Trump said he might have to close Mosques :D

Love the logic of the "small government" hypocrites. Yeah, gov't just small enough to have a massive "Deportation Force" that would knock on all our doors and ask to see our papers. Gov't just small enough to enforce the shutting down of mosques (as if that would deter people from congregating somewhere else).

Shut down mosques and you lose the ability to spy on people, since more of 'em would be driven underground.

In effect, Donald Trump wishes to hinder law enforcement through his stupid plans.
Why not just arrest the terrorists. Closing mosques would do nothing but confirm to Muslim Americans that ISIS is right, American freedom and democracy are just propaganda.
Closing mosques doesn't show ISIS to be right. ISIS is Islam supremacist, and American freedom and democracy doesn't mean total tolerance, including allowing ourselves to be slaughtered.
Of course it does. By closing mosques, we are validating what ISIS and Al Qaeda claim, that the infidels will desecrate sacred shrines, destroy mosques, and deny true believers the opportunity to praise Allah.
And we could require them to wear a patch on there clothes so they can be easy identified for transport to concentration camps.

If that's the case,......Gotta do what you gotta do.
And that's what the German people thought when Hitler closed and burn synagogues.
Get the Supreme Court to rule that Islam is not a Religion and that all goes away...
That's not going to happen...
Why not?

When Constitutionality and Safety are at odds, Safety wins, nearly every time.

...The courts definition of a religion covers damn near ever cult in America...
Right up until the moment that SCOTUS declares that Islam is not a religion.

...Beside, they would still have freedom of speech and assembly...
And the Gubmint would be riding their arses.

...However, with the right people in control of the government we could probably nullify those rights and prove ISIS is right when they claim American freedom and democracy is just propaganda.
True. Disembowling Islam within the United States will suffice.
Get the Supreme Court to rule that Islam is not a Religion and that all goes away...
That's not going to happen...
Why not?

When Constitutionality and Safety are at odds, Safety wins, nearly every time.

...The courts definition of a religion covers damn near ever cult in America...
Right up until the moment that SCOTUS declares that Islam is not a religion.

...Beside, they would still have freedom of speech and assembly...
And the Gubmint would be riding their arses.

...However, with the right people in control of the government we could probably nullify those rights and prove ISIS is right when they claim American freedom and democracy is just propaganda.
True. Disembowling Islam within the United States will suffice.

Islam will never be declared "not a religion" based on nothing more than hateful bigots - to do so would put many other religions at risk to say the least.

Look - they haven't even declared Scientology "not a religion" seriously now....
I don't think the government should be in the business of determining what is or isn't a "religion".
Of course it does. By closing mosques, we are validating what ISIS and Al Qaeda claim, that the infidels will desecrate sacred shrines, destroy mosques, and deny true believers the opportunity to praise Allah.
Are you insane ? You are actually sitting there right now, saying that we should have total tolerance ?..
..even of Muslim jihad, which is 100% sedition (illegal), 100% unconstitutional, 100% criminal, and represents mass murder.

Maybe you don't realize it, but we have LAWS against these things. Has somebody instilled such looney propaganda to you that you think ALL speech is free ? EARTH TO FLOPPER: What you are saying is equivalent to 1942 Americans saying we must tolerate German Nazism and Japanese Imperialism. Got news for you. They got ZERO TOLERANCE. We KILLED 100s of thousands of them. We carpet bombed Germany. We nuked Japan. And if we hadn't done that, you wouldn't be here now, typing on your computer.

And we now need to stop ISIS, just as we stopped Japan and Germany. So what if ISIS and Al Qaeda claim this or claim that ? Do you think 1942 Americans stopped for one minute to worry about validating what anybody said about America ? YES, of course we should desecrate sacred shrines, destroy mosques, and deny true believers the opportunity to praise Allah, because to not do that, is to allow illegal sedition, unconstitutional supremacy, and give strength to those who are trying to conquer and kill us. (Reality Check)
If i'd ever done business with Trump or signed any contracts with him, I'd have a lawyer checking and re-checking
If i'd ever done business with Trump or signed any contracts with him, I'd have a lawyer checking and re-checking

That is smart when you sign a contract with anyone, have an attorney check it out first, before you sign. A sales guy was irritated when I told him I would run the contract for a car through an attorney before I would sign it, he wanted to know why I would question his honesty, I told him it had nothing to do with honesty, it was a matter of good business and I did have several clauses removed before I signed and saved some money.
I am with Trump

I agree he should have to close all those Madrasas aka Mosques .... snake pits of terrorism
Close all the snake pits full of jihadists!

close them all!!
Get the Supreme Court to rule that Islam is not a Religion and that all goes away...
That's not going to happen...
Why not?

When Constitutionality and Safety are at odds, Safety wins, nearly every time.

...The courts definition of a religion covers damn near ever cult in America...
Right up until the moment that SCOTUS declares that Islam is not a religion.

...Beside, they would still have freedom of speech and assembly...
And the Gubmint would be riding their arses.

...However, with the right people in control of the government we could probably nullify those rights and prove ISIS is right when they claim American freedom and democracy is just propaganda.
True. Disembowling Islam within the United States will suffice.
It would be literal impossible for the courts not to consider Islam a religion when it's foundation is:

A declaration of faith & trust that professes there is only one God.
Daily prayer.
The practice of charitable giving based on accumulated wealth.
Ritual fasting as compensation for repentance.
A philosophy that is shared by 1.3 billion people.

As far as whether a philosophy is consider a religion by the courts, it is immaterial as to whether it is consistent with American values or the principals on which the nation was founded. The Cosmic People of Light Powers, based upon the existence of extraterrestrial civilizations or the World Church Of The Creator, a white separatist organization that advocates the whites-only religion are both recognized by the courts as religions along with thousands of other cults that bear little resemblance to mainstream religion in America.

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