Trump said he might have to close Mosques :D

Not only is it not unconstitutional to close the mosques, it is unconstitutional to allow them to be open, and that has been the case for 226 years. Islam is a supremacism. It is the largest and most clear-cut supremacism in the world. As such, it is 100% ILLEGAL/UNCONSTITUTIONAL, so says US Constitution Article 6, Section 2, the Supremacy Clause >>

"This Constitution, and the Laws of the United States which shall be made in pursuance thereof; and all treaties made, or which shall be made, under the authority of the United States, shall be the supreme law of the land; and the judges in every state shall be bound thereby, anything in the constitution or laws of any state to the contrary notwithstanding."

You are the country's greatest legal mind.


I know. :badgrin:
Singling out a specific religion for persecution is not Nazi?
Nope, not when it is violating the Constitution and US Codes. And Islam is not a religion, and it wouldn't matter if to was. Religions are not permitted to violate either.

Pssst - liberals hate when we take their 1st amendment weapon away.
Singling out a specific religion for persecution is not Nazi?
Nope, not when it is violating the Constitution and US Codes. And Islam is not a religion, and it wouldn't matter if to was. Religions are not permitted to violate either.

Pssst - liberals hate when we take their 1st amendment weapon away.

Fortunately 1st amendment rights aren't up to the looney right.
Singling out a specific religion for persecution is not Nazi?
Nope, not when it is violating the Constitution and US Codes. And Islam is not a religion, and it wouldn't matter if to was. Religions are not permitted to violate either.

Pssst - liberals hate when we take their 1st amendment weapon away.

So a Muslim commits a crime and all Muslims share the guilt.

Do you apply that same standard to Christians?
So a Muslim commits a crime and all Muslims share the guilt.

Do you apply that same standard to Christians?
Has nothing to do with one person committing a crime. Do you know what we all have been talking about here ? It's only been posted about 100 times. (Article 6, Section 2, and the Codes)
So a Muslim commits a crime and all Muslims share the guilt.

Do you apply that same standard to Christians?
Has nothing to do with one person committing a crime. Do you know what we all have been talking about here ? It's only been posted about 100 times. (Article 6, Section 2, and the Codes)

So a Muslim blowing up a bus has nothing to do with any other Muslim on the planet?

The ones with radical Imams are even more evil than the Waco weirdos. The left had no problem with agents storming the place and killing innocents. Trump is suggesting closing mosques that have been involved with terrorists or who seem to be recruiting terrorists. Only a liberal would have a problem with that while looking the other way when Janet Reno ordered the strike on Waco. And while the left rushed to defend ISIS for retaliating, they didn't defend McVeigh for retaliating. I defend none of them, but funny how the left will defend anything the liberal leaders do even if it means being total hypocrites.
Why not just arrest the terrorists. Closing mosques would do nothing but confirm to Muslim Americans that ISIS is right, American freedom and democracy are just propaganda.
Trump also wants Muslims to be required to register with the government AS Muslims.

Finally Godwin's law can be thrown under the bus because Trump is beyond all reasonable doubt proposing Nazi policies.
And we could require them to wear a patch on there clothes so they can be easy identified for transport to concentration camps.

Get the Supreme Court to rule that Islam is not a Religion and that all goes away...
That's not going to happen. The courts definition of a religion covers damn near ever cult in America. Beside, they would still have freedom of speech and assembly. However, with the right people in control of the government we could probably nullify those rights and prove ISIS is right when they claim American freedom and democracy is just propaganda.
Why not just arrest the terrorists. Closing mosques would do nothing but confirm to Muslim Americans that ISIS is right, American freedom and democracy are just propaganda.
Closing mosques doesn't show ISIS to be right. ISIS is Islam supremacist, and American freedom and democracy doesn't mean total tolerance, including allowing ourselves to be slaughtered.
The fact that Trump is actually running on a platform of defying the Constitution, and is being cheered on by the nut jobs for his promises to do so, says a whole lot about his base.

There is no way that this man will ever be president of the USA. Granted, there are tens of thousands of nuts out there, but they could not possible steal an election from the sane.
If Trump were nominated, he would lose by a landslide. There is no other candidate that could unite Democrats more and at the same time garner half-hearted support from his own party.

Democrats don't have to be united, they'll just rig the elections like they always do

But, apparently, we were out to lunch when Bush was elected by the supreme Court.

Living in the past with revised history. And they call these nuts progressive, while they cry about the past.
20 or so years ago Iraq 1. An older guy at work, asked my thoughts Day 1 when USA attacked. I said something to effect "after Viet Nam I never thought we would first-strike another country"

his response "we have taken crap off these people for so long"

Yet many comments on this board begin, If GWB had not F'd up Iraq.....they would not be mad?
Apparently they were not nice long before GWB.
The Constitution protects the right to the free exercise of one's religion. The Supremacy Clause makes that protection the supreme law of the land.

You cannot constitutionally single out Muslims for discriminatory treatment solely on the basis of their religion.
Not only CAN you do that, but by law, you are required to do that, as was explained in Post # 8. No need to explain it again. And NO, the Constitution does NOT protect the right to the free exercise of one's religion, IF/WHENEVER that religion is a supremacism (which is outlawed by the Constitution) > Article 6, Section 2, and in the case of Islam, is also in violation of US Code 18, Section 2384 & 2385.
You are completely, 100% wrong. Islam cannot be and will mot be outlawed in the united states, and no portion of the constitution allows for it.

It's a shame that someone is idiotic as yourself votes
You are right (without you knowing it :laugh: ) Islam cannot be and will not be outlawed in the United States. That's because your comment puts the action in the future tense, when Islam ALREADY is outlawed, and has been for 226 years. (past tense) :biggrin:
You really are an idiot, because no logical thinking person could possibly believe the nonsense you spew.

Islam isn't outlawed. Dumbass.

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