Trump said he might have to close Mosques :D

[QUOTE="Skylar, post: 12842735, member: 49869
That's not the government. Rendering your entire narrative fiction.
Oh, and it calls for a RICO investigation. Like was used with Tobacco companies who denied that smoking causes cancer.[/QUOTE]

It does not render my 'narrative' anything since I do not have a 'narrative'. It was and is my opinion, as shown by the actions of a bunch of liberal freaks who are trying to have skeptics silenced, that if Liberals had their way we would all be silenced from opposing the Liberal / Obama agenda. I'm pretty sure if Obama could punish people who refuse to go along with his agenda (sorta like the punitive tax on Americans who oppose his ACA) he would do so in a heartbeat.

Cancer has been proven while Global Warming, causes, effects, etc has not but has been propped up by man, MANY falsified, manipulated, and bogus data studies. I believe the LAST thing Liberals want is an ACTUAL INDEPENDENT UNBIASED Investigation on Global Warming...
It does not render my 'narrative' anything since I do not have a 'narrative'.

So the 'they' in ''they are already diong that...' wasn't the it was in the post you were replying to?

easyt65 said:
flopper said:
If you believe the government should be in the business of deciding what is acceptable free speech or religious beliefs then you and Bin Laden have much in common.

Ummmm, they are already doing that...

'PC' Police' anyone? Calls for jailing Global Warming skeptics anyone?

You may want to actually read what you're replying to.

It was and is my opinion, as shown by the actions of a bunch of liberal freaks who are trying to have skeptics silenced, that if Liberals had their way we would all be silenced from opposing the Liberal / Obama agenda. I'm pretty sure if Obama could punish people who refuse to go along with his agenda (sorta like the punitive tax on Americans who oppose his ACA) he would do so in a heartbeat.

So Flopper was talking about the government deciding what acceptable speech is. And you said 'they already do that'. But you weren't talking about the government? But instead 20 scientists who wrote an open letter.

And when you said they were for calls for the 'jailing' of Global Warming skeptics, you didn't actually mean 'jailing'. But instead investigations for corporations that knowingly mislead the public on the issue? With the 'they' again being those 20 scientists?

I just want to make sure I'm understanding you correctly. As your claims seem to be rather.....mutable.
Correct - 'they', to me, are Liberals...of course the government is also doing that to some degree as well. For example, according to the government you can yell fire in a crowded movie theater but yu can yell theater in a crowded fire house. They, meaning the government, also say you can't pray in public. Take, for instance, the coach who was recently fired from kneeling after a game and praying on the football field afterwards. he did not force anyone to join him, but he was punished just the same for exercising his freedom of speech and his religious freedoms just the same. (I know, I know - all that is highly debatable.)
Correct - 'they', to me, are Liberals...of course the government is also doing that to some degree as well.

Ah, so when you use pronouns....they have nothing to do with what you're replying to.

See, for a native speaker of the language, they would. And by 'they', I mean pronouns. Not 'liberals'.

Now, lets try the word 'jailing'. Does 'jailing=investigation' in your version of English? I'm kinda hamstrung by my use of the word's actual meaning instead of whatever you make up.
Correct - 'they', to me, are Liberals...of course the government is also doing that to some degree as well. For example, according to the government you can yell fire in a crowded movie theater but yu can yell theater in a crowded fire house. They, meaning the government, also say you can't pray in public. Take, for instance, the coach who was recently fired from kneeling after a game and praying on the football field afterwards. he did not force anyone to join him, but he was punished just the same for exercising his freedom of speech and his religious freedoms just the same. (I know, I know - all that is highly debatable.)

The above spin is so twisted, that I won't even dignify it with the obvious needed corrections.
ALL mosques preach hate. Hatred of all things non-Muslim is the very foundation of the Devil's Cult.


Didn't think so.
In churches across the country, pastors with political missions have been preaching hate every Sunday for many years.

