Trump said he might have to close Mosques :D

Anyone who believes 1.6 billion believers isn't a religion is a old damn fool. Love it or hate it call it what it is, faith.
What a stupid remark. Wouldn't matter if it was 2.6 Billion. Numbers have nothing to do with it. There's more than 4 Billion TV watchers in the world. That doesn't make TV watching a religion.

Religions are systems of belief, wit a code of ethics. Islam is a code of UNethics, and that's why it is denied religious tax status in Italy and other countries, and most people don't consider it to be a religion.
Your opinion is total nonsense. Islam is a faith, an idea, like Christianity or Judaism, no different. As long as its actions stay within the rules, it can call for any damn form of government it desires. That's legal here, as long you don't try to overthrow the damn thing,
Problem with Islam is it's doctrine calls for it to do just that. Sounds like you haven't done much research into Islam.

EARTH TO PMH >> It's a supremacism (the biggest in the world). It calls for overthrow of US govt - you don't know ? Never heard of Explanatory Memorandum ? Never heard of Muslim Brotherhood and dozens of it s front groups. Been living in a closet ?
The Supremacy Clause means the Feds are on top of the States when all is said and done (generally), period.Supremacy Clause Article VI, Paragraph 2 of the Constitution is commonly referred to as the Supremacy Clause. It establishes that the federal constitution, and federal law generally, take precedence over state laws, and even state constitutions.
Supremacy Clause
It means that ALSO. So ?
You can't kill an idea with guns, and ISIS is an idea, buried deep within a holy book and a religion.
Nazism was an idea. It was killed with guns. And we don't have to kill Islam. We just need to get it awayfrom the USA, and wherever we have embassies, and our people overseas.
Not only is it not unconstitutional to close the mosques, it is unconstitutional to allow them to be open, and that has been the case for 226 years. Islam is a supremacism. It is the largest and most clear-cut supremacism in the world. As such, it is 100% ILLEGAL/UNCONSTITUTIONAL, so says US Constitution Article 6, Section 2, the Supremacy Clause >>

"This Constitution, and the Laws of the United States which shall be made in pursuance thereof; and all treaties made, or which shall be made, under the authority of the United States, shall be the supreme law of the land; and the judges in every state shall be bound thereby, anything in the constitution or laws of any state to the contrary notwithstanding."

Kind of kills your "state's rights" argument, don't it?

Three million Muslims in a population of 320 others. Not worried, and we don't all religion to rule here, any religion.
Flunked English grammar ? 3 million doesn't matter. Wouldn't matter if it was less than 100. 19 guys committed 9-11. Two committed the Beltway Sniper shootings. One committed Fort Hood massacre. Two - Boston Marathon, etc , etc. etc.
You can't kill an idea with guns, and ISIS is an idea, buried deep within a holy book and a religion.
Nazism was an idea. It was killed with guns. And we don't have to kill Islam. We just need to get it awayfrom the USA, and wherever we have embassies, and our people overseas.
Nazism is alive and well, just not so open about it. Guns don't kill ideas, just their adherents.

And our people are all over the world, as is Islam, as is ISIS.
Three million Muslims in a population of 320 others. Not worried, and we don't all religion to rule here, any religion.
Flunked English grammar ? 3 million doesn't matter. Wouldn't matter if it was less than 100. 19 guys committed 9-11. Two committed the Beltway Sniper shootings. One committed Fort Hood massacre. Two - Boston Marathon, etc , etc. etc.
3 million or 300 the man with the plan is the dangerous one, and we have lots of those, of all faiths but religion we do not allow to rule here, for good reason.
Your opinion is total nonsense. Islam is a faith, an idea, like Christianity or Judaism, no different. As long as its actions stay within the rules, it can call for any damn form of government it desires. That's legal here, as long you don't try to overthrow the damn thing,
Problem with Islam is it's doctrine calls for it to do just that. Sounds like you haven't done much research into Islam.

EARTH TO PMH >> It's a supremacism (the biggest in the world). It calls for overthrow of US govt - you don't know ? Never heard of Explanatory Memorandum ? Never heard of Muslim Brotherhood and dozens of it s front groups. Been living in a closet ?
In Islam there is only God, no nations. In the end that is the same with Judaism and Christianity, God takes all...
You can't kill an idea with guns, and ISIS is an idea, buried deep within a holy book and a religion.
Nazism was an idea. It was killed with guns. And we don't have to kill Islam. We just need to get it awayfrom the USA, and wherever we have embassies, and our people overseas.
Nazism is alive and well, just not so open about it. Guns don't kill ideas, just their adherents.

And our people are all over the world, as is Islam, as is ISIS.
I said our people are all over the world. And we need to get Islam away from us and out of out govt, everywhere.
Nazism, for all practical purposes is dead, and has been since 1945. Killed with guns.

In Islam there is only God, no nations. In the end that is the same with Judaism and Christianity, God takes all...
True. Islam has no nationalism. It has only the Ummah (worldwide community of nations) All the more evidence of its supremacism/sedition.

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