Trump said he might have to close Mosques :D

You can't kill an idea with guns, and ISIS is an idea, buried deep within a holy book and a religion.
Nazism was an idea. It was killed with guns. And we don't have to kill Islam. We just need to get it awayfrom the USA, and wherever we have embassies, and our people overseas.
Nazism is alive and well, just not so open about it. Guns don't kill ideas, just their adherents.

And our people are all over the world, as is Islam, as is ISIS.
I said our people are all over the world. And we need to get Islam away from us and out of out govt, everywhere.
Nazism, for all practical purposes is dead, and has been since 1945. Killed with guns.
It has never died, nor was it killed, but the government of Germany was defeated. Nazism is an idea, alive and well. And a Caliphate isn't new, it's as old as Islam. Guns don't defeat ideas, only better ideas do...
In Islam there is only God, no nations. In the end that is the same with Judaism and Christianity, God takes all...
True. Islam has no nationalism. It has only the Ummah (worldwide community of nations) All the more evidence of its supremacism/sedition.
Christianity has no nations either. It deals with them but in the end, as with Islam and Judaism, God washes all of that, away...
It's funny how, once again, Donald Trump has stepped up and said something politically incorrect but the more it is debated the more we come to realize his point may be valid. His idea might not be all that crazy. You can certainly make the constitutional argument against him over "freedom of religion" but that has never protected groups from treasonous acts or other violations of law. We don't allow sacrificing of virgins, for example.

Back during the days of 9/11 it was constantly argued that radical Islam was this small sliver of extreme fundamentalist Muslims and the majority of Muslims weren't like that at all. Islam was said to be "a religion of peace" but since 9/11, we've seen little to support that concept. If there are "moderate" Muslims out there, they have completely lost control of their religion. I'm sorry, but when your "religion" turns into something hideous and evil, it has to be eliminated and wiped from the face of the planet.

I have literally never understood why liberals support Muslims. Of all the quirky and crazy religions out there... they pick this one to be their darling... why? It is the most backward and oppressive religious belief of all. Women are placed on the level of a dog. Gays are an abomination and must be destroyed. Promiscuity it strictly a taboo. Nearly everything a Liberal stands for is what the radicals are claiming as their reason for jihad. Yet stupid liberals fall all over themselves to defend Muslims. It makes NO sense whatsoever.
It's funny how, once again, Donald Trump has stepped up and said something politically incorrect but the more it is debated the more we come to realize his point may be valid. His idea might not be all that crazy. You can certainly make the constitutional argument against him over "freedom of religion" but that has never protected groups from treasonous acts or other violations of law. We don't allow sacrificing of virgins, for example.

Back during the days of 9/11 it was constantly argued that radical Islam was this small sliver of extreme fundamentalist Muslims and the majority of Muslims weren't like that at all. Islam was said to be "a religion of peace" but since 9/11, we've seen little to support that concept. If there are "moderate" Muslims out there, they have completely lost control of their religion. I'm sorry, but when your "religion" turns into something hideous and evil, it has to be eliminated and wiped from the face of the planet.

I have literally never understood why liberals support Muslims. Of all the quirky and crazy religions out there... they pick this one to be their darling... why? It is the most backward and oppressive religious belief of all. Women are placed on the level of a dog. Gays are an abomination and must be destroyed. Promiscuity it strictly a taboo. Nearly everything a Liberal stands for is what the radicals are claiming as their reason for jihad. Yet stupid liberals fall all over themselves to defend Muslims. It makes NO sense whatsoever.
Islam is no more protected, and no less, than any of the other nonsense.
The Supreme Court has interpreted religion to mean a sincere and meaningful belief that occupies in the life of its possessor a place parallel to the place held by God in the lives of other persons. The religion or religious concept need not include belief in the existence of God or a supreme being to be within the scope of the First Amendment.

Under SCOTUS definition of a religion Islam would certainly qualify as well as practically any cult in the country. The court has been extremely tolerant as what constitutes a religion. If Trump issued and executive order to close Mosques, it would be shot down by the courts before the ink dried and Congress would probably draft a bill on impeachment.

Don't you people realize Trump is pulling your chain? He may not be a constitutional scholar but he has at least some vague knowledge of the 1st amendment.

You are talking nonsense. Even if the SCOTUS had made a ruling as you say, that could not change the FACT that supremacisms (other than the Constitution itself) are outlawed by the Constitution. Nothing is above that, and nothing can change that, including the 1st amendment or the SCOTUS.
It's funny how, once again, Donald Trump has stepped up and said something politically incorrect but the more it is debated the more we come to realize his point may be valid. His idea might not be all that crazy. You can certainly make the constitutional argument against him over "freedom of religion" but that has never protected groups from treasonous acts or other violations of law. We don't allow sacrificing of virgins, for example.

Back during the days of 9/11 it was constantly argued that radical Islam was this small sliver of extreme fundamentalist Muslims and the majority of Muslims weren't like that at all. Islam was said to be "a religion of peace" but since 9/11, we've seen little to support that concept. If there are "moderate" Muslims out there, they have completely lost control of their religion. I'm sorry, but when your "religion" turns into something hideous and evil, it has to be eliminated and wiped from the face of the planet.

