Trump Rewards Student Who Tore Down Tampon Dispenser

Are you seriously trying to compare the Boston Tea party to students destroying school Property and then being rewarded by an ex President?
I dont mind students being hailed for civil disobedience that exposes woke liberal stupidity

Or being punished reasonably

Both are acceptable to me
I dont mind students being hailed for civil disobedience that exposes woke liberal stupidity

Or being punished reasonably

Both are acceptable to me
How do you think this kid should be reasonably punished?
She did start this thread… so not a very big “if” as it turns out

Hey, I call it like I see it. There's a difference between being a Trump supporter and a Trump worshipper and an ass kisser. Thankfully I'm not any of the latter.
Now go pull dozens more fake trash dispensers in men’s rooms out of the wall
No clue. However making a stupid choice and putting a tampon dispenser in a men’s restroom is legal. Vandalism is not. The kid did the crime now he has to face the time
Trash removal is just fine. Since feelings are facts for liberals it’s fair that his feelings that the bullshit needed to be removed is Just Fine in Thinking land too
Two way street that lib loons won’t be able to tolerate
Trash removal is just fine. Since feelings are facts for liberals it’s fair that his feelings that the bullshit needed to be removed is Just Fine in Thinking land too
Two way street that lib loons won’t be able to tolerate
So you support vandalism?
I agree that vandalism is not the answer.

But I empathize with male students not wanting to be mis-sexed, but forced to choose between agreeing to the mis-sexing by using a bathroom equipped for females, or having no bathroom to use during the school day.

The answer is not vandalism. The answer is for the purported adults who made the childlike decision to install a tampon machine in a male bathroom to grow tf up.
Trump never misses a chance to get his name in the news. Is he rewarding vigilantes now?
Biden rewards foreign rapists and murderers with a free trips to America. Don't see you whining about that. But really, have a hissy fit over some school kid antics. Wow.

These liberal delusions have gone on long enough. It is beyond absurd that such a tiny fraction of the population, degenerate queers, can trample on the rights of the vast majority. Demanding the taxpayer fund the normalization of mental illness to appease a tiny but annoyingly vocal portion of the population is not what this country was built upon.
So you support vandalism?
That would not be the correct word
Vandalizing is just destroying things with no intended purpose other than mischief and no point to it
This had both a point and purpose. To remove the trash in the men’s room and identify it as improperly located
First-don’t put words in peoples mouth and pretend they need to defend it. That’s double fake. We see through that. Also, learn the true definition of words instead of massaging for feelings.
Trash removal is just fine. Since feelings are facts for liberals it’s fair that his feelings that the bullshit needed to be removed is Just Fine in Thinking land too
Two way street that lib loons won’t be able to tolerate
You don’t get to pretend to be the logic police by making illogical arguments. Nowhere is it acceptable for students to destroy school property… whether they agree with what’s there or not.
That would not be the correct word
Vandalizing is just destroying things with no intended purpose other than mischief and no point to it
This had both a point and purpose. To remove the trash in the men’s room and identify it as improperly located
First-don’t put words in peoples mouth and pretend they need to defend it. That’s double fake. We see through that. Also, learn the true definition of words instead of massaging for feelings.
Do you have a link to show intention has anything to do with vandalism or are you just making bullshit up to justify your support of this vandalism. No one is putting words in your mouth you have shown your support for this act of vandalism
Trump rewarded Kyle Rittenhouse.. He likes vigilantes.
The rioters were vigilantes. And it was endless and Progressive Socialist approved. After a while making a point becomes insidiously dull and ratches up into dangerous levels that 3rd world governments experience. in the end the taxpayers paid with inflation and communities lost vital businesses for the convenience of residents. Trump did nothing to cause those riots. They were caused from total Prog controlled debauchery. The people who now have to travel to get food, supplies and medicines will suffer for this.
You don’t get to pretend to be the logic police by making illogical arguments. Nowhere is it acceptable for students to destroy school property… whether they agree with what’s there or not.
Paid Slade need not respond
Been hiding for quite a while.
Do you have a link to show intention has anything to do with vandalism or are you just making bullshit up to justify your support of this vandalism. No one is putting words in your mouth you have shown your support for this act of vandalism
Living life and observing behaviors far exceeds links for providing fact commentary. You all use Links ? for as much of a crutch as racist
One has very very little use for links to prop them up when they have already known and done.
Living life and observing behaviors far exceeds links for providing fact commentary. You all use Links ? for as much of a crutch as racist
One has very very little use for links to prop them up when they have already known and done.
So you are just making bullshit up. You don’t need no stinking facts you got your ill informed opinion to keep you warm at night. You are arguing from a position of ignorance.

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