Trump Rewards Student Who Tore Down Tampon Dispenser

Wait…are you lefty’s REALLY getting upset about vandalism of a tampon machine after you all defended the destruction caused by the 2020 riots? For real????

Oh geez…
Wait…are you lefty’s REALLY getting upset about vandalism of a tampon machine after you all defended the destruction caused by the 2020 riots? For real????

Oh geez…

I'm not a lefty and I'm not all that upset, just pointing out the facts.
Alright let me rephrase that then. Did it belong to them?
It did not belong to whoever placed it was school property and it was order to insult male that is the real problem here.

If a student placed a statue of a big dick in the girls would you feel about that?

No pun intended...bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
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Yeah, but tearing it off the wall is the illegal part.
How do you know it was torn off the wall? Most likely they just took out some screws and took it down...most likely not even any damage to the machine...the school admin. should try and correct their egregious and outrageous insulting behavior by placing it in the girls bathroom or in the bathroom of whoever had it put where it did not belong....misusing school property is much more of an offense than merely removing a machine where it did not belong in the first place.
I'm not either to tell you the truth. Just saying how it is considered under the law is all.
No you are attempting to misuse the law....can you tell us why laws are made in the first place?

Permit me to help you............LAW. aws are rules that bind all people living in a community. Laws protect our general safety, and ensure our rights as citizens against abuses by other people, by organizations, and by the government itself. We have laws to help provide for our general safety.
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Ok and you think this helps your case of pro vandalism how?
My case of pro-vandalism? I do not think this incident had anything to do with the legal term of 'vandalism'

The actual elements involved in this incident.....misuse of school property, wasting school resources by buyin a machine that was not needed or wanted, needless provocation and insult of a group of students....whoever was behind this stupid political stunt should be terminated.
My case of pro-vandalism? I do not think this incident had anything to do with the legal term of 'vandalism'

The actual elements involved in this incident.....misuse of school property, wasting school resources by buyin a machine that was not needed or wanted, needless provocation and insult of a group of students....whoever was behind this stupid stunt should be terminated.
Then you are a fool. Was the action deliberate? YES Did it destroy public propert? YES
The actions fit the definition you posted perfectly. Yes you are making the case that this vandalism was ok because you support t. The exact same mentality of the people who were ok with the statues being torn down because they agreed with it.

Parents don’t like it, get the law changed, not choosing vandalism
Then you are a fool. The actions fit the definition you posted perfectly. Yes you are making the case that this vandalism was ok because you support t. The exact same mentality of the people who were ok with the statues being torn down because they agreed with it.

Parents don’t like it, get the law changed, not choosing vandalism
Bwaaaaaaaaaa such the law on vandalism to begin with...and then tell me the elements of vandalism that you think have application in this incident.

What law should be changed....there is no law about placing a tampon machine in a boys bathroom being legal...that is a case of insulting political adminstrators have no business engaging in such stunts...that is all it was a political stunt.

And your nonsense about statues being torn down is nothing more than incoherent babbling...nothing to do with this incident at all. Take a hike before I really get pissed. hehheh
Then you are a fool. Was the action deliberate? YES Did it destroy public propert? YES
The actions fit the definition you posted perfectly. Yes you are making the case that this vandalism was ok because you support t. The exact same mentality of the people who were ok with the statues being torn down because they agreed with it.

Parents don’t like it, get the law changed, not choosing vandalism
I never went to a toilet in the military nor in schools that supplied Tampons for men. Do Democrats truly approve this?
Bwaaaaaaaaaa such the law on vandalism to begin with...and then tell me the elements of vandalism that you think have application in this incident.
I already showed you it was vandalism if you can’t understand that then it’s on you

What law should be changed....there is no law about placing a tampon machine in a boys bathroom being legal...that is a case of insulting political adminstrators have no business engaging in such stunts...that is all it was a political stunt.
You should do a little leg work and research on this story. The state this happened is does in fact have a law requiring the machine in the restrooms.
And your nonsense about statues being torn down is nothing more than incoherent babbling...nothing to do with this incident at all. Take a hike before I really get pissed. hehheh
Who cares if you get pissed. You obviously don’t know what you’re talking about considering you are ignorant to the basic facts about the case. Go Educate or Fuck yourself, the choice is yours
Democrats approve of many stupid things....they demonstrate that constantly....that is just one reason many think liberalism is a mental disorder.

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