Trump said he might have to close Mosques :D

...Any refugee that is against ISIS or Assad's regime can be accepted...
Which is not the same as MUST be accepted.

It's our country - we can let-in whomever-the-hell we want - and we can keep out whomever-the-hell we want.


Because it's ours.

No other reasoning is required.

So if it is our country, why not try voting as if you give a damn about our country and not just for those who use politicians for their own gains.
You cannot be so idiotic that you actually believe that.

Did you not pass sixth grade?
There is nothing to "believe".. It is pure FACT. Can you not read ? Did you not pass sixth grade? Do you need the supremacy words made even bigger ?

"This Constitution, and the Laws of the United States which shall be made in pursuance thereof; and all treaties made, or which shall be made, under the authority of the United States, shall be the supreme law of the land; and the judges in every state shall be bound thereby, anything in the constitution or laws of any state to the contrary notwithstanding."

Its not 'pure fact' that Islam isn't a religion or that Muslims have no right to practice it. That's just you citing yourself.

What you think a religion is, what you think rights are, what you think we should do to gloriously irrelevant. As you're nobody.
1/4 of the world's population who are Muslims would certainly agree that Islam is a religion. I think there are very few Christian, Jew, or Hindu scholars that would disagree. Furthermore, Islam meets the common definitions of religion in all leading dictionaries. Most of those who argue that Islam is not a religion base their arguments on the supposition that it seeks to destroy infidels, is warlike, or has beliefs contrary to western beliefs. Those may be arguments as why you should not be a Muslim or why you should oppose Islam but they are not valid argument that Islam is not a religion.
Islamic fundamentalist and Islamophobes take all reference to destroying infidels to mean, Muslims should go out into the world and destroy all non-believers, peaceful or warlike. That's completely wrong. In Mohammad's day, there were only his followers and pagan tribes (infidels). They were bitter enemies that engaged in a number of battles. So when the Koran refers to infidels, it means enemies and it is referring to those tribes.

What is missing from these quotes are dozens of verses that promote peace, love, and forgiveness. In fact the very name Islam is derived from Arabic meaning peace.

The Quranic Arabic Corpus - Translation

So now you are invited to go out into the world, and inform the millions of jihadists of what you just said here. Tell them they're wrong, and must stop their violence. Just be advised that millions of people have been trying to do that for 1400 years, and so far it hasn't stopped jihad. But GOOD LUCK!!! :biggrin:

But what they are good at is going out into the world and making Jihadists.
...Any refugee that is against ISIS or Assad's regime can be accepted...
Which is not the same as MUST be accepted.

It's our country - we can let-in whomever-the-hell we want - and we can keep out whomever-the-hell we want.


Because it's ours.

No other reasoning is required.

So if it is our country, why not try voting as if you give a damn about our country and not just for those who use politicians for their own gains.
Oh, but I do vote as if I gave a damn about our country.
...Any refugee that is against ISIS or Assad's regime can be accepted...
Which is not the same as MUST be accepted.

It's our country - we can let-in whomever-the-hell we want - and we can keep out whomever-the-hell we want.


Because it's ours.

No other reasoning is required.

So if it is our country, why not try voting as if you give a damn about our country and not just for those who use politicians for their own gains.
Oh, but I do vote as if I gave a damn about our country.

Well, I can't comment on whether you do or not. But 95% of people don't.
You cannot be so idiotic that you actually believe that.

Did you not pass sixth grade?
There is nothing to "believe".. It is pure FACT. Can you not read ? Did you not pass sixth grade? Do you need the supremacy words made even bigger ?

"This Constitution, and the Laws of the United States which shall be made in pursuance thereof; and all treaties made, or which shall be made, under the authority of the United States, shall be the supreme law of the land; and the judges in every state shall be bound thereby, anything in the constitution or laws of any state to the contrary notwithstanding."
So you are that dumb.

The Supremacy Clause has nothing whatsoever to donwith religion. Nothing at all. It certainly in no way shape or form makes any religion, including islam, illegal and it certainly does not allow for the closing of mosques.

That you somehow think it does is just idiotic. You would fail any civics class with ridiculous notions like that
A number of European socialist government are considering shutting mosques where radical sentiments have been voiced, urging jihad. They are also considering deportation of clerics known to preach jihad and demand Sharia be the rule of the land.

They are also considering moving into "no go" zones to open them up to reestablish law and order within them.

Some Constitutions of nations are flexible enough to do that.

