Trump said he might have to close Mosques :D

He is going to blow up all the mosques, and make ISIS pay for doing it.....

But, I have to wonder if he is going to do that before, or after, deporting 11 million illegal aliens and build a 2,000 mile wall at Mexico's expense? Also, is any of this going to interfere with his creating more jobs than any other president?
Interfere ? Deporting millions of Mexicans (and other illegals) opens up (creates) millions of jobs for Americans, that those illegals were working in. And I never heard Trump say anything about blowing up a mosque. No reason to destroy the buildings. They can be used as homeless shelters, animal shelters, or just rented out to help pay off the debt. (once they're fully fumigated)
By refuting you mean completely ignored, yeah sure you refuted it.

But if you are using the actual definition then nowhere in your insane ramblings have you refuted it. You cannot deny first amendment protection. Period.
I don't know what you're even talking about. Doesn't make any sense. You think the 1st Amendement stops the Supremacy Clause from outlawing supremacisms ? You think it doesn't do that ? What's the matter ? You don't understand English ? It says > This Constitution and the laws of the United States shall be the SUPREME LAW OF THE LAND (Not Islam or its Sharia law)

I most certainly CAN cannot deny first amendment protection, and most certainly do just that, when the first amendment activity is illegal and unconstitutional. You are trying to push a very weak argument, which I already thoroughly refuted earlier in the thread. You seem to have not read the earlier posts, or you wouldn't be making such foolish statements. As I said before, (since you're too lazy to read the earlier posts >>

The very weak 1st amendment has numerous exceptions to it, and the main exception to it, is from the Supremacy Clause, that does not allow religion (or anything else) to be supreme over the Constitution. Amendment One - Religion, also is exceeded by US Codes 2384 & 2385, which forbid sedition and overthrowing govt (religion or no religion).

Overall, Amendment One is a joke, compared to the Supremacy Clause. Amendment One is riddled with exceptions every step of the way. Just look at free speech. Exceptions >> Slander, libel, perjury, inciting a riot, yelling fire in a crowded theater, disturbing the peace, fighting words, threats, obscenity laws, child pornography, etc, etc. In contrast, to this very weak part of the Constitution, the strongest part of the Constitution, the Supremacy Clause (Article 6, Section 2), has NEVER had a single exception to it, in all 226 years of its existence.

All you're doing here is adding to the stupidity of other posters who also tried to say the same thing you're saying now. You carry no weight here.
There is only one opinion that really matters in interpreting the constitution and that's the Supreme Court. One would have to be totally disconnected from reality to believe the court would not block closing American Mosques because they may harbor terrorist.

That's the really cool thing about Executive Orders. They can be implemented immediately while SCOTUS cases can take years to work their way up. It's how Lincoln suspended habeas corpus and FDR interned the Japanese... read some fucking history, ass munch.

This is a tiny bit different, colon chewer. Rump is not a POTUS, he's a (pretend) candidate. And by flagrantly exhibiting this level of contempt for as basic a foundation of this country as the First Amendment is, he's just eliminated himself from any legitimate chance of having the office.

Imagine a candidate who declared he might have to have government take over the media (including this message board). Same thing. Or a candidate who declared he'd suspend the Second Amendment and make all guns illegal. Again, same thing. Run down the document anywhere you like -- a candidate that says he would bring back slavery. Or make alcohol illegal again. Or take away the right to vote for women. Etc etc etc.

The first thing, literally the first thing a POTUS has to do is swear to uphold the Constitution; in this statement Rump admits he can't even take the fucking oath of office. And that's literally Day One.
I really think that Trump is seeking a way out of the race without quitting. Taking a position such as this is certainly a move in that direction.
This is a tiny bit different, colon chewer. Rump is not a POTUS, he's a (pretend) candidate. And by flagrantly exhibiting this level of contempt for as basic a foundation of this country as the First Amendment is, he's just eliminated himself from any legitimate chance of having the office.

Imagine a candidate who declared he might have to have government take over the media (including this message board). Same thing. Or a candidate who declared he'd suspend the Second Amendment and make all guns illegal. Again, same thing. Run down the document anywhere you like -- a candidate that says he would bring back slavery. Or make alcohol illegal again. Or take away the right to vote for women. Etc etc etc.

The first thing, literally the first thing a POTUS has to do is swear to uphold the Constitution; in this statement Rump admits he can't even take the fucking oath of office. And that's literally Day One.
Liberals thinks they can use the 1st Amendment to rule America, and shape it to how they see fit.
Hilarious. The weakling 1st Amendment can't even control free speech, let alone the powerful Supremacy Clause. Liberals still push it though. Is there a doctor in the house ?
I really think that Trump is seeking a way out of the race without quitting. Taking a position such as this is certainly a move in that direction.

