Trump said he might have to close Mosques :D

FDR locked up Japanese Americans after Pearl Harbor and the supreme court at the time authorized it. All Trump is saying is that we need to consider how muslem Mosques are promoting jihad.
You people are such goddamn hypocrites.

Incidentally, to my knowledge, the Supreme Court did NOT authorize it. I would have to see a link about that.
You are correct, they did not authorize it but they did not overturn Roosevelt's executive order, Korematsu v. United States, 323 U.S. 214. The court's decision was to defer to congress and the military authorities in light of Pearl Harbor and the declaration of war. It was a terrible cop-out by the court but America was fighting for it's survival with hundreds of thousands or Americans dying in battle.

Korematsu v. United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The fact that Trump is actually running on a platform of defying the Constitution, and is being cheered on by the nut jobs for his promises to do so, says a whole lot about his base.

There is no way that this man will ever be president of the USA. Granted, there are tens of thousands of nuts out there, but they could not possible steal an election from the sane.
If Trump were nominated, he would lose by a landslide. There is no other candidate that could unite Democrats more and at the same time garner half-hearted support from his own party.

Democrats don't have to be united, they'll just rig the elections like they always do
If Trump doesn't do a better job of getting endorsements from his party, instead of alienating them, it really want matter how well the Democrats are united. Where other Republicans candidates have the support of dozens of house members, senators, and governors, Trump has yet to get a single endorsement of a party official, governor, or US Senator. In the House he has only one representative endorsing him while other candidates have dozens of endorsements. I guess the most notable Trump endorsement beside his ex-wife is Clint Eastwood. That should please the Dirty Harry fans.
The fact that Trump is actually running on a platform of defying the Constitution, and is being cheered on by the nut jobs for his promises to do so, says a whole lot about his base.

There is no way that this man will ever be president of the USA. Granted, there are tens of thousands of nuts out there, but they could not possible steal an election from the sane.
If Trump were nominated, he would lose by a landslide. There is no other candidate that could unite Democrats more and at the same time garner half-hearted support from his own party.

Democrats don't have to be united, they'll just rig the elections like they always do

But, apparently, we were out to lunch when Bush was elected by the supreme Court.
The fact that Trump is actually running on a platform of defying the Constitution, and is being cheered on by the nut jobs for his promises to do so, says a whole lot about his base.

There is no way that this man will ever be president of the USA. Granted, there are tens of thousands of nuts out there, but they could not possible steal an election from the sane.
If Trump were nominated, he would lose by a landslide. There is no other candidate that could unite Democrats more and at the same time garner half-hearted support from his own party.
Even the Democrats will vote for Trump.
Trump is like daddy making everything alright, but most of us know he can't. He plays on our frustrations and our childishness, and you got to admit it's appealing. His evidence of his leadership is that he parlayed bankruptcies into more wealth. This is what Germany must have felt like in the twenties, looking for a strong leader. The question is really has America had enough democracy since 1789 to ignore the siren call?
Trump is like daddy making everything alright, but most of us know he can't. He plays on our frustrations and our childishness, and you got to admit it's appealing. His evidence of his leadership is that he parlayed bankruptcies into more wealth. This is what Germany must have felt like in the twenties, looking for a strong leader. The question is really has America had enough democracy since 1789 to ignore the siren call?

Appealing? I consider him to have the worst personna of anyone to run for office in my lifetime. Even Palin's screeching was not as bad as Trump's bombosaty. He makes Nixon seem warm and cuddly, by comparison.
Trump is like daddy making everything alright, but most of us know he can't. He plays on our frustrations and our childishness, and you got to admit it's appealing. His evidence of his leadership is that he parlayed bankruptcies into more wealth. This is what Germany must have felt like in the twenties, looking for a strong leader. The question is really has America had enough democracy since 1789 to ignore the siren call?

Appealing? I consider him to have the worst personna of anyone to run for office in my lifetime. Even Palin's screeching was not as bad as Trump's bombosaty. He makes Nixon seem warm and cuddly, by comparison.

Agreed. With Sarah you got at least a partial feeling that, maybe she means well but just doesn't know any better and was way out of her league. I felt sorry for her, but she also didn't seem to recognize how clueless she was, or didn't care. With Rump you get the idea he knows exactly how obnoxious and/or clueless he is, yet he plays it as if it's an asset. That judgment right there is what turns me off completely. It's exactly what my sigline is about.
Trump is like daddy making everything alright, but most of us know he can't. He plays on our frustrations and our childishness, and you got to admit it's appealing. His evidence of his leadership is that he parlayed bankruptcies into more wealth. This is what Germany must have felt like in the twenties, looking for a strong leader. The question is really has America had enough democracy since 1789 to ignore the siren call?
That's an interesting point. Maybe our democratic form of government isn't good enough for those who seek to make America great again.