Bill of rights--that is an American innovation! Not ever Republic has a a bill of rights or list the exact same rights.
Bill of Rights doesn't trump the Supremacy Clause. The Supremacy Clause trumps everything in the Constitution.
The Supremacy Clause does not 'trump' anything in the Constitution. Seriously, you are just ridiculous.

How could a clause that says the Constitution is supreme 'trump' the rest of it?

You really didn't think it through, did you?
You cannot be so idiotic that you actually believe that.

Did you not pass sixth grade?
There is nothing to "believe".. It is pure FACT. Can you not read ? Did you not pass sixth grade? Do you need the supremacy words made even bigger ?

"This Constitution, and the Laws of the United States which shall be made in pursuance thereof; and all treaties made, or which shall be made, under the authority of the United States, shall be the supreme law of the land; and the judges in every state shall be bound thereby, anything in the constitution or laws of any state to the contrary notwithstanding."

Its not 'pure fact' that Islam isn't a religion or that Muslims have no right to practice it. That's just you citing yourself.

What you think a religion is, what you think rights are, what you think we should do to gloriously irrelevant. As you're nobody.
1/4 of the world's population who are Muslims would certainly agree that Islam is a religion. I think there are very few Christian, Jew, or Hindu scholars that would disagree. Furthermore, Islam meets the common definitions of religion in all leading dictionaries. Most of those who argue that Islam is not a religion base their arguments on the supposition that it seeks to destroy infidels, is warlike, or has beliefs contrary to western beliefs. Those may be arguments as why you should not be a Muslim or why you should oppose Islam but they are not valid argument that Islam is not a religion.

It's a hopeless Special Pleading fallacy, that's all it is.
...Any refugee that is against ISIS or Assad's regime can be accepted...
Which is not the same as MUST be accepted.

It's our country - we can let-in whomever-the-hell we want - and we can keep out whomever-the-hell we want.


Because it's ours.

No other reasoning is required.

So if it is our country, why not try voting as if you give a damn about our country and not just for those who use politicians for their own gains.

What evidence do you have that he doesn't? The fact that you disagree with him?
...Any refugee that is against ISIS or Assad's regime can be accepted...
Which is not the same as MUST be accepted.

It's our country - we can let-in whomever-the-hell we want - and we can keep out whomever-the-hell we want.


Because it's ours.

No other reasoning is required.

So if it is our country, why not try voting as if you give a damn about our country and not just for those who use politicians for their own gains.
Oh, but I do vote as if I gave a damn about our country.

Well, I can't comment on whether you do or not. But 95% of people don't.

You just did though. So this is a lie.
You cannot be so idiotic that you actually believe that.

Did you not pass sixth grade?
There is nothing to "believe".. It is pure FACT. Can you not read ? Did you not pass sixth grade? Do you need the supremacy words made even bigger ?

"This Constitution, and the Laws of the United States which shall be made in pursuance thereof; and all treaties made, or which shall be made, under the authority of the United States, shall be the supreme law of the land; and the judges in every state shall be bound thereby, anything in the constitution or laws of any state to the contrary notwithstanding."
So you are that dumb.

The Supremacy Clause has nothing whatsoever to donwith religion. Nothing at all. It certainly in no way shape or form makes any religion, including islam, illegal and it certainly does not allow for the closing of mosques.

That you somehow think it does is just idiotic. You would fail any civics class with ridiculous notions like that

He doesn't grasp that at all. He is as dense as those sovereign citizen nutjobs. He doesn't seem to grasp that amendments supersede the original constitution so first amendment would trump the Supremacy clause. Just like 13th amendment trumps clauses about slavery, the 21st amendment trumps the 18th amendment, and the 17th amendment trumps prior Senate clauses.
So you are that dumb.

The Supremacy Clause has nothing whatsoever to donwith religion. Nothing at all. It certainly in no way shape or form makes any religion, including islam, illegal and it certainly does not allow for the closing of mosques.
That you somehow think it does is just idiotic. You would fail any civics class with ridiculous notions like that
I didn't say it had anything to do with religion. I said it has to do with SUPREMACISMS (of which Islam is by far, the largest), most well known, and longest running. You get a ZERO in Constitutional law.

PS-Most people around the world do not accept Islam to be a religion. Neither do some countries (Ex. Italy)
So you are that dumb.

The Supremacy Clause has nothing whatsoever to donwith religion. Nothing at all. It certainly in no way shape or form makes any religion, including islam, illegal and it certainly does not allow for the closing of mosques.
That you somehow think it does is just idiotic. You would fail any civics class with ridiculous notions like that
I didn't say it had anything to do with religion. I said it has to do with SUPREMACISMS (of which Islam is by far, the largest), most well known, and longest running. You get a ZERO in Constitutional law.

