Trump right..."Violence on video games...shaping youths' thoughts"


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
So CNN has the below article initially first paragraph discounting President Trump's statement with a subjective, personal observation by a Parkland school shooting survivor.
"I'm hearing more and more people saying the level of violence on video games is really shaping young people's thoughts," he said. "And then you go the further step, and that's the movies. You see these movies -- they're so violent, and yet a kid is able to see the movie if sex isn't involved." Killing, though, is involved, he said.

His remarks were dismissed by Chris Grady, a survivor of the February 14 shootings at Stoneman Douglas High School in Florida: "I grew up playing video games ... first-person shooter games, and I would never, ever dream of taking the lives of any of my peers."

BUT what do the experts say?
The psychological group reports that more than 90% of children in the United States play video games.

Among kids between the ages of 12 and 17, the number rises to 97%.

More important, 85% or more of video games on the market contain some form of violence.

The titles seem to say it all: "Manhunt," "Thrill Kill," "Gears of War" and "Mortal Kombat." However, even the seemingly benign "Pokemon Go" requires players to go to battle.
The American Psychological Association observed in an August 2015 policy statement that research demonstrated a link:
"between violent video game use and both increases in aggressive behavior ... and decreases in prosocial behavior, empathy, and moral engagement."

In its July 2016 guideline on media violence, the American Academy of Pediatrics warned that violent media set a poor example for kids. Video games, the academy noted, "should not use human or other living targets or award points for killing, because this teaches children to associate pleasure and success with their ability to cause pain and suffering to others."
Overall, the academy's summary of the results from more than 400 studies revealed a "significant" link between being exposed to violent media (in general) and aggressive behavior, aggressive thoughts and angry feelings.

Do video games lead to violence? - CNN

And yet very very seldom do we hear/read/see any comments, stories, etc. from the MSM regarding the immense influence these violent video games have on future killers.
All we hear/read/see is we need to get rid of guns...!
What will they say when the next school shooter WHO IS OUT THERE comes into the school brandishing
dynamite sticks, or vials of anthrax, or somethings OTHER than GUNS?

Instead of going after as the experts tell them the influencing factors... the MSM goes after the simplistic unrealistic non-solution!
Trump and Tipper Gore...two peas in a pod.

This is total bullshit.
I don't see cause and effect

I see millions of kids playing violent video games. What I don't see is kids using their available money to buy guns so they can be like the guys in the video games. Whatever money they have goes to buying more video games
So CNN has the below article initially first paragraph discounting President Trump's statement with a subjective, personal observation by a Parkland school shooting survivor.
"I'm hearing more and more people saying the level of violence on video games is really shaping young people's thoughts," he said. "And then you go the further step, and that's the movies. You see these movies -- they're so violent, and yet a kid is able to see the movie if sex isn't involved." Killing, though, is involved, he said.

His remarks were dismissed by Chris Grady, a survivor of the February 14 shootings at Stoneman Douglas High School in Florida: "I grew up playing video games ... first-person shooter games, and I would never, ever dream of taking the lives of any of my peers."

BUT what do the experts say?
The psychological group reports that more than 90% of children in the United States play video games.

Among kids between the ages of 12 and 17, the number rises to 97%.

More important, 85% or more of video games on the market contain some form of violence.

The titles seem to say it all: "Manhunt," "Thrill Kill," "Gears of War" and "Mortal Kombat." However, even the seemingly benign "Pokemon Go" requires players to go to battle.
The American Psychological Association observed in an August 2015 policy statement that research demonstrated a link:
"between violent video game use and both increases in aggressive behavior ... and decreases in prosocial behavior, empathy, and moral engagement."

In its July 2016 guideline on media violence, the American Academy of Pediatrics warned that violent media set a poor example for kids. Video games, the academy noted, "should not use human or other living targets or award points for killing, because this teaches children to associate pleasure and success with their ability to cause pain and suffering to others."
Overall, the academy's summary of the results from more than 400 studies revealed a "significant" link between being exposed to violent media (in general) and aggressive behavior, aggressive thoughts and angry feelings.

