Trump safe after 'gunshots in his vicinity,' campaign says


Ryan Routh voted for Trump in 2016 but he switched to Biden afterwards. Routh has made political donations since 2019 to ActBlue, a political action committee that supports Democratic candidates. As a Biden/Harris supporter, Ryan Routh believed that Trump was a threat to democracy.

Ryan Routh voted for Trump in 2016 but he switched to Biden afterwards. Routh has made political donations since 2019 to ActBlue, a political action committee that supports Democratic candidates. As a Biden/Harris supporter, Ryan Routh believed that Trump was a threat to democracy.

He was right, Trump is a threat to democracy.
Bear in mind Trump spends 80% of his waking time loafing around on the golf course, just as he did when was president, its easy.

"Hey, I wonder where Donald will be on Tuesday at 4:16 pm?"
"The golf course"
"Hey, I wonder where Donald will be on Friday at 8:22 am?"
"The golf course"
"Hey, I wonder where Donald..."

Trump is probably not on a beach in Delaware drooling on himself either.

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