Trump saId Mexico will pay for the wall, why is he threatening to

just pay for the WALL , after that go after mexico with punishing taxes on imported 'mex' goods and taxes on monies sent back to 'mexico' sent by 'mex' living and working in the USA . Not trying to politely persuade you guys , just saying that first of all , IF the Trump wall is built you and i will initially pay for it and thats ok with me .
Why aren't we collecting those punishing taxes Right Now?

Isn't it better to collect the money on the front end?
shut the gov down. He got hired on having Mexico paying for the wall , which most US citizens do not want , even Pubs, so no Mexico payment, NO WALL. I do not want my tax money to pay for a stupid wall.

First off, I'm pretty sure Trump can't just go to capital hill and send everyone home. America wants a secure border where cops are nod shot with guns the FBI sold them. No good reason not to do it.

Its going to be a see through wall so when they throw 60#'s of drugs over the fence the cops will not get hit in the head. :cuckoo: or maybe have solar panels on it. It will have a huge door. :cuckoo:

No doors, as a rule this type of wall doesn't have doors. No need. It will have a point on entry and exit. This way, we don't get Mexicans who commit a bunch of rapes, duo, and murder cases ending up in the news. Immigration is an issue. No other country lets people jus come. Those that do are having issues, France, UK, Spain. Open borders is not good.
feck mexican third worlders Anto
Because mexico ain't paying for a wall.

El Presidente told Trump to go fuck himself with this wall paying bullshit and Trump said "fine, just don't tell anyone you said that to me".

‘This deal will make me look terrible’: Full transcripts of Trump’s calls with Mexico and Australia
-------------------------------------------------- its like i said Anton , its easy to punish that midget 'nieto' and then squeeze' the money out of YOU mexicans .

You are on another planet. Trump isn't doing any squeezing.

Nieto said it will never happen any shape or form, as it would be a slap in the face that Mexicans will never tolerate. Ruining our relationship with Mexico is a big league loser for Trump's legacy.
------------------------------------- feck YOU mexican third worlders Anton !!

Hey dumbass, Anton is not a Mexican name.
------------------------------------------------- aw , Anton sounds foreign to me Anton plus looks like you are a short statured 'mex' playing 'badminton' in yer little picture Senor Anton !!
Because mexico ain't paying for a wall.

El Presidente told Trump to go fuck himself with this wall paying bullshit and Trump said "fine, just don't tell anyone you said that to me".

‘This deal will make me look terrible’: Full transcripts of Trump’s calls with Mexico and Australia
We want a wall and don't give a shit about your opinion.

Get real time - you wanting shit doesn't make it so.
-------------------------------------- we will see what TRUMP does Anton .
Same thing that he has done the last 8 months. Nothing at all.
---------------------------------------- Mornin OldRocks . Concerning President Trump . Trump is rebuilding the decrepit USA Military which was made decrepit by 'mrobama' . Trump did the 'supreme court ' fix plus he is appointing good Federal Judges plus he is deporting illegal aliens and he just terminated mrobamas 'operation chokepoint' and President Trump supports 'GUN' people and America and Americans First OldRocks . :afro:
just pay for the WALL , after that go after mexico with punishing taxes on imported 'mex' goods and taxes on monies sent back to 'mexico' sent by 'mex' living and working in the USA . Not trying to politely persuade you guys , just saying that first of all , IF the Trump wall is built you and i will initially pay for it and thats ok with me .
Why aren't we collecting those punishing taxes Right Now?

Isn't it better to collect the money on the front end?
--------------------------------------- just build the WALL , after the WALL is built the wall will show serious intent to the 'mex' . Expect NO cooperation from the 'mex' , they are not Americas friend or even an equal to the USA . As proof , see where all the 'mex' go when they get the chance to leave third world mexico . mexico is a third world country run by a 'spaniard' derived class of elites that practice 'mordida' and other nasty things RWinger !!
feck mexican third worlders Anto
Because mexico ain't paying for a wall.

El Presidente told Trump to go fuck himself with this wall paying bullshit and Trump said "fine, just don't tell anyone you said that to me".

‘This deal will make me look terrible’: Full transcripts of Trump’s calls with Mexico and Australia
-------------------------------------------------- its like i said Anton , its easy to punish that midget 'nieto' and then squeeze' the money out of YOU mexicans .

You are on another planet. Trump isn't doing any squeezing.

Nieto said it will never happen any shape or form, as it would be a slap in the face that Mexicans will never tolerate. Ruining our relationship with Mexico is a big league loser for Trump's legacy.
------------------------------------- feck YOU mexican third worlders Anton !!

Hey dumbass, Anton is not a Mexican name.
------------------------------------------------- aw , Anton sounds foreign to me Anton plus looks like you are a short statured 'mex' playing 'badminton' in yer little picture Senor Anton !!


Because Mexico is the only foreign place there is??

I'm an American, born in Russia. You can now proceed to stop talking out of your ass.
shut the gov down. He got hired on having Mexico paying for the wall , which most US citizens do not want , even Pubs, so no Mexico payment, NO WALL. I do not want my tax money to pay for a stupid wall.

They are paying for it by losing manufacturing jobs, and they are being forced to take care of their own people instead of being allowed to offload them onto the US economy and welfare system.

Thanks for playing.

That is not what he meant. He meant it literally, not figuratively. Thanks for playing.

Nope, he always said if they refuse to help pay for it, then he would impose trade restrictions, tariffs, and other means of punishing Mexico.
and , you might want to stay out of your third world homeland Anton , see this PSA from the USA State Department Anton . --- State Department issues travel warning for Cancun, Los Cabos over Mexico violence --
feck mexican third worlders Anto
-------------------------------------------------- its like i said Anton , its easy to punish that midget 'nieto' and then squeeze' the money out of YOU mexicans .