Watching liberal TV has either got you daff, or you're an awful liar.
There is only one opinion that really matters in interpreting the constitution and that's the Supreme Court. One would have to be totally disconnected from reality to believe the court would not block closing American Mosques because they may harbor terrorist.

One would have to be totally disconnected from reality to believe the court SHOULD block closing American Mosques because they may harbor terrorist. Or for that matter, simply because they are Islam, an unconstitutional supremacism, in violation of Article 6, Section 2, the Supremacy clause.

On the other hand, since the court has a number of Obama activist loonies on it, any screwball edict is possible.
There is only one opinion that really matters in interpreting the constitution and that's the Supreme Court. One would have to be totally disconnected from reality to believe the court would not block closing American Mosques because they may harbor terrorist.

One would have to be totally disconnected from reality to believe the court SHOULD block closing American Mosques because they may harbor terrorist. Or for that matter, simply because they are Islam, an unconstitutional supremacism, in violation of Article 6, Section 2, the Supremacy clause.

On the other hand, since the court has a number of Obama activist loonies on it, any screwball edict is possible.

Given that no court has ever backed your hapless bullshit, regardless of who nominated them.....clearly there's an element you're missing.
I guess that I am a little surprised that Trump has not revealed a plan to make all Muslims wear a yellow badge on their clothes...

He's reserving that for you yellow-bellied liberals who are too afraid to fight terrorism. That way, we can all mock you in public. It also lets us know who not to let into the bunker. Good luck!

I'm not afraid of muslims. I keep a couple of pieces of bacon in a baggy at all times. If a muslim attacks me, I simply whip him up side the head with them.
He is going to blow up all the mosques, and make ISIS pay for doing it.....

But, I have to wonder if he is going to do that before, or after, deporting 11 million illegal aliens and build a 2,000 mile wall at Mexico's expense? Also, is any of this going to interfere with his creating more jobs than any other president?
Interfere ? Deporting millions of Mexicans (and other illegals) opens up (creates) millions of jobs for Americans, that those illegals were working in. And I never heard Trump say anything about blowing up a mosque. No reason to destroy the buildings. They can be used as homeless shelters, animal shelters, or just rented out to help pay off the debt. (once they're fully fumigated)

I'm sending in my resume to the grape vineyards right away!

He is going to blow up all the mosques, and make ISIS pay for doing it.....

But, I have to wonder if he is going to do that before, or after, deporting 11 million illegal aliens and build a 2,000 mile wall at Mexico's expense? Also, is any of this going to interfere with his creating more jobs than any other president?
Interfere ? Deporting millions of Mexicans (and other illegals) opens up (creates) millions of jobs for Americans, that those illegals were working in. And I never heard Trump say anything about blowing up a mosque. No reason to destroy the buildings. They can be used as homeless shelters, animal shelters, or just rented out to help pay off the debt. (once they're fully fumigated)

I'm sending in my resume to the grape vineyards right away!


I actually did that in France. I was an "undocumented worker". The vines weren't anywhere near that tall though.
By refuting you mean completely ignored, yeah sure you refuted it.

But if you are using the actual definition then nowhere in your insane ramblings have you refuted it. You cannot deny first amendment protection. Period.
I don't know what you're even talking about. Doesn't make any sense. You think the 1st Amendement stops the Supremacy Clause from outlawing supremacisms ? You think it doesn't do that ? What's the matter ? You don't understand English ? It says > This Constitution and the laws of the United States shall be the SUPREME LAW OF THE LAND (Not Islam or its Sharia law)

I most certainly CAN cannot deny first amendment protection, and most certainly do just that, when the first amendment activity is illegal and unconstitutional. You are trying to push a very weak argument, which I already thoroughly refuted earlier in the thread. You seem to have not read the earlier posts, or you wouldn't be making such foolish statements. As I said before, (since you're too lazy to read the earlier posts >>

The very weak 1st amendment has numerous exceptions to it, and the main exception to it, is from the Supremacy Clause, that does not allow religion (or anything else) to be supreme over the Constitution. Amendment One - Religion, also is exceeded by US Codes 2384 & 2385, which forbid sedition and overthrowing govt (religion or no religion).

Overall, Amendment One is a joke, compared to the Supremacy Clause. Amendment One is riddled with exceptions every step of the way. Just look at free speech. Exceptions >> Slander, libel, perjury, inciting a riot, yelling fire in a crowded theater, disturbing the peace, fighting words, threats, obscenity laws, child pornography, etc, etc. In contrast, to this very weak part of the Constitution, the strongest part of the Constitution, the Supremacy Clause (Article 6, Section 2), has NEVER had a single exception to it, in all 226 years of its existence.

