Trump right again... We destroyed our economy for virtually nothing...

I don’t know anybody that is saying that everything the CDC and the wacko lefties are saying about COVID is false, just that everything they are saying is not necessarily true. Disenting opinions is a good thing and many of these opinions have proven to be true. Real science is open to discussion.

Those dissenting opinions have cost hundreds of thousands of deaths
Anyone acting carelessly during COVID should be accountable

COVID does not care about party

LOL, "held accountable".

That's for the little people.

If the elites actually followed their own rules I would be more believing of said rules actually doing anything.

But case after case, EVEN TO THIS DAY of them flouting masking and assembly rules just shows me even they think it's nothing but theater.
The point is, dissenting opinions should not be silenced in the US and that is exactly what the left is attempting to do with regards to COVID and many other topics.
Just the lies. You got a problem with silencing the lies?
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Yes, actually. I have always questioned my dr about every needle and pill. Don't you? You just accept whatever the doc hands you with a "thanks doc, may I have another?"

Why? Who would do that with the pharma industry just preying to make money off you?
Yes I question but unless you have a medical degree, you're relying on their expertise no?
LOL, "held accountable".

That's for the little people.

If the elites actually followed their own rules I would be more believing of said rules actually doing anything.

But case after case, EVEN TO THIS DAY of them flouting masking and assembly rules just shows me even they think it's nothing but theater.

Yes you are accountable for your actions
If you are accountable for spreading disease
You are accountable for being a threat to your coworkers
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Trumps inept leadership was responsible for hundreds of thousands of deaths

Trump Extends Coronavirus Lockdown Until April 30​

Bullshit link. Trump extended the guidelines for social distancing. He didn’t t shut down anything.

Read your own links, Dipshit.
Not a single board Dimtard has addressed the numbers in the OP.. just more stupid Dimtard talking points and lies.

Hell, one moron tried to blame Reagan.
Bullshit link. Trump extended the guidelines for social distancing. He didn’t t shut down anything.

Read your own links, Dipshit.
Trump conducted super spreader events where nobody was masked or socially distanced
He participated in the first debate without informing anyone he had tested positive
He spread COVID to his own staff and family
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Yes you are accountable for your actions
If you are accountable for spreading disease
You are accountable for being a threat to your coworkers

Everyone is accountable to themselves. If you are so afraid stay the fuck inside your own house.
Trumps inept leadership was responsible for hundreds of thousands of deaths
Stupid claim with no basis in facts. Trump did all he could which btw was more than any other president has done in getting the vaccines to market. He was the one keeping infected chinese out until the libs whined. And it was the libs like Cuomo who put the infected in nursing homes so they could PURPOSELY SPREAD the disease around.

More deaths from covid under Potatoe Head Biden btw...

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