PS-Most people around the world do not accept Islam to be a religion. Neither do some countries (Ex. Italy)
let me just ask again so you can stop trying to weasel out - do you believe that the supremacy clause makes islam illegal in the united states and would allow for both the closing of mosques and its outlaw?
PS-Most people around the world do not accept Islam to be a religion. Neither do some countries (Ex. Italy)
right. most people.
italy not allowing access to tax funds - yet - is different from italy not accepting that islam is a religion. but you can't grasp the supremacy clause so i don't expect you to wrap your mind around that..
The Supremacy Clause does not 'trump' anything in the Constitution. Seriously, you are just ridiculous.
How could a clause that says the Constitution is supreme 'trump' the rest of it?
You really didn't think it through, did you?
I can't believe you are saying what you are. What idiocy. Can you not read ? Try reading the Supremacy Clause. That's all you have to do (And I made it so easy for you to see. You have no excuse) > What is your trip ? You think you can decide what is going to be subordinated under the Supremacy Clause, and what isn't ?
EARTH TO OGIBILLM (or Mohammed, or whatever your real name is) NOTHING is allowed to be supreme over the Constitution, and that includes religions, cults, ideologies, Islam, or anything else. Get it ?

"This Constitution and the Laws of the United States...shall be the Supreme Law of the Land..."
The Supremacy Clause does not 'trump' anything in the Constitution. Seriously, you are just ridiculous.
How could a clause that says the Constitution is supreme 'trump' the rest of it?
You really didn't think it through, did you?
I can't believe you are saying what you are. What idiocy. Can you not read ? Try reading the Supremacy Clause. That's all you have to do (And I made it so easy for you to see. You have no excuse) > What is your trip ? You think you can decide what is going to be subordinated under the Supremacy Clause, and what isn't ?
EARTH TO OGIBILLM (or Mohammed, or whatever your real name is) NOTHING is allowed to be supreme over the Constitution, and that includes religions, cults, ideologies, Islam, or anything else. Get it ?

"This Constitution and the Laws of the United States...shall be the Supreme Law of the Land..."
your claim was that the supremacy clause trumped the first amendment. such a thing is impossible because there is no conflict between the supremacy clause and the first amendment or any other portion of the constitution.
right. most people.
italy not allowing access to tax funds - yet - is different from italy not accepting that islam is a religion. but you can't grasp the supremacy clause so i don't expect you to wrap your mind around that..
NO, it is NOT different one iota. What a stupid thing to say. Why do you think Italy does not grant Islam religious tax status. Because they need more tax money ? Because they like pork too much ? Because they hate foot-washing basins ? Stop talking stupid. Italy is consistent with most of the world, which realizes that Islam using religion as a shield, is nothing more than a 1400 year old SCAM, which you appear to have fallen for, whole hog.
let me just ask again so you can stop trying to weasel out - do you believe that the supremacy clause makes islam illegal in the united states and would allow for both the closing of mosques and its outlaw?
Of course.
your claim was that the supremacy clause trumped the first amendment. such a thing is impossible because there is no conflict between the supremacy clause and the first amendment or any other portion of the constitution.
Sure there is. You obviously know very little about this subject, and you are displaying that. The 1st amendment is the weakest part of the Constitution. Unlike the Supremacy Clause (which is the strongest part of the Constitution), the 1st amendment has many EXCEPTIONS to it. You don't know that ?
One of these is that religions cannot be supreme over the Constitution. If they demand to be (ie. if they are supremacist - like Islam), they are automatically in violation of the Constitution. And unlike the 1st amendment (with its many exceptions), the Supremacy Clause has no exceptions, and has never has had any for 226 years.
let me just ask again so you can stop trying to weasel out - do you believe that the supremacy clause makes islam illegal in the united states and would allow for both the closing of mosques and its outlaw?
Of course.
and that is why you are an idiot. the supremacy clause allows for no such thing.
here's the deal, you can believe that space aliens grant you the ability to ignore any law you want, that you can command your neighbor to cut your grass and then eat his peanut butter, but the law says otherwise, and when you are arrested and go to court your claim that space aliens said it was okay doesn't matter because... the law is supreme.

but what really matters, and what the supremacy clause actually deals with, is the conflict of laws between the states and the federal government - and in such cases the state laws are trumped by the federal.

but in no way shape or form does the supremacy clause allow for the outlawing of any religion - even if you don't think it's a religion - or the denial of the right of individuals to freely associate or their right to free speech

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