it?
I wouldn't know.
You on the other hand should be so used to it , you don't need lube.

That must be your conception of wit.
Not just mine , but you would not understand as you have no wit at all.

Oh wow, another zinger!
Why would there be any breeches when the border patrol can spot someone trying to create one and apprehend them in a matter of minutes? After a few dozen spend 5 years cooling their heals in prison, the "breaches" will come to an end.
Again there's that pesky problem with reality.
How long does it take to toss a fire bomb ?
We don't have that problem now but a barrier wall is a good as an invitation.
Does the Berlin Wall ring any bells.

What good is a firebomb against one foot thick of prestressed concrete?

I don't recall anyone getting through the Berlin wall by throwing fire bombs at it. The Berlin wall was highly effective, so I don't why you are bringing that up. For decades only a couple dozen people managed to get across it.

You must think people are imbeciles if they can't handle a few simple problems like the ones you mention.
You just keep telling yourself that lie .
The Berlin Wall was a Swiss cheese

Really? How many people got across it the last 10 years it was up?
In the last 10 years it was up nobody needed to.
Look it up.

Why wouldn't they need to cross it before 1989?
I think fencing in strategic populated areas does slow down immigrants enough, 5 to 10 minutes or so to climb over it, for border patrol to catch those crossing....

My problem is with a wall or now being changed to fence, in the middle of the dessert, where no roads or city or town for the illegals to go to nearby once they cross, is an absolute waste of money...mainly because of the rarity of crossing and because slowing them down with a fence, does no good if border patrol is not within a few minutes of them crossing, so they can be caught by them...and increased spending on border guards and high tech systems in areas that attract those trying to cross etc, would be money better spent.
Razor wire, mines, auto smg's. Kill them before they reach a populated area.
Problem solved.
here you go , maybe you didn't see it VShandel . --- What it would take to build Trump's border wall - CNN Video --- 21st century wall building VShandel !! Similar is built in Isral but their wall is not as long !!

Actually, the Israeli wall keeps collapsing because of all the tunnels under it.
hmmmm, wrong.

Once again, a leftwing open-borders douche bag is pulling shit out of his ass.
---------------------------------------------- he is wrong , the egyptians are flooding the tunnel and drowning the invading tunneling rats .
point is that the ISRAELI wall does not collapse all the time and if it does then it needs repair . So they repair the collapsed section and the war on borders continues . do you have a link to Israeli wall collpses due to tunnels ??
point is that the ISRAELI wall does not collapse all the time and if it does then it needs repair . So they repair the collapsed section and the war on borders continues . do you have a link to Israeli wall collpses due to tunnels ??

It's funny how prestressed concrete parking garages stand for decades without so much as a dab of paint.
point is that the ISRAELI wall does not collapse all the time and if it does then it needs repair . So they repair the collapsed section and the war on borders continues . do you have a link to Israeli wall collpses due to tunnels ??

There is a lot of cheap Mexican laborers down here that we can get to keep the wall in repair.
point is that the ISRAELI wall does not collapse all the time and if it does then it needs repair . So they repair the collapsed section and the war on borders continues . do you have a link to Israeli wall collpses due to tunnels ??

There is a lot of cheap Mexican laborers down here that we can get to keep the wall in repair.
---------------------- not worth a comment except a comment to say that your post #335 is not worth a comment VShandel . :afro:
I don't think it will fix "everything." However, it will fix 60% of the problem. That's money well spent.

You, of course, don't want to fix the problem. You're only interested in finding excuses for doing nothing.

If they can't work here they won't come. That is how you fix the problem.

Why is it better to throw then out after they are already here then to keep them out in the first place?

Simple: It isn't. Only douche bags claim it is. Every nation on earth works hard to keep aliens out at the border.

You're just another lying open-borders asshole.

If they can't work here they won't come at all.

They won't come if they have to climb a 30 foot wall. With the added bonus that we don't need some Gestapo like enforcement authority to persecute employers. Of course, the later is exactly your motive for your proposal.

Unless they have a 35 foot ladder and a rope. Your billions spent on a wall defeated with a few dollars.

Which is why the wall should be topped with 10' of razor wire humming with 50,000 volts and 100 amps, and be covered by machine guns on motion detectors and surrounded by a belt of anti-personnel land mines, as well as patrolled by armed helicopters.

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