Trump, Russia & Putin More Cooperative with The US GOV than The DNC!

The Original Tree

Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2016
The DNC still refuses to allow anyone to look at their server.
Not one US Intelligence Agency has been allowed to look at THE DNC SERVER to verify The Opinions of Contractors paid by The DNC to write a report using Conjecture to claim The DNC Server was Hacked in an attempt to refute the claim that Podesta's Emails were leaked by The Now Deceased Seth Rich to Assange.

Murdered DNC Staffer Seth Rich Shared 44,053 Democrat Emails With WikiLeaks: Report | Zero Hedge

The FBI is not investigating DNC staffer Seth Rich’s murder, despite WikiLeaks claim

The Russian Alfa Bank allowed even requested US Intelligence look at their Server when it was found that a False Beacon Ping was planted on it. They gave full access.

The Trump Tower Server that also had the same False Beacon Ping planted on it tying it to the Russian Alfa Bank Server was also allowed to be looked at by our Intelligence Community.

Funny how accusations about "Suspicious Network Traffic" came from Clinton's close ally and supporter Cyber Security Expert Jean Camp, before our own intelligence community knew about these "suspicious pings."


Professor L. Jean Camp from Indiana University became a spokesperson last fall for a loose group of computer researchers who reported they had detected a series of communications between a commercial email server registered at Donald Trump’s office in New York City and a server at Alfa Bank in Russia.

FBI investigators found NO PROOF there was any collusion between Trump, the Trump team or anyone in his close circle and Russia.

Camp is a Hillary Clinton and donor.

Revealed: Hillary Fanatic Pushed Bogus Trump-Russia Narrative Investigated by FBI

And now we have Putin willing to fully cooperate with our Intelligence Community which is unprecedented.

Putin on Trump-Lavrov meeting: I'll hand over records

Yet not on living human being in our Intelligence Community has been allowed to look at The DNC Server?

So no one sees a problem with this obstruction and lack of cooperation by The DNC vs. the openness and full access granted by The Trump Administration and all parties involved?
The DNC still refuses to allow anyone to look at their server.
Not one US Intelligence Agency has been allowed to look at THE DNC SERVER to verify The Opinions of Contractors paid by The DNC to write a report using Conjecture to claim The DNC Server was Hacked in an attempt to refute the claim that Podesta's Emails were leaked by The Now Deceased Seth Rich to Assange.

Murdered DNC Staffer Seth Rich Shared 44,053 Democrat Emails With WikiLeaks: Report | Zero Hedge

The FBI is not investigating DNC staffer Seth Rich’s murder, despite WikiLeaks claim

The Russian Alfa Bank allowed even requested US Intelligence look at their Server when it was found that a False Beacon Ping was planted on it. They gave full access.

The Trump Tower Server that also had the same False Beacon Ping planted on it tying it to the Russian Alfa Bank Server was also allowed to be looked at by our Intelligence Community.

Funny how accusations about "Suspicious Network Traffic" came from Clinton's close ally and supporter Cyber Security Expert Jean Camp, before our own intelligence community knew about these "suspicious pings."


Professor L. Jean Camp from Indiana University became a spokesperson last fall for a loose group of computer researchers who reported they had detected a series of communications between a commercial email server registered at Donald Trump’s office in New York City and a server at Alfa Bank in Russia.

FBI investigators found NO PROOF there was any collusion between Trump, the Trump team or anyone in his close circle and Russia.

Camp is a Hillary Clinton and donor.

Revealed: Hillary Fanatic Pushed Bogus Trump-Russia Narrative Investigated by FBI

And now we have Putin willing to fully cooperate with our Intelligence Community which is unprecedented.

Putin on Trump-Lavrov meeting: I'll hand over records

Yet not on living human being in our Intelligence Community has been allowed to look at The DNC Server?


You make this sound like a BAD thing. LOL Let's see .... intelligence community, judiciary, media, 60% of the country versus .... Russia.
He's 100% Spot On. It's only about sabotaging Trump for Democrats. They could care less about fellow Americans. It's only about sabotage and getting the power back.
Everyone knows that the DNC of all orgs is more loyal to the US govt than Trump, Putin, and Russia.
Everyone knows that the DNC of all orgs is more loyal to the US govt than Trump, Putin, and Russia.