You are on another planet. Trump isn't doing any squeezing.

Nieto said it will never happen any shape or form, as it would be a slap in the face that Mexicans will never tolerate. Ruining our relationship with Mexico is a big league loser for Trump's legacy.
------------------------------------- feck YOU mexican third worlders Anton !!

Hey dumbass, Anton is not a Mexican name.
------------------------------------------------- aw , Anton sounds foreign to me Anton plus looks like you are a short statured 'mex' playing 'badminton' in yer little picture Senor Anton !!


Lol, yea, because the only foreign place there is, is Mexico.

I'm an American, born in Russia.
------------------------------------------------------------------------- well , thats what YOU claim but you'd never get your claim past REAL Americans and you probably still have a foreign accent eh . Plus , you imported people are all liberal , probably 'democratic' voters aren't you ?? And the problem with mexico is that its so close to the USA so that 'mex' and others down and through 'mexico' just waltz over the border at least in past years Anton .
Show me where a president can't own a business.

He can own a business, but that business cant make money from foreigners. Buy american and hire american and he's o.k.
But Trump is taking money from foreigners. Which is a no no.

Really? How many books do you think your dear leader sold overseas? He made millions off his book sales while in office.

Can't defend TRump so he shoots right over to obama. Typical lame ass move.

Why did you delete your other post? I don't have to defend Trump because he hasn't done anything wrong. But I provided an example of a president making money off foreigners while in office, your comrade said that wasn't allowed. By selling his books your dear leader was no more in violation of the emoluments clause than Trump is.

There are dozens of lawsuits against Trump on this issue. His ethics advisor resigned in disgust.
None of these things happened under Obama. Apples and oranges.

Well, you poor little thing, all that proves is we aren't as ignorant as you snowflakes and resist PsOS. Tell me child, who has standing to sue under the emoluments clause?

shut the gov down. He got hired on having Mexico paying for the wall , which most US citizens do not want , even Pubs, so no Mexico payment, NO WALL. I do not want my tax money to pay for a stupid wall.

How can he know what the total bill is unless it's built? He got to know how much to collect, boy you're not very smart are ya?


I guess he needs to talk with the Mexican President about that and let him threaten to shut down the Mexico Gov.

Well child, they are just beginning to renegotiate NAFTA. We'll see what comes of it.

Trump said 'mark my words', Mexico would pay for the wall.

We now know what his words are worth.
shut the gov down. He got hired on having Mexico paying for the wall , which most US citizens do not want , even Pubs, so no Mexico payment, NO WALL. I do not want my tax money to pay for a stupid wall.

Lets score your post, False, False, False, :crybaby:, :crybaby:. You traitors just suck it up and deal with it, the wall will be built and your raping murdering illegal pals will be kept out.

How can my post be false, I am saying what Trump said, " Mexico will pay for the wall", (I heard that line many many times), so its true and he also said he thinks they should shut the US gov down if they vote no to funding it.

This is him talking.
shut the gov down. He got hired on having Mexico paying for the wall , which most US citizens do not want , even Pubs, so no Mexico payment, NO WALL. I do not want my tax money to pay for a stupid wall.

Lets score your post, False, False, False, :crybaby:, :crybaby:. You traitors just suck it up and deal with it, the wall will be built and your raping murdering illegal pals will be kept out.

How can my post be false, I am saying what Trump said, " Mexico will pay for the wall", (I heard that line many many times), so its true and he also said he thinks they should shut the US gov down if they vote no to funding it.

This is him talking.

False, here I'll rate your post so you understand :eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar:
Trump said 'mark my words', Mexico would pay for the wall.

We now know what his words are worth.
give Trump a break. He was at taco bell and the drive through guy said "you want more queso," and the Orange One thought he said peso.
shut the gov down. He got hired on having Mexico paying for the wall , which most US citizens do not want , even Pubs, so no Mexico payment, NO WALL. I do not want my tax money to pay for a stupid wall.

Lets score your post, False, False, False, :crybaby:, :crybaby:. You traitors just suck it up and deal with it, the wall will be built and your raping murdering illegal pals will be kept out.

How can my post be false, I am saying what Trump said, " Mexico will pay for the wall", (I heard that line many many times), so its true and he also said he thinks they should shut the US gov down if they vote no to funding it.

This is him talking.

False, here I'll rate your post so you understand :eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar:

What is false about my OP??
just pay for the WALL , after that go after mexico with punishing taxes on imported 'mex' goods and taxes on monies sent back to 'mexico' sent by 'mex' living and working in the USA . Not trying to politely persuade you guys , just saying that first of all , IF the Trump wall is built you and i will initially pay for it and thats ok with me .
Why aren't we collecting those punishing taxes Right Now?

Isn't it better to collect the money on the front end?

I quite agree, we can't spend what we don't have can we? So we must save up and maybe cut military spending to pay for the wall. Maybe in about 10 years we'll be able to afford it.:biggrin:
Show me where a president can't own a business.

He can own a business, but that business cant make money from foreigners. Buy american and hire american and he's o.k.
But Trump is taking money from foreigners. Which is a no no.

Really? How many books do you think your dear leader sold overseas? He made millions off his book sales while in office.


You make a good point, but it only burries Trump deeper. Obama made money by selling his book to an american publisher, who paid Obama a share of the sales. Obama didn't get "foreign" ,money. While Trumps businesses take cash from foreigners, and foreign governments.

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