Trump Rewards Student Who Tore Down Tampon Dispenser

I never went to a toilet in the military nor in schools that supplied Tampons for men. Do Democrats truly approve this?
You would have to ask a Democrat. You don’t have to support this issue, you can even oppose it and still understand vandalism is wrong.
I already showed you it was vandalism if you can’t understand that then it’s on you

You should do a little leg work and research on this story. The state this happened is does in fact have a law requiring the dispensaries in the restrooms.

Who cares if you get pissed. You obviously don’t know what you’re talking about considering you are ignorant to the basic facts about the case. Go Educate or Fuck yourself, the choice is yours

I never went to a toilet in the military nor in schools that supplied Tampons for men. Do Democrats truly approve this?
Then you are a fool. Was the action deliberate? YES Did it destroy public propert? YES
The actions fit the definition you posted perfectly. Yes you are making the case that this vandalism was ok because you support t. The exact same mentality of the people who were ok with the statues being torn down because they agreed with it.

Parents don’t like it, get the law changed, not choosing vandalism
There is no evidence showing the dispenser was destroyed. Vandalism had nothing at all to do with this incident...that weak ass claim is just an attempt to find an excuse to prosecute these boys. Get over it.
There is no evidence showing the dispenser was destroyed. Vandalism had nothing at all to do with this incident...that weak ass claim is just an attempt to find an excuse to prosecute these boys. Get over it.
It was ripped from the wall. That is vandalism. Why do you need to lie and ignore the facts of this story? You’re just as bad as a democrat in supporting crime and not holding those who break the law accountable.
When you start destroying school property in order to do so.

Not sure anyone will notice ...

You would have to ask a Democrat. You don’t have to support this issue, you can even oppose it and still understand vandalism is wrong.
Again....there was no vandalism....that is a fallacious attempt to condemn these definition of vandalism............
  1. action involving deliberate destruction of or damage to public or private property.
    "an act of mindless vandalism"
There was no destruction to begin far as i have heard...they took down the machine that is all....I wonder how much such a machine costs to begin with.

Certainly nothing 'mindless' about some boys reacting to a political stunt....again this blunder by the school administration to conduct a political stunt....that is the real problem here.

The idiots on here trying to turn this rather funny retaliation to a political stunt shoud be ashamed of themselves accusing these boys of vandalism.
It was ripped from the wall. That is vandalism. Why do you need to lie and ignore the facts of this story? You’re just as bad as a democrat in supporting crime and not holding those who break the law accountable.
What makes you think it was 'ripped from the wall'....there is more than one way to skin a cat...they may have just removed a couple of screws to take it down...that 'ripping fron the wall' comment is just a weak attempt to try and make this nonsense into something....the best characterzation of this incident is just a humourous response to a political stunt. I posted the legal definition of vandalism...there is no provision in it about ripping from the wall.
Again....there was no vandalism....that is a fallacious attempt to condemn these definition of vandalism............
  1. action involving deliberate destruction of or damage to public or private property.
    "an act of mindless vandalism"
There was no destruction to begin far as i have heard...they took down the machine that is all....I wonder how much such a machine costs to begin with.

Certainly nothing 'mindless' about some boys reacting to a political stunt....again this blunder by the school administration to conduct a political stunt....that is the real problem here.

The idiots on here trying to turn this rather funny retaliation to a political stunt shoud be ashamed of themselves accusing these boys of vandalism.
You are ignoring reality. Are you just trolling at this point are truly that ignorant? Excuse this vandalism all you need to, it just shows you are someone with low morals and standards.
What makes you think it was 'ripped from the wall'....there is more than one way to skin a cat...they may have just removed a couple of screws to take it down...that 'ripping fron the wall' comment is just a weak attempt to try and make this nonsense into something....the best characterzation of this incident is just a humourous response to a political stunt. I posted the legal definition of vandalism...there is no provision in it about ripping from the wall.
Because unlike you I actually took the time to look up the story and educate myself on the details. You can use google and do the same
You are ignoring reality. Are you just trolling at this point are truly that ignorant? Excuse this vandalism all you need to, it just shows you are someone with low morals and standards.
I posted the legal definition of does not apply to this case...just a weak claim by those who outrageously want to prosecute these boys for reacting to a political stunt by school administrators.