Tell that to Seth Rich. Oh that's right, you can't. Because he's dead.
^^ lack of common sense statement

If it's proven Rich was in communication with Wikileaks, it's gonna open an incredibly disturbing can of worms. Wikileaks has said all along that it wasn't the Russians who provided the information.
I'm thinking about this.

  • Clinton Hired Thugs to beat up and intimidate Trump Voters at Trump Rallies
  • Clinton and The DNC rigged their own primaries against Bernie Sanders
  • Stole Debate Questions and Rigged Media Questions and Staged Questions given to Paid Actors at Public Appearances.
  • Had Paid Infiltrators and Paid Protestors at Town Halls Paid to Disrupt such meetings
  • Had two DNC heads fired they were so crooked and unethical and careless about their attempts to rig debates and the election. Multiple other prominent DNC heads of other organizations fired for unethical election activities, exposed by a sting video.
  • Seth Rich leaked Podesta Emails to Assange and was murdered for it.
  • Clinton and The DNC made up the Fake Story about Russian Hacking.
  • Clinton and The DNC then made up a Fake Story about the Trump Team and Russian Collusion.
  • Obama Illegally wiretaps The Entire Trump Campaign Team.
  • Clinton and The DNC plant False Beacon Pings on Russian Alfa Bank And Trump Tower Server.

This looks like a rigged election that The Nazis would try to pull off when they took over The Democratic Weimar Republic.

And they aren't done yet.

Think about all of the leaks, the fake news, the false and unprovable allegations. The Fake Public announcements by atheistic hateful and immoral demagogues like Pelosi, Schummer, & Warren.

These people are The New Nazi Party.

This is just how things were near the end of The Wiemar Republic.

The Left was so convinced they had this election rigged, like they had rigged The Primary, they were already celebrating in the back room. They even had a cake with The White House on it, and a stage in the shape of America with Clinton's Podium standing right in the middle of it.

Then reality set in. You ever see a cheater lose at a game they cheated in and thought they had locked up.

It's ugly. They flip out, just like The Dems are now. If they hadn't tried so hard to rig the election, they'd be more reasonable, but they worked so hard to rig every facet of it all along the way that they just cannot accept that they lost and they are mad as Hell.
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Camp is lucky JakeStarkey side didn't win or she'd be in front of a firing squad
McMullin would not have shot anybody, and the Feebs have their eyes on the Far Right since last year. That's a foolish statement, CF.
What happened to your zero tolerance on sedition policy, Jake? Did that flip when Hillary lost?
The rest of America has had its eye on the Alt Right since last year. It is budding up with Mother Russian and Putin, and apparently so is Trump, apparently. America and its fate is far more important than the silly Alt Right 10% of America.
I'm thinking about this.

  • Clinton Hired Thugs to beat up and intimidate Trump Voters at Trump Rallies
  • Clinton and The DNC rigged their own primaries against Bernie Sanders
  • Stole Debate Questions and Rigged Media Questions and Staged Questions given to Paid Actors at Public Appearances.
  • Had Paid Infiltrators and Paid Protestors at Town Halls Paid to Disrupt such meetings
  • Had two DNC heads fired they were so crooked and unethical and careless about their attempts to rig debates and the election. Multiple other prominent DNC heads of other organizations fired for unethical election activities, exposed by a sting video.
  • Seth Rich leaked Podesta Emails to Assange and was murdered for it.
  • Clinton and The DNC made up the Fake Story about Russian Hacking.
  • Clinton and The DNC then made up a Fake Story about the Trump Team and Russian Collusion.
  • Obama Illegally wiretaps The Entire Trump Campaign Team.
  • Clinton and The DNC plant False Beacon Pings on Russian Alfa Bank And Trump Tower Server.

This looks like a rigged election that The Nazis would try to pull off when they took over The Democratic Weimar Republic.

And they aren't done yet.

Think about all of the leaks, the fake news, the false and unprovable allegations. The Fake Public announcements by atheistic hateful and immoral demagogues like Pelosi, Schummer, & Warren.

These people are The New Nazi Party.

This is just how things were near the end of The Wiemar Republic.

The Left was so convinced they had this election rigged, like they had rigged The Primary, they were already celebrating in the back room. They even had a cake with The White House on it, and a stage in the shape of America with Clinton's Podium standing right in the middle of it.