I have literally never understood why liberals support Muslims. Of all the quirky and crazy religions out there... they pick this one to be their darling... why? It is the most backward and oppressive religious belief of all. Women are placed on the level of a dog. Gays are an abomination and must be destroyed. Promiscuity it strictly a taboo. Nearly everything a Liberal stands for is what the radicals are claiming as their reason for jihad. Yet stupid liberals fall all over themselves to defend Muslims. It makes NO sense whatsoever.
Islam is no more protected, and no less, than any of the other nonsense.

Still, you would think this might be the other way around. You'd think Libtards would be vehemently opposed to the Muslim religion because of it's position on women and gays and it would be the political right standing up for their freedom of religion. Instead, we have just the opposite happening. Why?
It's funny how, once again, Donald Trump has stepped up and said something politically incorrect but the more it is debated the more we come to realize his point may be valid. His idea might not be all that crazy. You can certainly make the constitutional argument against him over "freedom of religion" but that has never protected groups from treasonous acts or other violations of law. We don't allow sacrificing of virgins, for example.

Back during the days of 9/11 it was constantly argued that radical Islam was this small sliver of extreme fundamentalist Muslims and the majority of Muslims weren't like that at all. Islam was said to be "a religion of peace" but since 9/11, we've seen little to support that concept. If there are "moderate" Muslims out there, they have completely lost control of their religion. I'm sorry, but when your "religion" turns into something hideous and evil, it has to be eliminated and wiped from the face of the planet.

I have literally never understood why liberals support Muslims. Of all the quirky and crazy religions out there... they pick this one to be their darling... why? It is the most backward and oppressive religious belief of all. Women are placed on the level of a dog. Gays are an abomination and must be destroyed. Promiscuity it strictly a taboo. Nearly everything a Liberal stands for is what the radicals are claiming as their reason for jihad. Yet stupid liberals fall all over themselves to defend Muslims. It makes NO sense whatsoever.
Islam is no more protected, and no less, than any of the other nonsense.

Still, you would think this might be the other way around. You'd think Libtards would be vehemently opposed to the Muslim religion because of it's position on women and gays and it would be the political right standing up for their freedom of religion. Instead, we have just the opposite happening. Why?
What you see is an illusion of your own making. Stop saying your shit don't stink and listen instead. Religion is the enemy of Liberalism, and Liberals the enemy of religion. Clear?
Good luck proving that where they pray is such a place, you'll need it. And the Internet serves that function better than anything else.
Doesn't matter if terrorism is being plotted in mosques or not. They are all unconstitutionally supremacist, seditionist, illegal. Ho hum.
Good luck proving that where they pray is such a place, you'll need it. And the Internet serves that function better than anything else.
Doesn't matter if terrorism is being plotted in mosques or not. They are all unconstitutionally supremacist, seditionist, illegal. Ho hum.
They are nothing of the kind. Just another kind of church, speaking about the same kind of nonsense, and all of it legal as far as we know. Saying that God will one day wash away the nations of the planet isn't just legal, it's also Christian theology, as well as Muslim.
What you see is an illusion of your own making. Stop saying your shit don't stink and listen instead. Religion is the enemy of Liberalism, and Liberals the enemy of religion. Clear?

But you claim that Islam is a religion, and we all know liberals support it (like you're trying to do now) And you turn around and say that liberals are the ENEMY of religion. So you're contradicting yourself.
They are nothing of the kind. Just another kind of church, speaking about the same kind of nonsense, and all of it legal as far as we know. Saying that God will one day wash away the nations of the planet isn't just legal, it's also Christian theology, as well as Muslim.
Mosques are all unconstitutionally supremacist, seditionist, illegal. Ho hum.
You may see more than spray paint on a mosque if the U.S. experiences any home grown Islamic terrorist activity.
Did I post this interesting FACT in this thread?

51% of U.S. Muslims want Sharia; 60% of young Muslims ...
Jihad Watch
Oct 15, 2015 - 51% of U.S. Muslims want Sharia; 60% of young Muslims more loyal to Islam ... having “the choice of being governed according to Shariah,” or Islamic law. Or the 60% of Muslim-Americans under 30 who told Pew Research ..
Terrific, you have no problems doing what ISIS wants. So be it.
It needs you to be enraged, unthinking, unquestioning.
It needs you to go to war, Christians and Jews against Muslims.
It needs you to slaughter Muslim men, women, and children, again.
It needs you to wage terrible wars in Muslim lands.
It needs you to reject the modern, secular, liberal world.
It needs you to be as savage as they are, and take as much pleasure in savage acts.
It needs you to be dogmatically religious, to make a Holy War.
It needs you to believe that you are doing the Will of God, wielding the sword of God.

It needs you, to become them.
But the US and coalition ISN'T slaughtering "Muslim men, women, and children". They are slaughtering ISIS.

And it ISN'T "enraged, unthinking, unquestioning."
And it ISN'T "rejecting the modern, secular, liberal world."
And the US and coalition ISN'T savage as they are, and take as much pleasure in savage acts.
And the US and coalition ISN'T dogmatically religious, to make a Holy War.

So stop making up :bsflag: OK ?

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