Do video games lead to violence? - CNN

And yet very very seldom do we hear/read/see any comments, stories, etc. from the MSM regarding the immense influence these violent video games have on future killers.
All we hear/read/see is we need to get rid of guns...!
What will they say when the next school shooter WHO IS OUT THERE comes into the school brandishing
dynamite sticks, or vials of anthrax, or somethings OTHER than GUNS?

Instead of going after as the experts tell them the influencing factors... the MSM goes after the simplistic unrealistic non-solution!

PMRC redux? Where is Tipper and Prince Albert?
There would be less aggressive driving if it wasn’t for Mario Kart. :mad:
Kids don't play violent video games in the rest of developed world?

The South Korean's seem to do just a bit of it!

I was watching E-League with my son the other night and there were players from all parts of the world.
So CNN has the below article initially first paragraph discounting President Trump's statement with a subjective, personal observation by a Parkland school shooting survivor.
"I'm hearing more and more people saying the level of violence on video games is really shaping young people's thoughts," he said. "And then you go the further step, and that's the movies. You see these movies -- they're so violent, and yet a kid is able to see the movie if sex isn't involved." Killing, though, is involved, he said.

His remarks were dismissed by Chris Grady, a survivor of the February 14 shootings at Stoneman Douglas High School in Florida: "I grew up playing video games ... first-person shooter games, and I would never, ever dream of taking the lives of any of my peers."

BUT what do the experts say?
The psychological group reports that more than 90% of children in the United States play video games.

Among kids between the ages of 12 and 17, the number rises to 97%.

More important, 85% or more of video games on the market contain some form of violence.

The titles seem to say it all: "Manhunt," "Thrill Kill," "Gears of War" and "Mortal Kombat." However, even the seemingly benign "Pokemon Go" requires players to go to battle.
The American Psychological Association observed in an August 2015 policy statement that research demonstrated a link:
"between violent video game use and both increases in aggressive behavior ... and decreases in prosocial behavior, empathy, and moral engagement."

In its July 2016 guideline on media violence, the American Academy of Pediatrics warned that violent media set a poor example for kids. Video games, the academy noted, "should not use human or other living targets or award points for killing, because this teaches children to associate pleasure and success with their ability to cause pain and suffering to others."
Overall, the academy's summary of the results from more than 400 studies revealed a "significant" link between being exposed to violent media (in general) and aggressive behavior, aggressive thoughts and angry feelings.

Do video games lead to violence? - CNN

And yet very very seldom do we hear/read/see any comments, stories, etc. from the MSM regarding the immense influence these violent video games have on future killers.
All we hear/read/see is we need to get rid of guns...!
What will they say when the next school shooter WHO IS OUT THERE comes into the school brandishing
dynamite sticks, or vials of anthrax, or somethings OTHER than GUNS?

Instead of going after as the experts tell them the influencing factors... the MSM goes after the simplistic unrealistic non-solution!
:clap: At last, the President and I agree on something!
It is not the magic bullet here, but it is a piece. And remember, this is not just about video games. Take a realistic look at the tv shows and movies available in your typical cable/satellite package. That's what is coming into kids' homes all the time as if it were the wallpaper. It hardens and desensitizes kids to violence; makes it less horrifying than it should be. It doesn't turn all or even most kids into killers. The fragile ones, though--the Cruzes of the world--it sure doesn't help.
This dumb shit again?
So if it's dumb and doesn't matter, why do you bother opposing it? Plastering the killing of human beings AS ENTERTAINMENT doesn't seem slightly sick to you? Why isn't it?
It's no different than any other art form or entertainment. There are all types of games. People target them because they are an easy scapegoat.
It's no different that when we were kids playing cowboys & Indians or watching gunsmoke
So CNN has the below article initially first paragraph discounting President Trump's statement with a subjective, personal observation by a Parkland school shooting survivor.
"I'm hearing more and more people saying the level of violence on video games is really shaping young people's thoughts," he said. "And then you go the further step, and that's the movies. You see these movies -- they're so violent, and yet a kid is able to see the movie if sex isn't involved." Killing, though, is involved, he said.