Then reality set in. You ever see a cheater lose at a game they cheated in and thought they had locked up.

It's ugly. They flip out, just like The Dems are now. If they hadn't tried so hard to rig the election, they'd be more reasonable, but they worked so hard to rig every facet of it all along the way that they just cannot accept that they lost and they are mad as Hell.

And is Clinton president, no, but the Orange Rump is and doing so badly. So many people say. Many people. Bagly. Bigly badly.
Camp is lucky JakeStarkey side didn't win or she'd be in front of a firing squad
McMullin would not have shot anybody, and the Feebs have their eyes on the Far Right since last year. That's a foolish statement, CF.
What happened to your zero tolerance on sedition policy, Jake? Did that flip when Hillary lost?
The rest of America has had its eye on the Alt Right since last year. It is budding up with Mother Russian and Putin, and apparently so is Trump, apparently. America and its fate is far more important than the silly Alt Right 10% of America.

Jake, I fear you're placing the last vestiges of your fleeting sanity in grave danger. You need a few days away from USMB. When was the last time you saw sunlight or walked outdoors?
The DNC still refuses to allow anyone to look at their server.
Not one US Intelligence Agency has been allowed to look at THE DNC SERVER to verify The Opinions of Contractors paid by The DNC to write a report using Conjecture to claim The DNC Server was Hacked in an attempt to refute the claim that Podesta's Emails were leaked by The Now Deceased Seth Rich to Assange.

Murdered DNC Staffer Seth Rich Shared 44,053 Democrat Emails With WikiLeaks: Report | Zero Hedge

The FBI is not investigating DNC staffer Seth Rich’s murder, despite WikiLeaks claim

The Russian Alfa Bank allowed even requested US Intelligence look at their Server when it was found that a False Beacon Ping was planted on it. They gave full access.

The Trump Tower Server that also had the same False Beacon Ping planted on it tying it to the Russian Alfa Bank Server was also allowed to be looked at by our Intelligence Community.

Funny how accusations about "Suspicious Network Traffic" came from Clinton's close ally and supporter Cyber Security Expert Jean Camp, before our own intelligence community knew about these "suspicious pings."


Professor L. Jean Camp from Indiana University became a spokesperson last fall for a loose group of computer researchers who reported they had detected a series of communications between a commercial email server registered at Donald Trump’s office in New York City and a server at Alfa Bank in Russia.

FBI investigators found NO PROOF there was any collusion between Trump, the Trump team or anyone in his close circle and Russia.

Camp is a Hillary Clinton and donor.

Revealed: Hillary Fanatic Pushed Bogus Trump-Russia Narrative Investigated by FBI

And now we have Putin willing to fully cooperate with our Intelligence Community which is unprecedented.

Putin on Trump-Lavrov meeting: I'll hand over records

Yet not on living human being in our Intelligence Community has been allowed to look at The DNC Server?


Bullshit. Trump's connections to Russia were well known before the leaked emails. Trump bragged he was friends with Putin, and the oligarchs have been buying properties at hugely inflated prices for at least 10 years.

When American banks stopped lending to Trump, he turned to the Saudis and the Russians for his loans.

Quit pretending your guy is an innocent victim of lying Democrats, or that none of it is true.
Jake, I fear you're placing the last vestiges of your fleeting sanity in grave danger. You need a few days away from USMB. When was the last time you saw sunlight or walked outdoors?
Frank, placing your failing senility onto me is merely projection.

The problem is Trump and the Alt Right.

Which navy in WWII had trouble with their torpedo doubling back on their ships?

Trump is like that. He fired his torpedoes and they have circled back on him. Come is merely one example.
Jake, I fear you're placing the last vestiges of your fleeting sanity in grave danger. You need a few days away from USMB. When was the last time you saw sunlight or walked outdoors?
Frank, placing your failing senility onto me is merely projection.

The problem is Trump and the Alt Right.

Which navy in WWII had trouble with their torpedo doubling back on their ships?

Trump is like that. He fired his torpedoes and they have circled back on him. Come is merely one example.

Jake the Democrats are the ones firing the Sedition torpedoes and it's going to cost you yuge in 2018. Tell your side to be American again

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