Trump said he might have to close Mosques :D

When conservatives talk about the constitution they say they love it. Then as soon as anything happens they want to rip it up and whipe their ass with it.

Yep. Exactly.
The only way this could be done within ten miles of the Constitution is to declare that Islam is not a real religion, I reckon. Does anyone see that happening?

That would open up some interesting avenues regarding Scientology™, though... :rolleyes-41:

and obama smiles at the destabilizing he's accomplished so just a little more and his work will be done...

If we have to re write or "re interpret" the constitution so that american interests are foremost, so be it...if that doesn't work, the people will handle it...and then there'll be some REAL change...

So let's just burn the constitution to the ground because you are afraid.

Yeah not.happening on my watch.

Did it ever occur to you that if you are so worried about what is going on in a mosque there are constitutional ways to address the problem?
How does stopping adherents of a particular religion, Muslims, from building houses of worship not violate our constitution?
That's not what is proposed.

Really? Cause that's what the article says
Did you miss the part about closing mosques where hate is preached? Is your position that all mosques preach hate?

Close sing mosques period is unconstitutional. Doesnt matter if hate was preached.

If we use that standard what's going to stop any radical leftist from saying to any bible believing church "you preach against gay marriage, you preach hate, we can lawfully shut you down"?

There are constitutional means of addressing problems
The right to rape uncovered women is a belief. Should that be protected? Just explain to women very carefully that the muslims have freedom of religion. They aren't really being raped. They are assisting in an act of piety.

When a mosque is building suicide vests in the basement, its freedom of religion. Nothing to be done but donate to the cause.

The first amendment gives them the right to believe that and to state that belief.

But any attempts to actually rape someone will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law.
I am too. It's time to demolish them and deport them along with the wetbacks. Our national security and sovereignty is in peril and we must take action.

if the pussy politicians won't take action, the people will. enough is enough.

Ironically, that's basically what the Founders said when they wrote the DofI and the Bill of Rights.
Guess which one went straight to Number One.
Funny how all the liberals keep saying "unconstitutional" when they haven't given a damn about constitutionality for the past 7 years while Obama's been wiping his ass with it.
Funny how all the liberals keep saying "unconstitutional" when they haven't given a damn about constitutionality for the past 7 years while Obama's been wiping his ass with it.

It's funny how conservatives like me are bow being called liberal for saying something is unconstitutional because a progressive Republican like Trump wants to violate the constitution now
Trump might ....

The Donald MIGHT need the GOP nomination first, and MIGHT need to win the general election second ...

Donnie is toast, bad hair and all.
Funny how all the liberals keep saying "unconstitutional" when they haven't given a damn about constitutionality for the past 7 years while Obama's been wiping his ass with it.

It's funny how conservatives like me are bow being called liberal for saying something is unconstitutional because a progressive Republican like Trump wants to violate the constitution now
You're the only conservative saying it. BTW, how constitutional is it to put the American people at risk by allowing terrorists to conduct their business within our own borders, using the first amendment to hide behind? These mosques are nothing more than war rooms for terrorists. Wake up.
Funny how all the liberals keep saying "unconstitutional" when they haven't given a damn about constitutionality for the past 7 years while Obama's been wiping his ass with it.

It's funny how conservatives like me are bow being called liberal for saying something is unconstitutional because a progressive Republican like Trump wants to violate the constitution now
You're the only conservative saying it. BTW, how constitutional is it to put the American people at risk by allowing terrorists to conduct their business within our own borders, using the first amendment to hide behind? These mosques are nothing more than war rooms for terrorists. Wake up.


Either that, or let's close the churches too. After all they're nothing more than "war rooms" for the Scott Roeders and Eric Rudolphs.

Sorry "wake up" doesn't count as a link.
A number of European socialist government are considering shutting mosques where radical sentiments have been voiced, urging jihad. They are also considering deportation of clerics known to preach jihad and demand Sharia be the rule of the land.

They are also considering moving into "no go" zones to open them up to reestablish law and order within them.

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