Trump said he might have to close Mosques :D

The only way this could be done within ten miles of the Constitution is to declare that Islam is not a real religion, I reckon. Does anyone see that happening?

That would open up some interesting avenues regarding Scientology™, though... :rolleyes-41:
Although it is true that Islam is not a religion, and other countries (Ex. Italy) have done that, making that declaration is not necessary. The mosques (all of them) could/should be closed just by virtue of the fact that they represent an ideology (masquerading as a religion) that is supremacist, and therefore unconstitutional, so says the Constitution's Supremacy Clause, and that they are illegal by virtue of US Codes 2384 & 2385.
If we have to re write or "re interpret" the constitution so that american interests are foremost, so be it...if that doesn't work, the people will handle it...and then there'll be some REAL change...
No need to rewrite anything. Constitution Article 6, Section 2 is all that is necessary. It is perfectly functional to eliminate Islam just as it is, and has been.

"This Constitution, and the Laws of the United States which shall be made in pursuance thereof; and all treaties made, or which shall be made, under the authority of the United States, shall be the supreme law of the land; and the judges in every state shall be bound thereby, anything in the constitution or laws of any state to the contrary notwithstanding."
Oh, and here's another logical argument:

Your "supremacism" argument is fallacy of equivocation, completely unsubstantiable, and utterly nonsense.
Oh, and here's another logical argument:

Your denial of THE Constitution's Supremacy Clause, is fallacy of denial, completely unsubstantiable, and utter nonsense.

(notice I fixed your lousy grammar)
The supremacy clause has nothing to do with religion. You don't get to rip away a religions status as a religion simply Because you want to violate the constitution
You got it backwards. A religion has nothing to do with the supremacy clause. If a religion (or anything else) is supremacist, then it's in violation of the Supremacy clause, and as such is unconstitutional. Such is the case with Islam. You don't get to rip away the Supremacy Clause under ANY conditions.

PS - is this what you think Italy and other countries have done ? You think they ripped away Islam's status as a religion, because they wanted to violate something ?
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Did you miss the part about closing mosques where hate is preached? Is your position that all mosques preach hate?
All mosques preach the Koran. The Book of HATE. It's time for everyone to come to grips with that. If Muslims want it another way, then let them speak up and remove all that hate and supremacism, and illegal activities (if not commands) from their Koran. Time for Muslims to put up or shut up.
He'll first need to amend the Constitution to repeal the First Amendment.
This whole thread has refuted that dumb notion over 100 times already. Go back to sleep.

It's never been refuted, and it never will be. You're living in a self-imposed fake artificial pretend fantasy dream bubble world of Denialism. Like the Birfers and the "Hitler's living in Argentina" people.

Good thing Amendment One is actually written down so the rest of us don't forget, huh?
Oh, and here's another logical argument:

Your "supremacism" argument is fallacy of equivocation, completely unsubstantiable, and utterly nonsense.
Oh, and here's another logical argument:

Your denial of THE Constitution's Supremacy Clause, is fallacy of denial, completely unsubstantiable, and utter nonsense.

(notice I fixed your lousy grammar)

Please come back after you've completed your 8th grade education.
It's never been refuted, and it never will be. You're living in a self-imposed fake artificial pretend fantasy dream bubble world of Denialism. Like the Birfers and the "Hitler's living in Argentina" people.

Good thing Amendment One is actually written down so the rest of us don't forget, huh?

Compared to the Supremacy Clause, your so cool Amendment One, ain't so cool. Actually, it has numerous exceptions to it, and the main exception to it, is from the Supremacy Clause, that does not allow religion (or anything else) to be supreme over the Constitution. Amendment One - Religion, also is exceeded by US Codes 2384 & 2385, which forbid sedition and overthrowing govt (religion or no religion).

Overall, Amendment One is a joke, compared to the Supremacy Clause. Amendment One is riddled with exceptions every step of the way. Just look at free speech. Exceptions >> Slander, libel, perjury, inciting a riot, yelling fire in a crowded theater, disturbing the peace, fighting words, threats, obscenity laws, child pornography, etc, etc. In contrast, to this very weak part of the Constitution, the strongest part of the Constitution, the Supremacy Clause (Article 6, Section 2), has NEVER had a single exception to it, in all 226 years of its existence.

You just posted one of the most idiotic posts in the history of this forum.
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It's never been refuted, and it never will be. You're living in a self-imposed fake artificial pretend fantasy dream bubble world of Denialism. Like the Birfers and the "Hitler's living in Argentina" people.

Good thing Amendment One is actually written down so the rest of us don't forget, huh?

Compared to the Supremacy Clause, your so cool Amendment One, ain't so cool. Actually, it has numerous exceptions to it, and the main exception to it, is from the Supremacy Clause, that does not allow religion (or anything else) to be supreme over the Constitution. Amendment One - Religion, also is exceeded by US Codes 2384 & 2385, which forbid sedition and overthrowing govt (religion or no religion).

Overall, Amendment One is a joke compared to the Supremacy Clause. Amendment One is riddled with exceptions every step of the way. Just look at free speech. Exceptions >> Slander, libel, perjury, inciting a riot, yelling fire in a crowded theater, disturbing the peace, fighting words, threats, obscenity laws, child pornography, etc, etc. In contrast, to this very weak part of the Constitution, the strongest part of the Constitution, the Supremacy Clause (Article 6, Section 2), has NEVER had a single exception to it, in all 226 years of its existence.

You just posted one of the most idiotic posts in the history of this forum.

Are you Donald Trump? You make as much sense as him. Which is, none at all.
Are you Donald Trump? You make as much sense as him. Which is, none at all.

At least I cite FACTS to base my argument on, as opposed to your 213 & 215 which are nothing but senseless hot air, supported by nothing. Flat-out laughable. :badgrin:

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