The ones who should be prosecuted are the school administrators who approved of this political stunt.
I posted the legal definition of does not apply to this case...just a weak claim by those who outrageously want to prosecute these boys for reacting to a political stunt by school administrators.

The ones who should be prosecuted are the school administrators who approved of this political stunt.
Repeating that lie doesn’t make it true. You lost. Your own linked definition sank you. Again you are like a democrat trying to change the definition. And it was the state legislature that passed the law. Fuck you don’t know anything about this case and keep posting lie’s because you don’t know any better
Wait…are you lefty’s REALLY getting upset about vandalism of a tampon machine after you all defended the destruction caused by the 2020 riots? For real????

Oh geez…
hehheh I have never seen a tampon dispenser...I suppose it would be very sikmilar to a tissue dispenser....anyhow....we all know boys do not need or use why would the state legislature (sounds like (kaliofornicate) pass a law to demand the installation of tampon machines in boys bathrooms....anyone want to speculate on that? Definitely more interesting than the alleged destruction of a metal box which might cost 5 bucks oh my bad...with bidenflation it might now be a hundred bucks.

Yet if they put them in every boys bathroom in the huge state of Kalifornicate that would be a considerable sum....outragious stupidity especially in a state that has huge economic problems....
If a student placed a statue of a big dick in the girls would you feel about that?

I would yank my child out of that school and call the police since that probably qualifies as pornography to children.

there was no vandalism...simply taking down a machine is not vandalism.

It was meant to be hanging on the wall but it was torn down correct? That means that it was damaged in that sense so it's equal to vandalism.

Not sure anyone will notice ...

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Lol I realize that there's worse vandalism in the world but that's not the point.

Looks like this flame-bait thread got what it was after.

Umm no not really a flame bait thread.
I would yank my child out of that school and call the police since that probably qualifies as pornography to children.

It was meant to be hanging on the wall but it was torn down correct? That means that it was damaged in that sense so it's equal to vandalism.

Nothin i have seen shows the dispenser was damaged....they had no reason to damage it damage a metal box would probably require a sledge hammer...the picture of it does not show any is just sitting in a toilet...adequate symbolism to demonstrate the stupidity of placing tampon machines in a boys to comment on why they did that?
Lol I realize that there's worse vandalism in the world but that's not the point.

The point of the thread was to attack Trump for supporting these boys. I am sure that will get him even more votes...thus the democrats and their sexual deviant supporters are in a rage against Trump as usual trying to use these innocent boys in their fallacious attack on Trump.
Umm no not really a flame bait thread.
I don't know how long the unit was up there on the wall before it was torn down, but my question would be this, was it being used at all for the way that it was intended to be used? I am asking because if it isn't used enough or at all, could that right there be enough to send the message that needs to be sent?

God bless you always!!!

I don't know how long the unit was up there on the wall before it was torn down, but my question would be this, was it being used at all for the way that it was intended to be used? I am asking because if it isn't used enough or at all, could that right there be enough to send the message that needs to be sent?

God bless you always!!!

let us try and use a little common sense....I suppose you know what a tampon tell us why you think a tampon dispenser should be put in a boys bathroom?

Also although the metal box similar to a tissue dispenser is in and of itself not that expensive...if the state in question here mandates they be installed in all boys bathrooms state wide...then we are talking a serious amount of money.

A obvious fallacious and malicious misuse of money to attempt to make some kind of statement on transgenderism I suppose.

Irregardless....we should remember........“One has not only a legal, but a moral responsibility to obey just laws. Conversely, one has a moral responsibility to disobey unjust laws.

Whatever else....this law enacted by the state to demand the installation of tampon machines in boys bathrooms is beyond ridiculous....trying to make a political statement using boys bathrooms is entirely outrageous.

Now we see the stupids claim the boys are guity of vandalism....which is entirely non-sensical as nothing they did violates the law on vandalism....the law on vandalism has been posted on here and it does not fit the alegation of vandalism

In my opionion they were exhibiting their opposition to the stupidity of tampon dispensers in boys bathrooms....some might say they were engaging in civil disobedience.... I might agree with that...but they are definitely not guilty of vandalism.
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What did I say that makes you think that I need a helmet or a safe space?
/——/ Because you’re so wishy washy. You straddle the fence on whether the kid and Trump did the right thing. You approve and disapprove at the same time.
Pick aside and stick to it.
I’m not afraid of offending anyone. Both the kid and Trump were right.

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