His remarks were dismissed by Chris Grady, a survivor of the February 14 shootings at Stoneman Douglas High School in Florida: "I grew up playing video games ... first-person shooter games, and I would never, ever dream of taking the lives of any of my peers."

BUT what do the experts say?
The psychological group reports that more than 90% of children in the United States play video games.

Among kids between the ages of 12 and 17, the number rises to 97%.

More important, 85% or more of video games on the market contain some form of violence.

The titles seem to say it all: "Manhunt," "Thrill Kill," "Gears of War" and "Mortal Kombat." However, even the seemingly benign "Pokemon Go" requires players to go to battle.
The American Psychological Association observed in an August 2015 policy statement that research demonstrated a link:
"between violent video game use and both increases in aggressive behavior ... and decreases in prosocial behavior, empathy, and moral engagement."

In its July 2016 guideline on media violence, the American Academy of Pediatrics warned that violent media set a poor example for kids. Video games, the academy noted, "should not use human or other living targets or award points for killing, because this teaches children to associate pleasure and success with their ability to cause pain and suffering to others."
Overall, the academy's summary of the results from more than 400 studies revealed a "significant" link between being exposed to violent media (in general) and aggressive behavior, aggressive thoughts and angry feelings.

Do video games lead to violence? - CNN

And yet very very seldom do we hear/read/see any comments, stories, etc. from the MSM regarding the immense influence these violent video games have on future killers.
All we hear/read/see is we need to get rid of guns...!
What will they say when the next school shooter WHO IS OUT THERE comes into the school brandishing
dynamite sticks, or vials of anthrax, or somethings OTHER than GUNS?

Instead of going after as the experts tell them the influencing factors... the MSM goes after the simplistic unrealistic non-solution!
What excuse was used for Adolf Hitler and Joseph Stalin?
So CNN has the below article initially first paragraph discounting President Trump's statement with a subjective, personal observation by a Parkland school shooting survivor.
"I'm hearing more and more people saying the level of violence on video games is really shaping young people's thoughts," he said. "And then you go the further step, and that's the movies. You see these movies -- they're so violent, and yet a kid is able to see the movie if sex isn't involved." Killing, though, is involved, he said.

His remarks were dismissed by Chris Grady, a survivor of the February 14 shootings at Stoneman Douglas High School in Florida: "I grew up playing video games ... first-person shooter games, and I would never, ever dream of taking the lives of any of my peers."

BUT what do the experts say?
The psychological group reports that more than 90% of children in the United States play video games.

Among kids between the ages of 12 and 17, the number rises to 97%.

More important, 85% or more of video games on the market contain some form of violence.

The titles seem to say it all: "Manhunt," "Thrill Kill," "Gears of War" and "Mortal Kombat." However, even the seemingly benign "Pokemon Go" requires players to go to battle.
The American Psychological Association observed in an August 2015 policy statement that research demonstrated a link:
"between violent video game use and both increases in aggressive behavior ... and decreases in prosocial behavior, empathy, and moral engagement."

In its July 2016 guideline on media violence, the American Academy of Pediatrics warned that violent media set a poor example for kids. Video games, the academy noted, "should not use human or other living targets or award points for killing, because this teaches children to associate pleasure and success with their ability to cause pain and suffering to others."
Overall, the academy's summary of the results from more than 400 studies revealed a "significant" link between being exposed to violent media (in general) and aggressive behavior, aggressive thoughts and angry feelings.

Do video games lead to violence? - CNN

And yet very very seldom do we hear/read/see any comments, stories, etc. from the MSM regarding the immense influence these violent video games have on future killers.
All we hear/read/see is we need to get rid of guns...!
What will they say when the next school shooter WHO IS OUT THERE comes into the school brandishing
dynamite sticks, or vials of anthrax, or somethings OTHER than GUNS?

Instead of going after as the experts tell them the influencing factors... the MSM goes after the simplistic unrealistic non-solution!
What excuse was used for Adolf Hitler and Joseph Stalin?
He played his records backwards.

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