Judging from the support that Trump is receiving, it seems many Americans are ready for a leader that will act unilaterally without concern for congressional approval or judicial oversight, a leader that will not be bound by international agreements, laws, or courts that are keeping American from being great again.
Trump is like daddy making everything alright, but most of us know he can't. He plays on our frustrations and our childishness, and you got to admit it's appealing. His evidence of his leadership is that he parlayed bankruptcies into more wealth. This is what Germany must have felt like in the twenties, looking for a strong leader. The question is really has America had enough democracy since 1789 to ignore the siren call?
That's an interesting point. Maybe our democratic form of government isn't good enough for those who seek to make America great again.

Judging from the support that Trump is receiving, it seems many Americans are ready for a leader that will act unilaterally without concern for congressional approval or judicial oversight, a leader that will not be bound by international agreements, laws, or courts that are keeping American from being great again.

We already have a POTUS like that. His name is His Highness Barrack Hussein.
Trump is like daddy making everything alright, but most of us know he can't. He plays on our frustrations and our childishness, and you got to admit it's appealing. His evidence of his leadership is that he parlayed bankruptcies into more wealth. This is what Germany must have felt like in the twenties, looking for a strong leader. The question is really has America had enough democracy since 1789 to ignore the siren call?
That's an interesting point. Maybe our democratic form of government isn't good enough for those who seek to make America great again.

Judging from the support that Trump is receiving, it seems many Americans are ready for a leader that will act unilaterally without concern for congressional approval or judicial oversight, a leader that will not be bound by international agreements, laws, or courts that are keeping American from being great again.

We already have a POTUS like that. His name is His Highness Barrack Hussein.
Obama doesn't even come close to what Trump has proposed, closing mosques, breaking trade agreements, bombing Iraqi oil fields, breaking economic ties to our largest trading partners,, insulting our allies, ethnic cleansing.....
The Constitution protects the right to the free exercise of one's religion. The Supremacy Clause makes that protection the supreme law of the land.

You cannot constitutionally single out Muslims for discriminatory treatment solely on the basis of their religion.
Not only CAN you do that, but by law, you are required to do that, as was explained in Post # 8. No need to explain it again. And NO, the Constitution does NOT protect the right to the free exercise of one's religion, IF/WHENEVER that religion is a supremacism (which is outlawed by the Constitution) > Article 6, Section 2, and in the case of Islam, is also in violation of US Code 18, Section 2384 & 2385.
You are completely, 100% wrong. Islam cannot be and will mot be outlawed in the united states, and no portion of the constitution allows for it.

It's a shame that someone is idiotic as yourself votes
The fact that Trump is actually running on a platform of defying the Constitution, and is being cheered on by the nut jobs for his promises to do so, says a whole lot about his base.

There is no way that this man will ever be president of the USA. Granted, there are tens of thousands of nuts out there, but they could not possible steal an election from the sane.
If Trump were nominated, he would lose by a landslide. There is no other candidate that could unite Democrats more and at the same time garner half-hearted support from his own party.

Democrats don't have to be united, they'll just rig the elections like they always do

But, apparently, we were out to lunch when Bush was elected by the supreme Court.

Bush beat Gore in perhaps the closest election in US history. Get the fuck over it already.
Republicans only like he freedom of speech and religion that applies to them.

And democrats NEVER like freedom of speech or religion.
And yet here they are defending it.

No, they're not. They are just playing partisan games as usual for the sake of same. democrats are hostile to religion and have NEVER been fond of freedom for anyone but the chosen few at the head of their politburo...I mean party.
Republicans only like he freedom of speech and religion that applies to them.

And democrats NEVER like freedom of speech or religion.
And yet here they are defending it.

No, they're not. They are just playing partisan games as usual for the sake of same. democrats are hostile to religion and have NEVER been fond of freedom for anyone but the chosen few at the head of their politburo...I mean party.
Democrats only have a problem with religion when crazy RWs say stuff like "this nation is a Christian nation!". It's Rightwingers who have no concept of separation of church and state.
70 years ago, and the FORESIGHT of this great general speaks volumes to TRUE PATRIOTS!


The ones with radical Imams are even more evil than the Waco weirdos. The left had no problem with agents storming the place and killing innocents. Trump is suggesting closing mosques that have been involved with terrorists or who seem to be recruiting terrorists. Only a liberal would have a problem with that while looking the other way when Janet Reno ordered the strike on Waco. And while the left rushed to defend ISIS for retaliating, they didn't defend McVeigh for retaliating. I defend none of them, but funny how the left will defend anything the liberal leaders do even if it means being total hypocrites.

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