— Texas minister advocates violent overthrow of government
North Carolina Pastor argues for a gay concentration camp.
Kansas Pastor says gays should be put to death.
Maryland Pastor says his ‘flesh’ likes the idea of killing gays.
Pastor advocates child abuse on gay children
— The KKK meets at protestant churches in the South

Muslim American have the right to criticize their government and express their hatred as long as they obey the law.
The fact that Trump is actually running on a platform of defying the Constitution, and is being cheered on by the nut jobs for his promises to do so, says a whole lot about his base.

There is no way that this man will ever be president of the USA. Granted, there are tens of thousands of nuts out there, but they could not possible steal an election from the sane.
Out of curiousity, being that Trump owns lots of real estate, does he own any with a Mosque on it? Has he closed it? Are any on his tenants Muslim and/or operating Islamic businesses, schools, community centres, or mosques?
How about what the definition of 'jailed' is.

Keep running.

Not running - right here. Just try to stick to the main issues instead of 'diving into the weeds' or impersonating Clinton....Slick Willey, that is.

Are you suggesting that the self-professed 'Constitutional Scholar', who has violated the Constitution REPEATEDLY and has REPEATEDLY demonstrated he doesn't know much about the Constitution at all, really DOESN'T know what the hell he is talking about?

"Under federal law, the executive branch is expressly required to take religion into account in determining who is granted asylum. Under the provision governing asylum (section 1158 of Title 8, U.S. Code), an alien applying for admission"

LINK: Refugee ‘Religious Test’ Is ‘Shameful’ and ‘Not American’ … Except that Federal Law Requires It | National Review Online

I guess you are - thank you!
I am too. It's time to demolish them and deport them along with the wetbacks. Our national security and sovereignty is in peril and we must take action.

I am too. It's time to demolish them and deport them along with the wetbacks. Our national white security and sovereignty is in peril and we must take action.
Will Trump close all Mosques or just those in the United States?
Wait, didn't conservatives pitch a huge bitch about government overreach and unconstitutional attacks against religion after that little incident in Waco?
Not only is it not unconstitutional to close the mosques, it is unconstitutional to allow them to be open, and that has been the case for 226 years. Islam is a supremacism. It is the largest and most clear-cut supremacism in the world. As such, it is 100% ILLEGAL/UNCONSTITUTIONAL, so says US Constitution Article 6, Section 2, the Supremacy Clause >>

"This Constitution, and the Laws of the United States which shall be made in pursuance thereof; and all treaties made, or which shall be made, under the authority of the United States, shall be the supreme law of the land; and the judges in every state shall be bound thereby, anything in the constitution or laws of any state to the contrary notwithstanding."

What part of the First Amendment sails over you America-haters' heads?

Read it again:

Amendment I
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.​

Where do you North Koreans get the authority to shut down a religion without a law?
Trump knows his supporters. He just makes stupid remarks and they support him. Sorta like they support Putin for what they consider to be tough.
The fact that Trump is actually running on a platform of defying the Constitution, and is being cheered on by the nut jobs for his promises to do so, says a whole lot about his base.

There is no way that this man will ever be president of the USA. Granted, there are tens of thousands of nuts out there, but they could not possible steal an election from the sane.
Wait until he wins. :)

Are you suggesting that the self-professed 'Constitutional Scholar', who has violated the Constitution REPEATEDLY and has REPEATEDLY demonstrated he doesn't know much about the Constitution at all, really DOESN'T know what the hell he is talking about?

"Under federal law, the executive branch is expressly required to take religion into account in determining who is granted asylum. Under the provision governing asylum (section 1158 of Title 8, U.S. Code), an alien applying for admission"

LINK: Refugee ‘Religious Test’ Is ‘Shameful’ and ‘Not American’ … Except that Federal Law Requires It | National Review Online

I guess you are - thank you!

You even bother to read these things?

The term “refugee” means (A) any person who is outside any country of such person’s nationality … and who is unable or unwilling to return to … that country because of persecution or a well-founded fear of persecution on account of … religion [among other things] …[.]

Read more at: Refugee ‘Religious Test’ Is ‘Shameful’ and ‘Not American’ … Except that Federal Law Requires It | National Review Online

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