All you're doing here is adding to the stupidity of other posters who also tried to say the same thing you're saying now. You carry no weight here.
There is only one opinion that really matters in interpreting the constitution and that's the Supreme Court. One would have to be totally disconnected from reality to believe the court would not block closing American Mosques because they may harbor terrorist.

That's the really cool thing about Executive Orders. They can be implemented immediately while SCOTUS cases can take years to work their way up. It's how Lincoln suspended habeas corpus and FDR interned the Japanese... read some fucking history, ass munch.

This is a tiny bit different, colon chewer. Rump is not a POTUS, he's a (pretend) candidate. And by flagrantly exhibiting this level of contempt for as basic a foundation of this country as the First Amendment is, he's just eliminated himself from any legitimate chance of having the office.

Imagine a candidate who declared he might have to have government take over the media (including this message board). Same thing. Or a candidate who declared he'd suspend the Second Amendment and make all guns illegal. Again, same thing. Run down the document anywhere you like -- a candidate that says he would bring back slavery. Or make alcohol illegal again. Or take away the right to vote for women. Etc etc etc.

The first thing, literally the first thing a POTUS has to do is swear to uphold the Constitution; in this statement Rump admits he can't even take the fucking oath of office. And that's literally Day One.
I really think that Trump is seeking a way out of the race without quitting. Taking a position such as this is certainly a move in that direction.

That's an astute observation. It would fit his whole MO --- he could protest that he was being railroaded by those conspiratorial Founders who had the temerity to write the First Amendment to keep him out, play the victim, and keep stroking his own massive ego.
There is only one opinion that really matters in interpreting the constitution and that's the Supreme Court. One would have to be totally disconnected from reality to believe the court would not block closing American Mosques because they may harbor terrorist.

One would have to be totally disconnected from reality to believe the court SHOULD block closing American Mosques because they may harbor terrorist. Or for that matter, simply because they are Islam, an unconstitutional supremacism, in violation of Article 6, Section 2, the Supremacy clause.

On the other hand, since the court has a number of Obama activist loonies on it, any screwball edict is possible.

If you believe the government should be in the business of deciding what is acceptable free speech or religious beliefs then you and Bin Laden have much in common. This is exactly what Al Qaeda was doing in Afghanistan and ISIS is doing in Syria.
Kinda goes back to my question a few days ago....if the government has no problem monitoring everything we do / say by tapping, bugging, and spying on all of our devices, why such a hard time deciding to bug the hell out of the Mosques, especially those we KNOW are radicalizing people and in which planning is going on (based on informers, etc)?

And if such activity is found to be going on in such a place, not only should the government shut down the mosque but seize the property, tear it a park...or a pork bar-b-q restaurant :p
If you believe the government should be in the business of deciding what is acceptable free speech or religious beliefs then you and Bin Laden have much in common.

Ummmm, they are already doing that...

'PC' Police' anyone? Calls for jailing Global Warming skeptics anyone?
There is only one opinion that really matters in interpreting the constitution and that's the Supreme Court. One would have to be totally disconnected from reality to believe the court would not block closing American Mosques because they may harbor terrorist.

One would have to be totally disconnected from reality to believe the court SHOULD block closing American Mosques because they may harbor terrorist. Or for that matter, simply because they are Islam, an unconstitutional supremacism, in violation of Article 6, Section 2, the Supremacy clause.

On the other hand, since the court has a number of Obama activist loonies on it, any screwball edict is possible.

If you believe the government should be in the business of deciding what is acceptable free speech or religious beliefs then you and Bin Laden have much in common. This is exactly what Al Qaeda was doing in Afghanistan and ISIS is doing in Syria.

I think you've misunderstood his process. Its not what the government recognizes as acceptable free speech. Its what Prot recognizes as acceptable free speech. See, in Prot's narrative...he gets to decide everything. What speech is, what religion is, what rights are, everything.

None of us actually play any role in it.
If you believe the government should be in the business of deciding what is acceptable free speech or religious beliefs then you and Bin Laden have much in common.

Ummmm, they are already doing that...

'PC' Police' anyone? Calls for jailing Global Warming skeptics anyone?

When did the US government call for the jailing of Global Warming skeptics?
When did the US government call for the jailing of Global Warming skeptics?

Libs and government Global Warming scientists, dear Skylar. If they had their way anyone who continued to expose their falsified data and bogus claims would be going to jail.

Climate Alarmists to Obama: Use RICO Laws to Jail Skeptics!
LINK: Climate Alarmists To Obama: Use RICO Laws To Jail Skeptics!
That's not the government. Rendering your entire narrative fiction.

Oh, and it calls for a RICO investigation. Like was used with Tobacco companies who denied that smoking causes cancer.
not after islam is declared a cult

Then someone calls Judaism a cult and closes the Temples, then we call Mormons a cult then Catholics a cult, then all Christians a cult.

This is a dangerous precedent to set. Blank statements are pretty scary.

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